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Everything posted by wvw

  1. wvw

    Fun stuff

    Battletoads!? I think it would be a good idea...
  2. Unul comercial Mac OS X si multe libre http://www.ubuntu.com/ http://www.opensuse.org/en/ http://fedoraproject.org/ http://www.sabayonlinux.org/ http://opensolaris.org/os/ http://www.freebsd.org/ Ontopic: lol @ Fuck Windows
  3. wvw

    hax.tor.hu back

    The shell is good ;-)
  4. wvw

    Material de laba!

    Rollback tbh http://chan4chan.com/archive/tags/tits http://chan4chan.com/archive/tags/ass
  5. http://kernelbof.blogspot.com/
  6. Cum sa te droghezi legal http://www.piticigratis.com/2009/04/spice-shopurile-tragi-pe-gura-si-simti-cum-ti-o-trag-niste-smecheri-in-cur-cu-ditamai-teapa-pentru-ca-balariile-alea-nu-au-nici-un-efect/
  7. http://fravia.2113.ch/news.htm
  8. Lectura obligatorie: http://www.piticigratis.com/2009/04/celelalte-chestii-pe-care-le-a-facut-iisus/ P.S. Lock topic?
  9. Takedown este Hackers 2. Iar Anti-Trust este un film decent.
  10. wvw

    mumu pastele

    Dumnezeu foloseste IPv7.
  11. ~S~ Seeker's messageboard Ubuntu Forums
  12. Sau mai bine: http://www.damnvulnerablelinux.org/
  13. wvw


    Information is freedom. As a hotshot computer security cracker, you will solve over 50 puzzles and fight against totalitarianism, abuses of power, and terrorism. Story Mode offers a twist-filled story of international intrigue, and Challenge Mode offers 19 more puzzles to engage the mind. When it’s all done, use the built-in puzzle editor to make and share your own creations! http://www.kongregate.com/games/GregoryWeir/exploit Un joc simpatic. Ar fi bun de pus pe prima pagina, pe post de challenge
  14. wvw

    LOL Chat quotes

    (23:03:07) black_death_c4t: daca te mai legi de mustata mea vin si te violez (23:03:09) black_death_c4t: serios vorbesc (23:03:20) paxnWo: ai si tu breton sub nas si esti mandru (23:03:23) paxnWo: ) (23:03:28) black_death_c4t: stf (23:03:29) Mish: (23:03:30) black_death_c4t: si pe tine ratatule (23:03:39) paxnWo: (23:03:41) paxnWo: se oftica (23:03:43) Kabron: (23:03:46) black_death_c4t: muie (23:03:56) Mish: bpla'n mustata ta, zici ca e covor persan (23:04:01) v1c: Las' ca vedeti voi, cand o sa aiba bleck mustata de actor porno (23:04:03) DLD: )))))))))))))))))) (23:04:04) Kabron: )))))) (23:04:09) paxnWo: ) (23:04:11) black_death_c4t: mancami-ati (23:04:16) DLD: ti-au aparut flocii pe fata ma coitze ??? (23:04:18) v1c: Cum se purta in anii 70 (23:04:22) DLD: pwla mea ,asa e la pubertate (23:04:24) Kabron: (23:04:26) DLD: )))) (23:04:44) paxnWo: mustata rara, lunga si tunsa asimetric in colturi si cu urme de sperma pe ea (23:04:55) black_death_c4t: muie pa (23:04:55) black_death_c4t: x Nota de subsol: mustata de genul asta. Si asta e clasica...
  15. @n3curatu87: cu placere Uite si originea acestor carti: http://romania-inedit.3xforum.ro/post/249167/1/Biblioteca_IT/
  16. Le-am pus intr-o arhiva si re-uploadat: http://www.testeweb.com/rst/ftp/v1c/misc/RO/ Cartile in format .djvu le putati citi cu WinDjView (pe Windows) sau Evince/KPDF (pe Linux). Daca mai sunt probleme, urlati aici.
  17. 65 Issues of Phrack Magazine http://www.testeweb.com/rst/ftp/v1c/Security/misc/Phrack0165.zip You can also read them online: http://www.phrack.org/issues.html
  18. Pentru cei care _inca_ mai invata limba lui Shakespeare, am urcat cateva carti de retele/programare in limba romana: http://www.testeweb.com/rst/ftp/v1c/misc/RO/ Pentru ceilalti, descarcati restu' http://www.testeweb.com/rst/ftp/v1c/Programming/ http://www.testeweb.com/rst/ftp/v1c/Networking/
  19. wvw

    Fun stuff

    Vreau si eu un ceas din asta
  20. Toate teoriile conspiratiei suna cam asa: P.S. Da, sunt un agent al Illuminatilor si apartin
  21. Asta pentru a evita offtopicul (Cum sa o freci dubios de filosofic despre radacinile IRCoase: http://blog.dubios.ro/mirc ) Dom'ne... am ramas fara grai. Cata profunzime si incarcatura filosofica pot sa aiba aceste randuri.
  22. A bit outdated, but still good enough to give you an idea about the inner workings of the SPAM economy http://rs384.rapidshare.com/files/87077130/SItSC.rar P.S. If you want more, visit SEO Black Hat ;-)
  23. Retard. Nu este primul lui ban: http://www.freakz.ro/forum/banlist.php
  24. wvw

    Atestat ....

    Carti de genul http://rapidshare.com/files/167542517/Power_Transformers_Principles_and_Applications.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/167191555/Handbook_of_Transformer_Design_and_Applications.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/158374414/075063992X.zip (Practical Transformer Handbook: for Electronics, Radio and Communications Engineers) nu te ajuta? Sau vrei neaparat in limba romana...
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