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nu le mai vinde, hai ca ti-am inchis afacerea, le gasesti pe blacklistemail dot com
lasa-l sa plateasca pe freelancer un indian
ai sursa la stub ?
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pe nume la parinti
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how to flush dns cache for windows, un tutorial interesant . Regular Internet usage causes your computer to automatically cache IP addresses and other domain name system results. Clearing (or "flushing") this cache will refresh the data, getting rid of outdated data that may be causing connection issues. Note: These steps should be completed using an admin account. You will be typing prompts into the CMD console, so it is very important that you enter the commands exactly as shown. Also, the following steps are specifically for PC players. If you're on a Mac, you can learn how to reset your DNS cache straight from Apple. Windows 8 Navigate to the desktop. Hold down the Windows key and press R. (This will open the Run dialogue.) Type cmd and press Enter. (This will open a command prompt.) Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter. Type ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter Type ipconfig /release and press Enter. Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter. Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter. Reboot the computer. Windows 7 Hold down the Windows key and press R. (This will open the Run dialogue.) Type cmd and press Enter. (This will open a command prompt.) Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter. Type ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter. Type ipconfig /release and press Enter. Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter. Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter. Reboot the computer. Windows Vista Hold down the Windows key and press R. (This will open the Run dialogue.) Type cmd and press Enter. (This will open a command prompt.) Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter. Type ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter Type ipconfig /release and press Enter. Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter. Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter. Reboot the computer. Setting an alternate DNS: While a DNS refresh might solve your connection problems, the DNS itself could potentially not be working as intended, and connection issues will continue no matter how many times you flush your DNS cache. You can check if you DNS is failing by trying to switch to a public DNS like Google DNS by following the steps on how to use Google Public DNS straight from Google DNS might actually be slower than your normal DNS, but is useful to test and see if your connection problems are coming from your local DNS. If you continue to have connection problems, more connectivity steps can be found here. Sursa Link
eu cred ca gagica asta , a primit plicul la sfarsit de an fiscal de la taxe si impozite, sa asejat confortabil pe scaun la o tigare , si-a desfacut o doza de cola nu avea JB a indemana, iar cand a vazut cat are de plata , ti-a pus pistolu in gura , si a ales calea cea mai usoara , de ce sa traiasca in romania , cand poate sa fir fericita in cealanta lume.
ca freenancer , ai optiunea de alege un card de la site-ul de unde iti iei job-urile. cum ar fi payoneer il folosesc majoritatea, paxum etc , sau cardul celor de skrill , sau multe alte variante. nu recomand paypal . si nu te cauta nimeni la outze
- 23 replies
declari pe propia raspundere te juri pe rosu , si pe verde si pe masa si pe toata familia lui ca ai ``dongladat`` nu stii ce program de pe un forum rusesc sau chinezesc sau israelian ca ai dat run si next next pe acolo ca ai apasat pe un alt buton si a parut ceva de modificat acolo , ai mai modificat tu pe acolo ceva , ca ai adaugat o parola sa saimiluaticarasuingura, si uite si tu ca sa vezi ce sa intamplat, dupa restart nu mai poti sa intri in calcuator. deci se numeste colaborare, nu ai obstructionat (ce cuvat greu) ancheta lor.
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Sa terminat smkeria AES 256 daca se ajung sa faca si o cascada aes-twofish-serpent cu finalizare gudman chiar ca termnat tot
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concursurile lor , viitorul armatei americane ))
nu mai face publica sursa
[Python] rdpb -
Am nevoie de trafic de calitate pt un site de videochat
nardini replied to viox's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
e3u zic ca spam te ajuta mult,eu dau ceva de genul pentru procent : Subject: Punch me in the stomach mesaj :.... I'm looking for someone who can, during the very heat of the moment, right as I begin to orgasm....................etc sa dea click pe un linkde al tau , sau varianta care am incercato , este tot ceva de genu sa iti raspunda la email cu poze . amundoua merg brici. mesage indraznete casual encounters de pe cl