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Everything posted by M2G

  1. GirlzSoft v3 is finally out after a small delay, it fix the FireFox password bug and now support more passwords. What is exactly GirlzSoft ? This little tool is what we called a local stealer, it will dump the password data of the local computer then uncrypt and display to you. If you lost one of your important password, it is the tool you need ! Actually this software support the following passwords : - Google Chrome - Opera browser - Mozilla FireFox - Windows Live Messenger - Miranda IM , MSN - Windows RAS Download Sursa: Unremote Security: GirlzSoft v3
  2. IBM and ASTRON, the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy, have announced that they have begun work on building an exascale supercomputer that will collect data from the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), a 3,000km-wide telescope that will have millions of antennae. The current world’s fastest supercomputer, the K, has 700,000 processor cores and a peak performance of 10 petaflops — an exascale (exaflop) computer would be 100 times faster than that. IBM and ASTRON have until 2024 to develop a computer that can process a few exabytes of data per day. To put this into perspective, the web’s daily traffic — i.e. two billion people surfing the web — currently adds up to about half an exabyte. An exabyte is one million terabytes; a billion gigabytes. According to the press release, IBM and Astron will be chasing exascale computing through technologies such as phase-change memory and photonics, and chip stacking, but in all likelihood it will also follow DARPA’s lead and look at near threshold voltage and hetereogeneous computing. After processing, the SKA’s exascale computers will store between 300 and 1,500 petabytes per year. In comparison, the Large Hadron Collider, the largest science experiment in the world, stores “just” 15 petabytes per year. IBM last year announced that it was working on a 120-petabyte storage array, but 1,500PB is obviously a little bit larger than that. Curiously, the press release mentions “next-generation tape systems” as one of the storage methods — it’s a little known fact that tape storage density is still far superior to hard drives, and IBM is the market leader in tape storage. As for SKA itself, it is a radio telescope that will have “millions of antennae” (with a total surface area of one square kilometer) spaced out over 3,000 kilometers (1860 miles), either in South Africa or Australia (the final decision will be made soon). This will make the SKA 50 times more sensitive than existing telescopes, and apparently “10,000 times faster.” All of that sensitivity and speed requires a beefy supercomputer to do all of the processing, which is why IBM is involved. Connecting the millions of antennae to the supercomputer, of course, will be the mother of all fiber optic networks. According to IBM, more than 80,000km of fiber will be used — 50,000 miles; enough to wrap around the Earth twice. As we previously mentioned, the internet carries about half an exabyte of data per day — and this fiber network will have to carry a few exabytes per day. In short, IBM will have to build its very own, 3,000km-wide high-speed internet — all in the name of science. The telescope, incidentally, will be used to study the origins of the universe, perform extreme tests on Einstein’s general relativity, investigate dark matter, and more. Sursa: IBM to build exascale supercomputer for the world’s largest, million-antennae telescope | ExtremeTech
  3. To avoid detection, this proof-of-concept code utilizes the Short Messaging Service (SMS) as a command & control channel. This adds fault tolerance because, if a smartphone is not available on the GSM network due to being powered off or out of service range, when an SMS message arrives for delivery, the message is queued and delivered by the network. Download the POC code from Here. Compiling instructions are simple and straight forward. Please follow these: Compile with arm-gcc with the -static flag set Copy to anywhere on the underlying OS that is writable (/data/ is good). Rename /dev/smd0/ to /dev/smd0real/ Start the bot application Kill the radio application (ps | grep rild) The radio will automatically respawn and now the bot proxy will be working The PoC code for smartphone botnet C&C over SMS was presented at the Shmoocon held in January 2011. It seems that the author also has it working for the iPhone platform! For sanity purposes, the PoC code has payloads aka commands removed. PDF: http://www.grmn00bs.com/GeorgiaW_Smartphone_Bots_SLIDES_Shmoocon2011.pdf POC Code: http://www.grmn00bs.com/botPoCrelease-android.c Sursa: POC Android botnet - Command and Control Channel over SMS | The Hacker News (THN) Security Blog
  4. The DEFT Linux Team has officially announced that DEFT 7.1 can now be downloaded on their official website and has been there since March 30 but it is only now that they made a public announcement. DEFT Linux is a forensic distribution that uses an LXDE as its desktop environment with integrated with recovery tools, forensic and analysis tools, information gathering tools, identity protection tools and many more which is ideal for Computer Forensics geeks. Here are the complete and official updates for the 7.1 release: Download: Index of /mirrors/deft/ Sursa: DEFT 7.1 Computer Forensic Live CD can now be downloaded | The ProjectX Blog – Information Security Redefined
  5. Summary: Security researchers at Drexel University and Dakota State University say they can extract credit card information from Microsoft Xbox 360s even after they have been restored to factory settings. Hackers can reportedly retrieve credit card data and other personal information from old Microsoft Xbox 360s. Even if the console is restored back to factory settings and its hard drive is wiped, researchers say they can pull off the feat. Ashley Podhradsky, Rob D’Ovidio, and Cindy Casey of Drexel University, along with Pat Engebretson at Dakota State University, bought a refurbished Xbox 360 from a Microsoft-authorized retailer last year. They then downloaded a basic modding tool, gained access to the console’s files and folders, and eventually extracted the original owner’s credit card information. “Microsoft does a great job of protecting their proprietary information,” Podhradsky told Kotaku. “But they don’t do a great job of protecting the user’s data.” She says she isn’t even a gamer, and warns console modders and hackers may find the process even easier. “A lot of them already know how to do all this. Anyone can freely download a lot of this software, essentially pick up a discarded game console, and have someone’s identity.” Microsoft will need to verify whether or not all Xbox 360 hard drives, as well as USB drives that have had profiles transferred onto them, store the sensitive information and why the factory reset option isn’t deleting this data. If this turns out to be the case, Redmond will have to offer instructions for what users can do to protect their credit card details, especially if they’re looking to sell their console. If you’re looking to sell soon, I would personally recommend formatting the HDD yourself with some powerful software that writes 1s and 0s to it directly. Podhradsky specifically says Darik’s Boot And Nuke tool gets the job done. Asa ca aveti grija cand vindeti xbox-uri. Sursa: Hackers can steal credit card data from used Xbox 360s | ZDNet
  6. Cat de Xtreme!
  7. M2G

    Carti Electronica

    Se pare ca e down multiupload. Luati cartile de aici: Index of /Users/M2G/Electronica Digitala/ Index of /Users/M2G/Electronics/Electronica/ Index of /Users/M2G/Electronics/
  8. Different - ShmooCon is an annual east coast hacker convention hell-bent on offering three days of an interesting atmosphere for demonstrating technology exploitation, inventive software and hardware solutions, and open discussions of critical infosec issues. The first day is a single track of speed talks called One Track Mind. The next two days bring three tracks: Build It, Break It and Bring It On. Affordable - ShmooCon is about high quality without the high price. Keep in mind that space is limited and we've sold out quickly every year. Accessible - ShmooCon is held in Washington, DC at the Washington Hilton Hotel, just a few short blocks from the DC metro. Fly into DCA, IAD or BWI or take a train to Union Station and you're just a short cab ride away from the con.Entertaining - Brain melting from all the cool tech you're learning? Be sure to check out the other events running during ShmooCon, including the Hacker Arcade, ShmooCon Labs, Hack-or-Halo and more. Saturday night is party night, where typically we throw an off site bash just to shake things up a bit. ShmooCon 2012- Videos
  9. http://youtu.be/lJTYNFrYMVs Metasploit Vs. Windows 7 - Meterpreter Demonstration
  10. What exactly is an ext3 Journaled Filesystem? Chapter*8.*The Ext3 File System ext3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Exploring the ext3 Filesystem - Introduction to the ext3 Filesystem - Reports - LinuxPlanet Linux File Systems: Ext2 vs Ext3 vs Ext4 https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ext3 Cartea asta: http://docs.rtfm.us/Users/M2G/5_Operating%20Systems/Linux/Unix%20Filesystems%20-%20Evolution%20Design%20And%20Implementation.pdf De la pagina 234 din carte sau 261 din pdf. De la 224 pana la 234 este despre ext2, ar fi bine sa citesti si ce scrie acolo.
  11. Nu am zis ca nu imi place. Stiu ca suna bine dar "nu tot ce zboara se mananca". Ca sa intelegi si sa inveti tot ce e in cartea aia ai nevoie de mult timp. Timp de care cel putin eu, nu dispun. Am facut in anul 1 matematici discrete deci nu sunt strain de acest subiect. Stiu si ce sunt alea funtii de hashing si grupuri abeliene dar nu stiu in detaliu. Ce era important de inteles din postul meu era ca ai nevoie de mult timp daca vrei sa parcurgi si sa intelegi tot ce e acolo si nu stiu exact daca merita. Cel putin pentru mine nu merita momentan. Stiu in mare despre ce e vorba si daca ma intereseaza un anumit subiect stiu unde sa caut si cum sa il abordez.
  12. Cartea aceea are peste 500 de pagini. Nu am citit-o si nici nu o sa o citesc. Daca nu inteleg ceva o sa caut despre subiectul respectiv. In plus e vorba de matematica si nu se invata doar citind. Chiar acum "rasfoiam" site-ul. Am inceput sa ma uit la video-urile din curs.
  13. Doar nu o fi rst?
  14. Addonul firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noredirect/ Sursa: Bypassing Admin Login Authentication With The Firefox Addon Noredirect
  15. Ai aici un program in C pe care l-am scris anul trecut. Sunt implementati algoritmii bubble, insertion, selection si quick sort. Faci o paralela cu ce vezi aici si cu algoritmul tau. Nu sunt in dispozitia necesara sa ma uit peste cod si sa fac analize ca sunt unpic nervos. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int v[10000],n,stanga=0,dreapta,a=0,c=0; void afisare(int v[],int n){ int i; printf("Vectorul sortat este: "); for (i=0;i<n;i++){ printf("%d < ",v[i]); } } void bubble_sort(int v[],int n){ int i,j,aux; for (i=0;i<n-1;i++){ for(j=0;j<n-1;j++){ c++; if (v[j]>v[j+1]){ aux=v[j]; v[j]=v[j+1]; v[j+1]=aux; a+=3; } } } } void ins_sort(int v[],int n){ int i,j,aux; for (i=1;i<n;i++){ aux=v[i]; j=i-1; c++; while ((j>=0) && (v[j]>aux)) { c++; v[j+1]=v[j]; j--; } v[j+1]=aux; a+=3; } } void selectie(int v[], int n){ int i,j,min,aux,imin; for(i=0;i<n-1;i++){ min=v[i]; imin=i; c++; for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) { c++; if (v[j]<min]){ min=v[j]; imin=j; } } aux=v[i]; v[i]=v[imin]; v[imin]=aux; a+=3; } } void quickSort(int v[], int stanga, int dreapta) { int i = stanga, j = dreapta; int aux; int pivot = v[(stanga + dreapta) / 2]; c++; /* partitie */ while (i <= j) { while (v[i] < pivot) i++; c++; while (v[j] > pivot) j--; c++; if (i <= j) { aux = v[i]; v[i] = v[j]; v[j] = aux; a+=3; i++; j--; } } /* recursivitate */ if (stanga < j) quickSort(v, stanga, j); if (i < dreapta) quickSort(v, i, dreapta); } void average(int v[], int n) { int i; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { v[i] = rand(); } } void best_case(int v[], int n){ int i; for (i=0;i<n;i++){ v[i]=i; } } void worst_case(int v[], int n){ int i; for (i=1;i<n+1;i++){ v[i]=n-i; } } void visual(int n){ switch (n){ case 1000: printf("*");break; case 2000: printf("*");break; case 3000: printf("*");break; case 4000: printf("*");break; case 5000: printf("*");break; case 5500: printf("*");break; case 6000: printf("*");break; case 6500: printf("*");break; case 7000: printf("*");break; case 7500: printf("*");break; case 8000: printf("*");break; case 8500: printf("*");break; case 9000: printf("*");break; case 9500: printf("*");break; case 10000: printf("*");break; } } int main() { FILE *f; //bubble sort //bubble average f = fopen("bubble_average.csv", "w"); printf("Bubble Sort -- Average:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); average(v,n); a=0;c=0; bubble_sort(v,n); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f);printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //bubble best f = fopen("bubble_best.csv", "w"); printf("Bubble Sort -- Best case:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; best_case(v,n); bubble_sort(v,n); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //bubble worst f = fopen("bubble_worst.csv", "w"); printf("Bubble Sort -- Worst case:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; worst_case(v,n); bubble_sort(v,n); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //insertion sort //insertion worst f = fopen("insertion_worst.csv", "w"); printf("<=================================================================>\n\n"); printf("Insertion Sort -- Worst case:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; worst_case(v,n); ins_sort(v,n); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //insertion best f = fopen("insertion_best.csv", "w"); printf("Insertion Sort -- Best case:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; best_case(v,n); ins_sort(v,n); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //insertion average f = fopen("insertion_average.csv", "w"); printf("Insertion Sort -- Average:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; average(v,n); ins_sort(v,n); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //selection sort //selection worst f = fopen("selection_worst.csv", "w"); printf("<=================================================================>\n\n"); printf("Selection Sort -- Worst case:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; worst_case(v,n); selectie(v,n); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //selection best f = fopen("selection_best.csv", "w"); printf("Selectionn Sort -- Best case:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; best_case(v,n); selectie(v,n); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //selection average f = fopen("selection_average.csv", "w"); printf("Selection Sort -- Average:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; average(v,n); selectie(v,n); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //quick sort //quick worst f = fopen("quick_worst.csv", "w"); printf("<=================================================================>\n\n"); printf("Quick Sort -- Worst case:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; worst_case(v,n); dreapta=n-1; quickSort(v,stanga, dreapta); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //quick best f = fopen("quick_best.csv", "w"); printf("Quick Sort -- Best case:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; best_case(v,n); dreapta=n-1; quickSort(v,stanga, dreapta); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); //quick average f = fopen("quick_average.csv", "w"); printf("Quick Sort -- Average:\n"); printf("Algorithm progress |"); for(n=100;n<=10000;n+=100){ visual(n); a=0;c=0; average(v,n); dreapta=n-1; quickSort(v,stanga, dreapta); fprintf(f, "%d,%d,%d\n", a, c, a+c); } fclose(f); printf("| [Done]\n\n"); printf("<----+++-----Finish----+++----->\n"); printf("Press any key to exit..."); getch(); return 0; }
  16. M2G

    Hash Identifier

    Da un search inainte sa postezi. https://rstcenter.com/forum/47657-hash-identifier.rst
  17. Salut! Incearca sa inveti sa creezi ceva decat sa strici ceva. Poate ti se pare cool la varsta asta ce a facut tinkode dar nu cred ca ai vrea sa ajungi unde a ajuns el si sa infunzi puscaria. Daca vrei sa progresezi in domeniul acesta ia o carte de C/C++ si incearca sa inveti programare. Nu o sa ai mari satisfactii pe termen scurt dar pe termen lung o sa vezi ca munca depusa o sa isi arate recompensele. Incearca sa iei idei bune de pe aici de la oamenii maturi in gandire si care au o anumita reputatie pe acest forum. Nu te lua dupa cei care injura si care se cred zmei. In rest...Bafta.
  18. M2G


    Welcome to the dark side my friend.
  19. In this post I've collected a lot of links on the topic of 64-bit C/C++ software development. These include my articles and articles by my colleagues in the sphere of developing safe and efficient 64-bit code; FAQ's and a training course. There are also many reviews of third-party articles on 64-bit software development. Enjoy yourself studying the materials. 1. Articles: A Collection of Examples of 64-bit Errors in Real Programs About size_t and ptrdiff_t 64 bits AMD64 (EM64T) architecture Other articles 2. Lessons on development of 64-bit C/C++ applications Main page: Lessons on development of 64-bit C/C++ applications The course is composed of 28 lessons devoted to introduction to 64-bit systems, issues of building 64-bit applications, methods of searching errors specific to 64-bit code and code optimization. Such questions are also considered as estimate of the cost of moving to 64-bit systems and rationality of this move. The contents of the course: Lesson 01. What 64-bit systems are. Lesson 02. Support of 32-bit applications. Lesson 03. Porting code to 64-bit systems. The pros and cons. Lesson 04. Creating the 64-bit configuration. Lesson 05. Building a 64-bit application. Lesson 06. Errors in 64-bit code. Lesson 07. The issues of detecting 64-bit errors. Lesson 08. Static analysis for detecting 64-bit errors. Lesson 09. Pattern 01. Magic numbers. Lesson 10. Pattern 02. Functions with variable number of arguments. Lesson 11. Pattern 03. Shift operations. Lesson 12. Pattern 04. Virtual functions. Lesson 13. Pattern 05. Address arithmetic. Lesson 14. Pattern 06. Changing an array's type. Lesson 15. Pattern 07. Pointer packing. Lesson 16. Pattern 08. Memsize-types in unions. Lesson 17. Pattern 09. Mixed arithmetic. Lesson 18. Pattern 10. Storage of integer values in double. Lesson 19. Pattern 11. Serialization and data interchange. Lesson 20. Pattern 12. Exceptions. Lesson 21. Pattern 13. Data alignment. Lesson 22. Pattern 14. Overloaded functions. Lesson 23. Pattern 15. Growth of structures' sizes. Lesson 24. Phantom errors. Lesson 25. Working with patterns of 64-bit errors in practice. Lesson 26. Optimization of 64-bit programs. Lesson 27. Peculiarities of creating installers for a 64-bit environment. Lesson 28. Estimating the cost of 64-bit migration of C/C++ applications. You may open all the lessons in one file (the print version as well). 3. Knowledge Base Can I use 32-bit pointers in a 64-bit application? How can a 32-bit program detect that it is launched in a 64-bit Windows? Functions of the ntohl/htonl class and 64-bit values Other... 4. Articles' Reviews 5. Blog 64-bit programs and floating-point calculations The reasons why 64-bit programs require more stack memory Searching for explicit conversion of a pointer to a 32-bit type Other posts... 6. Detect 64-Bit Portability Issues 7. Terminology /Wp64 Address arithmetic Data alignment Data model Other terms... 8. Our 64-bit reddit Sursa: All about 64-bit programming in one place – Blogs - Intel? Software Network
  20. M2G


    Salut Raul, imi place descrierea. Bine ai venit si bafta cu invatatul.
  21. Ia plecati voi de aici! Nu se dau invitatii pe cersit! Nu puteti sa va faceti cont aici doar sa cersiti invitatii. Pa!
  22. O idee proasta. Nu stiu cine ar vrea sa isi riste contul pentru un joc. Si nu stiu de ce ar da adminii VIP pentru un joc.... VIP se primeste daca ai facut ceva pentru comunitate, nu daca te-ai jucat un joc care iti pune la bataie contul.
  23. M2G

    Salut RST

    Salut, bun venit.
  24. Vezi daca poti sa il configurezi pe asta cu smtp de yahoo. https://rstcenter.com/forum/41643-rst-mail-pwner-v-1-0-a.rst
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