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Everything posted by Silviu

  1. IT: Apache Denial-of-Service Vulnerability
  2. Scuzati intrebarea, stiu ca s-a mai discutat.. Problema sta in felul urmator. Sunt admis aici, ICT Engineering ,iar acum mi-am pus intrebarea, daca as da la o universitate romaneasca cum ar fi TCI la Universitatea Bucuresti, care ar fi diferentele intre ele, ma refer din punct de vedere al unui angajator. A se tine cont ca VIA este o facultate relativ noua, infiintata in 2008, iar Universitatea Bucuresti are un renume destul de bun (la noi), fiind cotata pe primul loc pentru specializarea informatica. Astept argumentele voastre. Multumesc!
  3. Oricine vede tot, inclusiv numere si mesajele trimise, pune si tu o parola: UR5i-v2
  4. Daca stiai, mai ales ca postezi asta pe un forum de securitate trebuie sa fi precaut. Scopul postarii a fost pentru tine, pentru ca nu ma intereseaza pe mine amaratul tau de router, dar baietii abia asteapta o sursa de sms bomber.
  5. Mie laptopul mi-a mers si la 95 de grade, imi prajeam mainile pe touchpad si dupa ce am schimbat pasta si-a revenit la 50-60. Esti sigur ca ai aplicat bine pasta?
  6. O bagi in caseta de cautare Google Imagini si daca ai noroc vei da de profilul respectiv
  7. Silviu

    RST Userbar

    Cred c? regulamentul se refer? la gif-uri d-?lea stresante.
  8. E ?i baltagul. Dac? te-ai uitat la film o s? ?i se par? foarte u?or.
  9. BACALAUREAT 2013: Limba Român?, prima prob? scris? de la examen. Adevarul.ro î?i arat? cum s? te preg?te?ti pentru examen poate ajut? pe cineva!
  10. Uit?-te la data post?rii. Sunt pe telefon c? ?i le scriam eu. Sunt 18 toate.
  11. Atunci du-te la un electrician
  12. Daca RST e hostat acolo, trage tu concluziile.
  13. https://mega.co.nz/#!NwFQzSrI!A-bCQWY7JdSKfnhVzJC8F3YPs_Vf1gO-_60oO8OvyoE Nu particip la concurs, nu e exe, e vbs, 226 biti.
  14. Cum spune si titlul, astept oferte.
  15. Nu, nu mai am de la ei.
  16. La mine cica: "Revised Order Total The offer code you have entered is valid for new customers only. See below for your revised order total."
  17. Silviu

    LR e down.

    Din ce zic luzarii pe HF o sa va primiti banii astia cu LR.
  18. Silviu

    LR e down.

    Probabil site-ul ala avea niste termeni si conditii prin care ownerul isi declina orice responsabilitate, si nu cred ca a stat cineva (dintre cei de pe forum) sa ii citeasca.
  19. Nu cred ca a venit pentru reclama, n-ar avea sens. Bun venit si nu uita sa treci pe la regulament.
  20. Silviu


    Banda, abdomene, salata.
  21. Silviu

    LR e down.

    Si cica: "Costa Rican arrested in Spain for alleged financial crimes .. Arthur Budovsky Belanchuk, 39, on Friday was arrested in Spain as part of a money laundering investigation performed jointly by police agencies in the United States and Costa Rica. Costa Rican prosecutor José Pablo González said Budovsky, a Costa Rican citizen of Ukrainian origin, has been under investigation since 2011 for money laundering using a company he created in the country called Liberty Reserve. Local investigations began after a request from a prosecutor’s office in New York. On Friday, San José prosecutors conducted raids in Budovsky's house and offices in Escazá, Santa Ana, southwest of San José, and in the province of Heredia, north of the capital. Budovsky's businesses in Costa Rica apparently were financed by using money from child pornography websites and drug trafficking. New York conviction According to records from the U.S. Justice Department, on July 27, 2006, Budovsky and a partner identified as Vladimir Kats were indicted by the state of New York on charges of operating an illegal financial business, GoldAge Inc., from their Brooklyn apartments. They had transmitted at least $30 million to digital currency accounts worldwide since beginning operations in 2002. The digital currency exchange, GoldAge, received and transmitted $4 million between Jan. 1, 2006, and June 30, 2006, as part of the money laundering scheme. Customers opened online GoldAge accounts with limited documentation of identity, then GoldAge purchased digital gold currency through those accounts; the defendants' fees sometimes exceeded $100,000. Customers could choose their method of payment to GoldAge: wire remittances, cash deposits, postal money orders or checks. Finally, the customers could withdraw the money by requesting wire transfers to accounts anywhere in the world or by having checks sent to any identified individual. Budovsky and Kats were sentenced to five years in prison for engaging in the business of transmitting money without a license, a felony violation of state banking law, but got probation." Deci mai pe scurt ownerul a fost arestat in Costa Rica pentru .. ghiciti ce? Spalare de bani. Bye bye LR. Edit: Sursa - http://www.ticotimes.net/More-news/News-Briefs/Costa-Rican-arrested-in-Spain-for-alleged-financial-crimes_Friday-May-24-2013
  22. Pai pui in pagina ce vrei sa apara (logic), adica textul si poza care zici ca vrei sa apara si atat, nu stiu cu ce te complici tu si te exprimi extrem de prost pentru ca cineva sa isi bata capul cu ce zici tu pe acolo.
  23. Eu mi-am dat seama de acel LFD, dar am ramas in pana de idei.
  24. Voi chiar credeti ca are 55 de ani? Probabil ca 55%5+5 in cel mai bun caz.
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