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Everything posted by Nytro

  1. Fa ceva ce iti place, orice. Alege ceva de care esti pasionat. Scrie despre ceva despre care tu vrei sa inveti mai multe. Poti sa scrii de exemplu si despre "Securitatea sistemelor pornografice internationale" daca vrei.
  2. You misspelled "nachos". On: Mobile security, root/jailbreak, Windows Phone...
  3. [TABLE=width: 100%] [TR] [TD]Junior Information Security Engineer Position summary: Member of the Information Security team in Shared Services Platforms Operations, the successful candidate responsible for ensuring that all services operated by SSPO have appropriate security controls and that all information security risks and events are promptly reported and brought under governance. The main responsibilities are: - Information Security capabilities improvement and maintenance up to new tools development - Technical Information Security assessments, including penetration testing - Project management for information security projects - Information Security incident management - Providing advice and expertise on Information Security matters Skills, education and experience: Technical skills: - In-depth TCP-IP stack knowledge is required - Good scripting skills (at least Bash, ideally Python too) and a working knowledge of web development and technologies are required - Good (Linux) system administration knowledge, including secure configuration/hardening is required - Understanding of cloud computing and virtualization solutions is required - Entry-level Information security knowledge is needed, combined with a strong willingness to learn more - Experience with implementing and operating open source security solutions (like IDS/IPS, WAF, SIEM, honey pots, vulnerability scanners, etc.) is desirable A successful candidate should also be: - Fluent in English (mandatory), with French as a plus - Passionate about security and eager to learn (continuous learning and certifications will be part of the job) - Willing to step out of his/her comfort zone and go the extra mile - Good with people (i.e. have communication and persuasion skills) Education and experience: - A Computer Science / Telecom Bachelor’s degree is required - An information security master degree (completed or in progress) is desirable - Information security certifications such as CompTIA Security+, OSCP, C|EH, CISSP, SSCP, GPEN, GCIA, GISP, or C)PTE are a big plus - Hands-on Information security experience is desirable, but not mandatory Via (OWASP): Junior Information Security Engineer la Orange Romania SA, BUCURESTI - BestJobs [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Daca sunteti interesati imi puteti da si mie CV-ul sa ajunga la cineva de acolo.
  4. Genial. Bine, din cate imi aduc aminte nu sunt singurii care au patit astfel de lucruri.
  5. Asta imi aduce aminte de campania pulii de pe Facebook: "Imbratiseaza un maghiar". Eu sunt de acord cu ea. Si eu as dori sa imbratisez un maghiar. Mort.
  6. Unii fac downloadere, altii fac doar trolling.
  7. Skills Required: - Experience with C programming on Linux/Unix environments - Experience in embedded software development, preferably for network equipments - Experience with cross compilers, debuggers, etc. - Good understanding of Ethernet and IP networking - Familiarity with SVN(or similar) and GNU tools - Knowledge of RTOS application development (VxWorks / NetBSD / Linux) - Understanding multi-process system software architectures - Experience with one or more of the following: POSIX threads, SNMP, XML - Shell Scripting - Perl, Python, PHP, HTML Cine vrea detalii sa imi dea PM.
  8. Crezi tu? Sigur nu e de la salariu? Eu auzisem ca ar fi cam zgarciti.
  9. Upgrade your DLL to Reflective DLL February 26, 2015 Ionut Popescu If you want to execute code stealthily on a machine and the antivirus stands in your way, you should think about avoiding the disk because this is the place where the antivirus reigns.In this scenario, you might find it useful to execute a DLL directly inside the address space of a running process without touching the disk. This will bypass the AV in a stealthy and powerful way.To achieve this, all you need to do is upgrade your DLL to Reflective DLL. Introduction The antivirus can sometimes be a significant problem during a penetration test in the post-exploitation phase. For dealing with this issue, several strategies have been proposed: making use of the command line / PowerShell executing a program (EXE) from memory executing a DLL from memory Sometimes the command line interface is severely limited.Also, by executing a program from memory you may still run into problems with the antivirus; you might get away with it by making use of a crypter (a tool that encrypts an executable, decrypting it during execution and executing it from memory) but most of them are detectable.Thus, you may find it useful to use a DLL instead of an EXE to do your job. Articol complet: Upgrade your DLL to Reflective DLL – Security Café
  10. Cacat, nu merge sa o schimb
  11. Antivirusi cocalari. Cum cacat sa faci "semnaturi" pe baza de Mutex?
  12. Sa ma slobozesc pe jegul lor de client. A fost foarte ok la inceput, dar apoi au inceput sa bage reclame, iar acum... Ca tot veni vorba, aveti si ceva sugestii de alternative? Eu am mai folosit BitTorrent parca, dar nici acela nu imi place. Voi ce mai folositi?
  13. Frumoasa lista.
  14. La multi ani ba, dai un whiskey cand ajung in Bucuresti, stii tu, ca in vremurile bune
  15. 10$ / zi => 300$ pe luna. Mai bine te angajezi la Carrefour.
  16. Nytro

    caut echipa

    Astept cu nerabdare realizarile voastre.
  17. Am rezolvat problema cu Dislike-urile.
  18. Allview prezint? X2 Soul PRO, noul s?u top de gam? Aurelian Mihai - 3 mar 2015 Prezent la expozi?ia Mobile World Congress de la Barcelona, Allview a dezv?luit X2 Soul PRO, un nou smartphone high-end pentru pia?a din România. Allview X2 Soul PRO p?streaz? trendul în materie de design al gamei SOUL, încercând s? conving? prin performan?ele procesorului octa-core pe 64-bit, ecranul de 5,2” cu rezolu?e Full HD ?i camerele foto de 13MP ?i 8MP. Noul terminal ruleaz? versiunea Android 5.0 Lollipop. zoom inAllview X2 Soul PRO “X2 Soul PRO este un device care inspir? sim?urile ?i i?i adapteaz? culorile UI-ului la mediul înconjur?tor. Pl?cut la atingere ?i la privire, smartphone-ul va surprinde într-un mod pl?cut atât prin performan?? cât ?i prin func?iile sale.” declar? Lucian Peticil?, Managerul General al companiei. X2 Soul PRO se prezint? într-o carcas? de tip unibody, cu grosime de 5,5 mm ?i este construit din metal ?i sticl? rezistent? la zgârieturi. Designul exterior este eviden?iat prin liniile cromate ale ramei ?i combina?ia curburilor cu suprafe?ele drepte. ?asiul intern este realizat din aliaj de aluminiu ?i magneziu, oferind un bun raport rezisten?? mecanic? / greutate. La interior g?sim un acumulator de 2700 mAh, dimensionat pentru o autonomie de pân? la 11 zile în regim stand-by sau 13 ore în convorbire. Ajutat cu modul “Super Power Saving” de economisire a energiei, telefonul promite s? ofere peste 100 ore de utilizare pentru fiecare înc?rcare a bateriei. Construit folosind tehnologia Full Lamination, ecranul Full HD cu densitate 442 ppi promite unghiuri de vizibilitate generoase ?i o bun? calitate a imaginii. În afara comenzilor preluate prin interfa?a touch, Allview X2 Soul PRO suport? ?i controlul prin gesturi, oferind o modalitate comod? pentru accesarea func?iilor de baz?. Camera principal? de 13MP, un model Sony IMX214 cu 6 lentile, este gestionat? cu ajutorul unei aplica?ii de captur? ce include func?ii precum Magic Focus, Tracks, Best Face, Best Image, Eraser, mod Profesional sau posibilitatea de separare a focusului de expunere. Similar, camera frontal? de 8MPpoate fi utilizat? pentru apeluri video ?i poze selfie, dispunând de toate filtrele men?ionate mai sus. Configura?ia este completat? cu 2GB memorie RAM ?i GPU Mali-T760 MP2 cu frecven?? de 700MHz, dou? sloturi pentru cartel? SIM ?i conectivitate 4G, func?ionând în standardele LTE FDD ?i TDD. Telefonul Allview X2 Soul PRO este disponibil începând de ast?zi pe baz? de precomand? la pre?ul de1699 lei. Sursa: Allview prezint? X2 Soul PRO, noul s?u top de gam? Buna treaba.
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  19. Deci ce au facut ilegal?
  20. sbutton? Nu e niciun "sbutton". A testat careva? PS: Am dezactivat temporar pe RST.
  21. Trebuie sa stii bine OOP. Cred ca asta e criteriul de baza. Citeste tot de aici: PHP: Classes and Objects - Manual sau cauta articole pe aceasta tema. Trebuie sa stii sa faci niste SELECT-uri, un JOIN si un INSERT. Trebuie sa stii HTML5/CSS3/JS/jQuery - cel putin elementele de baza: tag-uri/reguli/notiuni de baza/selectori... Uita-te si peste un framework. Zend as sugera eu, dar nu sunt expert. Poate te ajuta @Birkoff
  22. Aduceti si argumente.
  23. Intercepting functions from statically linked libraries January 28, 2015 Ionut Popescu A common technique for blackbox penetration testing of a binary application is intercepting function calls. This technique helps the pentester to properly understand how the application works and to manipulate application data. The problem In most cases, it is pretty easy to intercept a function call: the application calls a function from a shared library (DLL) and you just need to find its address in the DLL’s export address table and breakpoint on it.But it may happen that your target function is from a statically linked library, which means that you cannot find its address by name in the export table. So how to find the target function’s address in this situation? In our case, we have a Windows executable statically linked with OpenSSL and we want to intercept and modify the TLS encrypted traffic which is handled by the SSL_writefunction from OpenSSL.However, the same idea can be applied for other operating systems and libraries. Sursa: Intercepting functions from statically linked libraries – Security Café
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