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Everything posted by xZu

  1. xZu


    Interesant intradevar,daca se mai gandeste cineva ce joc sa puna la prima pagina drept chanllenge ... cred ca Bloxorz ar fi potrivit : http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/games/bloxorz
  2. Bun bun bun,merci [...] dar nu crezi ca ar fi mai bine daca ai face un topic in care sa pui toate cartile astea ?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um5lZWUtYEQ Placebo - Battle For The Sun
  4. xZu

    Fun stuff

  5. yeah "the best" ,thanks.
  6. xZu

    Fun stuff

  7. xZu

    the best hacker?

    Smecherul_2009 ! whiXx is joining the Counter-Terrorist force sds killed V.I,P with aug *** Bobby Sixkiller CZE killed r0pk0_ with a headshot from mac10 *** whiXx : ahahaha Smecherul_2009 : g ura k te skot din windows Adrian Lamo - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Lamo
  8. xZu

    PoORno (members)

  9. Ce pot spune... fiecare cu parerea lui(in cazul tau ei) dar totusi ... cap de mort ,parca titlu e "Romanian Security Team - Security Research" nu "RST... - Deadly hackers"
  10. xZu

    PoORno (members)

    porn porn porn ...
  11. Arata grozav ,bravo Se pare ca au "venit" altii... la fel de inteligenti ca musique dar ca nu e vorba de templatemonster
  12. Pentru cei care nu stiu despre ce e vorba : http://www.ca.com/securityadvisor/virusinfo/virus.aspx?id=75911 Pax ... am impresia ca abia acum te simti implinit Conficker Removal with MSRT : http://blogs.msdn.com/rockyh/archive/2009/01/14/conficker-removal-with-msrt.aspx
  13. xZu

    un mic joc

    You survived 45.171 seconds ! a 3-a incercare :\
  14. xZu


    Esti l33t 1337 . pam pam _|_
  15. xZu

    Yahoo! ID`s

    tu ? edit: daca nu tu,atunci cine ? edit2: mi-a soptit google ca ar fi hellgate ... cuil.com
  16. Vorbesti de parca ar fi ceva "profesional" in toata telenovela asta. Parerea mea : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mjJGvn3yyM ce rotund sunt
  17. Hai papapapapappa :] meriti ban si tu ala
  18. xZu


    Si eu sunt tu,welcome
  19. xZu


    Pentru lenesi http://www.avivadirectory.com/bethebot/
  20. xZu

    Web Attacks

    lol,just lol.
  21. O colectie impresionanta v1c,mersi.
  22. tuti,toti fac misto de tine,defapt nu ma plang oricum xzu.ro sugea,bine ca nu ai si iruleyousuck tot de la el Cine a votat "partial idiot" ? |
  23. Amy Macdonald Playlist
  24. A cazut unu !
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