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Everything posted by xZu

  1. Incearca sa gasesti alte solutii,solutii care sa fie impotriva declaratiilor lui Epicur. "sa raspunda la o intrebare" Intrebare ? unde ? =) /am impresia ca te-ai grabit sa postezi crezand ca ai gasit "adresa vulnerabila" daca e asa esti doar un ratat precum Nytro edit: De Nytro nu mai zic nimic [...] oricum el citeste printre randuri ^^,tu sti ? daca da spune-mi si mie
  2. "Tutoriale in engleza" ? merge mai bine la "Linkuri"
  3. _____|||||||______ ^^
  4. La multi ani
  5. xZu

    Bagati aici

    http://blog.pwn.ro/ Cum sa gasesti d'astia : blog inurl:"/tag/hack" , blog inurl:"/tag/smecherii" etc.
  6. Altele ^^ http://mrpink:freedom@www.tinykitty.com/members/index.php http://chucks94:bobbys94@tinykitty.com/members/index.php http://tiphaine:xxxxxx@www.tinykitty.com/members/index.php http://keefje:keithj@www.tinykitty.com/members/index.php http://rustypoo:il60050@tinykitty.com/members/index.php http://kornhead:jericho@www.tinykitty.com/members/index.php http://ramimor1:carnal@www.tinykitty.com/members/index.php http://spockk:scotty@www.milena-velba.com/mem45xs3/ohayo.html http://tolchock:beckford@www.milena-velba.com/mem45xs3/ohayo.html http://DVS_0N3:distroye@melissachristine.com/members/ http://suckittrebek10:pelican@melissachristine.com/members/ http://78022456:moongly@www.melissachristine.com/members/ http://Marctm:beavis@melissachristine.com/members/ http://cyklone:kazama55@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://djohn11:chanta@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://golfer:golfing@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://easyonmy:soul57@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://doudouth:frankmag@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://doudouth:frankmag@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://dkalis:timeport@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://chuck99:bigred@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://cyklone:kazama55@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://apeshi:artimus@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://4pepper:2pepper@members.lexiteen.com/members/ http://81fukkc:7hrdnw23@www.robinhardcore.com/members/ http://bolitas:negras@www.robinhardcore.com/members/ http://skolko:stoit@www.robinhardcore.com/members/ http://hocuspocus:krokus@www.katvixen.com/ http://walkingboy:orange1@www.katvixen.com/ http://bigmikeca1984:valjean@www.katvixen.com/ http://manpower:s4e9k2@www.katvixen.com/ http://corbywi:willyboy@www.katvixen.com/ http://alfmalo:001963@www.katvixen.com/ http://speedo69:juncos23@www.katvixen.com/ http://briko9x:55555555@www.katvixen.com/ http://Umkomaats:kod1214@www.katvixen.com/ http://redcat:buffer@www.katvixen.com/ http://samoht57:jhns57@www.katvixen.com/
  7. xZu


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  8. Puneti intrebarea :" Eu sunt vulnerabil ? " si vei afla raspunsul _|_ ^^
  9. xZu


    Bine ai venit
  10. Salutare .
  11. xZu

    bug ?

    Da... se va rezolva curand,pun pariu =) Uite si informatii http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=28903.0
  12. xZu


    1.Simt nevoie sa raspund topicului pe care l-ai facut,nu am nimic cu tine daca asta ai impresia 2.Nu-mi pasa. 3.La fel 4.Nu cred intereseaza pe cineva
  13. xZu


    Si tu ce cauti aici ? crezi ca-i pasa cuiva de niste ratati ca voi,sa copieze ce vor oricum sug pula,la fel si fbi-curu al vostru
  14. xZu

    Ce viteza ai ?

    Gorj =) ,Tg-Jiu
  15. xZu

    HI all

    _|_ asta stie. Welcome
  16. xZu

    Ce viteza ai ?

  17. xZu

    Pericolul hi5

  18. xZu


    Salut Razvan si bine ai venit
  19. _|_ tralala
  20. xZu


    _|_ asta e site de bancuri ?
  21. A iesit din beta http://www.arenait.net/2008/12/14/google-chrome-scapa-de-beta.html
  22. xZu


    nu ala e altu alt hacker
  23. xZu


    de d3adlyh4cker ai auzit ?
  24. xZu


    Bine ai venit
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