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'Silk Road 2.0' Launches, Promising A Resurrected Black Market For The Dark Web The Silk Road is dead. But the dark web dream lives on. On Wednesday morning, Silk Road 2.0 came online, promising a new and slightly improved version of the anonymous black market for drugs and other contraband that the Department of Justice shut down just over a month before. Like the old Silk Road, which until its closure served as the Web’s most popular bazaar for anonymous narcotics sales, the new site uses the anonymity tool Tor and the cryptocurrency Bitcoin to protect the identity of its users. As of Wednesday morning, it already sported close to 500 drug listings, ranging from marijuana to ecstasy to cocaine. It’s even being administered by a new manager using the handle the Dread Pirate Roberts, the same pseudonym adopted by the previous owner and manager of the Silk Road, allegedly the 29-year-old Ross Ulbricht arrested by the FBI in San Francisco on October 2nd. The Silk Road sequel experienced some hiccups coming online–it had planned to launch at 4:20pm on November 5th, a significant time and date for an anarchic drug site. But that launch was delayed for 24 hours, and even now the new Silk Road 2.0 isn’t fully operational–its administrators say they’re still gauging the site’s traffic load before they start accepting orders later this week. When it does resume sales, the new Silk Road may not have an easy time convincing users to resume their black market business as usual. The previous Silk Road is only one of three anonymous black market sites to shut down in the last six weeks. First the administrators of the competing site Atlantis abruptly announced it would be going offline for “security” reasons, absconding with all the bitcoins that users had stored in their Atlantis accounts. Then last week, the Silk Road alternative site Project Black Flag similarly disappeared, and its administrator MettaDPR posted a message on its user forum admitting that he or she had “panicked” and stolen the site’s bitcoins. A third site, the older Silk Road competitor Black Market Reloaded, also experienced a temporary crisis earlier in October when an administrator leaked the site’s source code onto the web. Black Market Reloaded’s owner known as Backopy initially said he would shut down the site as a result, but then changed his mind when the leak turned out not to expose any obvious vulnerabilities endangering user privacy. “I for one do not trust the new [silk Road],” wrote one user on the site’s forums. “I just get an eerie feeling from the whole idea of it, right now i will steer clear…only time will tell, i want to dive head first into it, but i want to see it play out for a little bit before i slap down another 500 bucks, an investment i made the day before [silk Road] was closed.” Many more of Silk Road’s users seem reassured, however, by the fact that Silk Road 2.0 is being managed in part by known administrators from the original Silk Road, particularly a moderator known as Libertas who has served as one of the more vocal leaders of the Silk Road community since Ulbricht, the alleged Dread Pirate Roberts, was arrested. The only significant visible change from the last Silk Road, spotted by the dark-web-focused site AllThingsVice that first published the site’s new url, is a new security feature that allows users to use their PGP encryption key as an extra authentication measure. It also has a new login page, parodying the seizure notice posted by the Department of Justice on the prior Silk Road’s homepage, with the notice “This Hidden Site Has Been Seized” replaced by the sentence “This Hidden Site Has Risen Again.” 'Silk Road 2.0' Launches, Promising A Resurrected Black Market For The Dark Web - Forbes in other news bitcoin rises $260+
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dicksi replied to Nytro's topic in Stiri securitate
Google Employees Confess The Worst Things About Working At Google -
just taking a piss
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lucruri stiute dar greu de dovedit,oricum fiecare tara incearca la randul ei dupa posibilitatile de care dispun am mai spus-o snowden shit e o manipulare pusa la cale chiar de nsa,era ucis de mult dealtfel.s-a realizat ce impact economic imens are piata online si cat de mult pot castiga niste natiuni "inferioare". deja ii cad in plasa cei cu regionalizarea internetului
E foarte usor sa protestezi pentru Rosia Montana cand ai burta plina si iPhone-ul in mana » sebastian bargau blog E simplu sa protestezi cu burta plina cand te uiti la iPhone-ul pe care ti l-au cumparat parintii. E simplu sa fii ecologist cand mamica iti plateste chiria, intretinerea si mancarea. E simplu sa te bati pentru idealuri cand statul iti plateste scoala si iti deconteaza sau subventioneaza abonamentul de tramvai/metrou. E foarte simplu. E mult mai simplu decat sa faci, cum spunea un latrator (intrat in spam pentru diverse) la articolul precedent, citez: “Oamenii traiesc dintr-o agricultura de subzistenta. Toti au cateva animale in curte.” Deci e simplu, mananca cinci oameni o paine pe zi si nu mor de foame. De ce ar trebui sa traiasca decent, daca ei nu mor de foame? Nu mai bine ramanem noi cu aurul ingropat in pamant, cu procese si despagubiri si cu cele doua dealuri care nu stralucesc prin frumusete pentru ca un gigel care protesteaza pe net si, eventual, iese seara la o adunare pentru a se mai vedea cu prietenii sa se creada important pentru ca a contribuit la salvarea a doua dealuri? cand esti hipster si traiesti pe banii parintilor:))
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20 bitches in the lobby, it's plenty bitches in the lobby They all drinking, they smoking, this my type of party:))
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On the 39th floor above Canary Wharf, overlooking London's finance centre, I found a cash machine with a difference. This ATM chews up your £10 notes rather than spewing them out, and in return you get a computer code. This is the world's first Bitcoin cash machine and if the people showing it to me are to be believed, it shows us the future of money. I found it at the Bitcoin London conference, the biggest event about the crypto currency yet staged in the UK. BBC News - The Bitcoin believers https://lamassu.is/totusi: Is it a bitcoin vending machine? yes, it is indeed a "vending" machine - any machine that spills out fiat cash for bitcoins will not reach wide distribution any time soon. The reason is the way Anti-Money-Laundering regulation are designed around the globe. If you take cash and give out something you are looking at the standard business operation - Goods out / Cash in - essentially every store on this planet works that way. If you turn this operation around and give out cash to people - you have to do KYC (Know-Your-Client) and AML procedures in almost any jurisdiction in the world. The moment you have to do KYC/AML you can safely assume you are regulated and need a license. Or to be exact: you need many many licenses - one for each jurisdiction you operate in. The challenges with being licensed or obtaining a license are in general: "You need to be a bank to become a bank" - In most jurisdictions it is impossible to fulfil the criteria to obtain a license if you don't already have proven years long record operating as a financial institution. Apart from some places you need to obtain a separate license for every single jurisdiction in the world (that's 48 licenses in the US alone) The licensing process is very costly and very slow - it usually takes many months if not years for the license to be granted. Legal advisors for the financial sector are among the best paid specialists, there are application fees and in most cases up to several millions have to be deposited with the regulating authority or central bank. Also: Maintaining the licenses isn't cheap - in most cases there are hefty annual fees to pay. In many (if not the most) jurisdiction obtaining a license is not even possible as the legal status of bitcoin has not yet been clarified. Which could mean that after going through all the pain of obtaining a license, it could turn out to be the wrong license or the given license can end up being revoked. (That's one of the reasons why so many banks shy away from working with bitcoin startups.) I could go on, but you get the picture. No startup in the world will be able to overcome this hurdles anytime soon unless it has the financial power of someone like HSBC (to name a company that is fully licensed in many parts of the world). In short: Any machine exchanging both ways has very few spots around the globe where it can go. And even those few spots are pending future regulation which might take this machines out of business at any time. To the contrary: Selling Bitcoins is legal in most parts of the world. - So a "bitcoin vending machine" has by far better chances to reach wide distribution in a short amount of time. Is it available? Yes, we are taking orders and shipping. There is a caveat to this: This is not a buy-and-run-it-yourself piece of hardware. The BTM is a part of our product strategy to bring bitcoin out of the "geek-zone" and into the lives of ordinary people. As such it connects to our SMS and Social Network services and is also otherwise embedded in our eco-system. If a Moneero BTM doesn't work, has been setup illegally and gets seized or anything else bad happens - it falls back on Moneero. So in order to buy BTMs the buyer needs to partner with us and the vetting process can take a couple of weeks.
vers de bodega
New Black Market Reloaded Reddit's Silk Road Discussion SheepMarketplace lectura placuta
te manipuleaza sa fii tolerant la marijuana medicinala,si avand in vedere ca personalul medical inca are mentalitate comunista... de ex: Psihiatrul Traian Neamtu spune ca stupefiantele de orice gen si in orice cantitate ar trebui interzise. “Dupa mine, consumul de marijuana e mai grav decat cel de cannabis.":)) http://www.ziardecluj.ro/romania-legalizeaza-marijuana-medicinala-oncologii-clujeni-nu-ii-recunosc-meritele/#sthash.6ylF27Dj.gbpl
Hard Disk Serial Number Changer DevCon http://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/americas-army-operations-2-x/18626-devcon-exe-hardware-id-changer-microsoft-lol.html
Marijuana in scop medical nu este legala in Romania, asa cum a anuntat presa saptamana trecuta, informatia fiind preluata si de presa internationala. "Nu exista nicio modificare legislativa sau proiect de lege privind legalizarea utilizarii marijuanei in scop medical si niciun medicament care sa contina substante din cannabis nu a fost aprobat pe piata farmaceutica din Romania", a precizat Sorin Oprea, directorul Agentiei Nationale Antidrog, pentru reprezentantii clinicii britanice Castle Craig. Anca Crupariu, ofiter de presa pentru Agentia Nationala a Medicamentului, a precizat, la randul sau: "In Uniunea Europeana exista un singur medicament care contine extract de canabis: sprayul oral SATIVEX. Acest medicament a fost autorizat de catre Uniunea Europeana, e utilizat in mai multe state membre si ar putea fi autorizat in Romania daca producatorul vrea acest lucru. Dar nu am fost contactati pana acum in acest sens". Saptamana trecuta, un post de televiziune romanesc a relatat ca Romania a devenit a zecea tara din UE care permite tratamentul cu marijuana medicinala. Stirea a fost preluata de Huffington Postsi apoi de alte ziare din strainatate. Romania, a 10-a tara din UE care legalizeaza marijuana medicinala - Huffington Post Castle Craig este una dintre cele mai mari clinici din Europa care trateaza dependente, intre care si cele legate de droguri. Clinica are reprezentanta in Romania. sursa oricum era foarte greu sa faci rost,nici un doctor nu-si risca cariera sa-ti dea o prescriptie pe sub mana,mai degaraba share de la un bolnav max 6 month to live
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dicksi replied to The.Legend's topic in Off-topic
si uite asa de la o gura sloboda ca asta se duc tovarasii de pula