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Everything posted by caramea

  1. Cancan
  2. Si chiar crezi ca mai e vre-unul bun?
  3. Cica Please note that BEAST does not do any harm to remote servers. In fact, no packet from BEAST has ever been sent to any servers. We chose PayPal because they do everything right when it comes to server-side SSL, and that is good to demonstrate the power of BEAST, which is a client-side SSL attack. We reported the vulnerability to browser, plugin and SSL vendors several months ago (CVE-2011-3389). Current version of BEAST consists of Javascript/applet agents and a network sniffer. We have some choices for the agent. At the time we reported the bug to vendors, HTML5 WebSockets could be used to build a BEAST agent but, due to unrelated reasons, the WebSockets protocol was already in the process of changing in such a way that stopped it. We can't use the new WebSockets protocol shipped with browsers. We use a Java applet in this video, but please be aware that it may be possible to implement a Javascript agent with XMLHttpRequest as well. Why don't you take a look? ;-) Note that it is relatively easy to run a script or an applet in your browser without you doing anything (e.g, by intercepting any HTTP requests from your browser.) After all, each agent is just a piece of Javascript or an applet. Once an agent has been loaded, BEAST can patiently wait until you sign in to some valuable websites to steal your accounts. In order to make the Java applet agent work, we have to bypass the same-origin policy (SOP). Some people have gotten the impression that BEAST required an SOP bypass bug to work and so it's not a threat by itself. That's not true. It is well known that even with a SOP bypass in Java, you can't read existing cookies. You can send requests and may read responses (which may include new cookies), but no, you can't read existing cookies. In the video (and the live demo as well,) we show clearly that we decrypt _existing_ cookies that were already stored in the browser's cookie jar. During our research, we indeed found a Java SOP bypass. We wanted to focus on more important parts of BEAST such as the actual crypto attack and optimizations, so we stopped looking for alternatives, and used the SOP vulnerability to make an agent.
  4. caramea

    Redirect URL

    Nu pierzi nimic daca faci ca mine. Am facut pe cel putin 5 blog-uri treaba asta
  5. caramea

    Redirect URL

    Intai seteaza la optiuni adresa finala a site-ului, apoi poti redenumi linistit folderul
  6. E fumat de mult crypterul asta.
  7. Nu m-as mira sa se voteze..
  8. Go Daddy Mobile - Domain Search, Go Daddy Commercials
  9. Vad ca s-a dus dracu. Ce se intampla?
  10. Iti garantez eu ca e castigat.
  11. Ceva de genu' te-ar ajuta: ProCell GRD-001 - Antene Wireless GRD-001
  12. Ai scanat cumva pe virustotal?
  13. Tu esti nebun, a fost postat in 21 May 2006, sursa: SecuriTeam - RealVNC Authentication Bypass Scanner
  14. caramea

    idei !!!

    Dai un milion la 3 tigani sa-i rupa muia.
  15. User : newhuawei Password : OK ! Credits left : 0
  16. Reistaleaza scriptul.
  17. PORT STATE SERVICE 20/tcp closed ftp-data 21/tcp open ftp 22/tcp closed ssh 25/tcp open smtp 26/tcp open unknown 53/tcp open domain 80/tcp open http 110/tcp open pop3 143/tcp open imap 443/tcp open https 993/tcp open imaps 995/tcp open pop3s 3306/tcp open mysql Specialistu' lu peste in Linux.
  18. Mare greseala ca faci asa ceva public.. fara parola fara nimic.
  19. Cele mai bune sunt Acer. Sa nu iei Sony pentru ca firma Sony nu e specializata in laptopuri. Face alte lucruri de calitate, nu laptopuri. Recomad Acer/Samsung/Toshiba/HP
  20. Vezi ca baga dubluri.
  21. Nu e al meu, merci de observatie. Dar totusi mie nu imi salveaza in vuln.log nimic, doar le afiseaza in consola.
  22. Incearca si eth1.
  23. Dar nu ma intereseaza pe mine asta, dupa ce ca e mura in gura, mai are si defecte. Asa e cand postezi pe forumuri romanesti. @koba: Totusi nu cred ca ai pus corect placa de retea, da un ifconfig.
  24. Ai citit macar readme.txt? @koba ai pus corect placa de retea prin care iesi la net?
  25. caramea


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