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Everything posted by franxu
Da, nu este greu! Scopul meu nu este acesta, scopul este de a stopa ca evenimente de acest gen sa nu se mai existe. Nu cred ca este placut sa te scuipe si sa te umileasca in fata profesorilor fara ca acestia sa intervina datorita functiei pe care o au parinti tarfei. Este pacat ca victima este super inteligenta 10 pe linie in clasa a 12
Ma faceti sa rad cu politia voastra! S-a facut aceste demersuri, totul fara nici-un rezultat. Scoala romaneasca este de cacat, atat scoala cat si aceasta tara in care unguri domneasc.
Te rog sa te aptii de la comentarii idioate! Nu este razbunare, este un act perfect normal pentru a stopa acest lucru
Salut! Simplu, am nevoie de cateva sfaturi pentru a distruge o curva penala! Nu stiu cati din voi cunoasteti cazul amanda todd, aceasta curva face exact acelasi lucru unei tipe care nu are pe nimeni alaturi de ea si trece printr-o perioada grea a vieti. Metode de la distanta fara sa ma apropii fizic de ea!
Sa-ti ofer o idee? Maagazin cu articole pentru animale, inclusiv mascote.
Da, cpu=1000 ron Gpu=1000 ron.
Care este mai bun? -Avantaje -Dezavantaje
Noua versiune, parola este aceiasi.
Cine plm este terminat-ul asta ?
Videochat in cuplu, dar nu pe live jasmin.
Voi nu ati inteles? Destepti fac bani pe spatele prostilor, aceste fonduri sunt un alt rahat, acelasi miros. Nu aveti sanse.
Si mie unu te rog
Reciteste ce am scris. Era un exemplu ca subiectele sa fie incadrate corespunzator si eliminarea topicurilor cu cerere de conturi/like-uri. Un singur topic (Cum este cel de invitatii filelist) pentru cereri de conturi si like-uri. In rubrica market posteaza cei care cumpara si vand. Putina disciplina nu strica.
Nu este optiune in bios? Stiam ceva, nu mai retin ce si cum exact...schimbi botul, la rularea windowsului sa nu mai ruleze de pe hdd.
Au dreptul sa te loveasca? stiam ca pot pune in aplicare astfel de metode. M-au luat de cateva ori pentru infractiuni minore, dar nu m-a lovit.
Omule, este putin deranjant sa cauti articole interesante cu aceasta retea sociala, in search sunt doar topicurile de rahat, informatia este undeva ultima. totusi putina organizare nu strica. Daca ne gandim, nu ar trebui acordate like-uri gratuit.
Sa suga pula politia! Da te poate urmari(Mandat) dar, calm politia nu urmareste pe nimeni, ce dracu este frig afara, doar nu vrei sa dea din calorii jos. Burta protejeaza oasele.
Bai, tot ce este util si de interes sa se posteze. Restul bull shit, nu interezeaza pe nimeni ca o pizda proasta si-a uitat parola de facebook, tu bun samaritan vii pe forum si intrebi cum sa o ajuti sperand ca primesti o bucata de pizda. Cersit like-uri la anumite concursuri pentru un premium de rahat pe care nu il vei primi, cersit conturi de facebook si alte prostii´.
Daca este o tastatura criptata nu ai ce face cu un keylogger, rat.
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In ultima vreme prea multe topicuri in care se cere like-uri pe facebook, conturi de facebook, intrebari facebook. Orice subiect in legatura cu facebook bull shit. In Rst Market -Vanzari/Cumparari de conturi -Vanzari/Cumparari de like-uri Stiri Securitate -Stiri despre facebook, stiri nu orice rahat Stuff tool -Programe pentru facebook -xxs in facebook Fara cersit conturi/like-uri si intrebari idioate despre facebook. Asta este un forum de securitate, nu grupa mica.
Google will be forced to change the way it presents search results in Europe or face antitrust charges for “diverting traffic” to its own services, the EU’s competition chief has said, laying out a sharply different approach from his US counterparts. In contrast to the Federal Trade Commission, which has given the all-clear to Google’s search engine, Joaquín Almunia vowed to prevent Google distorting choices for consumers and taking business from rivals. “We are still investigating, but my conviction is [Google] are diverting traffic,” Mr Almunia told the Financial Times, referring to Google’s preferential treatment of its own vertical search services. “They are monetising this kind of business, the strong position they have in the general search market and this is not only a dominant position, I think – I fear – there is an abuse of this dominant position,” Europe’s antitrust enforcer said. His words mark a direct ultimatum to Google as talks on a pre-charge settlement enter a critical phase. They offer the most detailed public explanation of Brussels’ concerns and hint at the likely shape of any deal, which would mark the first time Google has bowed to regulatory pressure on its core business. Mr Almunia said his concern is “the way they present their own services” and that he was “not discussing the algorithm” – the jealously guarded heart of Google’s search engine. This suggests that one element of the solution will be labelling when Google’s in-house services – such as maps, airline flight details or shopping comparison information – are artificially given a higher billing than rivals. But other changes are also likely to apply to how Google services are displayed within general search results. Any European limits on Google could hamper the sweeping ambition that chief executive Larry Page has set for the company to turn itself from a search engine that primarily displays links to other sites into a “knowledge engine” that answers users’ questions directly with information plucked from Google’s own services. While Mr Almunia said Google showed a more constructive approach at a crunch meeting in December, he warned that he would be “obliged” to issue formal charges if its proposal – expected this month – is unsatisfactory. Google insists its services are “good for users and good for competition”; it would not be required to admit wrongdoing in any pre-charge settlement. Google’s opponents will welcome Mr Almunia’s tougher line on search than the FTC. Even so, the concessions offered to Brussels are likely to fall short of what Microsoft and other complainants are pressing for. The competition commissioner said he was “not worried” by the threat of legal challenges. Mr Almunia explained the rare divergence with Washington on Google by the differing legal standards for abuse of dominance, as well as Google’s stronger position in Europe, where it handles more than 90 per cent of searches. EU officials argue that while its objectives – protecting consumer interests – are the same, the legal standard for abuse of dominance is higher in the US, partly because of the greater potential for private damages suits. On two other areas – Google’s unauthorised use of information on rival websites and alleged restrictions on moving ad campaigns to other search engines – Mr Almunia is in agreement with the FTC findings. “Our conditions will not be weaker,” he said. Dismissing the idea the intervention will cause a rift with the US and trigger outrage at a European meddling with a US corporate titan, Mr Almunia said: “I have never received a single message coming from the other side of the Atlantic saying, ‘hey, what are you doing?’ Everyone knows this is global.” Mr Almunia said a separate and less advanced probe into Google’s Android operating system will remain open and outside of the settlement. He also praised the FTC’s settlement with Google limiting the way it enforces patents and said it was “more or less” the kind of solution he was seeking in similar cases.