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Clicking Agent ( CACA )

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Nu stiu daca mai are cineva postat de asa ceva sau nu ati auzit, dar eu l-am folosit multi ani si inca merge :) daca ai o lista bunicica de proxyuri merge garantat :)

( faceam trafic in nesimtire cu asa ceva. daca exista altceva mai bun ata e :P eu de asta stiu )

Poti seta la 30 40 de vizite doar 1 2 sa dea click pe banerul care plateste :), oricum e bun de incercat pt cine se ocupa cu nevoie de trafic :D

Living On The Edge




Key features:

* Powerful content analizing features capable to detect protection schemes used by many toplists and advertisers.

* Cookie support.

* Scripts support.

* Custom browser strings.

* Custom language strings.

* Fully automated process of accessing your banners and clicking them.

* You have enough options to customize the program behaviour: define how many clicks it should do, what show/click ratio should be, how many simultaneous connections to use, and more...

* Configure the program once and let it start with Windows. It will do all the work in automatic mode.

* Autodetect and Autodial Internet Connection feature simplifies your task a great deal.

* Password protection.

* Remote control.

* If you want something more then don't hesitate to contact the author..


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alta versiune nu am...tin sa zic ca am CACA asta de prin 99-2000 de cand au aparut si mi-a mers FFFF bine...trebuie doar sa ai ceva proxy-uri bune si poti face traffic in nesimtire, nu se blokeaza il poti seta pe ore diferite..face ce vrei :D

( in maxim 2 saptamani am gata trojanul pt proxy-uri si va pot da celor care vor...cu bani/fara bani depinde de cantitatea dorita proxy-uri pt asta si nu numai )

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