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Hackers Jailed for £26.9 Million Credit Card Fraud

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Hackers Jailed for £26.9 Million Credit Card Fraud

Cei vechi, care stiti de h4cky0u, cititi...

By: Bianca Dima | comment : | June 07, 2012

Two “one-stop shop” hackers were sentenced in the UK for credit card fraud totalling more than £26.9 million. According to Serious Organised Crime Agency officers, the actual loss is likely to be a lot more. The two cyber criminals provided various services to bank fraudsters and were sentenced to almost 3, and, respectively, 2 years in prison.

Under the moniker of ‘t0pp8uzz’, Jay Moore set up the ‘Freshshop’ website to facilitate the bulk sale of stolen financial data. He recruited Damian Horne, known as ‘GM’, on an underground forum. The two men started breaking the law by selling stolen iTunes vouchers and other online gaming codes on eBay.

“Within a short space of time the two escalated their criminal enterprise to sell compromised credit card data and launder the proceeds of their criminality through a network of bank accounts, online financial institutions and overseas money exchangers,” SOCA representatives said in a press release.

Though he had no formal qualifications, Moore used his IT knowledge to hack into computers and obtain payment card databases. He then made them available through his website, designed to look and operate like a common retail site. The hacker also made money out of commissions he received from other fraudsters who sold compromised data on his website.

Last year, in a raid at his parents’ house, Police found a safe with over £80,700 in cash, a fresh out of the assembly line BMW car and personalized registration plate which alone was valued at over £10,000. “Such was Moore’s wealth that he also provided some £40,000 to help his father buy a substantial farm house, and attributed his earnings to a fake web design business created purely to hide his criminal activity,” Police said.

In the attacks, more than 340,000 people had their personal information stolen. In addition to the £26.9 million fraud, the data breach could lead to fake bank accounts and to cheque or identity fraud.

Sursa: Hackers Jailed for £26.9 Million Credit Card Fraud | HOTforSecurity

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Merita pe naiba. Ani pierduti din viata, deoarece banii/bunurile provenite din furt, se confisca, se returneaza propietarilor de drept.

Depinde... daca te prind cu ceva cash sau cu produse pe numele tau. Stiu pe cineva care mai demult s-a ocupat cu asa ceva, la o scara mai mica, ce-i drept. Acum s-a lasat, are o afacere legala. Dar pe vremea aia, nu avea nimic pe numele lui, nici macar chiria nu era pe numele lui. Si avea vreo 2 masini, 3 apartamente in chirie. Dar niciodata n-a ridicat bani pe numele lui si nici n-a tinut bani in casa. El peste tot era "musafir", n-avea nimic al lui. Am vorbit cu acea persoana la vreo 2 ani dupa ce s-a lasat (de buna voie, nu de probleme). Zicea ca n-ar mai vrea sa treaca prin asa ceva nici pentru o suma de 100 de ori mai mare. Sa dormi cu stres ca-ti sparge usa... Sa tresari cand auzi un girofar. Sa umbli numai din chirie in chirie, ca boschetaru. Sa n-ai nimic al tau.

Bine, asta a fost alegerea lui, sa "boschetareasca", dar si-a pastrat libertatea cel putin. Cert este, ca pe cale ilegala, ai 2 optiuni: stresat si traiesti ca un boschetar, sau stresat si sa fii boier, pentru o perioada scurta, apoi pierzi tot. Oricum ar fi, acei ani in care nu dormi noptile, in care nu ai incredere nici in propriul frate, in care toti din jurul tau iti par a fi securisti, turnatori sau agenti fbi... nu-i poti recupera si nici cumpara cu miile de dolari furate.

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Apropo, de ce titlul spune "hackers"? Ce au revolutionat astia? Daca astia sunt hackeri, carderii si crackerii ce fac? Patch-uri pentru linux?

top8uzz si gm sunt personaje cu cunostinte foarte avansate in materie de hacking :) . da , au facut magarii mici , dar din astea ies banii mai repede.

la un punct stiu ca forumul s-a despartit , existand pe de o parte h4cky0u.org cu lumea noua si h4ck-y0u.org cu gasca veche ( sau invers , naiba mai stie ) . de la despartire incercau doar sa isi dea in cap unul altuia ..

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