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NOD32 cel mai bun AV + 45.000 ani gratis ;)

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More Information

* New Features in v2.7

* Rootkit Removal Demo

* NOD32 Architecture

* Integrated Modules

Keep your important information safe & stay productive with peace of mind. NOD32 offers fast, comprehensive protection against a wide range of malware threats – without the burden of a bloated internet security suite. So easy to use: just set it and forget it .

Comprehensive Protection

Running separate applications for viruses, hackers, adware, and spyware can slow your PC, be difficult to manage, and provide questionable protection. Beware of large, bloated internet security suites that consume hundreds of megabytes on your PC. These typically exist because vendors have acquired products and 'bundled' them together. In contrast, ESET NOD32 was designed from the core as a single, highly-optimized engine that works as a unified Anti-Threat system to protect against a broad spectrum of malware. Viruses, worms, spyware, and other malicious attacks, which are constantly evolving. ESET NOD32 utilizes patent-pending ThreatSense


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atat zic :(:(

Guest Kabron
  zippy said:
45.000 de ani gratis?????

Stai linistit nu dureaza asa mult pana se prind cei de la NOD :)

  nosferatu said:
Eu unul stiam ca avira a iesit cel mai bun antivirus.

A luat fata nod-ului si bitdefenderului...o.O

parerile difera, spre exemplu ibm au pus pe statiile lor bitdefender si lista corporatiilor care il folosesc poate creste


eu am schimbat nod32 cu avira. Motivul: simplu fapt ca e gratis si nu mai am batai de cap cu update servers sau crackuri. Si oricum la primu scan cu Avira mi-a detectat cativa virusi care erau pe calculator si care traiau alaturi de nod32 fara nicio problema. :)


Nu stiu am avut aproape toate antivirusirusi dar cel mai bun care mia dat chiar roade nu am avut nici o problema cu el e >>>> Avira <<<< inate mi se strica ff rpd windows acuma nu mai tin eu minte de cand nu mai mi sa stricat incercatil ;)


Am avut nod 32 instalat, sta destul de bine la capitolul macat resurse, dar nu are o treaba cu o gramada keyloggere (chiar si mai vechi), firewall-ul..e bunicel dar nu stie de mac spoofing, arp poisoning si altele...nu prea merita daca vrei sa ai putina intimitate :rolleyes:


nu folosesc niciun AV sincer sa fiu.. ma dispera toate... si asa cand imi instalam unu ii dadeam disable asa ca am zis sa nu mai instalez. Sunt atent de unde iau fisiere executabile si gata

nu mi-ar mai veni sa folosesc windows deloc da imi place ca rezolvi treburile usor si repede cu el. ca in rest e la pamant


Vezi ca invii topicuri vechi 04-10-2009, 12:51 AM

@ON: fiecare AV are ceva anume specific lui si fiecare persoana foloseste ce ii place.Eu nu cred ca un anumit AV este"the best" ca niciun AV nu are lista de virusi completa....

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