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Eu deocamdata astept , pe 2 ianuarie incep din nou procesarea de comenzi .

Am vorbit cu ei pe live support . Vedem ce raspuns primesc maine ....

// Va anunt cand imi primesc si eu datele !

Bineinteles ca romanul nu se multumeste cu 1-2, lui ii trebuie zeci pentru a-si asigura si lui un profit de hrana, tipic romanesc. Mi-e jena de unii ca voi, spune-mi macar ca nu esti tigan ..

@steel, nu ai pus un numar de telefon bun, daca vrei sa-ti faci un numar de telefon "real" pentru tara respectiva foloseste pinger.com/tfw cu un zip corect. Succese! Aaa, era sa uit, acel domeniu nu cred ca ti-l mai poate propaga, reincearca metoda.

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Thanks for resending the signed domain form. We have forwarded it to the Admins for processing. You shall receive password selection mail to the email address you registered once done.

Should you have further concerns or queries, feel free to write back or contact us through our 24/7 Live Chat.

Best Regards

Astept sa vad ce se va intampla..

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Dupa ce le-am trimis documentul semnat:

Your fax to sales@one.com at 4911235307 has failed because the receiver's phone number is disconnected or bad.

Si poza:


Voi cum ati reusit?

Tie cred ca o sa iti mai dea unul gratis la cum ai facut , tara : Spania , oras : Braila , Zipcode de Timisoara si numar de telefon de USA .Good job !

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Tie cred ca o sa iti mai dea unul gratis la cum ai facut , tara : Spania , oras : Braila , Zipcode de Timisoara si numar de telefon de USA .Good job !

Doare prostia omeneasca, spune-mi si mie Einstein ca eu nu prea stiu.Tu nu vezi ce raspuns am primit, numarul de telefon nu este corect.Numai "petargi" de oameni, doar faceti umbra pamantului ca in rest nu are ce sa faca lumea buna cu voi.NE RESPIRATI AERUL SI IL POLUATI CU PROSTIA VOASTRA,MURITI!!!!

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Doare prostia omeneasca, spune-mi si mie Einstein ca eu nu prea stiu.Tu nu vezi ce raspuns am primit, numarul de telefon nu este corect.Numai "petargi" de oameni, doar faceti umbra pamantului ca in rest nu are ce sa faca lumea buna cu voi.NE RESPIRATI AERUL SI IL POLUATI CU PROSTIA VOASTRA,MURITI!!!!

Am luat 3 domenii , www.xxxxxxxx.com si inca doua . Sa ne ia dom ´le aerul astia , ca bighidiul asta nu poate inregistra unul . Sa Murim !

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Dear Azas Villalobos

Your web space associated with the domain d33nis.com, has been created on our server and to use the different services, you have to use the attached information.

Am primit datele contului prin e-mail. Multumesc autorului acestui tutorial.


Edited by d33nis
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Am semnat ?i eu aia.Dac? decurge totul bine mâine revin cu edit :)

EDIT:http://iceimg.com/886wHOlK/domeniu.png se pare c? totul merge bine pân? acum,Nu trebuie niciun proxy,selectezi la ?ar? Spania ?i gata.Num?rul îl po?i pune pe Ro,cel pu?in eu a?a am f?cut,?i nu confirmi nimic de pe telefon :)

EDIT2:Se pare c? nu mi-au confirmat datele ?i m-au pus s? le trimit pa?aportul meu :))

Am luat unul de pe google ?i le-am spus c? sunt datele mele reale,acum a?tept s? vedem dac? se schimb? ceva :)

Edited by IncLusIoN
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Salutare,deci eu am pus semnatura in pdf,dar nu mi-au activat nimic,mi-au dat mesajul acesta.

Va rog frumos ,cineva sa ma ajute si pe mine.

Hello, Thank you for contacting One.com! It seems that you have affixed a digital signature in your domain form which we cannot accept. Please print to sign the form. Then scan and send to sales@one.com as email attachment. If you don't have any scanner, you can take a picture of the form. Just make sure that the image is clear and readable. Also, attach a copy of any of the following documents for identification purposes: - Passport - Driver's license

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Greetings ,

Thank you for contacting One.com.

As per your inquiry, your order for the domain has been cancelled at our end. Upon Investigation it was found that the customer information that you provided were invalid. If you are still interested in registering with us we need you to send us a copy of any of these information for identification purpose:


Driver license

Ce sa fac?: ( ca nu am pasaport dau dala

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Greetings ,

Thank you for contacting One.com.

As per your inquiry, your order for the domain has been cancelled at our end. Upon Investigation it was found that the customer information that you provided were invalid. If you are still interested in registering with us we need you to send us a copy of any of these information for identification purpose:


Driver license

Ce sa fac?: ( ca nu am pasaport dau dala

Cumpara! Din moment ce ai incercat sa iei un domeniu gratis, e clar ca nu-i vorba de o afacere serioasa. Lasa dracu tigarile doua zile, iti iei domeniu + host pe un an si aia e.

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