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Meci GRATIS "pont SIGUR"

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Ok, deci in momentul asta cand scriu, conduce Blackpool cu 2-0. Asta inseamna ca cel putin teoretic, la pauza este o sa fie cum s-a prezis ? Ma deruta ca OP a scris Blackpool-Fulham, dar pe net este Fulham - Blackpool


Eu niciodata n-am crezut in ponturile astea, dar in momentul de fata scorul este 1 - 2, iar blackpool joaca in 10.

Deci clar favorita pentru a doua partida este fulham.


  pito said:
Baieti suna cam rau daca va a zis ca e din Albania mie mia zis ca e Macedonian acum vreo luna

Pai asta inseamna ca e mafiot si se protejeaza, deci mai mari sanse sa aiba ponturi de la "prieteni lui". Da-mi facebook-ul lui.


Exit Tips "Hello Mister ! The next 100% fixed matches are for Saturday 20.09.2014. Tips is 2-1 and 1-2 ht/ft. Total odd is around 990. The matches are 100% SURE and there is No Chance For Lose! We fix them and we guaranteed it, also you can check our proofs on our page to see that this is serious. If you want the matches you must pay 110 euros before the match and 140 after the win. Payment is via Western union and Money Gram. If something goes wrong, we are not scammers we will give double money back to you and all other customers. Do you want to buy ?"

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