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USB Flash Drive de 2TB = 2000GB

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Posted (edited)

De obicei daca-s prea bune pentru pretul lor, mai mult ca sigur ele sunt in realitate de 8 sau 16 GB si au firmware-ul modificat.

Ele functioneaza ce-i drept, dar cand depasesti capacitatea lor adevarata incep sa corupa fisierele.

Edited by BogdanNBV
  leaklife said:
Uita-te la feedback-ul vanzatorului. La produsul REALLY USB 3.0 512GB USB3.0 flash drives pen drives Memory Stick Drives U Stick Thumb Pendrive High Speed High Quality-in USB Flash Drives from Computer & Office on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group a comentat cineva "i was not know it fake it not 500gb where u save files in this drive all deleted", deci e clara treaba.

Salut..Un asemenea specimen am eu numai ca este usb 2.0 ...si da aveti dreptate..decat 32 GB am reusit sa pun pe el..+ca nu merge formatat NTFS sub nici o forma.



Ebay,Alibaba,paypall etc in ultimii ani sunt tinta unei fraude bancare de proportii uriase.

Eu am cumprat aceste stikuri acum 5 ani,si sunt fake.Uimitor este ca ,ele chiar functioneaza numai ca au memorie 1 GB-2GB maxim.

Va rog sa nu aruncati banii pe fereastra.



Am cumparat experimental si eu un stick usb "kingston" de 512 gb. In realitate are 64 gb, si este foarte lent, citeste/scrie cam 2-3 mb/sec. Computerul il "vede" de 512 gb, dar in cazul in care ai rabdare sa astepti sa-l scrie, vei avea surpriza sa nu poata citi fisierele scrise. In concluzie, mai bine iei ceva mai "mic" si rapid... sau daca vrei capacitate, un hdd extern, sau un rack usb in care poti baga un ssd-u.


Firmware poate fi modificat intr-un mod foarte simplu, bineinteles, daca ai cunostintele necesare. Iti recomand sa nu comanzi o asemenea prostie, iauzi, stick de 2 tb.


1 x 2TB USB Thumb drive. (2TB = 2,000GB)

Note: This drive can hold up to 1000 x HD Movies

Note: Do not buy a big, power hungry external HDD

Note: USB Thumb drive do not have moving parts like HDD...more reliable

Note: Plug into your Smart-TV and play directly (Note some TV cannot read to high memory size)

Note: Use as backup for your entire PC/Laptop HDD and more!

Note: Save pounds/kgs from you backpack....live you HDD at home!

Brand new. Not opened. (We may check before sending if required)

High speed read speed USB-2: 18 Mb/S

High speed write speed USB-2: 15 Mb/s

Storage life of over 10 years.

Equipement Compatibility: PC/Laptop/Tablets/SmartTV/Routers/Media Servers

Operating systems: Windows 7, 8, 8.1

To read and read in high speed

Plug and Play

Support USB zip and Disk Boot


Eu am comandat de pe aliexpress un card microSd de 64Gb cu 10E si care bine inteles era fake.

Am dat un "Open dispute" si mi-am recuperat 100% suma platita, iar eu m-am facut cu un card capacitate reala de 6GB, un adaptor SD si un cititor de carduri.

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