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  1. Cautand o metoda de a ad?uga cat mai multi prieteni pe o pagina de facebook, mi-a venit ideea cu iMacros. Nu e mare lucru, oricine poate face asta, dar iMacros face toat? treaba singur. Nu apare nicio problema pe facebook (deocamdata ), am peste vreo 300 de "friend requests" trimise cu acest script, niciodata nu a aparut captcha sau altceva. Bun, de ce e nevoie? 1. Mozilla Firefox 2. iMacros Add-On Dupa ce ai terminat de instalat Firefox si iMacros intra pe facebook si cauta o persoana care are multi prieteni (>1000). Adauga acea persoana la prieteni si asteapta confirmarea. Odata ce acesta accepta, acceseaza acest link: https://www.facebook.com/find-friends/browser/ In stanga trebuie sa fie un camp: "mutual friends", scrieti numele persoanei de mai sus si apasati enter (nu scrieti numele persoanei din imagine ci numele persoanei caruia i-ati dat friend request mai sus). Dupa selectie, lista de sugestii din dreapta va fi actualizata doar cu prietenii persoanei de mai sus. Pentru a deschide iMacros apasa F8 in Firefox. In tab-ul "Rec" apasa "Record Options" si bifeaza "Select the best mode..." (asta daca nu cumva e deja bifat) Salveaza, apoi tot in tab-ul "Rec" apasa pe "Record" In momentul asta trebuie sa ai cam asa: Apasa pe primele 4 butoane "Add friend" din dreapta. Apoi apasa "Stop" In tab-ul "Edit" apasa pe "Edit macro", se va deschide o noua fereastra unde trebuie sa ai vreo 7 linii de text. Se observa ca liniile 4,5,6,7 sunt la fel, difera doar un numar care creste cu 1 la fiecare linie. Sterge totul, lasa doar una din liniile 4,5,6,7 inlocuind numarul cu {{!LOOP}} Adauga putin timp de asteptare, ca sa nu fie probleme cu captcha, pune cam vreo 10 secunde. Daca lasi asa variabila !LOOP va incepe de la 1 dar primul buton "Add friend" avea numarul 23 + ca pe primele 4 ai apasat deja. Deci vei incepe de la 27. La mine a inceput de la 23, dar la voi e posibil sa incepa de la 3 sau orice alt numar. Variabila !LOOP o setati cu 1 mai mult ca numarul de pe linia 7 de mai sus (la mine 26). Salveaza, iar in tab-ul "Play" seteaza la "Play loop" un numar mai mare si dai drumul.
    2 points
  2. https://www.facebook.com/events/539263166141219/ Daca mai sunt valide, folositi, daca nu, trash topic. Eu am activat 1 acum 5 minute.
    1 point
  3. cristianroflmao trimis dead space si Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
    1 point
  4. Încearc? ?i tu s? folose?ti pu?in? român? dup? acest post to?i î?i vor da 13-14 ani. ?i eu am primit reputa?ie negativ? la un XSS cu DannyWeb , este vorba din ce-l din microsoft... dau ?i ei reputa?ie negativ? fiindc? nu au ce face
    1 point
  5. Buna, 27.01.2013 Kunz a gasit un auth bypass in billsafe.de intre timp s-a facut un release 19.02.2013 am gasit si eu un auth bypass in billsafe.de pe 01.04.2013 s-a facut alt release care a reparat ce am gasit eu. pe 27.04.2013 am gasit un al treilea auth bypass doar pe unvalidated accounts: video P.o.C: P.S.: problema e rezolvata si validata, inca nu mi-au dat banii, ma astept pe la sfarsitul lunii un full payment.
    1 point
  6. We might be one step closer to an Internet-of-things reality. University of Washington engineers have created a new wireless communication system that allows devices to interact with each other without relying on batteries or wires for power. Two devices communicate without using battery power. University of Washington Using ambient backscatter, these devices can interact with users and communicate with each other without using batteries. They exchange information by reflecting or absorbing pre-existing radio signals. The new communication technique, which the researchers call “ambient backscatter,” takes advantage of the TV and cellular transmissions that already surround us around the clock. Two devices communicate with each other by reflecting the existing signals to exchange information. The researchers built small, battery-free devices with antennas that can detect, harness and reflect a TV signal, which then is picked up by other similar devices. The technology could enable a network of devices and sensors to communicate with no power source or human attention needed. “We can repurpose wireless signals that are already around us into both a source of power and a communication medium,” said lead researcher Shyam Gollakota, a UW assistant professor of computer science and engineering. “It’s hopefully going to have applications in a number of areas including wearable computing, smart homes and self-sustaining sensor networks.” The researchers published their results at the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Data Communication 2013 conference in Hong Kong, which began Aug. 13. They have received the conference’s best-paper award for their research. “Our devices form a network out of thin air,” said co-author Joshua Smith, a UW associate professor of computer science and engineering and of electrical engineering. “You can reflect these signals slightly to create a Morse code of communication between battery-free devices.” University of Washington Everyday objects could be enabled with battery-free tags to communicate with each other. A couch could use ambient backscatter to let the user know where his keys were left. Smart sensors could be built and placed permanently inside nearly any structure, then set to communicate with each other. For example, sensors placed in a bridge could monitor the health of the concrete and steel, then send an alert if one of the sensors picks up a hairline crack. The technology can also be used for communication – text messages and emails, for example – in wearable devices, without requiring battery consumption. The researchers tested the ambient backscatter technique with credit card-sized prototype devices placed within several feet of each other. For each device the researchers built antennas into ordinary circuit boards that flash an LED light when receiving a communication signal from another device. Groups of the devices were tested in a variety of settings in the Seattle area, including inside an apartment building, on a street corner and on the top level of a parking garage. These locations ranged from less than half a mile away from a TV tower to about 6.5 miles away. Researchers demonstrate how one payment card can transfer funds to another card by leveraging the existing wireless signals around them. Ambient RF signals are both the power source and the communication medium. They found that the devices were able to communicate with each other, even the ones farthest from a TV tower. The receiving devices picked up a signal from their transmitting counterparts at a rate of 1 kilobit per second when up to 2.5 feet apart outdoors and 1.5 feet apart indoors. This is enough to send information such as a sensor reading, text messages and contact information. It’s also feasible to build this technology into devices that do rely on batteries, such as smartphones. It could be configured so that when the battery dies, the phone could still send text messages by leveraging power from an ambient TV signal. The applications are endless, the researchers say, and they plan to continue advancing the capacity and range of the ambient backscatter communication network. The other researchers involved are David Wetherall, a UW professor of computer science and engineering, Vincent Liu, a doctoral student in computer science and engineering, and Aaron Parks and Vamsi Talla, both doctoral students in electrical engineering. The research was funded by the University of Washington through a Google Faculty Research Award and by the National Science Foundation’s Research Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering at the UW. ### For more information, contact Gollakota and Smith at abc@cs.washington.edu or 206-685-2094. Via: Wireless devices go battery-free with new communication technique | UW Today
    1 point
  7. Copiaza-ti tot ce ai de copiat pe disk sau hard extern apoi dai comanda asta in Linux: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 Dupa ce ai dat, baga DVD-ul cu Windows, dai reboot si instaleaza Windows-ul. Bafta Sugestie: Creaza-ti un stick cu un Linux "Live CD" inainte de a face toate acestea
    -1 points
  8. Un procesor AMD+Placa video nvidia. Daca arunci un ochi pe procesoarele intel apoi pe cele AMD vei vedea ca cele intel sunt mai scumpe,ele avand procesor grafic,lucru inutil daca iti iei o placa video buna. Deci solutia optima este AMD+Nvidia.
    -1 points
  9. Dar agramat cu siguranta esti.
    -1 points
  10. Totusi nu's multe like-uri..
    -1 points
  11. @ratatii deasupra mea Da ce va bagati voi ca musca in cacat? Stiu cum e cand te chinui sa faci ceva calumea si vine unul care nu stie nimic si isi zice: "Ia sa-l frec io p-asta" si iti da negative, iti trash-uieste topicul sau te acuza fara dovezi, ma refer in general. Sunt doar niste pixeli, dar care te pot afecta grav, mai ales daca prestezi un serviciu online sau ai un shop fie el orice shop. La fel e si pe HF, nu ca are legatura, aia practic cumpara reputatie, face un thread in care da 10 centi la fiecare user upgradat si inscrie 50+ reputatie cu cativa dolari, dupa care e "trusted", deschide un thread de exchange si da o teapa de cateva sute sau mii. Concluzie: Fuck The Police:)
    -1 points
  12. pai numai manelarii da rep negativ luavas familiile in pula de cioroi muisti vrem sa scapam de ei intr-un fel.
    -1 points
  13. Ma omule is paginii de 100k care le vinzi cu 40 euro
    -1 points
  14. Am prins si eu una frate Multam fain!!!
    -1 points
  15. masterofcrowz io nu am cerut la nimeni vip sau reputatie lasati-ma asa cum sunt,ca stau bine. problema e ca unii useri daca nu le faci pe plac,gasesc reputatia negativa o metoda de razbunare impotriva ta. cat despre gramatica sunt pe un forum aici,nu la vreo olimpiada de romana. scriu si eu grabit si se mai intampla sa mai gresesc un semn de punctuatie sau o cratima. important e ca ati inteles mesajul.
    -1 points
  16. nu prea am obiceiul sa ma plang aiurea,dar vad ca reputatia mea devine negativa fara sa fi facut nimic negativ.daca niste copii prosti au dreptul sa imi faca comentarii de reputatie las o in plm atunci.sa imi zica unu pe care l am tepuit sau l am deranjat cu ceva.imi vad de treaba mea,ajut cu ce pot si gata. dar da va in sloboz daca nu am vrut sa iti vand o pagina de 30000 de fani la 30 de euro care vroiai tu,asta nu inseamna ca s un tepar.
    -1 points
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