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  1. Daca administratorul serialepenet.ro urmareste RST-ul, ori vreun cunoscut de-al acestuia, ii atrag atentia ca sufera de o vulnerabilitate web severa care imi ofera acces complet pe server. Eu am notificat-o prin pagina de contact, fara sa descriu in amanunt problema, in ideea ca voi fi contactat pe e-mail-ul pe care l-am furnizat. Motivele pentru care am ales sa le aduc la cunostinta vulnerabilitatea, in detrimentul hranirii alter ego-ului meu prin show-off, sunt ca apreciez munca depusa si ca online-erii romani ar trebui sa se ajute reciproc. Pe langa raportarea vulnerabilitatii, m-am oferit sa elimin backdoor-urile si vulnerabilitatile existente, sa ii ajut la un security hardening(configuri, pachete, permisiuni, servicii, chroot, kernel patch, firewall, etc) si sa le pun la punct sistemul de coduri premium. Sunt constient de disclose-ul pe care un user de aici l-a facut, publicand bazele de date ale serialepenet.ro si fisierulmeu.ro(erau gazduite pe acelasi dedicat). Mi-a placut cum a escaladat printr-un SQLi, dar ii acord o bila neagra pentru ca nu a cenzurat tabelul cu utilizatori. Din jumatate de milion de utilizatori sa ne gandim ca cel putin o cincime foloseste aceeasi parola pentru mail: daca utilizam un dictionar compilat cu cuvinte romanesti, speculez ca gasim un collide pe hash unei patrimi din cincime. Avem deci 25.000 de e-mail-uri romanesti cu parola, tocmai bune pentru a le crawla mesajele dupa cuvinte cheie si a le spama intre ele cu advertoriale targetate sau cu malware. Inaintea unui disclose, ganditi-va si la consecinte, dar nu neaparat d.p.d.v. etic, ci sa nu devina o iresponsabilitate din inconstienta. Imi justific actiunile prin dorinta de a preveni alte disclose-uri pe viitor si pentru faptul ca sunt foarte multumit de calitatea serviciilor serialepenet.ro. Astept un e-mail. Respect!
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Verfica tu, le-am facut mai babeste dar ar trebui sa fie bune...cred... bun pix scrie singur
    1 point
  4. 52: x=2; 53: x apartine (-3;3) => x=+/- 2 54: x apartine (2;+inf) => x=5 55: x apartine (-inf; (1-radical din 5)/2) U (1+radical din 5)/2;+inf) => x=3 56: nu inteleg?!
    1 point
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWM74Pf_Kd0 Old school Dedicatie pentru texan. :->
    1 point
  6. Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page).
    1 point
  7. Security vulnerability in GitLab (CVE-2013-7316) We have learned about a XSS vulnerability in GitLab. This issue was fixed in GitLab 6.5. Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in GitLab A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in GitLab allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted HTML file. This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2013-7316. Versions affected: 6.4 and earlier Fixed versions: Community Edition 6.5.0, Enterprise Edition 6.5.0 Impact In affected versions, when adding a README with voluntary extension the file would be rendered with markup. This would allow an attacker to add a script that would be executed on the client side. This vulnerability was fixed in GitLab 6.5. All users running GitLab 6.4 and earlier versions should upgrade immediately. Releases Gitlab 6.5 Community Edition is available from https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce and https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq . GitLab 6.5 Enterprise Edition is available for subscribers from GitLab Cloud. Please follow the upgrade guides from your current version to version 6.5. Credits Thanks to ChenQin, Network and Information Security Lab @ Tsinghua University for reporting the vulnerability. Source : GitLab Blog
    1 point
  8. Working with HTTP from the command-line is a valuable skill for HTTP architects and API designers to have. The cURL library and curl command give you the ability to design a Request, put it on the pipe, and explore the Response. The downside to the power of curl is how much breadth its options cover. Running curl --help spits out 150 different flags and options. This article demonstrates nine basic, real-world applications of curl. In this tutorial we’ll use the httpkit echo service as our end point. The echo server’s Response is a JSON representation of the HTTP request it receives. Make a Request Let’s start with the simplest curl command possible. Request curl http://echo.httpkit.com Response { "method": "GET", "uri": "/", "path": { "name": "/", "query": "", "params": {} }, "headers": { "host": "echo.httpkit.com", "user-agent": "curl/7.24.0 ...", "accept": "*/*" }, "body": null, "ip": "", "powered-by": "http://httpkit.com", "docs": "http://httpkit.com/echo" } Just like that we have used curl to make an HTTP Request. The method, or “verb”, curl uses, by default, is GET. The resource, or “noun”, we are requestion is addressed by the URL pointing to the httpkit echo service, http://echo.httpkit.com. You can add path and query string parameters right to the URL. Request curl http://echo.httpkit.com/path?query=string Response { ... "uri": "/path?query=string", "path": { "name": "/path", "query": "?query=string", "params": { "query": "string" } }, ... } Set the Request Method The curl default HTTP method, GET, can be set to any method you would like using the -X option. The usual suspects POST, PUT, DELETE, and even custom methods, can be specified. Request curl -X POST echo.httpkit.com Response { "method": "POST", ... } As you can see, the http:// protocol prefix can be dropped with curl because it is assumed by default. Let’s give DELETE a try, too. Request curl -X DELETE echo.httpkit.com Response { "method": "DELETE", ... } Set Request Headers Request headers allow clients to provide servers with meta information about things such as authorization, capabilities, and body content-type. OAuth2 uses an Authorization header to pass access tokens, for example. Custom headers are set in curl using the -H option. Request curl -H "Authorization: OAuth 2c4419d1aabeec" \ http://echo.httpkit.com Response {... "headers": { "host": "echo.httpkit.com", "authorization": "OAuth 2c4419d1aabeec", ...}, ...} Multiple headers can be set by using the -H option multiple times. Request curl -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: OAuth 2c3455d1aeffc" \ http://echo.httpkit.com Response { ... "headers": { ... "host": "echo.httpkit.com", "accept": "application/json", "authorization": "OAuth 2c3455d1aeffc" }, ... } Send a Request Body Many popular HTTP APIs today POST and PUT resources using application/json or application/xml rather than in an HTML form data. Let’s try PUTing some JSON data to the server. Request curl -X PUT \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"firstName":"Kris", "lastName":"Jordan"}' echo.httpkit.com Response { "method": "PUT", ... "headers": { ... "content-type": "application/json", "content-length": "40" }, "body": "{\"firstName\":\"Kris\",\"lastName\":\"Jordan\"}", ... } Use a File as a Request Body Escaping JSON/XML at the command line can be a pain and sometimes the body payloads are large files. Luckily, cURL’s @readfile macro makes it easy to read in the contents of a file. If we had the above example’s JSON in a file named “example.json” we could have run it like this, instead: Request curl -X PUT \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d @example.json echo.httpkit.com POST HTML Form Data Being able to set a custom method, like POST, is of little use if we can’t also send a request body with data. Perhaps we are testing the submission of an HTML form. Using the -d option we can specify URL encoded field names and values. Request curl -d "firstName=Kris" \ -d "lastName=Jordan" \ echo.httpkit.com Response { "method": "POST", ... "headers": { "content-length": "30", "content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, "body": "firstName=Kris&lastName=Jordan", ... } Notice the method is POST even though we did not specify it. When curl sees form field data it assumes POST. You can override the method using the -X flag discussed above. The “Content-Type” header is also automatically set to “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” so that the web server knows how to parse the content. Finally, the request body is composed by URL encoding each of the form fields. POST HTML Multipart / File Forms What about HTML forms with file uploads? As you know from writing HTML file upload form, these use a multipart/form-data Content-Type, with the enctype attribute in HTML. In cURL we can pair the -F option and the @readFile macro covered above. Request curl -F "firstName=Kris" \ -F "publicKey=@idrsa.pub;type=text/plain" \ echo.httpkit.com Response { "method": "POST", ... "headers": { "content-length": "697", "content-type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------488327019409", ... }, "body": "------------------------------488327019409\r\n Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"firstName\"\r\n\r\n Kris\r\n ------------------------------488327019409\r\n Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"publicKey\"; filename=\"id_rsa.pub\"\r\n Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAkq1lZYUOJH2 ... more [a-zA-Z0-9]* ... naZXJw== krisjordan@gmail.com\n\r\n ------------------------------488327019409 --\r\n", ...} Like with the -d flag, when using -F curl will automatically default to the POST method, the multipart/form-data content-type header, calculate length, and compose the multipart body for you. Notice how the @readFile macro will read the contents of a file into any string, it’s not just a standalone operator. The “;text/plain” specifies the MIME content-type of the file. Left unspecified, curl will attempt to sniff the content-type for you. Test Virtual Hosts, Avoid DNS Testing a virtual host or a caching proxy before modifying DNS and without overriding hosts is useful on occassion. With cURL just point the request at your host’s IP address and override the default Host header cURL sets up. Request curl -H "Host: google.com" Response { "method": "GET", ... "headers": { "host": "google.com", ... }, ... } View Response Headers APIs are increasingly making use of response headers to provide information on authorization, rate limiting, caching, etc. With cURL you can view the headers and the body using the -i flag. Request curl -i echo.httpkit.com Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.1.19 Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 04:18:19 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 391 Connection: keep-alive X-Powered-By: http://httpkit.com { "method": "GET", "uri": "/", ... } # Sursa: 9 uses for cURL worth knowing | httpkit | Tools for hacking on HTTP
    1 point
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