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  1. [RO] Salut am gasit un exploit nou in versiunea a iTunes de la Apple ce permite deblocarea partiala a telefonului pe partea de iTunes si anume bypass icloud lock, acest bug se afla in fisierul iTunes.dll. Modificarea acestuia face ca telefonul sa fie recunoscut ca unul activat si inlatura procesele de activare alocate server-ului albert.apple.com. Din pacate in iTunes nu puteti decat sa sincronizati video muzica si foto dar va las pe voi sa experimentati mai multe deoarece telefonul se comporta ciudat uneori el deblocanduse total. Deblocarea totala a aparut atunci cand: - am conectat un iphone activat (deblocat icloud) 5, 16 Gb cu numele Axx si l-am sincronizat pe un cont store Bxx dupa - am conectat un iphone neactivat ( blocat icloud) 5, 16 Gb cu numele Axx si l-am conectat pe un cont store Cxx dupa am primit pe ecranul telefonului eroarea "nu se poate efectua" cu optiunea de apasare a "ok" iar dupa apasare telefonul intra in meniul desktop iar reteaua functioneaza perfect. Fara ceea ce am descris mai sus va da eroarea ca nu poate creea o sesiune cu telefonul ceea ce este si normal, deci ce ramane de facut? - modifica driverul apple ce se ocupa de sesiune din computerul tau - incearca o bucla de activare bazata pe cartela sim exploit-ul a mai fost prezentat partial unui administrator gadgetwide si pe urma aici deci este exclusivitate RST. [EN] A zero day exploit i have found in iTunes version, more exactly in iTunes.dll. This exploit bypass albert.apple.com activation and make the device to be recognized as a a activated one. In iTunes part the device will be like icloud unlocked iphone you can sync with video , music, pictures but some thing cant be done why? The iTunes will give us the error message: a session cant be started with your iphone or something like... Next thing that you have are two variants: 1. crack the session in apple driver on your machine 2. try to make a activation loop on device based on sim activation. How to use? - download cracked iTunes.dll and itunes from bellow - uninstall all higher version and lower of iTunes and delete all apple directory on your pc - restart pc - install iTunes (if you allready have this version search and delete the file "cache.db" from user profiles apple directory) - replace iTunes.dll with the cracked one downloaded from here ENJOY !!! If you feel unsecure scan the fuc*ing dll on virustotal Credit: iCloudRemover Team, Justin, Jack, #FF0000sn0w, Me and SpiderCrew vulnerable segment is located at: CalculateDiskUsage BatteryIsCharging FullyCharged ExternalChargeCapable ExternalConnected BatteryCurrentCapacity BasebandStatus SIMStatus MobileSubscriberCountryCode MobileSubscriberNetworkCode ActivationState UnBctivated Activated FactoryActivated SoftActivation MismatchedIMEI MismatchedICCID MissingSIM WildcardActivated Expired ActivationStateAcknowledged kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusNotReady Unactivated changed to UnBctivated to trick the apple system enjoy with session bypass next! DOWNLOAD: MD5 file sum: 1d7c72faf4350b479131b49e4484ee1f DepositFiles GirlShare.ro External The reason of research is only for study the security, the full sequence of the session controlkey and activation loop will not be public, only advanced programmers, crackers and hackers will obtain more info on next steps !
    1 point
  2. Salut, Folositi voucherul PERKS20 pentru a beneficia de oferta. Se livreaza in Romania fara probleme prin DHL Express va ajunge acasa/la munca/pe plaja si in gaura de sarpe va gasesc astia. Nu sunt taxe vamale sau alte costuri. Nu ratati ocazia. Succes. L.E. Oferta valabila doar astazi pana la ora 2 noaptea.
    1 point
  3. Salut, vreau ca acest subiect sa fie mai amuzant si sa fie ca un concurs, sa vedem unde va pricepeti cel mai bine. Deci, vreau ca unul dintre voi sa sparga un account de forum si care primul l-a spart ofer 1$, accountul este facut de mine! Forum : Forum o Zarabianiu przez Internet | Praca w Domu Username : azi15 Succes, parola se spune pe privat!
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