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  1. Cred ca ora sau data nu iti sunt fixate corect, sau versiunea la firefox e prea veche, verifica si tu
    2 points
  2. sa intors domnu am vorbit pe skipe si id-ul lui imi era familiar si nu mare a fost surpriza sa descopar peste ce om dat.
    2 points
  3. La intrebarea "de ce da Google vps gratuit?" raspunsul e: are bani de la Apple ========================= Alphabet's Google has quietly scored a major coup in its campaign to become an enterprise cloud computing powerhouse, landing Apple as a customer for the Google Cloud Platform, multiple sources with knowledge of the matter told CRN this week. Since inking the Google deal late last year, Apple has also significantly reduced its reliance on Amazon Web Services, whose infrastructure it uses to run parts of iCloud and other services, said the sources, who all requested anonymity to protect their relationships with the vendors. Apple has not abandoned AWS entirely and remains a customer, the sources said. http://bcove.me/f9j5ajd4 According to the sources, Google executives have told partners that Apple is spending between $400 million and $600 million on Google Cloud Platform, although this couldn’t be independently confirmed. Also unclear is whether this range refers to an annual spending rate or a set amount of capacity. AWS said Apple's move to work with Google does not signify "competitive defection." “It’s kind of a puzzler to us because vendors who understand doing business with enterprises respect [non-disclosure agreements] with their customers and don’t imply competitive defection where it doesn’t exist," said the AWS spokeswoman in an emailed statement sent to CRN late Wednesday. Spokespeople from Google and Apple weren’t immediately available for comment. Morgan Stanley, in a report released last month, estimated that Apple spends around $1 billion annually on AWS, but speculated that Apple may look to reduce that figure by moving more computing to its own data centers. Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple is spending $3.9 billion to build new data centers in Arizona, Ireland and Denmark, the first of which is set to open later this year. While it might seem odd for Apple to give business to a cloud service run by a bitter rival in the mobile device market, such arrangements aren’t uncommon in a public cloud market that’s seeing intense pricing pressure, particularly in compute and storage services. Reports of Apple using AWS and Microsoft Azure to run parts of its cloud services date back to 2011, although neither AWS nor Microsoft has ever confirmed that Apple is a customer. But in an Apple iOS Security white paper published in 2014, Apple acknowledged that encrypted portions of some iOS files are stored in Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure. Mountain View, Calif.-based Google, which last November hired VMware co-founder and former CEO Diane Greene to lead its cloud business, is said to be aggressively forming partnerships and swinging deals to bring in large enterprise customers. Last month, Google signed up Spotify, which runs part of its streaming music service on AWS, as a cloud customer. CRN reported last month that Google and Verizon were in talks about a strategic partnership involving a Verizon-branded hybrid cloud service running on Google Cloud Platform. Although Google doesn’t break out cloud revenue, signing up Apple -- no matter what the size of the deal -- would give a huge boost to a vendor widely perceived as the distant No. 3 player behind AWS and Microsoft Azure in the public cloud. In the fourth quarter of last year, Google sales for only its Infrastructure-as-a-Service and Platform-as-a-Service products -- Compute Engine and App Engine -- came in under $300 million, according to an estimate from Synergy Research. That's seven times less than the respective business for AWS, John Dinsdale, Synergy's chief analyst, told CRN. Google entered the cloud market with a vow to undercut Seattle-based AWS on pricing, and industry watchers said Apple could gain pricing leverage with AWS and Microsoft by virtue of its Google cloud deal. Google's extensive fiber network linking its data centers is said to be a major competitive advantage when it comes to networking bandwidth costs. Cheaper networking would present significant savings for Apple data services like iCloud, iTunes and App Store, which must either push content to customers or shuttle massive amounts of backup data to the provider. "Google is laying a lot more fiber in a lot more areas, so they have a lot more reach [than other cloud players]," Michael Fraser, CEO of InfiniteOps, a cloud vendor that works with Google and other public cloud vendors, told CRN. Although Fraser said he doesn’t have direct knowledge of Apple's deal with Google, he believes that Google is getting better at winning enterprise customers because it offers superior performance and pricing. "Google is actually the cheapest play in the market when you take into consideration everything they're doing and when you take into account their various incentives," Fraser said. "[They offer the] most cost savings, lowest pricing for what you actually get." Fraser said Google Cloud Platform, according to his company’s internal testing, has "better performance than any of the other major cloud providers." While AWS is the cloud of choice for many startups that can't afford or don't want to build their own infrastructure, it also has a growing list of big-name enterprise customers. Google has seen a slower march of customers to its cloud, a list that includes Snapchat, PricewaterhouseCoopers, General Mills, Coca-Cola, HTC and Best Buy. AWS has such a huge lead in the public cloud space -- with a 31 percent share of the market in the fourth quarter compared with Google's 4 percent, according to Synergy -- that losing some of Apple’s business likely won’t leave a lasting impact. Market researcher Gartner said last May that AWS has more cloud capacity in use than its next 14 competitors combined. SOURCE
    1 point
  4. Cu orice program de editat video poti face asta: Sony Vegas, Adobe After Effects, windows movie maker, etc.
    1 point
  5. Daca povestea asta a ta e reala (si ma indoiesc) ceea ce incearca sa iti zica ceilalti este ca nu e o fapta rea ca l-ai ajutat, dar faptul ca are o varsta mica, si ca nu are o pregatire temeinica in domeniu il va impiedica sa se angajeze pentru ca nu are credibilitate. Pentru el obiectivele actuale sunt sa il adopte cineva, si sa isi termine scoala. Nu incerca sa il arunci pe piata muncii pentru ca nu are sanse, mai bine cauta pe cineva dispus sa il adopte si care poate sa faca asta cu drag, sa nu aiba parte de violenta fizica/verbala.
    1 point
  6. La nivel de incepator orice pusti de 12-13 ani stie si nu il angajeaza nimeni si mai ales sa ii ofere si cazare. Oricum, sunt multi oameni cu cunostinte mult mult avansate si cursuri peste cursuri si nu ii angajeaza nimeni, deci nu cred ca o sa rezolvati mare smecherie.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Care "hacker" nu are dependenta dpdv medical ?L-au declarat apt psihologic,ba cica are o inteligenta peste medie,stie nu stiu cate limbi.Si a avut si interese financiare,l-a contactat chiar si pe Vantu ca sa-i vanda informatii.Ce mi se pare nelalocul lui,e faptul ca-l extradeaza romanii,odata ce toate infractiunile au fost facute pe teritoriul tarii.Eu sunt de parere ca un avocat bun s-ar fi luptat ca sa-si ispaseasca pedeapsa aici,punand accent pe faptul ca e un proces instrumentat politic.Si poate ca asa si e.
    1 point
  10. How to Recognize and Prevent Social Engineering Attacks A few weeks ago, two malicious social engineers impersonating the IRS called one of my close family friends. They yelled at her, threatened her, and told her she owed thousands of dollars in back taxes (not true). They knew her name, her address, and family members’ names. They told her they were outside her house. She was terrified. The attackers unsuccessfully tried to use fear to elicit an irrational decision (like transferring money to a random bank account). She was experiencing a vishing attack, one of the four primary methods of social engineering and one of the topics discussed in our recent webinar: Don’t Be Another Statistic: How To Recognize and Prevent Social Engineering Attacks. These types of attacks are directed towards companies every day, and they’re coming from all angles in many different forms. Hackers are capitalizing on fear, excitement, and other emotions to swindle organizations out of millions of dollars. Last week, we hosted an hour-long webinar featuring four social engineering experts, including Chris Hadnagy, founder and CEO at Social-Engineer, Inc. and author of several books, including Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking. Chris developed the world’s first social engineering penetration testing framework and has briefed more than 30 general officers and government officials at the Pentagon about social engineering and its effect on the United States. Sursa: http://blog.bettercloud.com/how-to-recognize-and-prevent-social-engineering-attacks/
    1 point
  11. Dupa cum zice si titlul caut un loc de munca pentru un baietel de 14 ani fara parinti care a fugit din centrul de plasament, l-am cazat la mine dar nu pot sa il tin mai mult si nu cred ca este bine sa stea la mine, oricum i-am luat un notebook la baiat si chiar daca se intoarce la centru poate sa lucreze online, stie: - linux scripting - wordpress (coding), prestashop (administrare si instalare) - batch si vbs scriere si comenzi stie putin php si mai mult js toate la nivel de incepator/basic. Ma gandesc ca poate cineva sa ii ofere cazare si ceva de facut intr-un mediu mai bun decat Vaslui~Negresti
    -5 points
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