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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/16 in all areas

  1. Original Article "You may remember that last year, a hacker exposed the inner workings of Hacking Team, a company that makes spyware for governments. Now that the dust has settled down, someone claiming to be the hacker has posted all the details on how he did it. The hack itself was executed using a common weakness: first, an embedded device within the network was found with a known zero-day weakness. From there, the hacker was able to get into an unencrypted backup and find the passwords for a Domain Admin server, which basically gave him the keys to the kingdom . There wasn’t one gaping security flaw: rather, it was a vulnerability in one tiny device (probably something like a router or network switch), which allowed the hacker to escalate his attack, through a series of small errors like unencrypted backups. But using those small vulnerabilities, the hacker got everything—emails, documents, and even the source code for Hacking Team’s software. " Pastebin story: http://pastebin.com/raw/0SNSvyjJ "Hacking Team was a company that helped governments hack and spy on journalists, activists, political opposition, and other threats to their power [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. And, occasionally, on actual criminals and terrorists [12]. Vincenzetti, the CEO, liked to end his emails with the fascist slogan "boia chi molla". It'd be more correct to say "boia chi vende RCS". They also claimed to have technology to solve the "problem" posed by Tor and the darknet [13]. But seeing as I'm still free, I have my doubts about its effectiveness."
    7 points
  2. Descarcati: https://github.com/nishad/udemy-dl-windows/releases Creati un cont nou pe udemy, nu conteaza ce email folositi pentru ca nu trebuie verificat Deschideti cursul dorit si apasati pe Start Free Preview (apare sub Take This Course) Rulati programul astfel: udemy-dl.exe -u email -p pass <link catre curs> Screenshots pentru cei batuti in cap: Spor la invatat
    1 point
  3. Sincer acum. Dupa cum suna problema ta, cu blocatul camerei dupa ce o deschizi, ti se pare ca este o problema hardware?
    1 point
  4. De ce te-ai bagat in el? ai iphone dar nu iti permiti sa te duci la un service ? acum posibil sa-l fi bulit de tot sau cel mai probabil o sa platesti mult mai mult daca te duceai cu el la cineva care se pricepe de prima data.
    1 point
  5. well, the article itself ain't that great, but the pastebin story is pretty well structured and documented.
    1 point
  6. Multumesc pentru raspunsul prompt. La adaptarea de impendanta nu ma gandisem.
    1 point
  7. Tocmai deaia am zis de schimb, iti dau ceva ce ti de folos. Eu o vreau, nu sa o folosesc, cum ziceam am un midland + antena midland ml 145, ci imi trebuie ca am un verisor ce e radioamator/ pasionat de chestii destea vechi si e un bun cadou pt ziua lui de nastere :)))
    1 point
  8. Cred ca e facut in .NET (iconita formei pare aceeasi cu iconita default la .net)
    1 point
  9. Salutare. As avea nevoie de un model de contract de munca pentru Statele Unite și pentru România , mă puteți ajuta cu un model ?
    -1 points
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