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1 point
Vand postari pe pagini destul de mari. Likeuri reale din Romania si de la romani din afara tarii. Am 5 pagini cu likeuri intre 7k si 52k. Pret postare: 2 euro la pagini pana in 30k si 3 euro la cele peste. Detalii pe mail la webmaster [at] nationalisti.ro1 point
Cumpar like-uri pentru o pagina de facebook . Ma intereseaza sa fie majoritatea din Ro si reali . Am nevoie de 20k-30k in functie de pret . Ps : doar de la oameni cu rep buna pe forum si de incredere , daca nu te incadrezi nu lasa reply sau pm ! . Multumesc1 point
Yet another blow to Bitcoin: One of the world's most popular exchanges of the cryptocurrency has suffered a major hack, leading to a loss of around $72 Million worth of Bitcoins. Hong Kong-based Bitcoin exchange 'Bitfinex' has posted a note on their website announcing the shutdown of its operation after discovering a security breach that allowed an attacker to steal some user funds. While the company did not mention a total amount lost in the breach, one of their employees — Bitfinex community director Zane Tackett — confirmed on Reddit that the total amount stolen was119,756 bitcoins — worth up to $72 Million in cash. The cause of the security breach and the hacker behind the incident is still unclear, but the attackers appear to have mysteriously bypassed Bitfinex’s mandated limits on withdrawals. Bitcoin Price Drops 20% After the Hack Bitfinex is the third-largest Bitcoin exchange in the world. After the news of the Bitfinex hack had broken on August 2, the price of Bitcoin dropped almost 20%, from $602.78 to $541 per Bitcoin, within the day after the announcement. The sudden dropout could be the result of the latest hack that likely made Bitcoin investors sell off their Bitcoin holdings, leading to a rapid decrease in Bitcoin price. Bitfinex's security firm Bitgo — a Palo Alto-based Bitcoin security company that allows bitcoin exchanges to provide separate, multi-signature wallets for each user's funds — tweeted earlier today, saying it has not found any "evidence of a breach on any BitGo servers" during its investigation. Although it’s unclear whether Bitfinex can sustain a loss of that magnitude, the company will address any customer losses following the result of their ongoing investigation. The bottom line: The best way to secure yourself is to go OFFLINE. The safest place to store your Bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency is on your own (if possible, offline) wallet; instead on any website or cryptocurrency exchange. Sursa: http://thehackernews.com/2016/08/bitcoin-exchange-price.html PS: Nu am timp să modific articolul, d-aia i-am dat paste direct așa.1 point
Have you heard of bitcoin laundering and mindfucking? Tare greu o fi sa si-i trimita lui insusi pe o alta adresa si daca face cineva scandal sa zica.. pai i-am primit la tombola, nu's eu de vina.1 point
About This Course Course Description "Great tutorial that is step by step on rooting your android phone. The instructor goes into depth on deploying various software that will root your phone. Warning rooting can void your warranty so make sure you use a phone that you don't mind experimenting with. " - Gerard DeSousa "Thank you so much for teaching this course. Now I can really own my Android!!! " - Jesse Rubiopadua "awesome course ... i Recommend to take it." - Mahmoud Mohamed Bakr The ultimate course on Android Hacks, the first thing would have assumed by hacks would be something illegal but believe me it is not anything wrong. This course simply helps you in learning hacking android to keep yourself Safe for ethical purposes and to make your device a super fast machine without doing anything wrong and without doing anything illegal. You would learn all possible ways to make your device a much better, efficient and much more powerful. This course will cover all possible and common but major problems that almost everyone is facing these days and no one has got any solution after even searching for hours on search engines but this course will completely clear your concepts and clearly show you the thing and solutions for what you're looking for. If we say that this course is a "Live saver" for Android user, we aren't saying anything wrong. First of all we'll cover a little bit theory of some concepts used in this course. After that we'll show you how you can implement the actual rooting process of an Android device very effectively and without doing anything wrong to your device. Also, if you have done anything wrong and all things are messed up. There is no need to worry we'll show you solution to every problem and guide you through every step in detail. We'll show you how you can get your stuff back even when the rooting process goes wrong. After that we'll show you some magnificent benefits of taking this course. We'll help you in making your device much more faster, efficient and more powerful, as I said previously. And this is not the end. We'll show you some extra magic lectures that you're going to love. So, what are you waiting for? Come on, enroll now and get this amazing course in your hands. What are the requirements? Basic computer skills like using windows powered computer What am I going to get from this course? Root his/her android device Make his device ad free Make free internal storage Increase his/her android device battery life Take complete backup of your device Automate his android device Track his/her android device even after someone makes factory reset Install different OS in any android device Increase processing speed of android device What is the target audience? Android users who want more out of their device Android app developers Android hobbyist Geeks Anyone who love Android mobile devices Course link: http://www.udemy.com/android-hacks/ Download link: Download //Mirror added: Download1 point
Enjoy Comcast_Dump https://mega.nz/#F!J5Rh3SgJ!y407XN3ntdExeQ6fHn9B9g ps3hax.net DUMP https://mega.nz/#F!845VCbhB!Uemklc_GXxugn5aC71v0nw1 point
1 point
Course Description This course is packed with essential, need to know info that is useful for tests. But most importantly, it gives you real world applications. There’s no reason to spend an additional 8 hours, following along as a boring, monotone voice reads off a pdf. Not when you can get this 2 hour, fast-paced work of art that keeps you on your toes and engaged the entire way through. What are the requirements? Basic networking knowledge What am I going to get from this course? 2+ hours of content and training, 20+ lessons packed with crucial need to-know-info, and MORE! Get our FREE course updates! All info is up-to-date and easy to follow Learn from a network Engineer with 20+ years of experience! Access to real world knowledge and application that can't be found anywhere else! Get the book knowledge quickly and efficiently with no fluff! Access to our unique and exclusive "Video Cheat Sheets"! Discover the secrets to deploying a fast converging and secure OSPF network Professionally edited videos videos with clear audio to make student enjoyment the best it can be Learn how to deploy OSPF on an enterprise or service provider network And More! What is the target audience? Anybody wanting to learn best practices in deploying OSPF Network engineers looking to advance in their careers and make more money Link Curs: LINK Download link: LINK1 point
1 point
De retinut ca depinde si de modelul / marca telefonului. Mie mi-au functionat cateva..altele nu...bine nici nu le-am testat pe toate ci doar cateva random.... *#*#778O#*#* = Factory Data Reset *#*#I472365#*#* = Starts a Quick GPS Test *#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* = Starts Audio Test *#*#2664#*#* = Starts Touch Screen Test #’#273283*255*663282*#*#* = Backup Media Files *#*#0283#*#* = Starts Packet Loopback Test *2767*3855# = Reinstalls The Phones Firmware & Format Your Phone *#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* = Starts Wireless LAN Test *#*# 1575#*#* = Starts Different GPS Tests *#*#4636#*#*‘ = Shows Complete Information About Your Phone *#*#2663#*#* = Shows Touch Screen Version *#*#232337#*# = Displays Bluetooth Device Address *#*#4986*2650468#*#* = Shows PDA, Phone Hardware, RF& Call Date *#*#44336#*#* = Displays Build Time *#06# = Displays IMEI Number *#*#8255#*#* = Google Talk Service Monitoring *#*#I II I#*#* | *‘#*#2222#*#* = Shows FTA Software Version & FTA Hardware Version *#*#3264#*#* = Shows ROMVersion *#*#23233I#‘*#* = Starts Bluetooth Test *#*# 1234#’#’ = Shows PDA & Phone Firmware Information *#*#0*#*#*= Starts LCD Display Test *#*#0842#*#* Starts Vibration & Backlight Test *#*#0588#*#* = Shows Proximity Sensor Test *#*#232338#*#* = Shows Wi-Fi Mac Address *#*#7262626#*#*= Shows Field Test *#*#34971539#*#* = Shows Camera Update *#*#19732840#*#* = Enables Test Mode *#06# – Shows IMEI number *#0*# – Shows Service Menu (Galaxy S III + ) *#*#4636#*#* – Shows Phone Information,Usage Statistics &Battery Information *#*#34971539#*#* – Shows Detailed Camera Information *#*#273282*255*663282*#*#* – Immediate Backup of AllMedia Files *#*#197328640#*#* – EnablesTest Mode For Service *#*#232339#*#* – Wireless LAN Tests *#*#0842#*#* – Backlight & Vibration Test *#*#2664#*#* – Touch Screen Test *#*#1111#*#* – FTA Software Version (if 1111 does not work try 1234) *#12580*369# – Software &Hardware Information *#9090# – Diagnostic Configuration *#872564# – USB Logging Control *#9900# – System Dump Mode *#301279# – HSDPA/HSUPA Control Menu *#7465625# – ViewsPhone Lock Status *#*#7780#*#* – Resets The Data Partition To Factory State *2767*3855# – FormatsDevice to Factory State (will delete everything on phone) ##7764726 – Hidden Service Menu (forsome Motorola Droid series) *#*#7594#*#* – EnablesDirect Powering Down of Device (once this code is entered) *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* –Quick Backup of All The Media Files On Your Android Device *#*#232338#*#* – Shows Wi-Fi MAC Address *#*#1472365#*#* – Performs a Quick GPS Test *#*#1575#*#* – For a More Advanced GPS Test *#*#0283#*#* – Performs a Packet Loopback Test *#*#0*#*#* – Runs a LCD Display Test *#*#0289#*#* – Runsan Audio Test *#*#2663#*#* – ShowsDevice’s Touch Screen Version *#*#0588#*#* – Performs a Proximity Sensor Test *#*#3264#*#* – Shows RAM Version *#*#232331#*#* – Runs Bluetooth Test *#*#232337#*# – Shows device’s Bluetooth Address *#*#7262626#*#* – Performs a Field Test *#*#8255#*#* – Monitors Google Talk Service *#*#4986*2650468#*#* – Shows Phone, Hardware, PDA, RF Call Date & Firmware Information *#*#1234#*#* – Shows PDA & Phone Firmware Information *#*#2222#*#* – Shows FTA Hardware Version *#*#44336#*#* – Shows Build Time &Change List Number *#*#8351#*#* – Enables Voice Dialing Log Mode *#*#8350#*#* – Disables Voice Dialing Log Mode ##778 (+call) – Shows EPST Menu *#*#7594#*#* – EnablesDirect Powering Down of device once this code is entered *#*#232338#*#* – Shows Wi-Fi MAC Address Specific Codes for HTC devices:- *#*#3424#*#* – Runs HTC Function Test Program ##786# – Reverse Logistics Support ##3282# – Shows EPST Menu ##3424# – RunsDiagnostic Mode *#*#8255#*#* – Launches Google Talk Service Monitor ##33284# – PerformsField Test ##8626337# – Runs VOCODER *#*#4636#*#* – Shows HTC Info Menu1 point
Ethereum nu e afectat iar cel care a facut hack-ul o sa fie blocat in a retrage banii. Problema era in smart contractul de la DAO iar atacatorul a reusit sa execute functia "split" in mod recursiv pentru a sustrage bani. Solutia a prezentat-o Vitalik pe blogul Ethereum: https://blog.ethereum.org/2016/06/17/critical-update-re-dao-vulnerability/ Contul care a furat tokenii DAO puteti sa-l urmariti aici: https://live.ether.camp/account/304a554a310C7e546dfe434669C62820b7D83490 Desii nu am avut timp sa citesc, detalii despre buguri in smart contracts puteti sa gasiti aici: http://hackingdistributed.com/2016/06/16/scanning-live-ethereum-contracts-for-bugs/ On-topic: Sunt tare curios ce se va intampla la halving. Pretul creste cel mai probabil in cauza ca se apropie halvingul. Multi sunt de parere ca pretul trebuie sa creasca pentru ca daca or sa se genereze 12.5 BTC in loc de 25, scade supply-ul pe cand cererea ramane aceasi sau creste. Deci asta inseamna ca creste si pretul. Pana unde creste, n-am idee.1 point
1 point
Salut am mirc ,dar am nevoie de cont gen cu booti sa pot da flood servere si ip tot felu sunt incepator ofer primul paysafe la cont cu posturi multe sau grad mare id meu este nalexandru@yahoo.com ,mai intai imi aratati un test ofer maxim 50 lei paysafe dar la 50 lei vreau ceva foarte bun ,sau aproximativ 25 lei paysafe deci 25-50 pentru cativa booti Mirc sa dau un flood mini flood sa zic asa ,ms . astept .-3 points