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  1. Ma intreaba pe mine ce am facut pentru tara mea si de ce am fugit :))) - Am facut stagiul militar pentru o tara plina de hoti. Normal trebuia sa jur ca apar tara de politicieni si conducatorii ei. - Am facut o facultate. - Am investit bani in business-uri pe care le-a futut statul roman. - Am contribuit la buget (taxe si impozite), sa aibe taica-tu pensie. Am primit un sut in gaoaza, asa cum o sa primiti toti. Bag pula in statul roman si in drapelul babuinilor. Daca intra Rusia peste voi, merg si ma inrolez in armata RUSA.
    6 points
  2. Este cu dus si intors... - Nu se stie daca bani au fost in casa pe bune sau ... sunt in alta parte ( trebuie facuta dovada ca banii au fost acolo ) - trebuie sa se faca o dovada clara precum ca el a intrat in posesia acelei sume ( daca ieri nu avea de un ou si astazi si-a cumparat bmw ... este clar de unde are ... doar nu a castigat la loto ) - Ai foarte multe cai de atac si poti ataca decizia pana la inalta curte de justitie si casatie... - Nu ma pricep foarte bine la legislativ... dar daca esti din Bucuresti te pot pune in legatura cu un avocat ce eu am colaborat si a fost super si mega ok... Pe aici multi isi vor da cu parerea dar putin si cunosc... pareri sunt multe ... dar legea este alta... - Suma sa o recuperezi este tardiv... daca a cheltuit-o ramane sa iti de-a daca se decide... Cel mai bine nu cauta astfel de raspunsuri aici sau pe avocatnet.ro ci mergi in oras la tine la avocati si cerele parerea , sfatul si vezi cine te poate ajuta.... Nu pune la suflet ... vor fi destul de multi rautaciosi pe aici.
    4 points
  3. Nu poti sa scoti fisa in timp ce merge motorul? Daca face urat inseamna ca este bun injectorul, daca nu se intampla nimic cand scoti fisa la un injector inseamna ca este defect. Conecteaza firul negru la borna negativa si pe cel rosiu la borna pozitiva a injectorului. Roteste discul multimetrului la ohmi ( Ω ) si selecteaza intervalul de masurare potrivit.
    2 points
  4. File-in-the-middle hijackers Posted August 23, 2016 by Pieter Arntz We are not sure if this is going to be a new trend among browser hijackers, but it seems more than a coincidence that we found two browser hijackers using a very similar approach to reach their goal of taking victims to the sites of their choice. Both are using one of their own files to act as a file-in-the-middle between the user and the browser. Let’s compare them. Dotdo Audio Dotdo is a strain of hijackers that we have discussed before for using different and more “out of bounds” methods to get the job done. I named this variant “audio” because it uses audio advertisements. But that is not our focus here. It’s the replacement of browser executables with their own that raised our interest. The installer renames the files firefox.exe and chrome.exe, if present, and adds a number to the filename. It then hides these renamed files and replaces them with its own files. The screenshot above shows you the hidden and renamed Chrome file, in the same folder as the replacement. I changed the settings for hidden files so that we can see them. In a similar screenshot below we can see that the same was done for Firefox. Note that all the changes are misdated, they were all made 8/10/2016. For the hijacker using the method of replacing files this has the advantage that they don’t have to follow the more common method of altering shortcuts. All the shortcuts the user has on his desktop, startmenu, taskbar, and anywhere else, can stay the same as the folder and filename they are pointing to are still valid and now under control of the hijacker. Then, when the false browser is started the hijacker will trigger the renamed chrome.exe and add some extra instructions. As a result the victim will be able to surf as he expected and probably ask himself where the audio advertisements are coming from. HPRewriter2 This one was named after the entry it makes in the list of installed Programs and Features. The browsers are hijacked to open with traffic-media[dot]co by altering the browser shortcuts for: Chrome Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Yandex The target of the shortcuts is altered to C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\HPRewriter2\RewRun3.exe {version number} as shown in the example below. Triggering Rewrun3.exe without a version number accomplishes nothing (it will not run), but with the version number forwarded by the shortcuts, Rewrun3 opens the targeted browser with the traffic-media[dot]co site or one of their redirects. Summary We discussed two hijackers from very different families and using different methods, but they also had a few things in common. They want the victims to hear/see their advertisements and they used a file-in-the-middle between the browser shortcuts and the actual browser in order to alter the browsers behavior to meet their goals. Additional information File properties: Dotdo hijack installer SHA1: 0d16eae1f5748410fa047daa533d0ebbd994ea1c Firefox.exe (fake) SHA1: 53a77f64595b1fb65a88247a324458f569e3d12a Chrome.exe (fake) SHA1: 501c9a6b224f58773b603675a71624d7e7353d1f HPRewriter2 installer SHA1: f96399f3b91218f30a9e58fce8009eaab5521398 Rewrun3.exe SHA1: 117db3909a2507e162a6361be1f4e5950f017e7d Removal guides: Dotdo Audio HPRewriter2 Protection and detection Because of the intrusive changes the Dotdo installer makes it was classified as a Trojan. The resulting changes to the system are detected and removed as PUP.Optional.DotDo and PUP.Optional.MultiPlug. Likewise some of the main files involved in the HPRewriter2 hijack are detected as Trojans. The resulting changes to the system are detected and removed as PUP.Optional.HPDefender. As a result of the Trojan detections Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium users are protected against these threats even if they don’t have the Non-Malware Protection enabled. Save yourself the hassle and get protected too. Pieter Arntz Sursa: https://blog.malwarebytes.com/cybercrime/2016/08/file-in-the-middle-hijackers/
    2 points
  5. rover Proof of Concept code for CVE-2016-5696 Rover is a small python program to discover abitrary client source ports as shown in CVE-2016-569. Once the source port is known, the 4 tuple of information needed to confirm that two host are communicating can be completed. When run, rover establishes a connection with the target server, syncs its internal clock to the server challenge ack time, then begins to search through the default ephemeral port range of most linux hosts (this can be changed if required). For more information, find the original paper here This has been tested to run on kali 1.0 against an Ubuntu 14.04 SSH server. It should work against others, however some modification to the code may/will be needed. Requirements are: Python2.7 Scapy 2.3.2 Usage is as follows: rover.py [-h] -c -s -p 22 [-v v, vv] CVE2016-5969 Demonstrator. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c The target client IP. -s The target server IP. -p 22 The target server port. -v v, vv The verbosity level Rover will complete in approx 1-2 minutes, depending on the quality of sync. Some important notes. Rover is bandwith dependant. It currently sends out 700 packets a second. If it fails to do so in the required time, the program will fail. I have included the line: os.system('iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP') because the kernel will reset a scapy connection by default. This must be in IPTABLES for the program to work. If you use vmware, keep in mind that workstation and player limit bandwith. This may cause issues. If so, use a physical host for the attack machine. Link: https://github.com/violentshell/rover
    2 points
  6. Eu sunt unu din aia care a intrat pe forum cu 13-14 ani (acum 6-7 ani), care se ruga de bunnn sa imi faca si mie un stealer fud, care punea 12 intrebari pe ora, si cerea ajutor peste tot, care era luat la pula de vre-o 5 ori pe zi, care ii era frica de pax(cred ca asa i se zicea, ca ziceau toti ca e bulangiu atent grav cand mai tinea nemesis morala printr-un post sau pe chat, ca se vedea ca stie omu ce zice. Acelasi eu, acum ,multumita forumului, am ajuns pentester la o firma din strainatate, totul din cauza RST, HackPedia, influentelor lu epic, neme, pax, tex, bunnn, adonis si altii care nu imi mai amintesc, daca nu poate ca ajungeam lopatar, gropar sau drogalau prin parc. Asa ca profit de moment, chiar daca nu are treaba cu tema. Vroiam sa va multumesc la toti
    2 points
  7. La noi e cu invers... te-ar împinge ei de la spate să ajungă coletele mai repede :)))))
    1 point
  8. Da, o sa le pun patrate la loc, thanks. Unde au disparut? Daca a aparut imaginea default in loc de avatar, inteleg, nu am ce face, trebuie puse din nou.
    1 point
  9. netdata Aug 21st, 2016: Netdata got health monitoring - alarms May 16th, 2016 netdata v1.2.0 released! 30% faster! netdata registry, the first step towards scaling out performance monitoring! real-time Linux Containers monitoring! dozens of additional new features, optimizations, bug-fixes May 1st, 2016320.000+ views, 92.000+ visitors, 28.500+ downloads, 11.000+ github stars, 700+ forks, 1 month! And it still runs with 600+ git downloads... per day! Check what our users say about netdata. Real-time performance monitoring, done right! This is the default dashboard of netdata: real-time, per second updates, snappy refreshes! 300+ charts out of the box, 2000+ metrics monitored! zero configuration, zero maintenance, zero dependencies! Live demo: http://netdata.firehol.org Features netdata is a highly optimized Linux daemon providing real-time performance monitoring for Linux systems, Applications, SNMP devices, over the web! It tries to visualize the truth of now, in its greatest detail, so that you can get insights of what is happening now and what just happened, on your systems and applications. This is what you get: Stunning bootstrap dashboards, out of the box (themable: dark, light) Blazingly fast and super efficient, mostly written in C (for default installations, expect just 2% of a single core CPU usage and a few MB of RAM) Zero configuration - you just install it and it autodetects everything Zero dependencies, it is its own web server for its static web files and its web API Zero maintenance, you just run it, it does the rest Custom dashboards that can be built using simple HTML (no javascript necessary) Extensible, you can monitor anything you can get a metric for, using its Plugin API (anything can be a netdata plugin - from BASH to node.js, so you can easily monitor any application, any API) Embeddable, it can run anywhere a Linux kernel runs and its charts can be embedded on your web pages too Link: https://github.com/firehol/netdata
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Nu am dat cu matura prin nimic si sunt inapoi in Germania. Mi-am dat seama ca locul meu nu este intr-o tara in care coruptia si prostia sunt la rang de cinste. Nu trebuie sa citesti prin ziare. Deja esti plictisitor. Deci cu celalalte puncte esti de acord. La obiect, de ce nu numesti acei doi moderatori si sa aduci argumente ? Nu o mai da in diverse aiurea, mai bine spui direct ce te deranjaza.
    1 point
  12. "Sec-1 Ltd partnered with AppCheck.com to undertake a research project investigating the security challenges posed by next generation web applications. The project included an investigation of Cross-Origin communication mechanisms provided via HTML5 including postMessage and CORS." Link: https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/40287.pdf
    1 point
  13. Cred ca ar fi interesant sa discutam punctele tale de vedere. 1. Da-ti seama ca probleme apar si la corporatii precum Yahoo, Microsoft, Google. Inclusiv probleme de securitate grave. Asta e doar un forum. Avem familie, job si nu e timp asa berechet pentru a face ceva pe el. In plus, nu avem bani precum corporatiile mentionate anterior. 2. Esti exemplul clasic de Roman care nu isi face curat in fata portii si asteapta primaria sa vina pentru a face asta. Pune osul la munca daca vrei sa se schimbe ceva. Suntem un popor de curve, lenesi, prosti, fricosi, ciorditori si smenari. Desigur, nu ne asumam niciodata vina pentru ceva. Clasa politica e vinovata ca esti tu prost. Hahaha. 3. S-au pierdut ceva informatii de pe forum odata cu migrarea lui pe alta platforma. Asta e, am pierdut mai multe in viata cu totii. Suntem vai de pula noastra si ne-a fost furata inclusiv tara iar tu te vaiti pe o bucata de forum ca au disparut ceva posturi (cel mai probabil cu link-uri porno sau jocuri). 4. Sunt baieti aici care au 14-17 ani si stiu matematica, fizica si programare mai mult decat multi olimpici. Intre uscaturi poti gasi si oameni buni (daca stii sa-i cauti). Asta a fost si principalul motiv pentru care nu ne-am bagat pula-n el de forum. 5. Care din ei ? 6. Deci nu esti programator. Ma intreb care e profilul tau. Ti-ai facut si user nou. Generatie de barbati pizdificati.
    1 point
  14. Vand baza de date MySql al unui serviciu VoIP-SiP din afara tarii pret 15 euro detalii PM --------------------- Vand redirecturi xss (doar redirecturi nu mai intereseaza pt. cookie asta o sa vedeti voi daca are sau nu dupa tranzactie) pret de la 5 euro pana la 300 euro pe domeniile importante detalii PM
    -1 points
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