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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/17 in all areas

  1. Hello, I am poor student, please donate I need money for laptop. Background of me: I was CEO of HackYard security group. Recruited and paved the path for some of the world's greatest talent IT in cybernetics & malcoding. I was an engineer at HP. I am highly proficient in securing servers, linux, metasploit. Even if you upload shell.. cant do shit.. too secured. Regards, El Comandante
    1 point
  2. ShellcodeCompiler primeste ca parametru un script (limbaj asemanator cu C/C++) si genereaza cod ASM. Acel cod ASM e asamblat cu NASM si rezulta shellcode-ul. PS: Acel ASM generat e creat special sa functioneze ca un shellcode (gaseste dinamic functiile pe care le apeleaza, parametrii sunt pusi pe stack, inclusiv sirurile de caractere).
    1 point
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