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  1. Depinde de ce calitate doresti si ce buget ai.. daca dai detalii iti pot spune. Arunca o geana pe https://aws.amazon.com/polly/
    1 point
  2. "When your taxi driver is telling you to buy stock, you know it's time to sell" Restul e cancan.
    1 point
  3. Bitcoin doesn’t have intrinsic or inherent value. This isn’t as serious a handicap as it might seem, because nothing has intrinsic value. Not government notes, not gold, not even grain, or salt. Intrinsic value cannot exist because value is subjective. Value exists only in minds. A mind imputes value to a particular instance of a thing in accordance with how useful it believes that thing will be in the service of satisfying its wants. Human wants are subjective. Wants, and their relative intensities, vary from person to person, and from day to day. https://medium.com/@mormo_music/bitcoin-has-no-intrinsic-value-neither-does-gold-464584a505e6 Another source of concern—that bitcoin is dicey because it lacks “intrinsic value”—is a weak argument. In truth, almost nothing in the world of trading and money has “intrinsic value.” Money has only the value that is ascribed to it over time. Fiat currency, issued by nations, has always faced distrust from skeptics who say it is backed only a government’s good faith. That helps explain the nostalgia for the gold standard, when dollars and other government paper represented a fractional interest in gold. Dig a bit deeper, however, and it becomes clear that gold itself has no intrinsic value. Its supply is limited (as is bitcoin, a strength of the digital currency), creating a relationship between supply and demand that cannot easily be manipulated. But gold itself has no value per se other than that ascribed to it by humans over time. It’s easy to believe in its value because people have done so for thousands of years, but that doesn’t translate into actual value, only greater trust. https://www.wired.com/story/bitcoin-has-no-intrinsic-value-neither-does-a-dollar1-bill/ Cum ii pana la urma cu valoarea intrinseca? Nu stiu de ce te agiti, fiecare varianta are avantaje si dezavantaje. Si nu vad cum ar functiona treaba(economia) doar cu crypto fara fiat, daca ne gandim la sustinerea guvernamentala si legislatia din spate. Poate sti tu mai bine cum ar fi fara monezi controlate de guverne sau legi.
    1 point
  4. Tutoriale in limba romana: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O2cqrDEdX_1Vag9wWQC6ovBgeoXDk0BB https://1drv.ms/f/s!ApMTkgZGX6psgSKu1b1xhgu1SjWJ Intra in subdirectorul Programare(RO) Acolo gasesti tutoriale limbaj de asamblare (majoritatea - 11), algoritmica, C++. Carte MySQL Romana, si Java.
    1 point
  5. Parerea mea este ca ceea ce au facut ei este un tutorial despre cum sa conectezi un JTAG. Nu mi se pare ceva amazing.
    1 point
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