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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/19 in all areas

  1. Pentru ca de multe ori am cerut ajutorul aici si de prea putine ori l-am oferit inapoi, va pun la dispozitie toate cartile mele de Cisco. Doar Cisco am ca asa mananc painea zilnica. https://we.tl/t-m69KrEzFGx https://we.tl/t-HrRwcciXqn De asemenea, pentru cine merita am toate cursurile de la INE (CCNA, CCNP & CCIE), atat R&S cat si Security, CBTNuggets, GNS3WorkBench, Pearson IT Certifications, Packt, RouteHUB si IpExperts, care se gasesc foarte greu astazi, pentru ca IpExperts a fost inchis. Cine stie, cunoaste. Ca sa va incadrati la culoarea rosie nu trebuie sa fi cerut invitatii FileList si sa fiti vechi. Toate cursurile video sunt platite si downlodate, asa ca e dreptul meu sa aleg cui le dau. PS: De ceva timp am inceput sa-mi blestem zilele cu CCIE-ul si as avea mare nevoie de cursurile celor de la IpExperts. Cum ei nu mai sunt pe piata, iar eu am doar CCNP de la ei, nu prea am de unde sa le mai iau. Cine le are si crede ca le merit, multumesc.
    1 point
  2. Discuss anonymously with nearby people Clandesto is the place where you can discuss anything, with people within your radius and get awarded with karma points. APP STORE PLAY STORE So what's Clandesto all about? Local community Clandesto is your local community that shows you a live feed from people within your radius. Share news, events, funny experiences, and jokes easier than ever! Join your community Upvote the good and downvote the bad. By voting on posts, you have the power to decide what's your community talking about. Install CLANDESTO Find your group Find your local group, wether it's a neightbourhood, college campus, district, or village. You can also start your own private or public group. Find your group Website: https://clandesto.app/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/clandestoapp Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clandesto/ Detalii: https://start-up.ro/cand-gdpr-ul-iti-da-o-idee-de-business-clandesto-socializare-anonima/
    1 point
  3. @aismen vezi ca vrea omu invitatie. Parca tu aveai.
    1 point
  4. A technique to evade Content Security Policy (CSP) leaves surfers using the latest version of Firefox vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) exploits. Researcher Matheus Vrech uncovered a full-blown CSP bypass in the latest version of Mozilla’s open source web browser that relies on using an object tag attached to a data attribute that points to a JavaScript URL. The trick allows potentially malicious content to bypass the CSP directive that would normally prevent such objects from being loaded. Vrech developed proof-of-concept code that shows the trick working in the current version of Firefox (version 69). The Daily Swig was able to confirm that the exploit worked. The latest beta versions of Firefox are not vulnerable, as Vrech notes. Chrome, Safari, and Edge are unaffected. If left unaddressed, the bug could make it easier to execute certain XSS attacks that would otherwise be foiled by CSP. The Daily Swig has invited Mozilla to comment on Vrech’s find, which he is hoping will earn recognition under the software developer’s bug bounty program. The researcher told The Daily Swig about how he came across the vulnerability. “I was playing ctf [capture the flag] trying to bypass a CSP without object-src CSP rule and testing some payloads I found this non intended (by anyone) way,” he explained. “About the impact: everyone that was stuck in a bug bounty XSS due to CSP restrictions should have reported it by this time.” Content Security Policy is a technology set by websites and used by browsers that can block external resources and prevent XSS attacks. PortSwigger researcher Gareth Heyes discussed this and other aspect of browser security at OWASP’s flagship European event late last month. Sursa: https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/firefox-vulnerable-to-trivial-csp-bypass
    1 point
  5. Vreau sa inchid contul pe Romanian Security Team Security, cum procedez?
    0 points
  6. Da, un milog este o persoana care se milogeste, care cere anumite beneficii in schimbul a NIMIC. Adica, si un strain ar stii ce inseamna asta, fara sa cautr in Dex. Si acum sa revenim, tu ce faci aici? Produci ceva in urma cererii tale? Oferi ceva la schimb? Nu, doar ceri mila. Adica milog.
    -1 points
  7. Daca poate sa imi dea si mie cnv un cod de FileList va rog
    -1 points
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