Ce am mai gasit:
https://books.google.ro/books?id=U8VUaUiYohIC&pg=PA220&lpg=PA220&dq=crypto+ag+backdoor&source=bl&ots=_ZsWOLlTwp&sig=ACfU3U0Tfj1GP1jvKO9whpgEcIKNAQHNig&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZ6oXf9sznAhVRAxAIHUCnC0A4FBDoATAAegQIBhAE#v=onepage&q=crypto ag backdoor&f=false
Si sursa carti aici:
Cartea e din 2000 si gigelul ala care a scris-o a mentionat ceva de '95.
6.1.1. Privacy dangers
n 1995, Der Spiegel and The Baltimore Sun reported that the NSA since 1957
had a secret deal with the Swiss cryptography company Crypto AG, under
which Crypto AG built backdoor access into its encryption products; see Bam-
ford [19, Chapter 8], Global Network Navigator [188], Strehle [364], the Bal-
timore Sun [371], and Madsen [254].
2000? 2020? WTF?!?!?!