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  1. Mai jos vom posta sursele de la challenge-urile de la CTF-ul RSTCon #1.
    1 point
  2. Web - Platforma Intranet (Dragos) Requirements to run the challenge web server with PHP 7.2 or later openssl PHP module Installation copy files and deploy them on the web server add the server's hostname as a Trusted Origin in the Okta tenant used update the callback URL in index.php and in Okta tenant https://github.com/RSTCon/ctf-web-intranetplatform Nota: Pentru a rula challenge-ul local, va trebui: sa creati un tenant de Okta de aici sa creati o aplicatie de OpenID Connect in Okta (Admin >> Applications >> Add Application) sa adaugati callback URL-ul in index.php sub tab-ul General in tenant si userul vostru sub Assignments sa adaugati hostname-ul de la server (ex. localhost) in Trusted Origins cu optiunea de Redirect (Admin >> API >> Trusted Origins) sa setati callback url-ul in index.php sa fie identic cu ce ati setat in Okta Daca aveti probleme cu setarea challenge-ului local, dati-mi un pm.
    1 point
  3. Web - Motorul de cautare pentru vulnerabilitati (Dragos) Requirements to run the challenge web server with PHP 7.2 or later Installation copy files and deploy them on the web server https://github.com/RSTCon/ctf-web-vulnerability-search-engine
    1 point
  4. Web - Aresty File Uploader (Dragos) Requirements to run the challenge web server with PHP 7.2 or later Installation copy files and deploy them on the web server https://github.com/RSTCon/ctf-web-aresty-file-uploader
    1 point
  5. Misc - Ceainicul (Dragos) Requirements to run the challenge web server with PHP 7.2 or later Installation copy files and deploy them on the web server https://github.com/RSTCon/ctf-web-teapot
    1 point
  6. Intreaba-l pe cel de la care l-ai furat
    1 point
  7. Il returnezi posesorului
    1 point
  8. Vrei sa anulezi update-urile viitoare sau sa stergi din cele deja facute? Daca doresti sa stergi, se poate din "view update history" - "uninstall updates". Daca doresti sa opresti update-urile viitoare, atunci trebuie sa le faci pe toate la zi si dupa vei avea optiunea de stop updates pentru 3 luni sau ceva de genul.
    1 point
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