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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/21 in all areas

  1. 1000 de lei vs 10000 dolari, IT-istul român alege 1000 de lei. Nu ii nici un paradis fiscal, ii forta de munca ieftina motivul principal.
    2 points
  2. Microsoft Office Word RCE Exploit
    1 point
  3. Șeful ANRE are un salariu de 12.000 de euro. Este IT-st de profesie cum poti sa spui ca nu se castiga bine
    1 point
  4. Corect. Sunt scutit de impozit, dar mi se pare corect sa ne impoziteze. In cazul fericit, angajatorul va compensa diferenta. In cazul nefericit, multi isi vor schimba job-ul si se vor duce la alte firme si in loc de 100 lei cat aveau inainte de impozitare vor cere 110 lei sau poate mai mult. Nu va pleca nici o firma din Romania, nu sunt idioti sa renunte la paradisul fiscal de la noi.
    1 point
  5. Toate bune bro. Il pierdusem pe Tex dintr-o zona unde imparteam intre noi mici, cefe de porc, carnati si alte nenorociri la gratar si m-am gandit ca il gasesc aici. Altfel na, m-am uitat si eu in urma mea aici sa vad ce faceam pe vremea aia, sa vad ce personaje mai recunosc etc.
    1 point
  6. Eu m-am intors in vizita pentru ca il pierdusem pe @aelius Salutari personajelor cu vechime.
    1 point
  7. SilentXMRMiner v1.4.4 - Based on Lime Miner v0.3 Can mine all the following algorithms and thus all the cryptocurrencies that use them: List of algorithms Main Features .NET - Coded in C#, requires .NET Framework 4.5 Injection (Silent/Hidden) - Hide payload behind another process like explorer.exe, conhost.exe, svchost.exe or some other process CPU & GPU Mining - Can mine on Both CPU and GPU (Nvidia & AMD) Idle Mining - Can be configured to mine at different usages or not at all while computer is or isn't in use Stealth - Pauses the miner and clears the GPU memory while any of the programs in the "Stealth Targets" option are open Watchdog - Replaces the miner file if removed and starts it if the injected miner is closed down Remote Configuration - Can get the miner settings remotely from a URL every 100 minutes Bypass Windows Defender - Adds exclusions into Windows Defender for the general folders the miner uses Online Downloader - Can download the miner binary during runtime to greatly decrease file size and detections Download Links : https://github.com/UnamSanctam/SilentXMRMiner https://github.com/UnamSanctam/SilentETHMiner
    1 point
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