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  1. @aelius astia nu stiu ce e aia clonare. Exista emjoi care se inchina?
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. " In conclusion, cloning your SIM card means copying all the data unto another phone or SIM card. "
    1 point
  4. Ride hailing giant Uber disclosed Thursday it's responding to a cybersecurity incident involving a breach of its network and that it's in touch with law enforcement authorities. The New York Times first reported the incident. The company pointed to its tweeted statement when asked for comment on the matter. The hack is said to have forced the company to take its internal communications and engineering systems offline as it investigated the extent of the breach. The publication said the malicious intruder compromised an employee's Slack account, and leveraged it to broadcast a message that the company had "suffered a data breach," in addition to listing internal databases that's supposed to have been compromised. "It appeared that the hacker was later able to gain access to other internal systems, posting an explicit photo on an internal information page for employees," the New York Times said. Uber has yet to offer additional details about the incident, but it seems that the hacker, believed to be an 18-year-old teenager, social-engineered the employee to get hold of their password by masquerading as a corporate IT person and used it to obtain a foothold into the internal network. "Once on the internal network, the attackers found high privileged credentials laying on a network file share and used them to access everything, including production systems, corp EDR console, [and] Uber slack management interface," Kevin Reed, chief information security officer at Acronis, told The Hacker News. This is not Uber's first breach. It came under scrutiny for failing to properly disclose a 2016 data breach affecting 57 million riders and drivers, and ultimately paying off the hackers $100,000 to hide the breach. It became public knowledge only in late 2017. Federal prosecutors in the U.S. have since charged its former security officer, Joe Sullivan, with an alleged attempted cover-up of the incident, stating he had "instructed his team to keep knowledge of the 2016 breach tightly controlled." Sullivan has contested the accusations. In December 2021, Sullivan was handed down additional three counts of wire fraud to previously filed felony obstruction and misprision charges. "Sullivan allegedly orchestrated the disbursement of a six-figure payment to two hackers in exchange for their silence about the hack," the superseding indictment said. It further said he "took deliberate steps to prevent persons whose PII was stolen from discovering that the hack had occurred and took steps to conceal, deflect, and mislead the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about the data breach." The latest breach also comes as the criminal case against Sullivan went to trial in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco. "The compromise is certainly bigger compared to the breach in 2016," Reed said. "Whatever data Uber keeps, the hackers most probably already have access." Source: https://thehackernews.com/2022/09/uber-says-its-investigating-potential.html
    1 point
  5. socialscan is an accurate command-line tool to check For email and social media username usage on online platforms, given an email address or username, socialscan returns whether it is available, taken or invalid on online platforms. Other similar tools check username availability by requesting the profile page of the username in question and based on information like the HTTP status code or error text on the requested page, determine whether a username is already taken. This is a naive approach that fails in the following cases: Reserved keywords: Most platforms have a set of keywords that they don’t allow to be used in usernames (A simple test: try checking reserved words like ‘admin’ or ‘home’ or ‘root’ and see if other services mark them as available) Deleted/banned accounts: Deleted/banned account usernames tend to be unavailable even though the profile pages might not exist Therefore, these tools tend to come up with false positives and negatives. This method of checking is also dependent on platforms having web-based profile pages and cannot be extended to email addresses. socialscan aims to plug these gaps by directly querying the registration servers of the platforms instead, retrieving the appropriate CSRF tokens, headers, and cookies. Install Socialscan Command-Line Tool To Check For Email And Social Media Username Usage pip > pip install socialscan > git clone https://github.com/iojw/socialscan.git > cd socialscan > pip install . ocialscan Command-Line Tool To Check For Email And Social Media Username Usage usage: socialscan [list of usernames/email addresses to check] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --platforms [platform [platform ...]], -p [platform [platform ...]] list of platforms to query (default: all platforms) --view-by {platform,query} view results sorted by platform or by query (default: query) --available-only, -a only print usernames/email addresses that are available and not in use --cache-tokens, -c cache tokens for platforms requiring more than one HTTP request (Snapchat, GitHub, Instagram. Lastfm & Tumblr), reducing total number of requests sent --input input.txt, -i input.txt file containg list of queries to execute --proxy-list proxy_list.txt file containing list of HTTP proxy servers to execute queries with --verbose, -v show query responses as they are received --show-urls display profile URLs for usernames on supported platforms (profiles may not exist if usernames are reserved or belong to deleted/banned accounts) --json json.txt output results in JSON format to the specified file --version show program's version number and exit You can download Socialscan here: socialscan-v1.4.2.zip Or read more here. Sources: darknet.org.uk github.com
    1 point
  6. Arunca un ochi si pe aici https://regexlib.com/ si https://regex101.com/
    1 point
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