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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/17 in all areas

  1. Sursa: http://thehackernews.com/2017/06/android-rooting-malware.html A new Android-rooting malware with an ability to disable device’ security settings in an effort to perform malicious tasks in the background has been detected on the official Play Store. What's interesting? The app was smart enough to fool Google security mechanism by first pretending itself to be a clean app and then temporarily replacing it with a malicious version. Security researchers at Kaspersky Lab discovered a new piece of Android rooting malware that was being distributed as gaming apps on the Google Play Store, hiding behind puzzle game "colourblock," which was being downloaded at least 50,000 times prior to its removal. Dubbed Dvmap, the Android rooting malware disables device's security settings to install another malicious app from a third-party source and also injects malicious code into the device system runtime libraries to gain root access and stay persistent. "To bypass Google Play Store security checks, the malware creators used a very interesting method: they uploaded a clean app to the store at the end of March, 2017, and would then update it with a malicious version for short period of time," the researchers said. "Usually they would upload a clean version back on Google Play the very same day. They did this at least 5 times between 18 April and 15 May." Here's How Dvmap Malware Works Dvmap Trojan works on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Android, which once installed, attempts to gain root access on the device and tries to install several modules on the system including a few written in Chinese, along with a malicious app called "com.qualcmm.timeservices." To make sure the malicious module gets executed with system rights, the malware overwrites system's runtime libraries depending on which Android version the device is running. To complete the installation of the above-mentioned malicious app, the Trojan with system rights turns off "Verify Apps," feature and modify system setting to allow app installation from 3rd party app stores. "Furthermore, it can grant the "com.qualcmm.timeservices" app Device Administrator rights without any interaction with the user, just by running commands. It is a very unusual way to get Device Administrator rights," the researchers said. This malicious 3rd party app is responsible for connecting the infected device to the attacker's command-and-control server, giving out full control of the device into the hands of attackers. However, the researchers said, they haven't noticed any commands received by the infected Android devices so far, so it's unclear "what kind of files will be executed, but they could be malicious or advertising files." How to Protect Yourself Against Dvmap Malware Researchers are still testing the Dvmap malware, but meanwhile, advise users who installed the puzzle game in question to back up their device's data and perform a full factory data reset in an effort to mitigate the malware. To prevent yourself from being targeted by such apps, always beware of fishy apps, even when downloading from Google Play Store, and try to stick to the trusted brands only. Moreover, always look at the comments left by other users. Always verify app permissions before installing any app and grant only those permissions which have relevant context for the app's purpose. Last but not the least, always keep a good antivirus app on your device that can detect and block such malware before it can infect your device and keep it up-to-date.
    3 points
  2. Programare in limbajul C-C++ pentru liceu de Emanuela Certez si Marinel Serban Download link: http://www8.zippyshare.com/v/Qbbe7f9E/file.html
    1 point
  3. We managed to get a recording of most of the talks during the 10th edition. While the recording quality is not the best, we hope it will benefit to people who couldn’t attend. For DevOops Redux, the recording quality was unfortunately really bad but the CERN did an awesome one the day before Insomni’hack. Seeing how great theirs was we would have been ashamed to publish ours, so here’s the link to this great talk hosted on the CERN’s site : https://cds.cern.ch/record/2256987?ln=en And here’s the link to the Insomni’hack 2017 Youtube playlist : Source
    1 point
  4. Nu sunt expert in electronica sau robotica dar am lucrat putin cu Arduino: Eu zic ca iti trebuie: -Arduino -shield gsm (+cartela sim) -dioda laser -buzzer (piezo) sau difuzor? - fotorezistor(sau dioda fotovoltaica?!?) -rezistori (500 -1000 ohm? sau 10-22k ohm?) habar nu am. verifica schematica -o baterie/transformator sa alimentezi proiectul (daca nu il alimentezi usb) -fire -(optional) un breakboard Sugestii: inspira-te din scheme gata facute. copie cod deja scris din exemple programul e simplu. citesti senzorul, daca nu are lumina suni alarma. Referinte: http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Laser-Tripwire-Alarm-System/ http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Tutorial-Laser-Security-System/
    1 point
  5. tutoriale interesante, baiat isteț, spider tata de ce ii dai dislike la baiat ? (am o curiozatate, ce rau a vrut sa ne faca) ?
    1 point
  6. un amic lucra prin anii 90 in Israel. la un moment dat se pun la barfe cu o echipa de chinezi. la un moment dat unul il intreaba pe asta: "si.. cata populatie are Romania?" la care asta:"in jur de 20-22 de milioane" la care chinezul:"ah! inseamna ca va cunoasteti toti intre voi" la fel si tu. daca prenumele e Popescu.. il stiu toti
    1 point
  7. M-am inscris la un cont platit de mega.nz si daca aveti nevoie de ceva download mare pentru care aveti nevoie de cont platit, PM me.
    1 point
  8. here are the torrent links https://monova.org/47FA96346A6EF6EFF93C9CEF7F78D4A1CD5BB7C4 https://torrentz2.eu/47fa96346a6ef6eff93c9cef7f78d4a1cd5bb7c4
    1 point
  9. The current Android sensor security model either allows only restrictive read access to sensitive sensors (e.g., an app can only read its own touch data) or requires special installtime permissions (e.g., to read microphone, camera, or GPS). Moreover, Android does not allow write access to any of the sensors. Sensing-based security and non-security applications, therefore, crucially rely upon the sanity of the Android sensor security model. In this paper, we show that such a model can be effectively circumvented. Specifically, we build SMASheD, a legitimate framework under the current Android ecosystem that can be used to stealthily sniff as well as manipulate many of the Android’s restricted sensors (even touch input). SMASheD exploits the Android debug bridge functionality and enables a malicious app with only the INTERNET permission to read, and write to, multiple different sensor data files at will. SMASheD is the first framework, to the best of our knowledge, that can sniff and manipulate protected sensors on unrooted Android devices, without user awareness, without constant device-PC connection and without the need to infect the PC. Download: https://we.tl/mfoEtoz63x
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Ce servicii bre sa incerce lumea la tine tu-ti ma-ta aia grasa si coclita?! Ai gazduire de la un provider puscat (HostGator) care era ceva acum un deceniu si bagi burtologie ca esti specializat si pulencur la plural ("suntem specializati" - tu'va'n gat de specialisti ca daca va pun sa instalati un lamp nu aveti habar) - cine e tampit sa isi tina fisierele la un pitiponc de liceu? Doar altii la fel de pitiponci si la fel de cretini. Vii pe un forum unde marea majoritate au lucrat/lucreaza cu provideri adevarati si tu incerci sa faci gat ca ai merita sa fii bagat in seama. Mergi dracu' pe forumuri de metinari, "cantar straic" si alte cele si iti gasesti clienti (prosti).
    1 point
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