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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/17 in all areas

  1. http://recordit.co/GTIROeGtVr
    4 points
  2. Nu te mai binecuvanteaza Allah...
    3 points
  3. What this tool does is taking a file (any type of file), encrypt it, and embed it into an HTML file as ressource, along with an automatic download routine simulating a user clicking on the embedded ressource. Then, when the user browses the HTML file, the embedded file is decrypted on the fly, saved in a temporary folder, and the file is then presented to the user as if it was being downloaded from the remote site. Depending on the user’s browser and the file type presented, the file can be automatically opened by the browser. This tool comes in two flavors, providing the same overall functionnality but with some slight changes in the way of using it: An python script which generates the output HTML file based on a template, using RC4 encryption routines, and embedding the decryption key within the output file. The resulting HTML can either be browsed by the targeted user or sent as an attachement. An HTML/Javascript that you can drag the file into be encrypted to, which generates the output HTML file, using the WebCrypto API, but NOT embedding the decryption material (key and counter). Instead, the decryption material is displayed as a set of URL parameters to be added into a URL pointing to the HTML resulting file: http(s)://hosting.server.com/result.html#hexencodedkey!hexencodedcounter. So the resulting HTML file cannot be sent as an attachment. The main advantage of this technique is that the decryption material is not embedded into the file itself, hence preventing analysis and even retrieval of the payload by any system which doesn’t have the full URL (eg: intercepting proxy) Home : https://github.com/Arno0x/EmbedInHTML
    2 points
  4. camatarie legala, jet in plm cu forumularul tau zici ca fac cerere rank pe cs 1.6 in 2005
    1 point
  5. Vin niste baieti sa discutati politicos
    1 point
  6. https://riscybusiness.wordpress.com/2017/10/07/hiding-your-process-from-sysinternals/
    1 point
  7. O mica colectie de boti pentru voi. Bot Bundle 1 - ( includes over 150 bots with source code and moded versions): OSMDB-BOTNET-PACK-1.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here Bot Bundle 2 - ( 155 bots): OSMDB-BOTNET-PACK-2.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here Bot Bundle 3 - ( 53 bots and ransomware ): OSMDB-BOTNET-PACK-3.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here Bot Bundle 4 - ( urxbot, Spybot, sdbot, rxbot, rbot, phatbot, litmus, gtbot, forbot, evilbot, darkirc, agobot, acebot, jbot, microbot, blueeyebot, icebot, q8bot, happybot,): OSMDB-BOTNET-PACK-4.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here
    1 point
  8. cum pot transforma si eu creditul de pe mobil ,in bitcoin,,ma poate indruma cineva spre acest lucru..... va multumesc,
    -1 points
  9. vand credit toate retele(orange,vodafone,telekom)5-30$ rog seriozitate ...
    -1 points
  10. Cumpar script bruteforcers si lista de parole ... astept oferte
    -1 points
  11. Căutați un împrumut de afaceri, împrumuturi personale, ipoteci, mașini împrumuturi, împrumuturi pentru studenți, credite de consolidare a datoriilor, împrumuturi negarantate, risc capital, etc ... Sunteți în locul potrivit Soluțiile dvs. de împrumut! Sunt creditor privat care împrumută Persoanele fizice și întreprinderile cu dobândă redusă și accesibile Rata dobânzii de 3%. Contacteaza-ne FORMULAR DE CERERE DE ÎMPRUMUT ********************** Numele tău complet: Tara / Regiune: Sumă împrumutată: Durată Telefon: Venit lunar: Ocupaţie: În așteptarea răspunsului dvs. rapid. Allah sa te binecuvanteze. IBRAHIM MUSA puterea financiară Pvt. Contactați-ne la: editat Numărul Numărul Numărul +editat
    -5 points
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