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Everything posted by Byte-ul

  1. Credite cu datele ce se gasesc pe telefon? Mai ales, te gandesti ca vor face chinezii asta?
  2. Intrebare stupida, dar cu ce m-ar afecta faptul ca imi ajung datele personale la chinezi?
  3. Daca stii adresa caracterului deja, cum sa fie dinamica? Incearca sa scrii la B6F5F0h + 540h si vezi ce se intampla. Adresa vietii din joc este relativa la adresa caracterului. Incearca sa urmezi pasii astia in Cheat Engine si vezi daca functioneaza, apoi iti faci programel in vb.net
  4. Verifica daca iti citeste bine de la adresa aia de memorie. De ce citesti mai intai de la B6F5F0h, urmand apoi sa scrii la adresa indicata de valoarea citita de acolo + 540h? Sigur nu vrei sa scrii la B6F5F0h + 540h direct?
  5. Mergi cu sorcova si faci rost de bani
  6. Il cumperi in pula mea, cum crezi ca il scoti.
  7. Byte-ul


    Pentru scutirea de impozit, da.
  8. Romanii sunt chiar atat de prosti. Nu s-a trisat deloc
  9. Nu am facut pe 2.
  10. Avand in vedere lipsa de activitate la aceasta sectiune, am decis sa deschid acest thread, care probabil va fi urmat de altele daca este primit cu bine Scopul este sa invatati ceva din discutiile ce vor urma si din writeup-urile postate, nu sa concurati intre voi. Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/index.php Day 01: Detours Santa receives an email with links to three pictures, but every picture is the same. He talks with some of his elves and one says, that there is some weird stuff happening when loading these pictures. Can you identify it? Link 1: http://ow.ly/unCT306N19f Link 2: http://ow.ly/xW3h306N18f Link 3: http://ow.ly/3wfc306N10K Day 02: Free Giveaway Today, Santa has a free giveaway for you: DK16[OEdo[''lu[;"Nl[R"D4[2Qmi Day 03: Manufactory Today's gift is ready to be manufactured, but Santa's afraid that his factory won't manage to do a production run before christmas. But perhaps you can create it yourself? Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/instructions Day 04: Language Of Us You all should know this language, but this one is not that consequent as it should be. Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/the-text.txt Day 05: Boolean Fun Santa found a paper with some strange logical stuff on it. On the back of it there is the hint: "use 32 bit". He has no clue what this means - can you show him, what "???" should be? Image: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/everyBitIsImportant.png Link (needed for the 'flag'): http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/challenge.php?day=5 Day 06: Back 2 Work Greetings from Thumper, he has an order for you: 1. unzip: the password is confidential 2. find the flag 3. look at my holiday pictures Comment: Be aware, the pictures are only supplement. Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/holiday.zip Day 07: TrivialKRYPTO 1.42 Today's present is encrypted. Luckily Santa did not use Kryptochef's KRYPTO 2.0 so there might be a slight chance of recovering it? Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/trivialcrypt.html Day 08: Lost In Encoding Santa and his elves do not know good encryption, all they have heard about are some basic encodings. Unfortunately they all are bungling and forgotten the recipe. It's now on you, who has to get it up. Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/l0st_1n_7ranslation.fun Day 09: Illegal Prime Number I've heard something about illegal prime numbers... Maybe this number contains the flag: 4315891123054519227800425234439024406406805990983946954154956695012431283551657417585179574642755601169096280017484467053951914982126613234225200384245049037787654523558017678649278076716108200271927575791497929092184238813619846729315518237924881623603111094979071286017407153529043066655388316378457694291590703681341752561492723137474482263373673210248633961843479034160811982934510083276506238457901538373531195688165166964398815874378480986164601388393975141268984935852959700100872597068350527482364309 Day 10: I want to play a Game Reversing Day 1: we'll start with an easy one. Link: http://hackvent.hacking-lab.com/ReGame_Part1.zip Rezolvari (+ writeups): Discutati, rezolvati, postati ceea ce gasiti, etc. Va rog sa folositi spoilere in toate discutiile referitoare la rezolvarea unui challenge.
  11. Ai de pula mea http://www.paginademedia.ro/2016/12/culmea-intoxicarii-la-romania-tv-soros-a-pus-la-cale-tragedia-de-la-colectiv
  12. you went full retard.
  13. In dreapta jos ai livechat. Foloseste-l.
  14. https://www.ovh.com/us/black-friday/
      • 3
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  15. Byte-ul

    RST Bashed

  16. Byte-ul


    Sper ca ai salvat poza si ai pus-o ca wallpaper
  17. Problema nu e pe ce pastrati informatia, ci cu ce o veti citi peste 10000 ani.
  18. Byte-ul


    Cum ai gasit acest forum?
  19. Super. Abia astept sa vad cum se rezolva problema cu executabilul de dos
  20. Byte-ul


    Imi aduc aminte ca era un executabil numit "ex" sau ceva de genul care trebuia exploatat si tot s-au chinuit baietii de pe forum fara succes. Restul flagurilor nu le am, am fost de fata doar cand incercau chestia aia.
  21. Byte-ul


    Cum accesez shell-ul ala unde era executabilul futut? Era prost shellcode-ul pe care il bagam, de-aia nu mergea buffer overflow-ul
  22. https://www.humblebundle.com/lifehacker-software-bundle
  23. Particip eu cu niste colegi... in 3 ore am terminat tot
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