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Everything posted by Muppet

  1. Link catre firmware ? daca te rog , oricum e cam idiot tp-link-ul
  2. Nu lua tp link am exact acelasi lucru router tp link dorit de tine , trebuie resetat tot la vreo 2 zile este si cand de 10 ori intr-o zi
  3. Bravo is fresh , fa bine si fa fara short url-uri nimeni nu face asta aici si acuma te-ai trezit tu sa scoti 1 cent Scoateti si aici short url la asta
  4. Frate , scuza-ma ca te intreb da ce naiba is cu url-urile astea ? toate au cacat de ala in care pe vizita faci un cacat de cent , pe langa cred ca tu ai luat si tu niste log-uri ca alea din 2013 dupa google ti-ai pus shit-urile pe un site care te plateste pe vizite si ai facut un cacat care daca intri pe el sa te redirectioneze sa faci si tu 5 centi. KURWA , parca scrie in regulament fara ady.fly si alte link-uri gen
  5. E ca si cum ai zice va dau putini bani eu va iau toata casa , adica tu faci o arhiva si pui un fisier .txt in el apoi ne-o gaseste ca virus ?))) e foarte logic
  6. Mata ii grasa , mergeti in mortii vostri cu flood , deja ma saturai cati am vazut ba iti dau flood mortii mati , dati topicu asta la cos ca e jeg , ne bagam pula in familia ta , deja mi se ridica paru dupa cap cand aud flood e super enervant , acuma toti dau flood drq sa arate si ei ca au un root mama lor cancer puietilor
  7. am pus debian in virtual box am ramas surprins uimit foarte buna distributia asta , o sa il pun cat de curand la dual boot , chiar daca nu is inca pro la linux incet incet invat tot ce e necesar
  8. Vechi topicu da am simntit sa postez asta cachemonet.com
  9. Inca nu ati incetat sa aflati ip-urile oamenilor si sa le dati flood doar pentru a arata ce "haceri ,smecheri" sunteti voi baieti ? deja e enervant...
  10. Windows 7 , dual boot cu linux elementary os
  11. Daca chiar ar fi asa , nimeni nu ti-ar spune cum l-a facut FUD pentru ca omul respectiv a lucrat la el , si nu degeaba
  12. Pacat ca faci referire la tine , nu joc metin nici n-am jucat si nici nu am in plan sa joc , desigur dupa atati ani s-a descoperit prefer sa raman w7 ori window xp de ce nu , nu e o coincidenta ca s-a aflat in 8 , in 7 de ce nu s-a gasit nimic ?
  13. Nu iti trebuie anti-virus nu descarci nimic si reinstalezi windowsu si tu odata pe an
  14. E win10shit , si asta cu keylloger banuiesc prefer sa raman la w7 ori de ce nu sa pun linux si fac dualboot si cand am chef sa mai invat sa lucru pe linux ii dau bice
  15. Ideea in sine e ca eu nu vad nici un cont in acest topic
  16. Muppet

    Email ciudat

    Jegmanii dracu , astia merita omorati mersi mult pt informatii baieti. Totusi de unde o fi avut mail-u meu xaxa
  17. Muppet

    Email ciudat

    No fain' negrii dracu sa ii pun sub masina mersi baieti de lamuriri. O sa ii spamez si eu inbox-ul cu suck my dick nigga
  18. Muppet

    Email ciudat

    Jegmanii dracu' mersi baieti
  19. Muppet

    Email ciudat

    N-am ce sa ma panichez da totusi , la tip i se termina adresa cu usa.com poate chiar e de la o institutie privata o fi gresit persoana la care ar fi trebuit trimis acest mail ori ce pnm ? ma gandeam dracului ca am ceva de platit pana m-am gandit la spam
  20. Muppet

    Email ciudat

    Care stie ce cacat e cu mail-u asta ? spam ori sa ma pregatesc sa nu scap sapanu in inchisoare ca poate e ceva ca m-am uitat la ala pe camera web
  21. Muppet

    Email ciudat

    Federal Bureau of Investigation Counter-terrorism Division and Cyber Crime Division J. Edgar. Hoover Building Washington DC JAMES B. COMEY Attention Beneficiary, NOTE: If you received this message in your SPAM / BULK folder, it is because of the restrictions imposed by your Mail/Internet Service Provider, we urge you to treat it genuinely because its a legitimate email. Records show that you are among one of the individuals and organizations who are yet to receive their overdue payment from overseas which includes those of Lottery/Gambling, Contract and Inheritance. Through our Fraud Monitory Unit we have noticed that you have been transacting with some impostors and fraudsters who have been impersonating the likes of Prof. Soludo/Mr.Lamido Sanusi of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr. Patrick Aziza, Bode Williams, Frank, Anderson, none officials of Oceanic Bank, Zenith Banks, Kelvin Young of HSBC, Ben of FedEx, Ibrahim Sule, Dr. Usman Shamsuddeen and some impostors claiming to be The Federal Bureau of Investigation. The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate to the current president of Nigeria his Excellency President Good luck Jonathan to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling, Inheritance and the likes. Now how would you like to receive your payment? Because we have two method of payment which is by Cheque or by ATM card? The Cyber Crime Division of the FBI gathered information from the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) on how some people have lost outrageous sums of money to these impostors. As a result of this, we hereby advise you to stop communication with any one not referred to you by us. We have negotiated with the Federal Ministry of Finance that your payment totaling $2,900,000.00(Two Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars). will be released to you via a custom pin based ATM card with a maximum withdrawal limit of $10,000 a day which is powered by Visa Card and can be used anywhere in the world where you see a Visa Card Logo on the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). We know you might have be thinking how this money was given to you, now listen. We the FBI recover some huge amount of money from Fraudsters we arrested last year and early this year so we the FBI and Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) in conjunction with the International Monitory Funds (IMF) After the several meeting we held last week we came to an conclusion to share the huge amount of money among those that have been scam for the past few years back and your name and address where selected randomly. To redeem your funds, you are hereby advised to contact the ATM Card Center via email for their requirement to proceed and procure your Approval of Payment Warrant and Endorsement of your ATM Release Order on your behalf which will cost you $250 Usd only and nothing more as everything else has been taken care of by the Federal Government including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty so all you will ever need to pay is $250.00 only. Do not think this is a also a scam because you have been ask to pay a little amount of fee to redeem your fund. Dr. Lord Ruben ATM Card Center Director Private Email: lordben@usa.com Text Message Only: +1(315) 889-6367 Do contact Lord Ruben of the ATM Card Center via his contact details above and furnish him with your details as listed below: FULL NAMES: DELIVERY ADDRESS FOR ATM CARD SEX: DATE OF BIRTH: OCCUPATION: TELEPHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: On contacting him with your details your file would be updated and he will be sending you the payment information in which you will use in making payment of $250.00 for the procurement of your Approval of Payment Warrant and Endorsement of your ATM CARD Release Order, after which the delivery of your ATM card will be effected to your designated home address without any further delay or extra fee. JAMES B. COMEY DIRECTOR FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 Cine o mai primit acest mail ? creca e din cauza ca ma uitasem la mosu al a pe camera video ) ca ala avea acolo la nume ceva cu bureau care-i treaba oare ?
  22. Mosu' asta o schimbat pass la camera video pff
  23. O sa ma uit acuma ms baieti , ce drq are avion de jucarie ala ori ce pana mea ? Nu mai miscati camera baieti , ca poate intra ala in camera si isi da seama
  24. Eh e si el hacer da si mie link-ul la camera asta' sa vad si eu
  25. Ce e mai ciudat nici nu e mult de lucru sa faci stealer-ul , vroia si baiatu asta niste bani sa ia un server de 1.6
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