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Everything posted by askwrite

  1. Level 6 e cel mai simplu
  2. I've developed a platform for selling "things". The "things" shop was developed for selling custom products in the most secure way. You can sell anything like: smtps, servers, websites, backlinks, proxies. Supported payment methods: - Bitcoin - Perfectmoney Features: - Custom categories with custom fields http://i.imgur.com/hwO8tfA.png - Trusted users with categories only for them. (for selling high risk things) http://i.imgur.com/lm6B2Nn.png - Resellers. (you can use other people products and pay them a fee) http://i.imgur.com/jOlftS2.png - Disable registration, disable the entire website. http://i.imgur.com/JtQsrJN.png - Purchased products management. http://i.imgur.com/n3eaPFV.png - Extraordinary tickets system with refunding support. http://i.imgur.com/vqkzaNK.png - Hidden fields (like the smtp password) - Intrusion Detection System - Login Bruteforce Protection This platform is built for a limited number of my clients from this field and it's designed to support an expensive range of needs. Maybe the most feature-rich platform in this niche. The demo link will be sent to all interested persons. Price: 600$. Jabber: shoape@rows.io
  3. I've recently created a bitcoin exchange platform. Features: - Bitcoin - Webmoney - Perfect Money - Paypal - OKPay - Egopay - Manual payment methods. (like Bank Transfer or Western Union) - Client identity verification (for offline payment methods) - Orders management - Intrusion Detection System (acting also like a WAF) - and a cup of coffee. Administration: - Orders management. Change and check the state of orders. - Stock management. Change the current stock. - Verify identity of accounts. - Change fees, edit payment methods, change stock, edit users. Screenshots: Frontend - http://i.imgur.com/xmpIYVD.png , http://i.imgur.com/Rw7Vwta.png Backend - http://i.imgur.com/XtyZE0U.png, http://i.imgur.com/DIzie1a.png , http://i.imgur.com/3xZos3E.png The demo link will be sent to all interested persons. Jabber: shoape@rows.io The platform price for the first three clients will be 1 BTC.
  4. Apucati-va frate de mario daca nu stiti sa configurati un panel. Cum se face ca mie imi merge perfect si voua nu? L-am incercat si pe localhost si pe hostinger si a mers.
  5. Ca esti prost, alt raspuns nu exista. Nu inteleg de ce mai postati daca nu sunteti in stare sa configurati un simplu panel in care trebuie doar sa faceti o baza de date, sa o setati in config.php, sa va schimbati keyul din config.php, apoi sa intrati pe install.php si sa introduceti un user + o parola. Apoi deschideti builderu, puneti keyul care l-ati setat in config.php, si linkul catre api: http://siteultau.com/api.php dar e prea greu pentru voi.
  6. E normal sa nu primesti niciun log daca nu stii sa-l configurezi...
  7. Panel nou, securizat, design schimbat, fara erori. Imgur Download: http://theaskw.com/panel.rar
  8. Avem chat: https://rstchat.com/ .
  9. Pana acum o luna stateai si te plangeai la nytro ca-ti baga baietii dislikeuri, apoi dupa ce ti-a bagat cineva dislikeuri ai zis ca o sa ai pana miercuri 0 dislikeuri si ca nu-ti pasa. Pai daca nu-ti pasa, de ce-l pupi pe nytro-n pula ca sa-ti scoata dislikeurile? Legat de topic, s-a mai discutat despre tema asta si nytro a zis ca nu-l intereseaza cate dislikeuri/likeuri are x si ca nu mai afecteaza nici repul.
  10. askwrite

    Unban paxnwo

    Eu propun sa-l banati pe haked, respectiv kronzy. @SilenTx0, e banat, nu-i poti da pm.
  11. Propun sa-i banati pe toti pupincuristii, m-am saturat sa vad la fiecare topic unde este vorba despe carding sau se cearta unii intre ei, posturi de genu: si fac bump la topic. Pentru asta aveti user tag list, , folositi-l.
  12. hint: La PM nu trebuie sa completati nimic, doar parola.
  13. Task: Trebuie sa va afisati numele pe index, respectiv aici: Top hackers Ca sa puteti rezolva challengeul aveti nevoie de un cont, pentru a va inregistra trebuie sa-mi trimiteti PM cu textul din ghilimele: "Nume*: Prenume*: Oras natal*: Telefon(optional): Primele 7 cifre din CNP*:" Si bine-nteles o parola pentru cont. Daca totul este ok, o sa primiti un PM de la mine drept confirmare + linkul de login. Hinturi nu exista, challengeul este destul de usor.
  14. stiu ca mai postase cineva siteul asta de pe RST si scria ceva de marele hacker kronzy, parca.
  15. Link RSTChat: RST Chat Va inregistrati aici Register cu numele de pe RST.
  16. http://theaskw.com/playlist.rar se foloseste de https://github.com/eyecatchup/php-yt_downloader si trebuie sa aveti ffmpeg instalat.
  17. Da, nu-i da flooood k o sa pice imd sh a doua zi o sati bhata garda la usha. Dak team ajutat d-ami un laik si sher pls.
  18. Am facut si eu exchange cu el, in maxim 10 minute am primit banii. Recomand
  19. I l-am facut eu, mi-a dat banii primul.
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