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Everything posted by MrGrj

  1. Crezi ca schimba asta cu ceva situatia ? E ca si cum tu chiar crezi ca cineva o sa stea sa citeasca mail-ul de la tine.
  2. N-ai pentru ce. Spor
  3. Microsoft Publisher ?
  4. MrGrj

    Functie C

    Daca imi spui exact ce ai de gand sa faci, te ajut. Ai o functie , si vrei sa ordonezi niste numere fara a folosi pointeri ? #include <stdio.h> void sortare(long [], long); int main() { long a[100], n, c, d, swap; printf("Introdu nr elementelor pe care vrei sa le sortezi:\n"); scanf("%ld", &n); printf("Introdu %ld numere(integeri)\n", n); for (c = 0; c < n; c++) scanf("%ld", &a[c]); sortare(a, n); printf("Lista numerelor sortate in ordine crescatoare:\n"); for ( c = 0 ; c < n ; c++ ) printf("%ld\n", a[c]); return 0; } void sortare(long list[], long n) { long c, d, t; for (c = 0 ; c < ( n - 1 ); c++) { for (d = 0 ; d < n - c - 1; d++) { if (list[d] > list[d+1]) { /* Interschimbarea */ t = list[d]; list[d] = list[d+1]; list[d+1] = t; } } } } Nota: Algoritmul const? în parcurgerea tabloului de mai multe ori, pân? când devine ordonat. La fiecare pas se compar? dou? elemente al?turate. Dac? ai > ai + 1, (i = 1, 2, ..., n – 1), atunci cele dou? valori se interschimb? între ele.
  5. BSOD. Rezolvare
  6. Programarea "tampeste". Insa nu mai rau decat incearca sa o faca ai nostri candidati cu Romania
  7. MrGrj

    Functie C

    O sa ma ghidez un pic dupa solutia data de Ganav dar functia te las pe tine sa o implementezi si sa o postezi: if (a > c) swap(a, c) if (a > swap(a, //Acum cel mai mic element este primul. Le verificam pe al doi-lea si al trei-lea if (b > c) swap(b, c); Asta daca vrei cu if-uri
  8. #PuieMonta
  9. MrGrj

    Functie C

    Ai doua modele de raspunsuri. Implementezi ce ti-am dat eu sau @Ganav intr-o functie. Iti ia maxim 2 minute. Uite aici ca referinta. Postezi codul si incercam sa te indrumam. Sa vedem cum gandesti. // Ca sa le sortezi le bagi pur si simplu intr-un vector si apoi iti alegi metoda prin care sa o faci (sa le sortezi)
  10. MrGrj

    Functie C

    Asta e pentru interschimbarea a doua variabile. Voia pt. trei
  11. Parere personala: De asta nu voia Iohannis s? participe la dezbaterile de la televiziuni cu Ponta, nu de fric?. Voia o dezbatere cu întreb?ri neutre, bine organizat?, cu un moderator bine preg?tit, cu tematic? bine stabilit? ?i cu reguli bine stabilite, într-o alt? atmosfer? decât cea tipic?, de emisiune politic? româneasc? în care to?i ?ip? la to?i, moderatorii sunt dep??i?i ?i în care mai apare vreo mimoz? (alde Lavinia ?andru) care pune întreb?ri cretine ?i complet p?rtinitoare. Asta e o dezbatere organizat? în 5 minute pe genunchi, cu reguli scrise pe capacul de WC, în care, normal, smardoiul e mai guraliv. Mi-e sil?. Oricum, diferen?a de bun sim? între cei doi e limpede ca cristalul. N-o fi el sclipitor, dar Iohannis serve?te o mic? felie de normalitate în seara asta.
  12. MrGrj

    Functie C

    Nu prea imi vine nici o idee in minte fara a folosi pointeri. Si chiar daca ar exista, cea cu pointeri este cea mai rapida si practica. Revin cu edit cand imi vine vreo idee //Edit: #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b,c; printf(" Introdu' valorile pt a, b si c \n"); scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c); printf("\n a = %d",a); printf("\n b = %d",; printf("\n c = %d",c); a=a+b+c; b=a-b-c; c=a-b-c; a=a-b-c; printf("\n Dupa interschimbare -"); printf("\n a = %d",a); printf("\n b = %d",; printf("\n c = %d",c); getch(); }
  13. Da-mi mie 24 euro si iti ofer 3 lectii de programare basic. Iti vor fii mai utile decat un cacat care da dependenta
  14. Here we have in no particular order the top 20 apps for hacking using an android smartphone. 1. SpoofApp:- SpoofApp is a Caller ID Spoofing, Voice Changing and Call Recording mobile app for your iPhone, BlackBerry and Android phone. It’s a decent mobile app to help protect your privacy on the phone. However, it has been banned from the Play Store for allegedly being in conflict with The Truth in Caller ID Act of 2009. 2. Andosid:- The DOS tool for Android Phones allows security professionals to simulate a DOS attack (an http post flood attack to be exact) and of course a dDOS on a web server, from mobile phones. 3.Faceniff:- Allows you to sniff and intercept web session profiles over the WiFi that your mobile is connected to. It is possible to hijack sessions only when WiFi is not using EAP, but it should work over any private networks. 4.Nmapper:- (Network Mapper) is a security scanner originally written by Gordon Lyon used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus creating a “map” of the network. To accomplish its goal, Nmapper sends specially crafted packets to the target host and then analyses the responses. 5. Anti-Android Network Toolkit:- zANTI is a comprehensive network diagnostics toolkit that enables complex audits and penetration tests at the push of a button. It provides cloud-based reporting that walks you through simple guidelines to ensure network safety. 6. SSHDroid:- SSHDroid is a SSH server implementation for Android. This application will let you connect to your device from a PC and execute commands (like “terminal” and “adb shell”) or edit files (through SFTP, WinSCP, Cyberduck, etc). 7. WiFi Analyser:- Turns your android phone into a Wi-Fi analyser. Shows the Wi-Fi channels around you. Helps you to find a less crowded channel for your wireless router. 8. Network Discovery:- Discover hosts and scan their ports in your Wifi network. A great tool for testing your network security. 9. ConnectBot:- ConnectBot is a powerful open-source Secure Shell (SSH) client. It can manage simultaneous SSH sessions, create secure tunnels, and copy/paste between other applications. This client allows you to connect to Secure Shell servers that typically run on UNIX-based servers. 10. dSploit:-Android network analysis and penetration suite offering the most complete and advanced professional toolkit to perform network security assesments on a mobile device. 11. Hackode:- The hacker’s Toolbox is an application for penetration tester, Ethical hackers, IT administrator and Cyber security professional to perform different tasks like reconnaissance, scanning performing exploits etc. 12.Androrat:- Remote Administration Tool for Android. Androrat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server. 13.APKInspector:- APKinspector is a powerful GUI tool for analysts to analyse the Android applications. The goal of this project is to aide analysts and reverse engineers to visualize compiled Android packages and their corresponding DEX code. 14.DroidBox:- DroidBox is developed to offer dynamic analysis of Android applications. 15.Burp Suite:- Burp Suite is an integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications. Its various tools work seamlessly together to support the entire testing process, from initial mapping and analysis of an application’s attack surface, through to finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities. 16. Droid Sheep:- DroidSheep can be easily used by anybody who has an Android device and only the provider of the web service can protect the users. So Anybody can test the security of his account by himself and can decide whether to keep on using the web service. 17. AppUse:– Android Pentest Platform Unified Standalone Environment:- AppSec Labs recently developed the AppUse Virtual Machine. This system is a unique, free, platform for mobile application security testing in the android environment, and it includes unique custom-made tools created by AppSec Labs. 18. Shark for Root:- Traffic sniffer, works on 3G and WiFi (works on FroYo tethered mode too). To open dump use WireShark or similar software, for preview dump on phone use Shark Reader. Based on tcpdump. 19. Fing:- Find out which devices are connected to your Wi-Fi network, in just a few seconds. Fast and accurate, Fing is a professional App for network analysis. A simple and intuitive interface helps you evaluate security levels, detect intruders and resolve network issues. 20.Drozer:- drozer enables you to search for security vulnerabilities in apps and devices by assuming the role of an app and interacting with the Dalvik VM, other apps’ IPC endpoints and the underlying OS. drozer provides tools to help you use and share public Android exploits. It helps you to deploy a drozer agent by using weasel – MWR’s advanced exploitation payload. 21. WifiKill:- Second app, developed also by B.Ponury is an app which can kill connections and kick site-hoggers from the site. This app definitely kick then net user from the site so he cannot use it anymore. The app also offers the list of viewed sites by the hogger. 22. DroidSniff:- Similar to DroidSheep but with a newer and nicer interface is DroidSniff – sniffing app not only for Facebook. This app shows you what is the hogger looking for and then you can “take” his control, steal the cookies and rock’n’roll. Works perfectly. 23. Network Spoofer:- The last app, called NetWork Spoofer is very similar to dSploit but it’s more easier to use. Only hitch is that you need to have at least 500MB of free data. It offers you a lot of troll features – change Google searches, flip images, redirect websites, swap YouTube videos and others. 24. Droid SQLI:- allows you to test your MySQL based web application against SQL injection attacks. DroidSQLi supports the following injection techniques: Time based injection, blind injection, error based injection, normal injection. 25. sqlmapchik:- is a cross-platform sqlmap GUI for the extremely popular sqlmap tool Sursa
  15. Teapaa. Get a job ! Get a life !
  16. MrGrj

    Intrebare pc

    Nu tre' sa decodez aia ca sa intuiesc ce scrie. Lol ON: Nu mai exista un astfel de program
  17. Greu? Nu stiu daca realizezi cat de complex este sa duci la final un astfel de proiect. Ar fi frumos intr-adevar, insa totusi, gandeste-te ca .. impreuna cu cei 8-9 oameni pe care i aduni, poate dura ani. E mai degraba nevoie de "roboti". Persoane care sa se dedice cu totul acestui proiect ( bine, asta ca sa fie facut intr-un timp relativ mai mic).
  18. #sterge procesul Network manager kill 1234 (exemplu) wash -i mon0 reaver -i mon0 -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -vv
  19. guru.com este iarasi o varianta buna. Insa e foarte greu la inceput pana faci review-uri si primesti feedback-uri
  20. Eu l-as bate gratis
  21. [iRONIC] [/iRONIC] Nu-ti face absolut nimeni asa ceva moca.
  22. Mi-am facut pe Guru. Pare promitator. Odesk nu recomand, Freelancer cu atat mai putin
  23. M-am gandit sa imi reincep proiectele de pe site-urile de freelancing. Problema e ca in afara de elance, nu am mai gasit nici un site pe care sa prind proiecte(pe freelancer sunt indieni care cer 5$ pentru un proiect de nivel mediu, iar pe odesk - care acum e cumva partener cu elance - se ofera mult prea putin). Any ideas ?
  24. Care-i relevanta observatiei tale ? Poate altu' (eu, de exemplu) nu a vazut acolo si e interesat.
  25. Da, e adevarat ca fiecare are dreptul la o parere, dar OMG, man ! Topicul trateaza o tema usor diferita fata de raspunsul tau fantasmagoric. Sincer, sa nu deviem de la subiect. Ca raspuns la ce ai scris tu, pana ti-ai construi toata chestia, probabil ca ai muri. De ciuda ca nu poti realiza ce ai zis sau de-un glont primit in ceafa. Ce parere aveti de Australia ?
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