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Everything posted by MrGrj
Asa mi se pare. Ca sa faci toate alea random, pui cate un div(atribui cate un id) fiecarei imagine in parte si apoi faci un Javascript care sa ti le puna random acolo.
Hai ma @Gecko, lasa-l. Omu' doar a vrut sa isi ofere din cunostinte si timp. Nu e o crima. Daca cineva nu vrea, nu ii cere. Da-i pace. Am vazut la ceva useri semnaturi cu RST si probabil s-a gandit ca mai e lume care isi doreste ceva custom. Nu va mai certati
Daca ma duc la aia de la MAI / SRI / STS / PLM, care sunt sansele de a gasi Havij pe calculrile celor de la securitate ? Cred ca undeva la 90%.
U Token - Cel mai bun Digital Currency
MrGrj replied to andreiyy12's topic in Black SEO & monetizare
Ca si chestie,cel mai probabil, @blech , la varsta pe care o ai tu, a facut mai multe decat vei face tu in mare parte din viata ta. Probabil ca e o metoda de a face bani, insa aici nu sunt incurajate astfel de metode. Cel mai bine inveti ceva practic si util, nu cacaturi. E doar o parere deci trateaz-o ca atare. -
Cum se sparge o retea wireless WPA, WPA2 sau WEP cu Linux-Kali!
MrGrj replied to Bratuleanu123's topic in Tutoriale in romana
[iRONIC] Da ? Si parolele alea de unde le ia mai exact (alea pe care le incearca el timp de 5/10minute ? Sunt acolo in airmonu' ala ?[/iRONIC] -
Genial.Made my day. Eu unul am facebook pentru a tine legatura cu noutatile de la facultate si altele. Esti oarecum constrans sa ai un cont pentru ca exista atat de multa lume care il foloseste incat ... Dar tot ce spune maimuta asta e corect si are un punct de vedere destul de bine pus la punct. Mu*e facebook
O sa va rog sa imi dati PM, nu stau mereu sa verific thread-ul Solutia lui @Silviu este oricum cea mai usoara si cel mai usor de inteles.
Bine-ai venit. Calm down.
So, after a very long break, I’m back here to provide some chills going on in the smartphone market. The smartphone world today, is some or the other way completely mixed up, ALL OF THE SMARTPHONES (in their respective price ranges) ARE SAME! People can see a wide range of same phones having same processors, screen size, resolutions, camera quality, etc etc…Though their manufacturers are quite different. People who can’t afford a SNAPDRAGON loaded device prefer to buy MEDIATEK ones, which provide nonetheless same experience with their Octa-Core or Quad-Core processors. But, now there has aroused need to change this preceding tradition. And so is the answer to this question; SMART HOLOGRAPHIC PHONES! What is a SMART HOLOGRAPHIC PHONE? Well, before going in more brief, I would first give you a quick flash of the topic. At present, you can see a wide variety of Smartphones giving TOUCH SCREEN features, in two classes: a) Resistive Touch Screen Display (the first touch screen technology to manufacture TOUCH SCREEN PHONES). Capacitive Touch Screen Display (introduced by APPLE, more advanced than the former one + most widely used today).These have succeeded to provide masses a new change in their phones. HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAY: the new type of DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY that can track the position of Human Eyes, which in turn creates the illusion that the viewer is looking at the real person/object. As mentioned above, this technology is fully based upon the position of Human Eye; it is currently unable to provide a consecutive view from different directions at the same time. That is, the illusion field generated is limited to the eyes of a single person and provides the best experiencing only to a SINGLE PERSON. So, we’ll call it as SMART HOLOGRAPHIC or PERSONAL HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAY.Let’s get more aware and included. The Holographic display can be classified in further three types: Physical Holography (holographic film, laser holographic printing). Digital Holography (projected laser holographic imaging). Computing Holography (eyeball tracking holographic imaging, scenario tracking holographic imaging). Laser holography is the method to record the amplitude as well as the phase information in the light wave that reaches the film. There are quite a lot of variations in the basic method, but ALL HOLOGRAPHY REQUIRE LASER LIGHT, i.e. light that is coherent over the object to be imaged. This is a must to construct a hologram. While in normal photography light, film can only record the intensity of light. Along with all the phase information contained in the original light, the time it reaches the film it is lost, and there is no 3D effect of the film. Where can Smart Holographic Phone be used? The first thing which will be attracting your mind after reading the above news will be the scene of a Science Fiction Movie, where a crazy scientist controls all his work by working on an invisible screen in the air, or, a conference of high authorities which appears holograph generators, etc . So the question is: “What is the exact and most valuable use of this technology?” Here’s a queue which might enlarge the limited view of its use: 1. HOLOGRAPHIC NAVIGATION: While 2D display is unable to show the complex road system, this will improve the location and complexity precision by employing 3D images. 2. COMMODITY VIEW in ONLINE SHOPPING: Earlier and now, e-commerce sites show the image of the good in only a few views, which sometimes disappoint the buyers after receiving their product. This will enhance the more detailed and specific view of the products available at online stores. 3. IMPROVED and THRILLING GAMING EXPERIENCE: Yes, for hectic gamers, this will be a new surprise regarding their real-life experience with the gaming world. 4. OMG! MYTHICAL and FUTURISTIC MOVIES: Who does not desired to be in the world of THE LORD OF THE RINGS, STAR WARS or any other such movie? Well, this might fulfil the wish to some extent. 5. VIDEO CALLING-MEETING THE CALLER IN PERSON: This will make the caller and attendant feel as if the person they are talking to is sitting or walking along with them while on the call. Any revolution in APP DEVELOPMENT to go with SMART HOLOGRAPHIC PHONE? What about App development? The success of Android & iPhones literally lies in thousands of amazing apps that provides the users the all new experience. Same in this case, users are still in confusion whether there may be apps for this technology or they have to wait. According to sources, Eastar has set up an OPEN PLATFORM FOR HOLOGRAPHIC APPS DEVELOPERS to invite them from all over the globe! However, there is no record of any active partners or achievements. Difference between HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAY and 3D NAKED EYE: Will the use of this technology be real? Or is this just a Stunt Trick Hoax played by phone developers? Holographic display relies on light intervene and diffraction to reproduce 3D image of a projection; while Naked Eye 3D uses the principle of grating, requiring video source to be processed. The video source of Naked Eye 3D can be converted from 2D videos, but it requires viewers to be at a specific angle and distance in order to experience 3D effect. Even though, the technology of Naked Eye 3D has passed over a lot of improvements over past years, reports still includes dizziness and vomitive experience of users. These negative feedbacks impacted user experience. As a result, this became more of a stunt than of real-practical-use. How this technology works? As Smartphone display reached the resolution of 1080P along with the advanced hardware configurations, there REMAINS NO SPACE FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT. Still, manufactures are trying to find a way to differentiate them using the HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAY. As this tech can produce a virtual image of a 3D object when its images from different angles are projected from the screen, it is widely believed that this will achieve a better response than that of Naked Eye 3D. Competitor in the HOLOGRAPHIC SMARTPHONE WORLD: AMAZON FIRE PHONE! Before the actual launch of devices featuring this technology, there already is a competitor present for it. Around 3 weeks earlier, Amazon unveiled its FIRE PHONE. Except from its amazing service, its BIGGEST SELLING POINT is the DYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE. It constructs 3D images at 60 frames per second, and together with the help of several infrared sensors display the image in 3D. Compared to Naked Eye 3D technology, the Dynamic Perspective of Fire Phone can change a picture’s view as users move and tilt the phone around. Still, it is not related to Holograph technology and is limited within the category of 2D display. This phone is configured with a 4.7-inch HDS LCD display, supported with a 2.2GHz Quad-Core Snapdragon 800 CPU and Adreno 300 GPU, with 2 GB of RAM. It has a 13MP rear camera with Optical Image Sensor and a powerful f/2.0 lens and also a 2.1MP front facing camera. Well, it is certainly for sure that the evolution in field of Smartphone Display will possibly undergo many revolutions, providing an excellent user-experience and a well brand new perspective. Source
Fii atent. @Aerosol. Ai intentii bune, insa in momentul in care faci un tutorial incearca in primul rand sa il intelegi. 1. Fa-l in romana. (nu e obligatoriu dar pentru multi e mai usor de urmarit - avand in vedere ca proportia de analfabeti de pe forum e in crestere) 2. Testeaza-l si invata-i pe altii din propriile tale greseli. (putina vorbaraie + mult cod + explicatii = tutorial reusit) 3. Fa-l astfel incat sa il intelegi tu. 4. Gandeste-te daca tutorialul tau chiar va ajuta pe cineva sau daca intereseaza pe cineva. 5. Ai grija ca titlul sa fie in concordanta cu tema. Peace
De acord cu @SynTAX. Intr-adevar, e enervant sa vezi posturi de genul: Insa, de multe ori, sunt useri care cer chestii / informatii pertinente.
Vin si eu, insa de la 21:00. @Nytro , vreau si eu tricou. Da-mi un PM. PS: daca aveti prieteni care nu mai pot veni, anuntati-ma si pe mine. As vrea sa vad toate prezentarile.
Nu conteaza pentru ce le vrei. Important e ca iti sunt tie benefice si ca iti aduc ceva: publicitate / bani / femei etc. Nu e greu sa cauti pe net sa stii. Daca folosesti BT5 sau Kali: incearca Vega. Ai grija CE si CUM FOLOSESTI, ca poate iti faci publicitate si emiti in acelasi timp de la Jilava.
Vrei sa vinzi mail-uri de Italia si nu stii cum sa faci ? Cauta, documenteaza-te - vezi cum descoperi / exploatezi o vulnerabilitate. Lasa lenea si nu ii mai pune pe altii sa caute in locul tau.
Bine ai venit. Nu am inteles ce stii sa faci mai exact. Sa copiezi un vector de pe net si sa il introduci intr-un site random ? Am vaga impresie ca te numeri printre cei din prima categorie. Termina cu aroganta ( e doar un sfat ) si acele multe emoticoane. Ca un intro: Ce e un limbaj de programare ? XSS MySQL Injection Imi pare rau, dar ultimele doua linkuri sunt in engleza. Tinand cont de limba romana pe care o stii, mi-e teama sa ma gandesc la engleza ta. Dar asta e, daca vrei sa fi "hacer"... te sacrifici. Peace
Multumim @spider
Parcurgi matricea in spirala, apoi pui elementele intr-un alt vector. Dupa ce ai pus elementele in vector verifici daca ele sunt in progresie sau nu.
Scuze, dar e prea funny, asa ca o sa fac post hunting: ))))))))))) ))) Bhahahaaaaahahaha...ahahahahaha.
Bine ca te-ai gasit sa postezi asta acum ca sa nu ma mai culc. - hint-ul are vreo legatura cu rezolvarea ? Nu prea reusesc sa imi dau seama