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Everything posted by MrGrj

  1. #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { int choice; vector<string> games; cout << "1. Listeaza jocurile\n"; cout << "2. Adauga jocuri\n"; cout << "3. Sterge jocuri\n"; cout << "4. Iesi\n"; cout << "Alege o optiune: "; cin >> choice; while(choice == 1 || choice == 2 || choice == 3) { switch(choice) { case 1: for(int i = 0; i < games.size(); i++) { cout << games[i] << endl; cout << "Alege o optiune: "; cin >> choice; } break; case 2: { cout << "Numele jocului de adaugat: "; string game; cin >> game; games.push_back(game); cout << "Lista noua:\n"; for(int i = 0; i < games.size(); i++) { cout << games[i] << endl; cout << "Alege o optiune: "; cin >> choice; } } break; case 3: { cout << "Lista:\n"; for(int i = 0; i < games.size(); i++) { cout << (i + ". " + games[i]) << endl; cout << "Introdu numarul jocului pe care vrei sa il stergi: "; int remove; cin >> remove; games.erase((games.begin() + remove)); cout << "Lista noua::\n"; for(int i = 0; i < games.size(); i++) { cout << games[i] << endl; cout << "Alege o optiunr: "; cin >> choice; } } } break; } } cout << "Multumesc pentru ca ai folosit programul"; return 0; } E ok indiciul asta ?
  2. Multumesc pentru sfaturi. Voi incepe dupa sesiune sa adaug noi functii.
  3. Asta este deja posibil. In momentul in care apesi pe Download iti apare File Browser.
  4. Visual Studio 2012. Sursa ti-o voi da prin PM. De asemenea, daca vrea cineva sa contribuie cu functii and stuff, PM me. Poate iese ceva mare si frumos.
  5. Personal am avut proiecte si prezentari in care a trebuit sa mai pun cate un filmulet. De aici si ideea. Cand voi face urmatoarea versiune poate voi adauga o optiune doar pentru audio. Mersi pentru sfat
  6. Lucrez de ceva timp la chestia asta si m-am gandit sa o impartasesc cu voi. Este o aplicatie simpla, facuta folosind doar C# pur. Aveti posibilitatea de a selecta calitatea video-ului in functie de conexiunea pe care stiti ca o aveti la net. Din pacate insa, are un mic bug si nu functioneaza pentru toate video-urile de pe Youtube. Sper sa remediez bug-ul in cel mai scurt timp si sa revin cu o varianta 100% functionala. Astept pareri / critici constructive / bug-uri. Aveti aici link-ul de download al aplicatiei .exe: Screens: Spor la download Le: Se foloseste de urmatoarele "librarii": nguyenvanduocit FlickrDownload Helper din Video Downloaderr
  7. A critical vulnerability discovered in Verizon's FiOS mobile application allowed an attacker to access the email account of any Verizon customer with relative ease, leaving almost five million user accounts of Verizon's FiOS application at risk. The FiOS API flaw was discovered by XDA senior software developer Randy Westergren on January 14, 2015, when he found that it was possible to not only read the contents of other users' inboxes, but also send message on their behalf. The issue was discovered while analyzing traffic generated by the Android version of My FiOS, which is used for account management, email and scheduling video recordings. Westergren took time to put together a proof-of-concept showing serious cause for concern, and then reported it to Verizon. The telecom giant acknowledged the researcher of the notification the same day and issued a fix on Friday, just two days after the vulnerability was disclosed. That's precisely how it should be done - quickly and efficiently. Microsoft could learn a lot more from Verizon, as Microsoft wasn't able to fix the security flaws in its software reported by Google’s Project Zero team even after a three-month-long time period provided to the company. One-after-one three serious zero-day vulnerabilities in Windows 7 and 8.1 were disclosed by Google’s security team before Microsoft planned to patch them. The FiOS API flaw, actually contained in the application’s API, allowed any account to be accessed by manipulating user identification numbers in web requests, giving attackers ability to read individual messages from a person’s Verizon inbox. According to the security researcher, the vulnerability even allowed attackers to send email messages from victims’ accounts and found and exploited further vulnerable API calls. "It was my suspicion that all of the API methods for this widget within the app were vulnerable. My last test was sending an outgoing message as another user [which was] also successful," Westergren wrote. The problem has been fixed by the telecom giant, so there is no need for users to worry about it. Verizon rewarded Westergren with a year's worth of free internet. "Version's (corporate) security group seemed to immediately realize the impact of this vulnerability and took it very seriously," Westergren said. Source.
  8. Am dat recent peste: SQL Fiddle Poate va este de ajutor. Mie unul imi place
  9. Nu am timp sa il compilez acum. Asteapta pana diseara sau pana raspund baietii: Arunca un ochi si peste asta pana atunci.
  10. Deci tu vrei mai intai sa scrii in fisierul ala datele de acolo ? ( cod firma, cod produs, bla bla ). Uite aici o idee: FILE *f = fopen("file.txt", "w"); if (f == NULL) { printf("Eroare !\n"); exit(1); } /* printam ceva text */ const char *text = "Scriem asta in txt"; fprintf(f, "Text: %s\n", text); /* Integer si floats */ int i = 1; float py = 3.1415927; fprintf(f, "Integer: %d, float: %f\n", i, py); /* print caractere simple */ char c = 'A'; fprintf(f, "A character: %c\n", c); fclose(f); Cum citesti din fisier ? Am gasit o problema p-aici. Nu am timp sa iti scriu. 11) Se presupune un fi?ier text ("vocale.txt") ce con?ine o in?iruire de caractere. S? se contorizeze apari?ia fiec?rei vocale în fi?ier. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<limits.h> void main() { char c; int a=0,e=0,i=0,o=0,u=0; //a=nr. de aparitii a vocalei "a", s.a.m.d. FILE *stream; /*declarare stream (flux de date)*/ stream = fopen("D:\\vocale.txt ", "r"); /*deschidere fisier*/ if(stream == NULL) { printf ("Eroare"); getch(); exit(1); } while(!feof(stream)) //atata timp cat nu e sf de fisier { fscanf(stream,"%c",&c); //sau c=getc(f); sau c=fgetc(f); switch(c) { case 'a': a++; break; case 'e': e++; break; case 'i': i++; break; case 'o': o++; break; case 'u': u++; }; } fclose(stream); printf("Vocala \"a\" aparare de %d ori.\n",a); printf("Vocala \"e\" aparare de %d ori.\n",e); printf("Vocala \"i\" aparare de %d ori.\n",i); printf("Vocala \"o\" aparare de %d ori.\n",o); printf("Vocala \"u\" aparare de %d ori.\n",u); getchar(); } Mai citeste despre fisiere.
  11. mkdir– make directories Usage: mkdir [OPTION] DIRECTORY… eg. mkdir lhn ls– list directory contents Usage: ls [OPTION]… [FILE]… eg. ls, ls *l, ls lhn cd– changes directories Usage: cd [DIRECTORY] eg. cd lhn pwd*- print name of current working directory Usage: pwd vim– Vi Improved, a programmers text editor Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]… eg. vim lhn.txt cp – copy files and directories Usage: cp [OPTION]… SOURCE DEST eg. cp sample.txt sample_copy.txt cp sample_copy.txt target_dir mv– move (rename) files Usage: mv [OPTION]… SOURCE DEST eg. mv source.txt target_dir mv old.txt new.txt rm* remove files or directories Usage: rm [OPTION]… FILE… eg. rm file1.txt , rm *rf some_dir find– search for files in a directory hierarchy Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern] eg. find file1.txt, find *name file1.txt history– prints recently used commands Usage: history cat– concatenate files and print on the standard output Usage: cat [OPTION] [FILE]… eg. cat file1.txt file2.txt cat *n file1.txt echo– display a line of text Usage: echo [OPTION] [string] … eg. echo I love RST echo $HOME grep*- print lines matching a pattern Usage: grep [OPTION] PATTERN [FILE]… eg. grep *i apple sample.txt wc*- print the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files Usage: wc [OPTION]… [FILE]… eg. wc file1.txt wc *L file1.txt sort– sort lines of text files Usage: sort [OPTION]… [FILE]… eg. sort file1.txt sort *r file1.txt tar– to archive a file Usage: tar [OPTION] DEST SOURCE eg. tar *cvf /home/archive.tar /home/original tar *xvf /home/archive.tar kill– to kill a process(using signal mechanism) Usage: kill [OPTION] pid eg. kill *9 2275 ps– report a snapshot of the current processes Usage: ps [OPTION] eg. ps, ps *el who– show who is logged on Usage: who [OPTION] eg. who , who *b , who *q passwd– update a user’s authentication tokens(s) Usage: passwd [OPTION] eg. passwd su– change user ID or become super*user Usage: su [OPTION] [LOGIN] eg. su remo, su chown– change file owner and group Usage: chown [OPTION]… OWNER[:[GROUP]] FILE… eg. chown remo myfile.txt chmod– change file access permissions Usage: chmod [OPTION] [MODE] [FILE] eg. chmod 744 calculate.sh zip– package and compress (archive) files Usage: zip [OPTION] DEST SOURSE eg. zip original.zip original unzip– list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive Usage: unzip filename eg. unzip original.zi ssh– SSH client (remote login program) “ssh is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine” Usage: ssh [options] [user]@hostname eg. ssh *X guest@ scp– secure copy (remote file copy program) “scp copies files between hosts on a network” Usage: scp [options] [[user]@host1:file1] [[user]@host2:file2] eg. scp file1.txt guest@ fdisk– partition manipulator eg. sudo fdisk *l mount– mount a file system Usage: mount *t type device dir eg. mount /dev/sda5 /media/target unmount– unmount file systems Usage: umount [OPTIONS] dir | device… eg. umount /media/target du– estimate file space usage Usage: du [OPTION]… [FILE]… eg. du df– report filesystem disk space usage Usage: df [OPTION]… [FILE]… eg. df quota– display disk usage and limits Usage: quota [OPTION] eg. quota *v reboot– reboot the system Usage: reboot [OPTION] eg. reboot poweroff – power off the system Usage: poweroff [OPTION] eg. poweroff kate– KDE Advanced Text Editor Usage: kate [options][file(s)] eg. kate file1.txt file2.txt vim– Vi Improved, a programmers text editor Usage: vim [OPTION] [file]… eg. vi hello.c gedit* A text Editor. Used to create and edit files. Usage: gedit [OPTION] [FILE]… eg. gedit bg– make a foreground process to run in background Usage: type ‘ctrl+z’ and then ‘bg ‘ fg– to make background process as foreground process Usage: fg [jobid] jobs– displays the names and ids of background jobs Usage: jobs sed* stream editor for filtering and transforming text Usage: sed [OPTION] [input*file]… eg. sed ‘s/love/hate/g’ loveletter.txt awk* pattern scanning and processing language eg. awk *F: ‘{ print $1 }’ sample_awk.txt find* search for files in a directory hierarchy Usage: find [OPTION] [path] [pattern] eg. find *name file1.txt locate– find or locate a file Usage: locate [OPTION]… FILE… eg. locate file1.txt Linux File Permissions 3 types of file permissions – read, write, execute 10 bit format from ‘ls *l’ command 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 file type owner group others eg. drwxrw*r** means owner has all three permissions, group has read and write, others have only read permission read permission – 4, write – 2, execute *1 eg. rwxrw*r** = 764 673 = rw*rwx*wx
  12. O sa postez in cele ce urmeaza un mic joc, care e foarte bun pentru cei care abia au inceput sa descopere C++. #include <iostream> #include <vector> //Simple Display void Display(std::vector<char> const &grid){ //Creez un grid basic std::cout << " " << 1 << " " << 2 << " " << 3 << "\n"; for(int a = 0; a < 9; a++){ if(a == 0) std::cout << "A "; if(a == 3) std::cout << "\nB "; if(a == 6) std::cout << "\nC "; //displaying grid. std::cout << " " << grid[a] << " "; } std::cout << "\n\n"; } //Returneaza true daca grid-ul e deja folosit. bool Used(int const& position, std::vector<char> const& grid){ if(grid[position] == '-') return false; else return true; } void Turn(std::vector<char> &grid, char player){ int row = 0; char column = 0; int position = 0; bool check = true; std::cout <<"\n" << player << ": Jucati !. \n"; while(check == true){ std::cout << "Row(1,2,3): "; std::cin >> row; std::cout << player << ": Column(A,B,C): "; std::cin >> column; position = 3*(column-'A')+(row-1); if(!Used(position,grid)){ check = false; } else{ std::cout << "Pozitie deja folosita. Incearca din nou. \n"; } } grid[position] = player; std::cout << "\n\n"; } bool Win(std::vector<char> const& grid, char player){ for(int a = 0; a < 3; a++){ if(grid[a] == player && grid[a+3] == player && grid[a+6] == player){ return true; } if(grid[3*a] == player && grid[3*a+1] == player && grid[3*a+2] == player){ return true; } } if(grid[0] == player && grid[4] == player && grid[8] == player){ return true; } if(grid[2] == player && grid[4] == player && grid[6] == player){ return true; } return false; } int main(){ std::vector<char>grid(9,'-'); while(true){ Display(grid); Turn(grid, 'X'); if(Win(grid, 'X')){ Display(grid); std::cout << "\n X este castigator. Are o bere! \n"; break; } Display(grid); Turn(grid,'O'); if(Win(grid, 'O')){ Display(grid); std::cout << "\n 0 este castigator. Are o bere! \n"; break; } } } Enjoy.
  13. First Method: Add this Chrome Extension or Firefox Add on to remove any Survey From your Browser Annoyed by the surveys you have to click on to see the “really cool stuff”? Annoyed by the surveys you have to fill out? This application gives you an option to block surveys automatically when they are detected, and automatically removes them if you came from a Facebook page. Note that it doesn’t work perfectly on everything, but it should work on most pages. This app works great with https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/ceoahfhinjgldgpfkjmjghpaidolbeag Firefox users can go to http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/71877 for another version. If you are afraid that this has a virus or any other malicious code, you can view the source code at http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/71877 SECOND METHOD IS TO DISABLE THE SCRIPT OF YOUR BROWSER: INSTRUCTIONS FOR GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER : In Google Chrome Click on the little spanner icon in the right And then Select Options. When the Options window Opens Select Content Settings. Now Click on JavaScript in the top toolbar, And Select Do Not Allow any site to run JavaScript, Now click close and refresh the webpage, It should open up and show you its content without requesting that you do a survey. Once you have finished looking at the webpage repeat the above steps except this time choose Allow All Sites to run JavaScript otherwise some sites won’t work. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOZILLA FIREFOX BROWSER : Firefox Click on tools in the top toolbar, and then select Options. Now when the options open select the content tab, When it opens uncheck the box, that says enable JavaScript and select Ok. Now go back to the website and refresh it, the website should show you its content without a survey, Once done you will need to repeat these steps but click enable JavaScript as Facebook will not work correctly without it. INSTRUCTIONS FOR INTERNET EXPLORER BROWSER : To disable the surveys in Internet Explorer click on tools in the top right hand corner and then select Internet Options. When the options open select the Security Tab and then press the custom Levels Button. Scroll Down to Scripting And Disable the Java Options. Refresh the webpage and it should open fine without showing any surveys. When you have finished looking at the webpage enable scripting again so that you can view Facebook correctly. It may not work on few PPD sites but mostly works on the JavaScript supported Popups and Surveys. THIRD AND VERY POPULAR METHOD TO BYPASS ONLINE SURVEYS: I have found that Survey-remover.com, formerly known as XJZ Survey Remover. This bookmarklet was designed to show protected areas on websites. Removes surveys most of the time but it doesn’t work if the survey leads to a download (sharecash). Works on Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. For more details, please visit this website: Get the bookmarklet, learn about surveys and discover how to get money now by completing surveys online - XJZ Survey Remover So these are the Only available methods on Internet to Bypass any Online Surveys to Download a File by Chrome Extension,Disabling Javascript and Using Survey Remove.com.If it Does not Work then Don’t be fooled by any other solution(Software to Bypass survey) which also takes a Survey to Complete. source
  14. Nu am inteles exact care este intrebarea sau nelamurirea ta. Sincer nu trebuie sa mai puneti botul la orice pagina creeata de un copil de 12 ani. Imi fac si eu o pagina pe care scriu ca sunt D-zeu si daca dai click pe un anus de oaie te umplii de bani.
  15. MrGrj


    Bine ai venit pe forum. Ce vrei sa faci pentru licenta ?
  16. Din cauza faptului ca in C nu exista pass-by-reference ca in C++, se mai adauga un *.
  17. MrGrj

    Yahoo XSS

    Era si timpu' sa mai gasesti. Credeam ca te-ai pensionat sau ceva. Felicitari si sper sa primesti 5k $
  18. MrGrj

    Ajutor java

    serialization - Simple address book in Java - Code Review Stack Exchange https://www.google.ro/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#q=java%20address%20book%20application
  19. Acum cu stirea asta...Preafericitul Daniel o sa angajeze o echipa de pentesteri-calugari pe care ii va pune sa dea cu agheasma pe servere. Amin.
  20. MrGrj

    Problema forum ?!?

    Face Nytro modificari.
  21. Merita vizionat. http://youtu.be/0OpU6j3OWMQ
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  22. MrGrj

    Ajutor CMD

    Ceva de genul. Nu e testat, dar ar trebui sa mearga @ echo off :search tasklist|find "eu.exe" IF %ERRORLEVEL% = 0 THEN (GOTO found) TIMEOUT /T 1 GOTO search :found start D:\calea_catre_fisierul_bat
  23. Daca va era dor de jocurile copilariei noastre, na de poftiti. Have fun.
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  24. Uneori ne e mai usor sa distingem anumite foldere ghidandu-ne dupa o anumita culoare. Am descoperit recent software-ul asta. Click + se va downloada automat. 1. In momentul instalarii va recomand sa bifati de fiecare data custom install ( asta daca nu vreti porcariile alea de la recommended ) 2. E posibil sa va ceara sa instalati si .Net 3.5 ( accept la asta ) 3. Finish 4. Click pe folder-ul dorit si Colorize. ( are vreo 8 culori custom ). Din pacate, optiunea de a creea / personaliza o culoare da crash. Dar probabil ca va fi implementata pe viitor. Spor la curcubee ! Have fun.
  25. Daca mama ar reusi sa se logheze pe site-ul ala, sa dea un search dupa numele meu si sa ma si gaseasca... as lasa-o sa ma bata ca furtunu' de la masina de spalat
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