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Everything posted by QuoVadis
https://cryptonotestarter.org/inner.html @Zatarra, ca brand owner si representative, te bagi sa facem PulencurCoin?
Inainte sa incepeti iarasi... luati de aici, ca meritati:
Eth luat acum ceva vreme cand era 300. Pentru durata lunga, minim 5-7 ani, orice s-ar intampla, si sa ajunga la 1 cent.
Ca tot e free for all in thread, oferta initiala ramane. Comision 10%.
Clam Checker? Ti-ai gasit prosti? Muie! P.S. aici nu e market
La ce nume de cocalari are si imagini cu pitiponci, nu as lua-o nici gratis.
Daca ar durea prostia... te-ai zvarcoli pe jos.. @yoyois, ti-ai gasit si tu cu cine sa faci conversatie
Un tutorial decent dar incomplet. Insa ca punct de plecare e ok: http://www.techradar.com/how-to/how-to-use-a-bitcoin-tumbler
E putin off-topic, dar @yoyois vazand cu cat patos scrii, banuiesc ca inca nu ai auzit de bitcoin tumblere / mixere? Ca nu stii tu sa speli bitcoin-ul nu inseamna ca nu e posibil. Uite tema pentru vacanta de Craciun, putin research
Forward de la o cunostinta. Daca sunteti de mai mult de 5 ani in UK si interesati, PM si va trimit detaliile de contact. Hampshire, England - Security Consultant – £65k-£90k/annum - Communications/Electronics My client is a well-established market leader in the electronics market, and specialise in communications systems/networks. They supply for both the government and commercial industries, and are looking to recruit a Security Lead to join their rapidly expanding team. Job Description: + Acting as a trusted advisor to clients across a number of engagements + Delivering advisory services within the National Security markets + Oversight of all project delivery + Working with Key Account Managers to identify new sales opportunities + Acting as the primary owner of bids into the National Security markets Skills and Experience Required: + Extensive experience in a leading advisory capacity in either Secure Civil Government, National Security or Policing + Previous experience in working as a consultant on technology based transformation programs + Experience of working for a technology based organisation as a Business Consultant/Strategist/similar Salary/Other Details: + This salary is circa £65k-£90k, depending on experience. + Candidates must be willing to undergo, and eligible to achieve HMG security clearance (prior to appointment). Therefore, candidates should ideally be a British Citizen however you can hold another nationality and have resided in the UK for the last 5 years.
- 2
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Logitech-C920-Pro-1080p-Webcam/dp/B006A2Q81M Pe emag e la 387 RON, pe Amazon echivalentul a ~151 RON
https://www.uber.com/newsroom/2016-data-incident/ Spicuind cateva afirmatii - "I recently learned that in late 2016 we became aware that two individuals outside the company had inappropriately accessed user data stored on a third-party cloud-based service that we use. The incident did not breach our corporate systems or infrastructure." "Our outside forensics experts have not seen any indication that trip location history, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, Social Security numbers or dates of birth were downloaded. " (deci nu inseamna ca nu le-au vazut ) "We subsequently identified the individuals and obtained assurances that the downloaded data had been destroyed. We also implemented security measures to restrict access to and strengthen controls on our cloud-based storage accounts."
Ca tot au anuntat bugetul acum, cateva chestii interesante... £500m for 5G mobile networks, fibre broadband and artificial intelligence A further £2.3bn allocated for investment in research and development 8,000 new computer science teachers to be recruited
E mai bine sa iei $100k "for an honest day's work" si sa nu aibe politia/agentiile treaba cu tine decat sa te complici cu carduri de golit, fronting, tepari, alea-alea.
Uber concealed a hack that affected 57 million customers and drivers, the company has confirmed. The 2016 breach was hidden by the ride-sharing firm which paid hackers $100,000 (£75,000) to delete the data. The company's former chief executive Travis Kalanick knew about the breach over a year ago, according to Bloomberg, which first broke the news. The hackers found 57 million names, email addresses and mobile phone numbers, Uber said. Within that number, 600,000 drivers had their names and licence details exposed. Articol complet: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-42075306
@robert2alin in continuare la https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/107079-iphone-8-blacklist/?do=findComment&comment=655986 asta am rezolvat. Spor!
Da-mi PM cu IMEI si reteaua in care e blocat. Iti dau apoi raspuns cu ce rezolv.
Ca tot e BF: 80x tablete Modafinil Modafresh 200mg - 160 eur (bitcoin), curier inclus . PM
SURSA Investment fund bosses are trying to stop the deportation of an analyst convicted of stealing millions of pounds worth of computer codes. Lawyers for Trenchant and Cobiere say Ke Xu, a Chinese national, may offer secret trading algorithms he has memorised to rival foreign firms if allowed to leave England. Xu, a Cambridge University maths graduate dubbed the “billion dollar brain”, was employed at Trenchant between 2012 and 2014. He undertook a “sustained and extensive attack” on the fund’s computer systems and reverse-engineered code for 55 investment strategies worth 31 million pounds ($41 million), lawyers said. He was given a four-year prison term by a judge at Southwark Crown Court in July 2015. A High Court judge is analysing argument from lawyers representing the two companies plus Home Secretary Amber Rudd and Xu at a trial in London. Mr Justice Supperstone said Ms Rudd decided to deport Xu but investment fund bosses said there should be no deportation until August 2018 at the earliest.
Si nu sunt singurii. Si cei din industrie (inclusiv Ericsson ca i-am pomenit mai sus) au cotizat milioane multe pentru research - O2, Vodafone, EE, Three, Huawei, Aircom, BT, BBC, Fujitsu, Samsung, McLaren si multi, multi altii (inclusiv guvernele din Singapore si Coreea de Sud). Primele batalii se vor da pe patents.. caci de ele vor depinde multe miliarde de $$ in viitor. Dar pe 5G security stuff... potential enorm.
Daca te referi la treaba dintre Erdeesh si Ericcson e doar pregatire (care dureaza cativa ani) pentru a suporta 5G-ul, nu implementarea in sine. Chiar daca e promitator, momentan 5G-ul e inca in stadiul de research. De acolo si pana la stadiul de business si consumer roll-out e alta mancare de peste. Discutam recent cu un academic care lucreaza in domeniu si echipele lor au primit finantari de la Gov UK si firme gigant (printre care si Ericcson) de multe milioane de ££ pentru research si zicea ca se pune foarte mult accent pe securitate. O firma de consultanta si security cu cativa baieti (si fete ) destepti who know their stuff ar putea mulge ceva milioane in viitorul apropiat.
Scuza buna pentru nevasta cand te prinde vorbind cu amanta Vocile bre.. vocile.. #WeAreLegionForWeAreMany
De ~1/2 an folosesc asa ceva pe post de memorie aditionala la Mac. Merge fara probleme si e mai ergonomic (tinand cont ca-l iau cu mine si e lightweight (1.35kg) per total) decat un SSD extern.
@gaddafi il trimitem pe ala de mai sus sa-l gadile?