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Everything posted by QuoVadis

  1. Probabil trebuie specificat faptul ca functioneaza doar in anumite imprejurari. Majoritatea (in special cei cu softuri scumpe) au inceput sa si le mute in cloud si cand le pornesti dau un ping la server sa vada daca ai licenta valida. Poti aplica spre exemplu aceeasi metoda la produsele Adobe? Ma indoiesc.
  2. Dar ce sunt eu, Politia Romana Bitcoin? Stiu la ce te referi: nu, nu am trimis pe acea adresa nimic. My best bet: Reckon
  3. Wild... singura solutie e sa iti ceri scuze in mod public...
  4. Vezi postarea de aici https://rstforums.com/forum/101014-pareri-de-la-oameni-intelepti-2.rst#post629918 in special punctul 5. Problema e ca exista un sambure de adevar in ce zice Byte-ul iar adevarul doare, mai ales cand nu stii sa pui intrebari inteligente si astepti totul pe tava.
  5. Scrie la raspunsuri ca e greseala de la Amazon, e i5. Pacat, daca era i7 se merita. Si asa tot e pret decent...
  6. Sunt mult prea scumpe. Daca ai pe cineva in UK spune-i sa iti ia si trimita asa ceva la £125 - Quality Refurbished IBM Lenovo T410 Laptop ? Intel Core i5 ?4GB ? 320GB ? WIFI ? Warranty ? Windows 7 Pro: Amazon.co.uk: Computers & Accessories 14 inch, Core i7 2.66Ghz, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 500GB HDD, nVidia Quadro 3100m, Windows 7 Professional (licentiat) E refurbished deci folosit dar in calitate foarte buna si cu garantie de 3 luni
  7. Salut Pastilatule. Nu cred ca ne cunoastem, eu sunt relativ nou pe aici. Insa daca imi permiti cateva ganduri - daca vrei sa faci o critica constructiva pentru imbunatatirea comunitatii - nu se face in modul acesta, in astfel de circumstante. Daca e nevoie pot detalia. Daca scopul acestei postari a fost cel de a iti varsa of-ul, precum un om batran, acru, intr-un mod melancolic, trist si cu putina lehamite: ai gresit adresa, si mediul de exprimare. Ma irita putin faptul ca incepi cu banalitati "a la Basescu": "nu va mai fi niciodata ce a fost", apa e uda, iarna nu-i ca vara, rosu nu e negru. Normal ca odata cu trecerea timpului lucrurile se schimba si nu mai sunt aceleasi. Ca e in spre bine, ca e inspre rau aceasta e foarte subiectiv - important e sa accepti faptul ca lucrurile se schimba incontinuu si unii ar spune ca in Romania inspre rau - dar daca nu accepti aceste lucruri, iti vei strica singur sanatatea. Ca sa sintetizez ideile tale: nu esti satisfacut de continutul debitat de userii forumului (cu mici exceptii) - exista locuri de sugestii, discutie, conversatie si daca vrei sa vezi mici schimbari, incearca sa le conduci prin exemplu. Duci lipsa si vrei sa fie sters totul si luat de la 0: bun, e ideea ta si crezi in ea. Cine te opreste sa iti faci propriul tau loc in care sa ai oameni care sunt pe aceeasi frecventa de unda cu tine si sa traiti intr-o armonie, all pink and flowers and shit. Nu esti satisfacut de staff: exista metode de a comunica si provoca gandire si actiune mult mai eficiente decat astfel de postari. Nu cred ca toti sunt insensibili dar, dupa cum spuneam, timpurile se schimba si odata cu ele circumstantele si prioritatile. Nu esti satisfacut de useri: aceasta e lumea in care traim. Tot timpul va fi a) un conflict intre generatii conflict de interese, intre cei care vor sa faca ceva bun si trolli (Some people just want to watch the world burn). Vorbesc cu profesori care vad generatii de copii venind din urma tot mai rasfatati, tot mai inapoiati si needucati, tot mai greu de controlat. Tough! Shit happens! Move on! Dai prea multa imporanta rangurilor si apoi te plangi (cu subinteles si probabil involuntar) ca altii acorda prea multa importanta rangurilor dar intr-un mod in care tie nu iti place (sau nu il vezi de cuviinta). Multi uita ca exista o viata reala, dincolo de like/dislike, VIP de nu stiu care. Insa fiecare cu prioritatile lui... si se vede unde se ajunge. Sa concluzionez, (ca am prea mult vin la bord la ora asta), face mult sa stii cand sa taci si cand sa vorbesti, cui, pe ce ton si la ce volum. Nu dai dovada, in aceasta postare cel putin, de maturitatea pe care o pretinzi de la altii si daca as fi in locul unora as sterge treaba unde spui ca ai fost Super Moderator si alte cele caci doar improasca cu noroi si nu aduce o imagine pozitiva. Daca chiar iti pasa atat de mult de aceasta comunitate si o indragesti, si vrei sa o vezi thriving, plina de creativitate, discutii inteligente, oameni ce se respecta, etc. iti pot da cateva idei despre cum vad eu primii pasi, putem discuta pe Skype, chiar daca e in contradictoriu, poate a) ajungem la un consens si iti mai versi din of cu ocazia asta. Bafta!
  8. Unde este acel cont de client? Al cui apartine? Ce optiuni sunt in control panel de transfer, setare dns si modificari records, etc?
  9. As recomanda multora de pe aici sa isi "piarda" vremea pe aici Free ebooks by Project Gutenberg - Gutenberg
  10. Varianta 1: persoana cu care vorbesti are nevoie de o vizita la psihiatrie Varianta 2: ageamii de la Doi ?i-un sfert trag cu urechea Varianta 3: spune-i sa nu mai fumeze iarba cateva zile
  11. Nu neaparat catchy, ci sa nu sune ciudat, ordinea cuvintelor sa aiba sens. "catchy" e folositor, insa as recomanda ceva "memorable". Nu cred ca e deajuns daca constructia propozitilor e gresita si faci greseli de sintaxa, de aranjarea cuvintelor intr-o propozitie, etc. Dupa cum spuneam, sunt sfaturi, nu comenzi ori "ordonante de urgenta" La libera ta alegere daca vrei sa urmezi sfatul ori ba. Ironic insa faptul ca ai postat la black SEO Dupa cum spuneam, market research. Sunt bloggeri care scriu despre design, autori de carti in domeniu cu bloguri, etc. Asta e munca ta, nu ma apuc sa o fac eu. Mai bine aici in public, sa citeasca si altii interesati, caci oricum se fac topicuri pe aceleasi subiecte de "n" ori. Besides, poate dau si altii sfaturi utile, eu nu voi deveni consultantul personal, lipsa de timp si motivatie
  12. Salutare, Cateva sfaturi, utile doar daca ai un produs de calitate si nu orice ?tift: - Din prima titlul imi sare in ochi ca sunand intr-un mod ciudat. Cred ca orice vorbitor nativ de limba engleza iti va confirma asta. Incearca sa re-aranjezi ordinea cuvintelor si/sau sa schimbi titlul. Iar dupa cum descrii ebook-ul e usor de confundat cu "industrial design" ceea ce e relevant dar totodata un topic aparte. - Prepara un abstract, o introducere si eventual un preview. In majoritatea locurilor ti se va cere sa adaugi un abstract de 150-300 cuvinte si eventual, mai ales ca esti un autor no-name (no offence!) sa dai si un preview pentru ca cititorii sa isi dea seama daca merita cumparat. - Cand e gata totul, trimite unui vorbitor nativ de limba engleza care stie putina gramatica si a citit ceva carti la viata lui/ei si sa iti revizuiasca limbajul. Daca nu ai resursele necesare pentru a face asta, atunci ia legatura cu cineva experimentat care stie limba engleza la perfectie si o utilizeaza intr-un mod constant. Potentialii cumparatori vor judeca marfa dupa ambalaj si daca vad o engleza incoerenta, cu greseli de exprimare, ceva iesit din tipar, isi vor da seama ca este scrisa de cineva strain si imediat, psihologic, se pun anumite bariere. - Cei care iti vor spune sa utilizezi liste mail-uri sunt niste cretini, nu-i baga in seama. Lumea asociaza astfel de mail-uri cu spam-ul si nu iti cumpara nici dracu' asa ceva primit pe mail. Daca prin minune se intampla sa iti cumpere cineva, rata de conversie va fi extrem de mica si nu se merita resursele investite. - Fa putin research si gandeste-te care iti e target-ul, publicul tinta. Cum ii atingi si expui la ebook-ul tau, costul de achizitie, si rata de conversie si calculeaza daca se merita investitia ori daca ai nevoie de o strategie mai inteligenta de vanzare. - Fa-ti un mic site. Banuiesc ca vei vrea, daca totul decurge bine, sa mai scoti si altele. Site-ul iti ofera expunere, credibilitate, o carte de vizita 24/7. Un wordpress micut, nu trebuie cine stie ce sofisticat. Pe langa asta si prezenta in social media ajuta deci conturi de Twitter, Facebook, etc. - Ia ajutor din toate partile. E bine ca ceri ajutor aici pe forum si unii poate te vor ajuta. Insa e doar un prim pas. Daca nu te pricepi la design, plateste pe cineva sa iti faca un cover frumos si interesant, caci de multe ori acesta va fi afisat in marketplace si e unul din elementele principale care vor atrage privirea si click-ul cuiva. Am mai mentionat ajutorul cu revizuirea/editarea, daca nu te pricepi ajutor cu marketing-ul, etc. Incearca si pe un forum de specialitate (autori/publishers) caci aici pe RST, cu toata bunavointa, nu stiu cati sunt calificati sa iti dea sfaturi despre cum sa ai succes cu ebooks (no offence folks!). - Incearca sa faci rost de reviews si rating-uri. Poti primi astfel de lucruri foarte ieftin pe fiverr.com. Insa daca esti confident ca ai un produs de calitate, atunci trimite si unor bloggeri cu trafic mare care au printre vizitatori si publicul tau tinta (vezi nota de mai sus referitor la market research) si roaga-i sa lase un review sau eventual sa faca o postare referitor la ebook-ul tau. Insa atentie, caci daca nu le place, iti pot face si reclama negativa. - Da la cativa oameni o editie free (bineinteles protejata prin DRM ca sa nu mai fie distribuita mai departe, de exemplu cu Adobe DRM). Selectioneaza atent acele persoane pentru ca mai apoi ei sa dea vorba mai departe. "Word of mouth" cum se mai zice, e foarte puternic. - Nu exista miracole, cainii nu umbla cu covrigi in coada, fii realist: la inceput va fi un drum lung si greu, vei castiga foarte putini bani spre deloc. Trebuie multa munca si sudoare si putin noroc. Majoritatea profitului din vanzari se va duce catre vendor-ul care faciliteaza asta si tu vei primi un royalty. Procentajele insa de obicei sunt mici si dupa ce iti acoperi costurile vei ramane cu putin. - Arunca o privire aici, aici, si aici. Bafta!
  13. Incalci regula 3 din regulament. Mergi si canta la alta masa, nu ii pasa nimanui de rahatul tau.
  14. @mutu1109 - minim 25 postari necesare (citeste)
  15. (inca unul mic si-al dracu' ) Si uite asa mai scapa un copil basma curata... SURSA A British teenager has been sentenced for his part in what was called the "biggest cyber attack in history". The attack on anti-junk mail group Spamhaus in 2013 slowed the internet around the world. Seth Nolan Mcdonagh was sentenced at Southwark crown court to 240 hours of community service for the attack. Mcdonagh had already pleaded guilty to five charges but details could not be reported until today's sentencing hearing by which time he had turned 18. The attack on Spamhaus - which tracks sources of junk mail messages, to help network administrators and law enforcement to block spam senders - began on 15 March 2013 and drew world-wide attention. It was a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack in which attackers bombarded servers with so many requests for data that they can no longer cope. This made them crash or stop working. Spamhaus called on anti-DDoS specialist Cloudflare for support which then led to further and heavier attacks. At its peak the attack was funnelling 300 gigabits of traffic every second to Spamhaus computers - the biggest DDoS attack ever seen at that time. The sheer volume of traffic caused problems for internet traffic internationally and particularly for LINX - the London Internet Exchange - which helps data hop from one network to another. The court heard the impact on the internet had been "substantial". Mcdonagh, who used the hacker alias "narko", was described as a "gun for hire" who took down websites for those willing to pay, although other individuals, the court heard, may also have been involved. Amongst other sites he targeted was the BBC on 24 February 2013, Sandip Patel QC for the prosecution said. The court also heard that more than £72,000 had been discovered in Mcdonagh's bank account after his arrest in April 2013. Source code used in the attacks was also found on machines in his house in London. He also had in his possession 1,000 credit card numbers, apparently from German financial institutions. Evidence presented in court revealed that Mcdonagh's criminal activity started when he was 13. Ben Cooper, defending Mcdonagh, said his client had suffered from a severe mental illness at the time of the attack and had withdrawn from school, the wider world and even his own family. His family have since played a key role in supporting his recovery to the point where he is now completing his A-levels and hoping to go to university . Judge Pegden described the case as "exceptional" adding that the crimes were "serious" and "sophisticated and unprecedented in scope". The judge did not impose a custodial sentence saying Mcdonagh's rehabilitation since his arrest was "remarkable" and that he had shown "complete and genuine remorse". He said there was virtually no risk of further harm or re-offending. Richard Cox, chief information officer at Spamhaus, thanked the UK's National Crime Agency for the "enormous effort and resources" it had dedicated to investigating Mcdonagh. He said he hoped the case would make very clear the considerable benefit that can result from law enforcement working closely with industry. "We fully appreciate the difficult predicament with which the sentencing judge was faced, and hope that anyone considering similar attacks will take heed of his remarks, that in any other circumstances such criminality would have resulted in a custodial sentence," he said.
  16. ("Julius Kivimaki was found guilty of 50,700 "instances of aggravated computer break-ins" - mic si al dracu' ) SURSA A teenager involved in series of high profile cyber attacks has been convicted for his crimes in Finland. Julius Kivimaki was found guilty of 50,700 "instances of aggravated computer break-ins". Court documents state that his attacks affected Harvard University and MIT among others, and involved hijacking emails, blocking traffic to websites and the theft of credit card details. Despite the severity of the crimes, the 17-year-old has not been jailed. Instead, the District Court of Espoo sentenced the youth - who had used the nickname Zeekill - to a two-year suspended prison sentence. It also confiscated his PC and ordered him to handover €6,588 (£4,725) worth of property obtained through his crimes. Judge Wilhelm Norrmann noted that Kivimaki had only been 15 and 16 when he carried out the crimes in 2012 and 2013. "[The verdict] took into account the young age of the defendant at the time, his capacity to understand the harmfulness of the crimes, and the fact that he had been imprisoned for about a month during the pre-trial investigation," said a statement from the court. One consultant, who advises Europol and others on cybercrime matters, expressed concern about the sentence. "Whilst I'm sure the courts considered all the circumstances surrounding the conviction and the sentence that was warranted, there is a question as to whether such sentences will act as a deterrent to other hackers," said the consultant, Alan Woodward. "It is not necessarily the place of the courts to factor in deterrence in their sentences. "However, if I were another hacking group, was not that bothered about just having something on my record, and saw someone attract a suspended sentence for over 50,000 hacks, some of which caused significant damage, I don't think it would cause me much concern," he added. Credit card fraud Kivimaki was able to compromise more than 50,000 computer servers by exploiting vulnerabilities in a software program they ran called ColdFusion. By doing so, he was able to install "backdoors" into tens of thousands of the computers, which allowed him to retrieve information stored on them. Prosecutors had accused the teenager of adding malware to about 1,400 of the servers. They said this let him create a botnet, which he used to carry out denial of service (DoS) attacks on other systems - an action that bombards affected computers with internet traffic causing them to become overwhelmed. Chat logs discovered on Kivimaki's PC indicated he had used the botnet to attack the news site ZDNet and the chat tool Canternet. Kivimaki was also accused of helping steal seven gigabytes worth of data, sent to and from email addresses ending in @mit.edu - the system used by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The court was told that MIT's traffic was redirected to a website hosted on a server run by Harvard University, where it could be examined. The company that provided MIT's email infrastructure, Educause, said it had incurred more than $213,000 (£139,000) worth of costs as a consequence. In addition, Kivimaki was accused of obtaining credentials to access accounts belonging to MongoHQ, a Californian website database provider, which allowed him to search billing and payment card information belonging to its clients. Kivimaki was said to have subsequently used stolen credit information to successfully make online purchases on 21 occasions as well as to have shared the information with others. Evidence shown to the court included orders for champagne and shop vouchers. Kivimaki was also accused of being involved in a money laundering scheme involving the virtual currency Bitcoin, which he was said to have used to fund a trip to Mexico. He was eventually arrested in September 2013. The security blogger Brian Krebs had previously linked Kivimaki to a notorious hacking group called Lizard Squad, which was involved in a separate, later series of attacks on Sony and Microsoft. However, Lizard Squad's activities were not mentioned in the court documents.
  17. La Netflix (ori Amazon Prime, Now TV, etc.) e treaba legala. Altfel 1) nu ar fi fost listati pe bursa si ar facut parnaie de multa vreme si 2) nu ar fi avut investitori incat sa isi faca propriile seriale, etc. iar 3) site-ul ar fi fost inchis de multa vreme Ei achizitioneaza filme prin mai multe tipuri de licente: exclusive, royalties, full, pe tara, etc. De aceea, daca esti pe Netflix US si schimbi vpn pe UK vezi aproape jumatate din continut diferit. Apoi daca schimbi pe Australia la fel.
  18. SURSA SophosLabs researchers recently uncovered a hack being used by unscrupulous web marketers to trick Google's page ranking system into giving them top billing, despite Google's ongoing efforts to thwart this sort of search poisoning. Over on the Sophos Blog, technical expert Dmitry Samosseiko explains how the scammers did it, and how SophosLabs spotted what they were up to. Here on Naked Security, we decided to take a look at why search engine poisoning matters, and what we can do as a community if we see that something is not what it seems. The power of search Put your hand up (literally, if you like) if you have ever done either or both of these: Set out to research a topic or a product thoroughly. Used your favourite search engine. Then gone no further than the first couple of results on the very first page. Job done. Used a search engine to gauge whether a business or website has been around a while and built up trust in that time. Seen it near the top of the first page of results. Job done. If you have, you aren't alone, and that's why doing well in search results is so important for a modern organisation. And that, in turn, is why Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) exists: you make every effort to write your web pages so they are clear and relevant, and you do your best to build up a reputation that makes already-trusted sites want to link to you. When others link to you, that acts as an implicit recommendation, and search engines let you bask in some of the reflected glory of the sites that have linked to you. Poisoning the chalice Of course, getting high up in the search rankings gives great results for cybercrooks too, and they don't play by the rules. Treachery by cybercrooks gives search companies a double whammy: the search engines end up not only giving away artificially high rankings for free, but also conferring trust even on web pages that put users in harm's way. As a result, the search companies have been in a constant battle with the Bad Guys to stamp out tricks that poison search rankings. One search poisoning technique involves being two-faced: looking honest and reputable when a search engine visits in the course of indexing the web, yet serving up malevolent content when a user clicks through. This trick is called cloaking, and it's been going on for years. As you can imagine, the search engines have become adept at detecting when websites feed back content that doesn't look right. For example, they can compare what happens when their own search engine software (known as a spider or a crawler) comes calling, and what shows up when a regular browser visits the site. Servers often tweak the pages they present depending on which browser you're using, so some variation between visits is to be expected. But if a browser sees a story about apples while the crawler is being sold on oranges, then something fishy is probably going on. Additionally, a search engine can analyse the pages that its crawler finds in order to estimate how realistic they look. Google's crawler is known – officially, as you see in the HTTP header example above – as the Googlebot, and it has been taught to be rightly suspicious of web pages that seem to "try too hard" because they've been artificially packed with fraudulent keywords. Scamming the Googlebot But even Google doesn't get it right all the time. Indeed, SophosLabs recently spotted dodgy web marketers using a surprisingly simple trick to persuade the usually-sceptical Googlebot to accept bogus content. The trick inflated the reputation of dubious pages, and sent them dishonestly scooting up the search rankings. Our researchers immediately informed Google so that the problem could be fixed, but the story makes for fascinating reading. Dmitry Samosseiko of SophosLabs has published a highly readable report about what happened; we're not going to spoil the fun by repeating it here, so please head over to our Sophos Blog for the details.
  19. Banuiesc ca maine vor tresari cei de la DIICOT, precum niste caprioare, vazandu-se pomeniti asa de des aici. Poate se milostivesc sa lase un raspuns oficial
  20. Referitor la treaba cu Pozzi ala - lectie si pentru alti "Senior System and Security Engineers" sa mai foloseasca parole gen "P4ssword", "Passw0rd" ori "wolverine" sau "universo". Nu am incercat sa ma loghez pe https://twitter.com/whitehouse insa daca incerc P@$$w0rd poate merge...
  21. Cine nu ?tie nimic, st? lini?tit. Cine ?tie pu?in, moare de curiozitate. S? îmi cump?r lumân?ri?
  22. Nu e gratis dar e ieftin pentru edu comparat cu pretul standard. £8.78 pe luna pentru Photoshop, Lightroom si Indesign (parca, nu sunt sigur) si £15.88 pe luna pentru toata suita.
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